Autumn and Summer

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Autumn and Summer Page 14

by Danielle Allen

  A shallow breath escaped me as the butterflies once again took flight in my chest cavity and he continued, “Every time I hear from you, my day is that much better. When I leave a meeting and see a text message from you or a missed call from you, I forget all the other B.S. that has happened in my crazy day. It’s been a very long time since I met someone who I enjoy hearing from as much as I enjoy hearing from you. We have the same sense of humor. We enjoy the same things. You’re smart and you’re fun and you’re interesting and you’re well-read. And I’m kicking myself for cancelling on you tonight…especially last minute like this. But understand that it’s not because I don’t want to see you. So I will make it up to you. You can count on that.”

  “Okay,” I breathed shakily, with hope in my voice. I was unable to control the irregular beating of my heart whenever he turned on the charm.

  “Please say that we’re good.”

  “We’re good,” I replied automatically, placing my hand over my chest to feel the rapid beating of my heart.

  “Thank you,” he sighed, relief evident in his voice.

  “I have to go back to work to deal with this mess. But I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, talk to you later.”

  We exchanged goodbyes and I dropped the phone next to my pillow.

  I understand, I told myself. I truly understand. He has worked really hard to create this business and from what I hear, the restaurant business is tough. I get that. And we’ve had conversations about how it’s hard for him to delegate tasks to others. I’m the same way when I come up with a marketing plan. It’s hard for me to work so hard on something and then rely on someone else to present my work. He gets it. And I get it. But I know how to leave my work stuff at work. I wonder if he can.

  Rolling onto my side, I clutched my pillow and closed my eyes tightly. I need to get it together. It was only supposed to be one date. One and done. I’ve known this guy for less than a week. I should not be in bed pouting about not seeing him. I need to get up and figure out what I’m going to do with my night, I thought with a sigh as I continued lying across the bed, pouting.

  Would it be against the rules to see if Jordan wanted to hang out tonight? Am I only considering breaking the rules to see Jordan because Boris broke our date? No, that’s not it. I had fun with Jordan. Admittedly, things definitely got awkward after he dropped that separated-from-his-wife bombshell. But mainly because it generates so many questions in my mind that are probably inappropriate to ask someone you’re just meeting for the first time. But at the same time, he brought it up so my questions would’ve been fair game. But he changed the subject so quickly, it would’ve been weird for me to bring it back up, I considered and then I shook my head as I let out a noise that was part groan and part cry for help. The sad song playing in the background fit my mood.

  I heard the front door slam and I opened my eyes. I must have fallen asleep, I thought groggily.

  “Autumn!” Summer called as she ran up the steps.

  Before I had the opportunity to open my mouth to respond, she shouted louder. “Autumn!”

  Bursting into my room, she stopped short. “What are you doing? Don’t you have a date?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

  “He rescheduled,” I said simply.

  Her eyebrows drew together quickly. “He rescheduled?”

  “Yep.” I sat up and folded my legs under me. I was still holding the pillow. “Something came up at work.”

  She nodded. “We did the photo shoot at his office because his second-in-command wasn’t on time and he didn’t trust him to carry out the event that was going on.” She shrugged before saying, “He’s definitely a hard worker. Like you. And from what I read about him, he’s into some really cool stuff. So once you tear him away from work, I know you two will hit it off.”

  “I don’t mind that he works hard. I think it’s sexy that he’s a hard worker. I just hate that our date was cancelled.” I felt my eyes beginning to burn in frustration.

  “Oh Auty,” Summer soothed, sitting down next to me on the bed.

  I shook my head firmly. “I’m just frustrated because I was literally about to get dressed and he cancelled,” I said, pointing to my dress.

  “I know you’ve been looking forward to meeting him. And he’s been looking forward to meeting you too. I hear you two on the phone. It’s sickeningly cute. Between the calls and the texts, it’s obvious he likes you. He cancelled because he had to, not because he wanted to. I’m sure of it.”

  “I know. We talked about it and I believe him. And he said the sweetest things. I seriously swooned. Whatever you think of when someone swoons, that’s what I did.”

  She laughed, “So why the misty eyes?”

  “I just—I’ve known him for less than a week. And I shouldn’t be this broken up by a cancelled—”

  “Rescheduled,” Summer interjected.

  “Rescheduled date.” I looked at her and made a face. “But I like him,” I whispered conspiratorially.

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “I had a good time with Jordan. Even though I’m freaked out about the separation thing, he’s sweet and we have good physical chemistry. I feel special with him. I feel sparks with him. But Jordan’s still married, so I don’t allow myself to even go there in my mind. But when I got home, I talked to Boris before bed and we have a real connection. I feel sparks with Boris—over the phone. If it’s that intense over the phone, I can only imagine what it’s going to be like in person. So here’s the problem, now that Boris has cancelled on me, I was thinking about hanging out with Jordan. And that right there is why dating two guys at the same time is a problem!”

  “Listen, I told you that Boris and Jordan were the cream of the crop. You’ve met and liked Jordan, but he’s separated. You’ve talked to and liked Boris, but he’s a workaholic. You have three dates this week and you may hit it off with one of them too. This is what dating is all about! Just roll with it. It’s okay to be interested in more than one guy.”

  Is it? I wondered.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized, running my hand over my face. “I haven’t had much time to process this so I’m just rambling out loud. You know how I can get.”

  “I know. Just think of it like this…you had fun last night with Jordan. And you and Boris have been getting to know each other so when you two finally do meet, it’ll be a great date!” Summer smiled and winked. “And when you see him…mmm mmm mmm…let me tell you, he is worth the wait!”

  I tried to smile, but I didn’t have it in me. Groaning, I shook my head back and forth. “Between you practically drooling over what he looks like and him saying things like ‘I want to see the smile I hear in your voice,’ I’m going to have a heart attack.”

  “He said that? Yeah, like I said, sickeningly cute.” She rolled her eyes. “So what are you going to do tonight now that you’re free?”

  “I don’t really feel like doing anything anymore. I guess I’ll just stay in and read.”

  “No ma’am. Not happening,” Summer pronounced loudly, pulling me off the bed. “You are not going to sit in the house and dissect every conversation you’ve had with Boris and the date with Jordan. I walk in here and you’re sulking about a cancelled date with a man who clearly likes you, so I can only imagine what you’ll be like if I leave you here tonight.”

  I sighed dramatically. She’s right. If I stay in, I’m just going to think about Boris and our cancelled date. And Jordan and our great date…and his not quite ex-wife. Summer knows me too well, I considered before sighing again.

  “What do you have in mind?” I conceded.

  “I was talking to Tatiana on the way home and we’re on the list to get into Dirty Dozen tonight! And they have a surprise celebrity guest!” Summer exclaimed.

  “Who?” I asked curiously, mentally figuring out what to wear to one of the most popular nightclubs in Washington DC.

  “I don’t know, but I’m bringing my camera.”

  “Don’t do that. You’ll be just like the paparazzi if you do that,” I warned her, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “I wouldn’t sell it. I would make it into art and send it to them. Once I get one high-profile client, the next will roll in. Next thing you know, my freelance photographer days will be booked with red-eye flights to tropical locations because some socialite and an esteemed actor decided they can’t live without each other and they want me to take the pictures of their wedding.”

  “You are a progressive thinker my friend,” I giggled. “So how was your date?”

  A slight frown graced her lips before she forced a smile. “It was cool. I learned to play the guitar,” she answered oddly, avoiding eye contact.

  I quietly waited for details since her weird tone of voice and lack of eye contact piqued my interest. After a minute of silence, I implored, “What are you not telling me?”


  She’s hiding something, I thought, narrowing my eyes at her. She’s not saying much so she must be still processing whatever happened on the date. Or she’s hiding something. One or the other.

  “So what did you think of him?” I asked slowly, studying her.

  “He’s the sexy, musician type. And also very clever. He told me how he opened the bar so he could have a platform to showcase his music. And he’s a good teacher. He taught me a little something on the guitar.” She smiled but it still seemed awkward.

  I tilted my head and squinted my eyes at her. “So… did you two hit it off?”

  She opened her mouth and then the loud sound of her ring tone blasted from her back pocket. Pulling it out, she mouthed, “Tatiana” before answering the phone.

  I listened as she set up our Saturday night plans, my eyes shifting over to my perfect date dress.

  Hanging up the phone, Summer walked into my closet and grabbed two little black dresses. “We’re all wearing black tonight,” she informed me, handing me both dresses.

  “I don’t know.” Holding the leather mini-dress up, I argued, “I’m going to be too hot in this.”

  “Yes, you are!” Summer cheered, changing the music to an up-tempo song. She pumped her arm in the air to the beat and swung her hair around.

  I laughed, “I meant, hot as in temperature not in appearance.”

  “Well, you will definitely be hot in appearance in this. But you won’t be hot in temperature.” She stopped dancing and looked at me with a gleam in her eye. “It’s never hot in VIP!”

  “What?!” I screeched, eyes wide. “How are we in VIP at Dirty Dozen?”

  “Tatiana’s boyfriend, Jason. I’ll explain after I take a shower. But we need to get ready! Jason’s picking us all up in his SUV.”

  She ran out of the room and I looked at the clock. “We still need to talk about your date,” I hollered after her before shutting my door and getting ready. Because I spent extra time flat-ironing my hair, Summer actually ended up dressed and ready fifteen minutes before I was ready.

  “Autumn! Come on!” Summer yelled from downstairs.

  Putting my phone into my clutch, I hurried down the stairs. “I’m ready, I’m ready!”

  “I told you she was going to work in color somewhere in her outfit,” Autumn remarked as soon as I walked in the kitchen.

  “Nice touch with the red!” Olivia said, pointing at my blood-red handbag with matching stiletto pumps.

  “Hey, Livie! Thanks! I didn’t even hear you come in!” I said, giving her a big hug. Stepping back to look between Olivia and Summer, I added, “You guys look awesome! The guys at Dirty Dozen won’t know what hit them!”

  “Agreed,” Summer said, raising her glass and spinning around in her black leather pants with a black sheer top. “And thank you!”

  “Thanks, Autumn!” Olivia said before she poured shots for both of us. “To hot guys and cool nights!”

  “Cheers!” we screamed, clinking glasses.

  Tatiana and Jason arrived after our second round of shots and Tatiana insisted on catching up with two consecutive shots before we could leave. Jason, being our designated driver, grabbed a bottle of water before ushering us out of the door and into his Lincoln Navigator.

  “This is going to be a long night,” he joked as we started singly loudly.

  Thirty minutes later, we were sitting in traffic, having a great time, but feeling antsy from the delay.

  “We should’ve left earlier,” Jason complained as he craned his neck to see what prevented traffic from moving.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Tatiana said sweetly. She leaned over to kiss him causing a groan to erupt through the car.

  “No, it’s not your fault. I just should’ve known that with Trace and Taryn performing tonight it would be crazy,” he said when Tatiana finally pulled away from their impromptu make-out session.

  “Wait, Trace and Taryn?!” I breathed in disbelief as the others screamed. “Oh my God!”

  “I love them!” Tatiana shrieked, throwing her arms around Jason’s neck and kissing all over the side of his face as he inched the car forward.

  “Hell yeah!” Summer yelled, hitting the headrest with her hands.

  “This is crazy!” Olivia said bouncing up and down in her seat. “I’ve always wanted to see them!”

  “They said on the radio it was a secret guest so how did you find out?” Tatiana asked, excitedly.

  “Phillip works at the radio station. He was part of the crew who arranged it and flew them all in. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but when he told me to get a VIP section tonight, I said ‘hell no’ because the surprise guest could’ve been anyone. But then he said, you are going to feel like an ass if you don’t get it. Because I still wasn’t convinced, he told me they were coming and I immediately reserved it. Tonight is going to be epic. I think a couple other people from their label might be there too, but he had me at Trace and Taryn. You don’t get bigger than that!”

  After waiting twenty more minutes, we were finally able to park. We could barely contain our excitement as we were escorted through the VIP entrance and straight into the club. We were given wristbands and two options: head upstairs to our semi private section or we could hang out in the main club area.

  Jason needed to find Phillip so he headed to VIP with Tatiana in tow. Summer, Olivia and I made a lap around the main floor of the club. Looking up, we could see the twelve VIP sections that overlooked the entire club. The music was a dull throb and the lights were low so everyone was mingling.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Summer demanded. She pointed to the bar in the back, near where we entered the club.

  “I’m getting a bottle of champagne for Jason and Tatiana,” I said, pulling cash out of my clutch as we got to the bar. “It was so nice of him to do this for her…for us.”

  “I’m already starting to feel tipsy,” Olivia chirped, purchasing a large fruity beverage.

  “Light-weight!” Summer teased.

  As they went back and forth, I peeked at my phone. No messages. No missed calls. Not a peep from Boris. We would’ve probably been having dinner right now. But we’re not because he’s working. On a Saturday night, I thought, the alcohol taking its effect, as I stuffed my phone underneath my wallet. I will not ruin this night in a trendy club with my awesome friends wearing this sexy dress because I’m worried about hearing from a guy who would rather be working. I am focused on the here and now!

  After the bartender gave us our drinks, we headed toward the stairway that led to the second level of the club.

  I felt a masculine hand on my elbow and I flinched, ready to jerk my arm from his grasp. I didn’t want to risk dropping the champagne so I looked over my left shoulder, prepared to glare at the man connected to the hand that was touching me.

  “Hey, Autumn,” Jordan said, releasing my elbow as soon as our eyes met. His thick, curly brown hair was slicked back, making his green eyes stand out.

  I broke into a huge smile. “Jordan! Hey!” I exclaimed in surprise, throwing my free arm aroun
d him to give him a hug. As soon as he wrapped his arms around my waist, I felt the warmth that took me by surprise Friday night. “What are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t resist the whole surprise-musical-guest ploy, so me and a couple of my boys came out tonight,” he answered, releasing me from the hug.

  “That’s cool! It’s good to see you!”

  Jordan looked past me and laughed. I glanced behind me to see Summer and Olivia wiggling their eyebrows suggestively. I turned to stand next to Jordan, facing my friends.

  “Hi, Summer, good to see you again,” Jordan said, extending his hand to her. Moving his hand to Olivia, he continued, “I’m Jordan. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Olivia,” she beamed. She turned to me and nodded. “You’re right. He’s hot. Good work.”

  My eyes bugged out of my head and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. There was an awkward pause that followed.

  “Um, we’re going to go upstairs. Good seeing you Jordan!” Summer said, taking the champagne out of my hand. “I’ll take this…and her.” She pulled Olivia away and they disappeared behind the velvet rope.

  Avoiding eye contact, I continued to stare in the direction where my two friends just disappeared.

  “So…you told her I was hot?” Jordan asked, turning toward me with a smirk.

  Looking him in his gorgeous eyes, I shook my head and threw my hands up. “I can’t stop embarrassing myself around you.”

  He smiled, leaning down to my ear again. “So I’m taking that to mean you did tell her I was hot.”

  I laughed, pushing him playfully. “Well, you are pretty hot.”

  Taking my hand into his, he admitted, “If we’re being honest, I think you are absolutely stunning.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. My skin tingled from his touch.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, my eyes dropping to his lips. Without warning, my stomach twisted in knots and I started getting hot. The alcohol was really making it difficult for me to keep my distance from Jordan.


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