Blood Dream

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Blood Dream Page 11

by Tobi Grim

  “Needin’ anythin’ before we go?”

  Lupa frowned. Did she? What was she supposed to take? “Should we go to a liquor store?”

  Sledge laughed, “Only if’n you want somethin’ specific. The cabin will have shit, and I brought some nice tequila, knowin’ you like that.”

  She felt herself blushing again, glad that he wasn’t looking down at her. “Need to grab smokes though, I forgot to get enough…”

  Sledge pointed at the convenience store near where he parked. He leaned against his car and waited for her. She bought a carton of smokes, having to show her Organization issued ID which was strange, and came back out, he opened the door for her and walked around. Lupa waited. But he didn’t join her. She looked out the window to see what he was doing, but couldn’t see much, he was too tall for her to tell what he was doing. She put her hand on the door to open it but he opened his and climbed in.

  “Thinkin’ we might need to do a bit of fast drivin’ outa here. Someone watchin’. Better belt up.”

  Lupa pulled her seatbelt on, feeling trapped with it over her body. Sledge brought the car to life with a roar and sped off, ducking up streets, turning quickly down alleys, making her sense of direction all messed up. Where the fuck were they? And who the fuck was following them?

  Sledge sped the car up a long road, which appeared to head out of the city, he was driving so fast Lupa could feel a smile creeping onto her face as she gripped her chair. Suddenly he slowed down, pulled the car into a driveway Lupa hadn’t even seen, then killed the engine. He turned around looking out the back window. She turned and looked too. Minutes passed slowly. They waited. Nothing.

  “Thinkin’ I lost them,” Sledge finally said, his eyes not moving. “Waitin’ five more minutes.”

  Lupa nodded and turned back around. What exactly could both of them watching do? She looked through the front window, seeing nothing but trees. Trees and all-consuming darkness… best not to fucking think about it.

  “Aint thinkin’ they gonna come.”

  Sledge started the car and backed out of the driveway, putting the car into gear and speeding up the road towards the mountain. Lupa took her seatbelt off and relaxed. Damn she hated wearing those fucking things.

  “Who you seeing?”

  “Aint sure. Could be someone from this town who aint likin’ Hammer. Could be somethin’ else. Aint sure, but I seein’ someone sittin’ in their car lookin’ at us just a little too much. Aint just watchin’, watchin’ and waitin’.”

  Lupa nodded. She didn’t doubt his instincts. She was sure he knew what to look for, after all, he had to protect Hammer. And Hammer probably had a big ass target on his back. Especially with someone getting into his territory.

  “Think we will be ok?”

  Sledge glanced over at her quickly, “I aint lettin’ nothin’ happen to you.”

  Lupa lit two smokes and handed one to him. “I know. I meant will we be ok. Will we have to worry about this… cabin?”

  Sledge grunted, “Aint havin’ to worry about that. Hammer knowin’ this guy pretty well. And this guy knowin’ me pretty well. Knowin’ if he try anythin’, I know where he livin’.”

  She supposed that was answer enough. She leaned back and took a long drag of her smoke, the mountain was looming before them, and even in the darkness she could see its formidable shadow. She turned her head and closed her eyes. Letting her mind wander as they started their journey up to the cabin.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  They pulled down a driveway at ten thirty. It had taken them longer than she thought with all the evasive driving. Sledge got out, opening her door then opening the boot. He grabbed their bags out and Lupa shut the trunk for him. He put the bags down to pull out a key and open the cabin door, kicking it gently he turned on the light.

  “Lookin’ fine.” He said, picking the bags up and walking in.

  Lupa followed behind him, closing the door and looking around with curiosity. It was basically one room, with a door at the far end she presumed was the bathroom. There was a big fireplace, a small comfortable looking couch and mismatched arm chairs, the kitchen was all made of wood, but Lupa suspected it was fake. And there was one massive bed. Oh. Shit.

  “I can sleepin’ on the couch if’n you want.” Sledge said, watching her as her eyes stopped on it.

  “No way, that thing is tiny! I can share a bed with you, I don’t mind.” Ah fuck.

  Sledge nodded and walked into the kitchen, checking the fridge and the cupboards, nodding with approval. “Wantin’ a drink?”

  “Sure, just need to pee first, think that’s the bathroom?”

  Sledge stared at the door then strode over to it, opening it and flicking the light on. She suspected he was checking it for… anything. “Lookin’ like it. I’ll make us a drink.”

  Lupa shut the bathroom door and let her eyes wander around. Clean. Big bath. Big shower. Good. She checked her eye in the mirror, then lifted her shirt to check her stitches. The wound looking better already, better than she had expected…

  When she came out Sledge was starting a fire, two drinks and a bottle of expensive looking tequila was on the table. She sat down on the couch and lit a smoke, picking up the glass and taking a sip. Fuck. It was nice. Nice like the stuff Hammer had given her. Nicer than she would ever buy.

  “This is fucking good.” She said to Sledge’s back.

  He stood up and threw a few big logs in the fireplace then sat down next to her, his leg brushing against hers on the small couch. “Pretty nice, ey? One of my favourites. Thinkin’ you be likin’ it.”

  He picked up his glass and drained it, his eyes reflecting the firelight as it slowly came to life. It made him look… softer? Lupa tipped hers back and gently shook her head. Sledge took her glass refilled them both.

  “So, what’s the plan?” she asked, picking up the ashtray and placing it on her lap.

  “Headin’ up the mountain tomorrow, about half an hour to find the first camp. Seein’ if they talkin’ to us. Seein’ how long it takes us. Then come back here, check out the other one on Sunday, it’s around the mountain a bit, probably takin’ us about an hour and a half to get to. If’n we need to go there. If not, we can go home Sunday if you like…”

  “If we find them tomorrow, you may want to see them again Sunday…”

  Sledge glanced over at her and then back at the fire. “Yeah… aint wantin’ to make you stay longer than you have to. Know you got a case you workin’. Aint thinkin’ Protector Hawk wantin’ you away.”

  Lupa finished her drink and Sledge refilled it for her again, topping his own up. “He knows… oh shit, I said I’d text him if I had reception,” she went to get up.

  “Aint none here, will be in the town, we can stop there in the mornin’ if you need.”

  Lupa sat back down. “Easy enough. I said I might not have any at all. Anyway, he knows I’m away, he can deal with it. I’m happy to stay til Monday.”

  Sledge nodded, filling their cups again. Lupa could feel the warmth spreading over her body. The tequila was smooth, and it was fucking strong. Sledge stood up and poked the fire, adding more wood to it. Lupa watched the way his muscles moved under his shirt, the way his long hair fell in front of his face… fucking hell. She tipped her drink back and refilled it.

  “You a’right?” Sledge peered at her strangely as he sat down, Lupa looked away, trying to chase the thoughts out of her head.

  “Yeah, all good. So um… that spell Hammer put on me worked.”

  Sledge looked at her strangely again then turned away, finishing his drink off. “That’s good. Findin’ who usin’ the magick then?”

  “No… just that it’s being used. I have no idea who is involved…”

  Sledge probably didn’t want to talk about her case, and about Hammer. He was here to try find his fucking family. He probably wanted her to shut the fuck up. She put her smoke out and tipped the rest of her drink back. Sledge nodded and she refilled he glass again.

�Thinkin’ you find out pretty quick. You too dun smart for them.”

  Lupa half smiled. “Maybe.”

  They sat in comfortable silence, watching the fire grow. They kept emptying their glasses, and Sledge kept refilling them. She looked over at him, wondering what he was thinking… wondering if he was nervous… or excited… or something about finding his family. He got up and went over to the fire again, Lupa stood up and went to the bathroom. Once on her feet she realised she was damn fucking drunk. She giggled as she crashed into the bathroom door.

  “You a’right?”

  “Fine, fine, I’ll just be a minute.”

  When she came back out Sledge was locking the door and turning the lights out. “We going sleepy byes now?” she asked, giggling. Shit, she felt damn drunk.

  “Just figurin’ I get us ready before we get too drunk, aint thinkin’ you too far off.”

  Lupa laughed as he grinned at her, sitting back down. She wobbled over to the couch and half fell on him as she tried to sit. “Whoops! Sorry!”

  Sledge lifted her up gently as she tried to not make more of an ass out of herself. She looked up into his eyes, he was peering at her carefully. Lupa wanted to kiss him. But… she didn’t think she should. Fuck. Her hand was still on his leg, his hand was resting on her waist.

  “Thinkin’ maybe you dun needin’ sleep…”

  He stood up and lifted her to her feet. Their bodies almost touching. He was so tall, there was no way she could kiss him. Thank fuck. She knew she shouldn’t, she knew that kissing him would make everything go to shit.

  “Needin’ help?” he asked her softly.

  “I’m ok…” Lupa whispered. Her eyes not leaving his.

  “Aint thinkin’ we should…”


  It didn’t matter. He was kissing her any way, picking her up and pulling her close to him, her hands were in his hair, not wanting the kiss to end, wanting it to drown out her existence. Sledge’s arm was holding her up, the other hand on her face, hard and cool against her burning skin. His mouth pulled away from hers, his eyes boring into her soul. Her chest heaved against his, breathing hard, heart racing in time with his. They were moving, he pushed her against the wall, his hand sliding up her waist gently, his rough hands cool against her fevered skin. His teeth were on her neck, a whisper of a cry escaped her lips, his hand brushing under her bra, his rough fingers grazing over her nipple.

  Lupa pulled his face to hers, the kiss deep and passionate, the kiss that threatened to consume her whole self until there was nothing left. Her body was shaking under his touch, she started unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against her.

  Sledge pulled her away from the wall, his bare skin against hers, throwing her on the bed, he tugged her shirt over her head, unbuttoning her jeans and pulled them down her body. He bent down, kissing her thighs, kissing her stomach, kissing her breasts. Lupa slipped her hands over his broad chest, and up his neck, looking into his eyes, his hungry yellow eyes. She gasped but didn’t look away, seeing him, feeling him.

  She felt him unbuckle his pants, watching him as he stepped out of them, unable to tear her eyes away. He climbed over her, but he didn’t kiss her, he just looked at her…

  “Aint thinkin’…”

  Lupa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, kissing him like there was nothing left in the world but that hunger, that wanting, the uncontrollable need. Sledge tangled his hand in her hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss. She could feel him hard against her, her fingers pushing his boxers down, his fingers ripping her underwear off, claws scratching at her skin. She gasped as he touched her, his fingers knowing her, his teeth on her neck. Her nails dug into his back and she felt her whole body growing hot, the bloodfire reacting to his transformation, her body trembling. She grabbed at him, guiding him, looking into the yellow eyes as he thrust himself into her, driving deep into her passion, driving deep into her like there was nothing but them.

  Hands that wanted to touch every part of him, envelope him within herself. Lupa felt her body coming to the edge, back arching as he grabbed her hips, his claws digging into her soft flesh. She erupted, her voice crying out in the room, he growled like a beast as he pushed deep into her.

  His fingers eased on her body, his breath coming in hard and fast. Sledge pulled away from her and collapsed on the bed next to her… “Shit… I aint meanin’…”

  This was the point where she’d usually get up, dress herself and leave. But there was nowhere to go. And… Lupa looked over at him, her body still shaking… did she really want to go anywhere? Fuck. That was a dangerous thought…

  Lupa sat up, unsure of what to do, glancing over at him lying next to her naked, his hand pressed to his forehead with his eyes closed. Lupa got up and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her bag and a clean pair of underwear. She slipped them on and then turned around, lighting a smoke and standing next to the bed, he moved his hand and stared up at her and she handed it to him. Lighting one for herself, she then climbed up the bed, and tucked under the blankets, putting an ashtray on her lap.

  Sledge sat up and pulled on his boxers, standing up and keeping his back to her. “Wantin’ me to sleep on the couch?”

  “No.” Lupa responded quickly.

  What was she supposed to say? What was she supposed to do? She felt drained. She felt fucking drunk. She had just… like her dreams… Sledge sat back down on the end of the bed, his weight making the bed move. She put her smoke out and put the ashtray on the bedside table.

  “We should probably get some sleep…”

  Fuck. Was that what she should say? Sledge nodded and got up, putting his smoke out in the ashtray and looking down at her. He pulled his eyes away and climbed into bed next to her, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked over to her, meeting her eyes. They were no longer yellow. No longer filled with hunger. Now they appeared… regretful. She bit her lip and tore her gaze away. She’d gone fucked everything up.

  Chapter nine

  “Not all dreams are just dreams…”

  Lupa awoke with sweat covering her body, a scream almost on her lips. Blood had been in her mouth, blood had been on her hands, she was… She looked around the room wildly, where was… oh. Right. She glanced over to see Sledge cooking shirtless in the kitchen, big red hand print burns on his back. Fuck. What was she supposed to say? Should she ignore what had happened? She climbed out of the bed silently, crossing over to her bag to get some clothes out… she needed a shower.


  Lupa looked over to where Sledge was, but he hadn’t turned around. “Um… kinda I guess. Just going to have a shower first…”

  She grabbed clean underwear, a long sleave black shirt and her long black skirt, practically running to the bathroom. Slamming the door shut she closed her eyes. Fuck shit fuck. Lupa turned the shower on and inspected herself in the mirror. Deep scratch marks on her sides, her stitches looked to have spilt a little… not too bad, it looked almost healed really, she tugged the thread out and washed it down the shower drain. Climbing under the hot water she tried to wash her troubled thoughts away.

  It didn’t work. Not that she had really expected it to. Lupa hopped out and dried herself, pulling her clothes on and opening the door just as Sledge was putting a plate on the coffee table and looking at her. He was wearing a shirt now… had he seen or felt the burn marks?

  “Food for you,” he said curtly, quickly moving his eyes away from her and sitting on an arm chair, the furthest one from the coffee table.

  Fan-fucking-tastic. He didn’t even want to be near her now. Lupa sat down on the couch and pulled her thumbs through the holes in her shirt. He’d cooked breakfast. Like in the movies. Only they weren’t… she shook her head and picked her plate up, eating very little, avoiding Sledge a lot.

  “Aint hungry?” Sledge was standing over her, his hand out for her plate.

  “Umm… guess not….” She lifted the plate up and he took it, walking into the k

  “Thinkin’ we head to town first, you can dun messagin’ your Protector, then we goin’ to the camp.”

  Lupa sighed. Should she say something? Or would that make things worse… She picked up her boots and tugged them on, standing and catching him watching her. Sledge looked away, grabbed the keys and opened the door. She snatched up her bag and went out while he held it open for her, then waited as he opened the car door.

  As she sat down she glanced around, massive trees surrounded them making the cabin look tiny against the enormity of them swaying gently over it. It made Lupa feel tiny and insignificant… she probably was to the old, wise trees.

  Sledge didn’t say anything on their drive to the town, neither did Lupa. When they stopped, her phone beeped four times in a row. She pulled it out of her bag… fuck. All from Dameon, needing her to call him.

  “He wants me to call him, you mind?”

  Sledge grunted and shrugged, lighting a smoke and rolling the window down. Whatever. She pressed the call button, only needing to wait one ring for Dameon to answer.

  “You ok?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Shit… Slasher… the Commander called me, didn’t you tell her you were going away?”

  “No, you knew that. What did she say?” Lupa glanced over at Sledge, who looked away from her.

  “She went to see you, and the door of your place was smashed in…”

  “Fuck! The front door or mine? Or both?” Sledge snapped his eyes towards her, staring at her hard, his eyes narrowing.

  “Both. I went round to check, looks like everything was gone through, but nothing trashed…”

  “Shit…” Lupa rubbed her head. “Well… there’s nothing I can do about it right now… What did you tell Slash?”

  Silence. Fuck. He hadn’t told her, had he? “Said you were away. She asked me questions… I just said she’d need to ask you. Wasn’t sure what you’d want me to say exactly, figured it was better not to make up a lie if she got to you first.”


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