Dial A for Addison (S.A.F.E Detective Agency Book 1)

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Dial A for Addison (S.A.F.E Detective Agency Book 1) Page 19

by Piper Davenport

  “Is that so?” he asked, stepping to me. When his hard, incredible chest pressed against me, he moved the hand which had been playing with my hair to the back of my head. He held me there as he slowly inched toward my lips. When we were breathing the same air, he whispered, “No more running, Dylan.”

  Then he kissed me. Warmth spread from my lips to my entire body as his tongue explored my mouth. He pressed me against the counter and went deeper, his hands running over my arms. He hit my bandage and I cried out.

  Asher leapt back. “I’m so sorry,” he said, his eyes wide. “I…I… I’ll grab your pain medicine, wait here.”

  Then he turned away, leaving me breathless and warm all over. “It’s not a big deal, Ash,” I said, but he was already rummaging through the pharmacy bag on the table.

  “It is a big deal,” he said, shaking a pill out of the bottle. He handed it over. “I have to take care of my girl.”

  Well that made my insides gooey. I swallowed back the pills. He watched my lips, then my throat, then I was in his arms again. But this time, when Asher leaned against me, there was a loud suction sound, followed by an audible pop between us. He jumped back again, his eyes wide with concern. “What now?”

  Something slid from my boobs... crap! I tried to catch the cups, but now that they were finally free, the poor man’s excuse for a bra refused to be contained in my loose T-shirt. They fell to the floor, leaving me braless as well as speechless. And the front of my shirt was wet, thanks to the shower water that had been trapped between the cups and my skin. I didn’t know whether I should cross my arms and try to hide myself, or reach down and pick up the cups, so I froze like an idiot.

  Asher looked from the cups on the floor, up to my wet T-shirt, to my rapidly-heating face, then back down to the cups. “What are…? How the…?”

  “That’s… uh… the bra I had to wear for that dress.” I was actually happy the cups had come off. If my next emergency room visit had to be to remove plastic cups from my ta-tas, I would admit myself into the hospital for good.

  He blinked, and his gaze went once again to my wet T-shirt. The hunger in his eyes warmed up a lot more than my face. Heat pooled throughout my entire body, terrifying me. I picked up the fallen cups and took a step away from Asher.

  “I should go… uh… I’ll be right—”

  Before I finished, he grabbed my good arm and pulled me to him again. Feeling his hard chest against my wet, braless one only increased my temperature. Our lips met again and I thought I’d combust. I could feel his body responding as well, and was both alarmed and excited by the way I affected him.

  I heard Addison’s bedroom door open down the hall and I pulled away from Asher, stepping out of his grasp. Still watching me, he gave me a wicked grin, full of all sorts of promises I wasn’t ready to think about yet.

  “Mmm, something smells good—” Addison froze. Her gaze took in me with my wet shirt and cups in my hand. Asher had spun around.. “Should I go back in my room?”

  “No!” I said a little too forcefully. “We’re good. We were just… talking. We’re done now.” Then I did what any brave girl who’d just faced down kidnappers and murderers would do… I fled into my room and got my body under control.

  When I reemerged, we all three sat at the table and ate. Addison fished for details while Asher and I took turns changing the subject. But every time he looked at me, I knew our “conversation” was far from over.


  I HEARD NOTHING from Jake until about three thirty Tuesday afternoon, when my phone buzzed with a text. He was getting off his shift and wanted to swing by. “Dylan!” I called, and knocked on her door.

  “You okay?” she asked as she pulled open the door and went back to struggling to put her hair up in a scrunchy, singlehandedly.

  I hurried over to help her. “No! Jake wants to come over.”

  “Okay.” She frowned. “What’s the problem?”

  I waved my phone towards her and flopped onto her bed. “Um, hello. Hasn’t called, texted, or sent a carrier pigeon since Sunday... that’s the problem!”

  Dylan rolled her eyes. “Didn’t he switch shifts with someone to come to the dinner? He’s probably been busy.”

  “Too busy to send a quick text?”

  “Addie.” She smiled and crossed her arms. “Yes. Think. My case is just one of many. The guy’s probably got a million things going on.”

  “Unless he’s not interested.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Ridiculous because I’m overreacting or ridiculous because I’m right?”

  “Overreacting and totally wrong.”

  I sat up. “Do you really think so?”

  “Um, yeah. Tell him to come over. Talk to him face-to-face and you’ll see.”

  “Okay, but he dumps me, it’s on you.”

  She chuckled. “Jake seems like a smart guy, but if he proves he’s an idiot and dumps you, I’ll help you pick up the pieces. Then we’ll rip him to shreds.”

  “Deal.” I slid off her bed and replied to his text, saying we’d be here, and then went to my room to change into something that would make him regret ignoring me.

  I dressed in skinny jeans and a low-cut deep-blue blouse, fixed my hair and makeup, and emerged right as Asher (who must have come while I was getting ready) was letting Jake in. I said a curt hello to both of them before sitting on the sofa beside Dylan. I could feel Jake’s questioning gaze on me, but I kept my eyes forward.

  “Come in, sit down,” Asher said, gesturing toward the recliner as he closed the door.

  After they both sat, Jake leaned forward in his seat. “The DA has reviewed the case and the evidence and dropped all the charges against you, Dylan,” he said.

  “That’s great news, thanks Jake,” Dylan said, grinning as she clutched Asher’s hand.

  Jake held up a hand. “You will, however, be receiving a summons in the cases he’s preparing against Randal White, Nicolai Barinov, and Brian Taylor.”

  “Not a problem,” Dylan said. “I can’t wait to see those jerks on the stand. So, did that paper from the box lead you to the money?”

  “Yes. It was login information for an offshore account that held a little over six million dollars.”

  Asher whistled. “Kirk was having himself a good ’ole time.”

  “Not too good of a time. It doesn’t look like he spent any of it before Barinov and Taylor got to him. Speaking of which, Brian Taylor’s still in the hospital,” Jake said.

  “He’s in the hospital?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

  Jake chuckled. “Yep. It appears when Dylan swatted Barinov’s gun away, it went off, grazing her, and shooting Taylor in the chest. It barely missed his heart. He’s lucky.”

  Dylan gasped. “He got shot! I had no idea.”

  “Which is why Barinov didn’t come after you. He had no clue what to do after he shot his partner.”

  Knowing Dylan as well as I did, I turned to face her. “You are not allowed to feel sorry for that scum bucket. He held you at gunpoint. He deserved to get shot.”

  “He’s recovering, though?” Dylan asked Jake, her tone hopeful.

  Jake nodded, still chuckling. “They’re laughing about it down at the station. You didn’t even have a weapon and managed to take them both out.”

  “That’s my girl,” Asher said, kissing her hand. “Lucky skills.”

  “Hey!” Dylan elbowed him. “There’s still a few things that don’t make sense. Like what about Michelle and Bonnie? They were sure talking about something in the bathroom, and if they didn’t kill Kirk… what did they do?”

  “Mrs. Miller wanted a divorce and was apparently suspicious that Mr. Miller was having an affair, so she was paying off his assistant to keep tabs on him. The two of them had taken their evidence to a divorce attorney and already started the process.”

  “What about Randal?” I asked. “Why did he kill Kirk? If Kirk was embezzling from his company, why not just have him arre

  Jake chuckled. “Because an investigation into the financials would have shined a light onto the money Mr. White has been embezzling from the investors.”

  “It’s like everyone was stealing from everyone,” I said.

  “Yep. It was always about the money. Barinov and Taylor weren’t even supposed to kill Miller. They were supposed to shake him up and force him to cough up the money. But he knew White was onto him and had sent the information home with you. So when he had the stroke, Barinov and Taylor panicked, broke into your apartment, and searched for the money.”

  “While I was asleep?” Dylan asked.

  Jake nodded.

  “I’m so glad you’re out of that apartment,” Asher said.

  “That makes two of us,” I agreed.

  “When they couldn’t find the money,” Jake continued, “they stole your knife and set you up, thinking they could find the money once you were locked up and out of the way.”

  “Holy hell,” I said.

  “Why Dylan?” Asher asked. “Why did Kirk put the bank account information in Dylan’s box?”

  Jake shrugged. “We’ll never know for sure, but my guess is he panicked. After Dylan went to his boss, he knew they’d be onto him. He couldn’t keep the information at home, because clearly things between him and the missus were on shaky grounds. He wouldn’t want it stored in his phone or on his computer where we could access it. He probably figured he’d put it in Dylan’s box, then get it from her after the dust settled.”

  Jake filled us in on the rest of the details. Afterwards, Asher decided to take Dylan for an early dinner, leaving Jake and me alone.

  I rose to my feet and headed to the kitchen. “Can I get you something? Beer, water? A clue?” The last part I whispered to myself.

  “I’m sorry?”


  He chuckled, following me. “Did you just ask if you could get me a clue?”

  How the hell did he hear me? “How... maybe, I mean, what?”

  Jake cornered me against the island, his arms caging me in as he leaned down to get nose-to-nose with me. “You got somethin’ to say?”

  I bit my lip and stared at my feet.

  “Eyes, Addison.”

  I met his and leaned back. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I want you to tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “I’m trying to figure that out.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  I nodded. “You didn’t call me. Not even a text, so I’m not sure what that means.”

  “I didn’t call you because I’ve been busy cleaning up your mess.”

  “Excuse me?” I snapped.

  “Obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence—”

  “I wore gloves!” I argued.

  “Generally getting in my way.”

  “That’s not a thing.”

  “It’s a thing for me.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Well, whatever. You and your Keystone Cop friends would have never figured any of this out without me and Dylan, so you should be thanking us.”

  “Are you high?”

  “Ohmigod, Jake, don’t even stand there and try to deny it.”

  He dragged his hands through his hair, which meant I could get some distance. I scooted away.

  “If you and Dylan hadn’t interfered, this would have been over a hell of a lot sooner.”

  “Oh, really? Like when? Because you all seemed to be chasing your tails until Dylan figured out the spreadsheet and I led you straight to Randal White,” I pointed out. “She and I make a pretty incredible team, don’t you think? Maybe we should become cops.”

  “Dylan got shot, Addison, and you could have been too!” he bellowed.

  “Dylan also got away,” I reminded him.

  “Yeah, twice. Once when she knocked herself out, and once when she accidentally got one perp to shoot the other one. You guys have no clue what you’re doing. Luck’s the only thing that’s kept her alive.”

  I ignored his argument. “Just how many times have you been shot at?”

  “I’m a cop! Trained to deal with that shit.”

  “So you’re saying we should become cops?” I asked.

  “No. Hell, no. Nobody said that. How the hell did you jump to that conclusion?” He snickered. “Linda and Lynda at the police academy? Sounds like a new comedy.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Ohmigod, you act like I’m a total idiot! I carry a gun, I know how to use it, and I have a few years of karate under my belt, so I’m pretty confident I can defend myself.”

  I had a whole lot more to say but I was distracted by one Jake Parker shoving me up against my refrigerator and kissing me senseless. I tried to resist (for a second... I really did), but then I slid my hands into his hair and tugged on it as I deepened the kiss. Lordy, I wanted to crawl inside his body... or on top of it... or under it. I didn’t really care at that moment. I just wanted to be naked with him.

  I tore at his shirt, running my hands over his incredibly chiseled chest, then dragging my fingernails over his nipples.

  “Fuck!” he breathed out as he dropped his forehead to mine. “You are a serious pain in my ass, Addison Allen.”

  “You can show me your appreciation by taking me to my bedroom and fucking me. If punishment is what you seek, you can spank me.”

  He hissed out, “Addison?”

  “Yeah, Jake?”

  “You seriously want this?”

  “More than you will ever know.”

  “We do this, we’re in it. You’re mine. I don’t share.”

  “What a coincidence,” I retorted. “I don’t share either.”


  “Yeah,” I confirmed. “And I’m good with you being mine, Jake.”

  His mouth covered mine again and he lifted me so I could wrap my legs around his waist, carrying me to my bedroom and dropping me gently on the bed.

  Tugging off my jeans, panties and all, he buried his face between my thighs and I immediately lost my ability to breathe. I slid my ankles over his shoulders and arched my hips as he sucked my clit and slid two fingers inside of me. “Jake,” I said on a whimper.

  I lost his mouth while he removed the rest of his clothes, and I licked my lips at the sight of not only his incredible body, but his rather large dick. Ohmigod, I wanted to wrap my mouth around it…so I did.

  “Holy shit,” he hissed as he slid his hands into my hair. I took him deeper, cupping his balls as I ran my other hand up and down his already rock-hard cock. “Fuck, baby.”

  He lifted my chin, effectively breaking our connection, and stroking my cheek. “On your knees.”

  Holy shit, yes. I immediately went there. I heard the rip of a condom packet, then Jake guided himself inside of me and I dropped my head back at the sensation.

  “You gonna keep givin’ me grief, Addison?” he asked as his palm connected with my bare bottom.

  I whimpered and pushed my body back against him. “Hell, yeah, I am.”

  He slammed into me again, his palm slapping me a little harder this time and the sensation overtook everything. When he slid one hand between my legs and fingered my clit, I nearly lost my mind, and came the second the palm of his other hand slapped against my bottom again. I cried out his name as I buried my face in the mattress while he continued to thrust into me. His body locked and he wrapped his arms around me, gently rolling us to the side so we were spooning.

  “Holy shit, baby,” he whispered, kissing my shoulder.

  “You’re really, really good at that,” I rasped.

  He chuckled. “Back atya.”

  “I hope this happens often,” I admitted.

  Before he could respond, his phone pealed and he swore. “Worst timing,” he said, grabbing his phone and glancing at the screen, then putting it to his ear. “Parker. Yeah.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “Okay. Give me twenty.” He hung up and kissed me quickly again. “I gotta go.”

Okay,” I said, and grinned as he kissed me. “Thanks for all your help with Dylan…and my vagina.”

  He laughed. “On the subject of your best friend, I’m just glad this shit’s done so you and Dylan can stay out of trouble and get back to your old lives.”

  I was glad it was done as well, but as for getting back to our old lives… the last couple weeks had been exciting. Sure, some crazy crap had gone down, but I’d felt alive and needed. I helped my best friend beat a murder charge and solved a mystery. It felt a hundred times better than putting together some boring fundraiser.

  “What’s that look?” Jake asked.

  I gave him my best innocent smile. “What look?”

  He groaned, pulling on his clothes. “What’s on your mind?”

  I shrugged. “Just thinking that it wouldn’t be half bad to help people full time.”

  “Help people as in… social work?” he asked, sounding hopeful.

  I pretended to consider it a moment before shaking my head. “Hmm… sounds boring.”

  “Sounds safe,” he countered.

  “But policewoman sounds sexy. Nightstick, handcuffs… there’s some serious potential there.”

  He gaped at me, and I couldn’t tell whether he was turned on or horrified. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because knowing you were in danger would give me a bleeding ulcer.”

  Okay, that was sweet, but also a little sexist. “I think you’d be all right.”

  “I have to go,” he said, shaking his head, “but this is not over. I’ll call you... I’m not promisin’ when, just that I will. I don’t know when I’ll get a break.”

  I grinned. “I see you’re learning, young Skywalker.”

  Jake stared at me for a few, then kissed me again. “Promise me you won’t do something crazy and join the police academy.”

  My brain had already driven so far past becoming a cop it wasn’t even funny. Police officers had to adhere to rules and answer to people, and that wasn’t really my thing. So it was easy to look him in the eyes and say, “I promise I won’t join the police academy.”

  “Promise me that whatever you decide to do, you’ll be safe.”


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