Kiss of the Goddess (Grecian Goddess Trilogy Book 1)

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Kiss of the Goddess (Grecian Goddess Trilogy Book 1) Page 2

by Tessa Cole

  Distracted by shedding my clothes, I paused at this point to look back at the man. And there it was. The thick shaft of an oh-my-God sized dick had appeared from somewhere amidst those scales.

  “Holy shit! Where did that come from?” Why did such embarrassing words keep slipping out of my mouth? Because I was dreaming. And it seemed I was still awkward as hell in my dreams.

  But… wow… this dream had just taken a turn for the… erotic.

  Again, without much thought, I said, “That thing can’t be real.”

  It reminded me of a dildo I had at home. My friend Lacey had given it to me as a joke. Not something I’d use… usually, so it stood proudly on a shelf, and that’s where I must have gotten this image from.

  “It is,” he said with a cocky grin. Then he leaned forward a little, those sea-green eyes burrowing into me. “And you are an extra-ordinary woman. Your skin is such an odd shade. I’m not sure I’ve seen that coloring before. Are you some rock nymph?” He drew in a sudden shock of breath, eyes going wide. “Or perhaps a goddess come to have your way with me in a fit of lust?” His grin grew wider, edged with a hint of awe. “I’d heard of such things, but never thought it would happen to me.”

  Nymph? Goddess? Me?

  That was positive proof this was a dream. No man had ever used those words to describe me before. Certainly, no hunky half-fish-man with a massive cock.

  And I was not going to complain.

  “Yep, that’s me. Goddess Extraordinaire, Annie Chambers. Come and ravish me, you… whatever you are.”

  “A goddess? Truly? Amazing!” He looked down his body and my gaze followed, stalling on his massive cock. “But I can’t come to you as I am. You would have to come to me.” Right… fish couldn’t walk.

  Of course.

  I peeled off my shirt and began the short trek across the blazing hot sands to hunky-fish-guy.

  “Although, perhaps…” His grin darkened and turned flirty and he pushed himself off from the rock on which he sat.

  In my head I saw an awkward landing… but that didn’t happen. His fish tale vanished and legs appeared in a haze which lasted only an instant before he landed.

  I stopped, blinking.

  Suddenly this dream didn’t feel right.

  Why it had felt right a moment before when he’d been half-fish, I wasn’t quite sure. It was dream logic, or something like that. But now he was just a man. A man with a cock that belonged in porn videos, who was looking at me just a little too expectantly. Yeah, sure, it was still a dream, but somehow him being just a man — with an erection I couldn’t quite take my eyes off— changed things.

  Then there was this strange niggling feeling.

  In some dreams things felt real, but they didn’t often hurt, like the sand burning the bottoms of my feet, or the intense sun on my skin.

  I was a strawberry blonde with fair skin — except for the freckles from nose to navel — so I burned far too easily.

  A breeze swept off the waters, cooling, refreshing, ruffling my hair. The way the wind raised goose bumps on my bare arms, or how my hair tickled my face as it blew about… something about all of this felt just a little too not-dreamlike.

  It was amazing, so much better than winter in Chicago, but still…

  “What’s your name?” I don’t know why I asked. Guys in dreams had names didn’t they? Him having a name wouldn’t disprove that this was a dream.

  “Delphon of Galniosia,” he said with a bit of a formal bow. The gesture was slightly less gracious with his cock out.

  But that name… I didn’t think I’d come up with a name like that for my dream guy. I’d always liked the name Kevin. Sexy men had names like Kevin: Kevin Bacon and oh… Kevin Sorbo. My younger self had even had a crush on Kevin Costner, specifically his sensitive, yet determined character from Field of Dreams. Or there was Charles. A very regal name. I didn’t think I’d ever met a man named Delphon before. It sounded Greek. Maybe he was Greek. And what was the other part of his name… Gal-something? If I dreamed it, I should remember it, right?

  I was starting to get just a little self-conscious standing there in my bra and leggings, and him standing there, so very… upright and—

  I pressed my legs together at the thought of that inside me. I’d never been with a man so well-endowed before. Okay, so there’d been once when I’d taken that dildo off my shelf, lubed it up, and—

  I was getting way off track.

  But what was on track?

  Was this a dream or… the other option was just a little too unreal… literally.

  I’d been in Chicago, in winter, just moments ago, and now I was quickly getting a burn!

  Was I unconscious in that alley?


  “Is this real?” Again, I wasn’t quite sure why I asked that. It wasn’t as if a dream was going to tell me it was a dream.

  Delphon’s brow furrowed as he looked at me with a bit of confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean, Goddess Extraordinaire, Annie Chambers.” He tilted his head to one side, blue-black locks tumbling with it, sea-green eyes curious. “I assure you I’m very real. Are you not attracted to me, my goddess?”

  That would be a resounding hell yes! I was attracted to him. But none of this felt right.

  I knelt and scooped up some sand into my hand. It burned as it slid through my fingers.


  What could I do to prove this was a dream? Dreams were sketchy things. You could convince yourself it was reality, if only for a short time. Yet I seemed to be aware of this being a dream. And sometimes those were the best dreams! Sometimes I could even make myself fly!

  Yes! That would be a great way to determine if this was a dream: I would fly.

  I got up and headed to the large rocks — just to the right of Mr. Happy-fish-pants, scrambled, hopped, and climbed from one to another to get atop the largest. From there I’d jump off and fly.

  That idea suddenly seemed just a little iffy though, because if this wasn’t a dream — as crazy as that might be — I’d be throwing myself down a dozen or so feet onto sand. At least it was sand and not rock.

  Delphon, erection now mostly gone, had walked closer, standing below me. “Goddess? What do you intend?”

  “Oh, screw it!” I whispered. This had to be a dream.

  I spread my arms out to either side and stepped off.

  Chapter 2


  Air rushed past my face and ears, and I felt a pure, joyous jolt of adrenaline for a split second before I started to plummet to the ground.

  Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

  Maybe this wasn’t a dream.

  “What are you doing, woman?” came a startled voice from behind me, and, with a heavy whoosh of air and flap of wings, strong hands caught me under each arm and swept me up higher.

  Startled, I looked up and saw a man, no— an angel.

  Holy crap, an angel!

  He held me firmly as he flew out over the beach before gently bringing us down fifty feet from where I’d stepped off the rock.

  And now I was certain this was a dream, because only someone as stunning and perfect as him could be a dream.

  His blond hair, tussled and yet still perfect, framed a long angular face with pale blue eyes like a summer’s sky, a straight nose, and a square jaw. Then there was everything below his neck. Unlike Delphon, he wore clothes… sort of. A strange wrap skirt covered him from waist to knees, leaving his chest and arms bare for my eyes to devour. And from what I could see, he was all hard, gorgeous planes of rigid muscle on a tall, lean frame that was as tall as fish-guy but not quite as broad.

  I threw myself at him, the rush of having flown — or rather, having been flown — filling me and wrapped my arms around him.

  Yep, definitely a dream. He smelled like fresh morning air with a hint of sweat, and with our bodies pressed tight, I could feel an oh-so-tantalizing long something hardening under that skirt of his.

  “Pardon,” he said, grabbing my
shoulders to hold me in place and easing away from my embrace.

  I let my hands slide over his skin as he stepped back, my pulse pounding. I was already hot, but I was getting all manner of wet just looking at this guy. A dream man, an angel.

  “What was that for? Saving your life?” he asked, his voice a silky, smooth tenor.

  “Hey, hands off, Rion. I saw the goddess first!” fish-guy snapped.

  I turned to see him stalking toward us, still naked.

  Two glorious men fighting over me, one of them an angel. Yep, definitely a dream and I was going to enjoy it. Mostly because I was fairly certain now that when I woke up, I was going to have one hell of a headache, or a concussion, or something, and probably frostbite.

  “It’s okay, guys. No need to fight. You can both have me. I’ve never had a threesome before, but I’d be willing to give it a go. Hell, the guys I’ve been with have barely known how to do twosomes.” I looked around to find a place to fully enjoy my dream before I woke up. Dream or not, I’d never found the idea of sex on a beach that appealing with all that gritty sand getting in very sensitive places. “Let’s get off the beach though.”

  “Who is this strange woman? A goddess you say?” the angel asked, his smooth sensual tenor sending a shiver of desire rushing down my spine and making me think, just for a second, that it might be worth getting grit in the wrong places.

  “This is Goddess Extraordinaire Annie Chambers,” Delphon said behind me. “A very odd one indeed. I saw her emerge from the rocks back there, as if she were a stone titan, yet she doesn’t have the coloring to be one. And I’ve never seen a stone titan looking quite… like that.”

  “Agreed. She is rather odd, isn’t she?”

  “Hey!” I might be odd, but this was my dream. Weren’t my dream men supposed to find me alluring, beautiful, and stunning?

  Of course, I knew I wasn’t really any of those things. I was just plain old Annie with strange career goals that no one understood. Apparently even my dream men knew it.

  “I’d have used the word exquisite,” Delphon said.

  Well, okay! I’d take exquisite. Things that were exquisite were special and unique and sought after by many.

  I studied the grassy hill to my left. It was a little farther than I wanted to go just to have sex, but I bet there was less grit.

  The angel — what had Delphon called him? Rion? — snorted. “Every woman is exquisite to you.”

  “Well yes, but—”

  Swell. So much for being unique. But still, even if one of my dream men was a womanizer that just meant he was experienced. I wasn’t sure how that would translate in my dream but there was only one way to find out.

  Please let this be one of the good kind of dreams.

  I swung back to them. “I’ve found a spot. We’ll still want a blanket though. Do either of you have one?” I asked. It wasn’t likely given that Delphon was naked and Rion only had a skirt, but hey, it was worth asking. And really, this was a dream. I shouldn’t have bothered asking. A blanket would appear once needed. I could probably will one into existence right now if I really concentrated.

  I blinked and realized the angel was wearing more than just his skirt. He had a strange harness around his torso and, half-turned as he was toward Delphon, I could see an odd long pack on his back between his wings. That and Delphon now had a satchel with him, and I didn’t know if he’d grabbed it when Angel-dude was rescuing me or if it had just magically appeared.

  I frowned, the dream suddenly not feeling right again. And I had no idea why. Nothing had really changed and yet…

  “Goddess?” the angel said softly, also noticing that somehow the dream had changed. “I’m Hyperion of the Phyllidian Forest, son of Eonas, the Sky General.” He bowed slightly.

  It was a very long name for some dream-angel. Where the hell was my subconscious getting these names from? Some book I read on Greece as a child, perhaps? Unless this wasn’t a dream… which was impossible because this strange place and these strange men… were well… impossible. So it had to be a dream.

  “Most who know me well, call me Rion.”

  “Rion.” I repeated the name. “And Delphon.” I glanced at the once-merfolk, now just naked-guy. “Sure. Who am I to question a dream?”

  “Dream?” Rion asked, glancing at Delphon.

  Delphon shrugged. “She’s mentioned this being a dream, several times.”

  Rion turned back to me. “Are you a goddess of dreams, then?” He looked around. “This feels real enough. I don’t recall falling asleep.”

  “Not your dream, my dream.” How had we come to this conversation? Weren’t we supposed to be heading to the hills to have sexy times before I woke up?

  To that point. Why weren’t they all over me, doing everything in their power to please me? Wasn’t that the only reason to dream of men like these? It certainly wasn’t to have a conversation about whether or not this was a dream.

  I had to get this dream back on track.

  “You should ravish me before I wake up. But, over there, and on a blanket.” I pointed to the spot I’d picked out on the hills beyond the beach.

  “Ravish you?” Rion raised a brow.

  “She’s mentioned that a few times as well. Before you came along, she seemed quite intent on mounting me.” Delphon’s erection stirred to life a little and he smiled at me, then winked.

  “Exactly,” I said. “But I’m perfectly fine if you want to share. Or take turns. Whatever.”

  “We’ll be late for our meeting,” Rion said to Delphon.

  “Meeting?” I blurted out.

  Oh, come on!

  This had to be my subconscious trying to remind me I was lying in an alley and was going to be late for work. I hated it when reality intruded on perfectly good dreams.

  “I’d be willing to be a little late,” Delphon said with a shrug.

  “Of course you would.” Rion rolled his eyes at Delphon and swept a hand through his golden locks, brushing them back from his forehead. He looked at me, far too serious. “I do apologize for my friend, Goddess…” He frowned.

  “Annie,” Delphon said.

  “Goddess Annie. He’s always been a bit too eager with women.” He gave Delphon a scathing look.


  No no no no. This was not going to be one of those dreams where I woke hot and bothered and completely unsatisfied.

  I opened my mouth to argue with him, but he cut me off.

  “We have a meeting with two others in the town of Masia,” he said. “Just beyond those dunes.” He pointed down the beach.

  I looked. The beach seemed to curve around, and I thought I could see structures in the distance as well as a few boats out on the waters near that area.

  “I think they’d understand if we were delayed by a goddess,” Delphon said and stepped in. “Relax for once, Rion. Don’t be a cold wind about this.” Delphon’s erection swayed in front of me, so close I could touch it.

  And damn it. I needed to keep this dream on track and not let it turn into something else.

  With a boldness I’d never had in real life, I reached out and wrapped my hand around Delphon’s thick shaft, just below the tip, drawing a low, masculine groan.

  “The goddess has a firm grip,” he purred.

  Rion’s brows shot up and the bulge under his wrap grew larger.

  Desire tightened in my core at the thought of having both of them. This was going to be one hell of a dream… if I could keep the damn thing on track.

  Except they’d said they were meeting two others. Maybe my subconscious hadn’t been trying to sidetrack my desire. Maybe it had been adding to the fantasy.

  If two men were good, wouldn’t more be better? “You said you were meeting others? Would they want to help with ravishing me?”

  I’d thought a threesome risqué. What would a five-some be like? If they were all as gorgeous as these two were, I didn’t think I’d mind it at all. My mind slipped into a fantasy of four men — in this
case two looked like Rion and two like Delphon, all over me, caressing, fondling, large cocks out and rigid and ready. I drew in a shuddering breath as my body tingled from those imagined hands and bodies. Suddenly, my remaining bra, undies, and leggings were too much. I wanted to be naked and free and thrown into continuous fits of bliss by a harem of large, hot men.

  “Goddess!” Delphon’s voice was strained, and broke me from my daydream. I was squeezing his cock.

  “Oh,” I released it and he gasped with relief, but quickly recovered. “I’m certain our friends would love to join in the ravishing,” he said. “Aethan certainly. And I’m sure we could convince Keph to join in.” Turning to me, he added, “You’d like Keph, he’s… big.”

  That shocked me a little. “Bigger than you?” I couldn’t help but look at his erection again and shiver with anticipation. I tried picturing a larger cock and had to press my legs together at the thought. “Oh my.”


  I was on fire, within and without, especially with the sun raging down on my fair skin. I was sweating through my wool leggings. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband I slipped them down and kicked them off. The sun be damned! This was a dream. I wasn’t going to get a burn in my dream. Perhaps I’d actually tan for once! And I was going to get this four-man action going as soon as possible.

  I began marching down the beach to the town. “Yep, let’s go. I would like all of you to ravish me! Also, it would be nice to have a bed for all this glorious sex. I’m assuming we’ll find one in that town you mentioned. And a drink. I could use a drink. I’m parched.”

  Behind me I heard Delphon chuckle. “A drink it is! Then the ravishing.”

  “Del— I—” Rion said, then sighed. “As the goddess wishes.”


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