Shannon's Fairy-tale Foursome [Sweet Serenity 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Shannon's Fairy-tale Foursome [Sweet Serenity 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 22

by Mia Ashlinn

  Normally, Shannon would tease them or joke around until they shared whatever it was that plagued them. But it was obvious that would not be appreciated right now. So, rather than trying to force the information out of them, she let it go. “I’m here, if you want to talk,” she said then got up and left.

  Walking away, Shannon’s heart ached for her two friends, and she almost felt sorry for the men. However, she had a feeling that those four had made their own beds, and if that was the case, they needed to lie in it for a while. I just wish that Katie-Anne and Sarah didn’t have to suffer because of male stupidity or whatever it was they’d done.

  Returning to her men, Shannon plastered herself to Jared’s side, cuddling as close to him as humanly possible. With a sigh, he wrapped a protective arm around her waist then murmured, “Everything okay?” into her ear.

  Nodding, Shannon mumbled, “Mmhhmm. Yeah, it is. I think.”

  At the same time, Drew shifted his body closer to her side while Randy placed his hand on the back of her neck and massaged the tense muscles with a gentle touch. A feeling of safety and unity washed over her, and she melted into them. Damn, I’m a lucky bitch. Why can’t everyone be like this? Hmm…maybe they can. Looks like I need to have a nice chat with Jaycee.

  As if conjured up magically, Jaycee’s voice appeared behind Randy. “We need to talk about those two women and their craptastic men, Shannon.”

  Startled, Shannon jumped and whirled around to face Jaycee, but she ended up bumping into all three of the men before settling face-to-chest with Randy. “Oops,” she squeaked as she looked up at him and smiled. “Can I get by you, Romeo?”

  “Sure thing,” he replied then moved aside.

  Muttering, “We’ll be back,” Jaycee tugged Shannon away from the crowd of men and toward the opposite end of the hall.

  As soon as they’d gotten far enough away that no one could hear, Shannon stopped and rounded on Jaycee. “Those four dip-dogs need to get a fucking clue about Katie-Anne and Sarah before I have to do something drastic. They need to man up and take their women down.”

  Jaycee snorted. “They’re men. We’ll have to lead them to water and figure out a way to make them drink it.”

  Shaking her head, Shannon said, “My friend, that saying doesn’t work in this case.”

  “Sure it does,” Jaycee replied with a smirk. “We’ll figure something out. We always do.”

  “Whatever,” Shannon mumbled with a roll of her eyes. It wasn’t like arguing with Jaycee would get her anywhere. The woman was stubborn as hell. Shannon had learned years ago that it was pointless and useless and a downright waste of breath to argue with Jaycee.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something private,” Jaycee said.

  Scanning the area pointedly, Shannon remarked, “We’re not going to find anywhere more private than this right now.”

  “Okay then,” Jaycee snapped. “Spill it. I want to know all about you and my brothers.”

  For a split second, Shannon contemplated not telling Jaycee a damn thing, just to piss her off. But it wasn’t worth it. She would end up prying it out of her either way. I might as well save myself the trouble.

  “What do you want to know, J?” Shannon asked, figuring that it was the best way to start off this particular conversation.

  “Well…” Jaycee began but trailed off. Her brow furrowed, and she frowned. “I don’t really know.”

  “That’s a first,” Shannon teased.

  “I know.”

  “You know what?” Katie-Anne asked as she and Sarah joined them.

  “That E equals MC squared,” Jaycee mouthed off. “I’m smart like that.”

  “Oh yeah,” Shannon said in a tone that overflowed with sarcasm. “You’re smart all right.”

  A waiter approached them with a tray full of hors d'oeuvres. Spotting the chicken salad sliders, Shannon’s stomach growled, and she rudely snagged a sandwich off the platter. Biting right into the miniature croissant filled with creamy chicken salad, she hummed then finished off the sandwich quickly. “That’s good. I just wish they had some potato chips.”

  All of her friends stared at her blankly in confusion, and she remembered that they didn’t know about that yet. With a snicker, she shared her naughty story, “I told the triplets that I was like a potato chip. Once they fucked me, they’d be addicted.”

  Sarah groaned, “Oh no.” Covering her blood red face with her hands, she shook her head from side-to-side then peeked at Shannon through her fingers. “Please tell me you didn’t just say that.”

  Grinning, Shannon replied innocently, “But I did.”

  “Oh, my God,” Jaycee exclaimed. “That is priceless!”

  “No, it isn’t,” Katie-Anne grumbled. “I will never eat a potato chip again.”

  Shannon snorted. “It isn’t like you eat them now. So why do you care? Besides, you’re the one who said that we shared all the dirty details of our love lives. Suck it up, sister.”

  Frowning, Katie-Anne crossed her arms over her chest and said indignantly, “First of all, Miss Thing, I do eat potato chips. Secondly, I prefer to hear about the sexual act itself, not about your dirty jokes that involve food I like. Ew!”

  Shannon eyed Katie-Anne. Something was really off with her best friend. She said what she always did, and she sounded the way she always had. But it was half-assed at best. Her mouth appeared to be moving and words were coming out, but she could have been talking about anything. There was no emotion, no thought, and no reaction behind her words.

  Rather than making demands and asking personal questions, Shannon played along. “First of all, Miss Priss, I am a food whore. Half of my jokes—clean or dirty—involve food. And furthermore, I may be relatively new to fucking the Dalton triplets, but I can assure you there will be a lot of food involved in our bedroom activities. So you have two options. One. Get over it. Two. Stop eating.” Shannon grinned. “It’s your choice.”

  Katie-Anne rolled her eyes. “What the fuck ever.”

  “Aww,” Jaycee said sarcastically. “Look at you two, making nice at my wedding. I feel so special and loved and all that gooey stuff.”

  “Bitch,” Katie-Anne snapped.

  “Whore,” Jaycee retorted. “Love you.”

  Surprisingly, Katie-Anne appeared to relax. With a giggle, she replied, “Love you too, J.”

  “Damn it,” Shannon cursed. “I wanted to insult somebody.”

  “Me, too,” Sarah added.

  Shrugging, Katie-Anne said, “Go for it. You can each have one shot.”

  Just one shot? I would like at least a baker’s dozen…to start with.

  “Oh,” Sarah breathed. “Let me think…trollop. No! That isn’t very good. What about hooker?” Furrowing her brow, she appeared to be thinking awfully hard. After a minute, her face evened out. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  Biting her tongue, Shannon fought the urge to giggle. The younger woman was so damn adorable and loveable that Shannon constantly alternated between wanting to laugh at her and wanting to hug her. Hell, half the time, Shannon wanted to do both—at the same time.

  “Is that your final answer?” Katie-Anne inquired, sounding like an annoying game show host on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

  Blushing sweetly, Sarah nodded. “I guess so.”

  “She doesn’t sound very convincing,” Jaycee commented offhandedly.

  “Nope,” Katie-Anne agreed with Jaycee. Shrugging, she turned to Shannon. “It’s your turn.”

  Without even taking time to think about it, Shannon blurted out Jaycee’s favorite word, “Thundercunts,” then dissolved into laughter. Her three friends immediately joined in her amusement, giggling wildly alongside her.

  Jaycee came up for air first, but it only lasted long enough for her to say, “Once a thundercunt, always a thundercunt,” then she cracked up again.

  Shannon laughed and laughed with her friends until her sides hurt. When they all finally managed to get a hold on their amusement,
Shannon said, “Jaycee Elizabeth Blakemore, I’m so glad to be here with you.”

  A resplendent smile spread across Jaycee’s face. “I cannot imagine being with three better women on my big day.”

  “I guess I can deal with being your sister,” Katie-Anne mock grumbled with a wink. “I might even learn to like you one day.”

  Jaycee stuck her tongue out at Katie-Anne. “You love me, and you know it.”

  Appearing to sober up, Katie-Anne responded seriously, “Yeah. I do.”

  Ah, hell. “Are we going to get weepy?” Shannon asked. “If we are, I need something to mop my face with.”

  “Oh!” Sarah pulled a tiny packet of tissues from her purse. Handing one to Jaycee then one to Katie-Anne and Shannon, she kept the last one for herself. “These should work,” she said.

  Lucky for the four teary women, they did.

  Chapter 23

  A week later, Drew sat in Dolce Serenità with Shannon and his brothers on their first real date. They had spent every night together since returning from the wedding, but tonight was more than one of Shannon’s home cooked dinners at her apartment or popcorn and a movie at their house. Tonight was special.

  When he and his brothers had discovered Shannon hadn’t ever been on a date before, they’d decided she deserved the perfect date to make up for all the years without any. So far, so good.

  Drew exhaled, his breath rushing from his lungs. If she would behave, they could stick to their romantic plans. But no, their woman had to torment them.

  She’d spent the last hour teasing them in every way imaginable, sending their lust so high that it’d been a miracle none of them had thrown her over their shoulder and found the nearest private place.

  “You look beautiful, baby doll,” Randy said to Shannon when their conversation lulled.

  She jumped, her surprise evident. An adorable blush crept up her neck before settling in her cheeks. “Oh, thanks, Randy,” she replied, lifting her drink to her enticing lips.

  One of these days, Shannon would get used to being loved. She needed to realize they were going to spend the rest of their lives telling her what was in their heart, taking care of every need, and protecting her from the outside world. Wanting the physical connection, Drew placed his hand on her knee underneath the tablecloth where no one could see.

  Her lips twitched behind her glass of water, and she said sultrily, “I’m still ravenous. Do you think Stellina has some of her famous zabaglione in the kitchen?” She closed her eyes with a purr. “I love warm, thick custard. The texture feels so good in my mouth. It’s practically an orgasm for my taste buds.”

  Drew thought he would come in his pants. Her face glowing with her arousal mixed with her sultry voice was far too potent for his frame of mind or his aching cock.

  She opened her eyes languorously and grinned. “If only it were salty…” She trailed off, letting her words hang in the air between the four of them.

  Randy cursed from across the table, “Son of a bitch.”

  On her other side, Jared groaned and threw his napkin on the table.

  Two can play this game, munchkin. Drew coasted his hand up higher, pushing the fabric of her dress aside then continued upward, stopping just shy of her pussy. A tiny gasp escaped her lips as she shifted closer to his hand, her eyes widening considerably when he let her.

  “You look ravishing.” Drew squeezed her thigh, the heat from her cunt radiating into his hand. “I can’t wait to eat you up,” he whispered in her ear as he swept his thumb across her bare, silken mound.

  She moaned softly, returning her glass to the table and letting her legs fall open.

  Drew chuckled darkly then slipped two fingers between her wet folds, glided over her clitoris, and plunged inside. He wiggled his fingers inside her tight sheath and said, “Just a little longer, munchkin. Since you apparently want custard, we need to order dessert before we head back to our place.”

  “I’ll show you dessert, Studley,” she huffed angrily. She reached down, pulled a small box from her purse, and dropped it onto the table. “Open it,” she ordered.

  Drew and Randy glowered at her. I think someone is in need of a spanking.

  Jared didn’t look up. His eyes remained on the box as he picked it up with a frown then opened it. “A remote control?” he asked, his face transforming from disapproving to appreciative and a huge, knowing smile spreading across it.

  “You shouldn’t have,” Randy said smugly, snatching the wireless control from Jared’s hands.

  I don’t think so, little brother. Drew growled, “Give me that,” and took it from Randy.

  “Now, now boys,” she said cheekily, reaching for her water again. “Do we need to discuss sharing your toys?”

  “You little tease.” Drew punched the on switch violently, his finger snapping back. He didn’t notice the slice of pain in his finger. The only discomfort in his body resided firmly between his legs, and Shannon would fix that sooner than she realized.

  “Holy shit!” Shannon jolted, and her ass came off the chair. Her eyes doubled in size, and her breathing grew shallow. She dropped the wineglass in her hand, spilling water all over her beautiful purple dress.

  Drew didn’t hear the glass shattering on the floor. He didn’t hear the people around him. He heard nothing at all. Everything and everyone faded, and it was just the two of them.

  “Go clean up, Shannon,” Drew commanded in a low, guttural tone. “Make sure that you keep that plug in your ass.”

  She stood with a jerky nod and brushed off the excess fluid on her dress. Stepping around the glass carefully, she left the table. “I’ll be right back.”

  Drew watched her cross the room, admiring the clench of her flawlessly formed ass cheeks as she walked and tried to hold the plug in. With an evil grin, he clicked the button a second time, increasing the speed, before she exited the room.

  “Eep,” she shrieked, drawing everyone’s attention in the room.

  Most of the men laughed in obvious understanding, and the women alternated between wistful sighs and envious groans. He heard a friend of Jaycee’s, Ella Dawson, whisper, “Lucky girl,” to her dinner companion and best friend, Micah Blaylock. At another table, a small group of women speculated animatedly about what butt plug had been shoved up Shannon’s ass.

  Mentally, Drew chuckled. Only in Serenity.

  Drew got to his feet, cutting his brothers a look, and barked, “Stay here.” Both of them nodded solemnly, but he saw a distinct twinkle in the eyes so like his own. They knew their time was coming soon.

  He strode across the room purposefully. His gait remained long and even despite his desire to run after Shannon. With every step he took, his cock grew until he couldn’t imagine it could grow any further. But it did.

  When he reached the ladies’ room, he grabbed the door handle and turned it, only to discover someone had locked the damn thing. Banging on the hardwood, he called out, “Open up now, Shannon Roberts.”

  The door swung open right away, but he couldn’t see her with the hardwood obstructing his view. He stepped into the room before taking a hold of the door and snatching it from her. Then he closed it behind him and locked it quickly.

  “Took you long enough,” Shannon teased.

  He turned toward the sound of her seductive voice and stopped dead in his tracks. She stood behind him in all her naked splendor. Her red hair had been released from its confines and now framed her pretty face. Her hands hung at her side, and her shapely legs were slightly apart. She stood so proudly that he nearly fell to his knees.

  Looking directly at him, she cupped her breasts, the rounded flesh looking full and soft in her hands. “Drew,” she half said, half moaned as her eyes slid closed. She brushed each index finger across her areolas, one at a time. The area darkened noticeably, miniscule goose pimples appearing. Her eyes opened languidly, and she bestowed a come-hither smile upon him then toyed with the pink nipples pouting against her milky skin.

  Fuck her. Fu
ck her now.

  Drew could hear the thoughts, but his mind couldn’t function enough to move his legs. Hell, he wasn’t convinced he was even alive at this point. If it weren’t for the sound of his choppy breaths, he would believe he’d quit breathing the moment he’d crossed the threshold.

  “Come here, munchkin,” he finally managed to ground out.

  She came toward him, her shapely hips enticing him as they swayed. “Yes, Drew.”

  “Turn around and bend over,” he demanded brusquely with his restraint teetering wildly. “I want to see the plug in your ass.”

  She glanced over his shoulder nervously, stammering, “W–w–well—”

  Impatient to find out what had her so flustered but suspecting he already knew, he glanced over his shoulder. On the couch, her purse lay open with a small object hanging out of it. She’d wrapped the butt plug up in a white towel, but he could tell by the outline what it was.

  He turned his head back to the defiant beauty and growled. “Bad move, Shannon.” He ripped at his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them, then pushed them over his hips. Not wasting a second, he stepped out of his pants as he grabbed her underneath her armpits and lifted her off the ground. He kept her lips level with his and kissed her deeply. Spending the last hour being tormented had torn away his willpower to remain in control, and he needed her more than anything in the world.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her pussy in direct contact with his hard, aching cock. He backed her into the wall with a grunt, imprisoning her body with his, and broke their kiss. “I can’t wait. I need you now.”

  She wiggled her hips, rubbing her pussy against his dick. “Here I am, Drew. Take me,” she said between small, shallow pants.

  He looked directly into her hazel eyes and asked, “Are you ready, munchkin? I won’t be able to hold back.”

  Instead of answering him, she reached around and lined his cock with her slick opening. “I want all of you right now, and don’t you dare hold anything back,” she ordered then impaled herself on his rigid dick.


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