Blood Dream

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Blood Dream Page 29

by Tobi Grim

  “Everthin’ a’right?” Sledge was pulling his shirt on as he walked out, Lupa couldn’t help but admire his… dammit, not the time.

  “Yeah… going to go see Slasher at eight… that’s going to be fun.”

  Sledge grinned, “Aint thinkin’ I can help you with that one.”

  “Don’t suppose you can,” Lupa half smiled back, “You gonna hang around or Hammer needing you back?”

  “You aint gonna make me coffee, are ya?”

  Lupa rolled her eyes and smirked, “No, I was just asking is all.”

  “Thinkin’ I better get back… unless you want me to stay before you needin’ to go?”

  “Nah… I might go and see Hawk… I…” Lupa tucked her hair behind her ear and nibbled her lip, “I should probably find out what else he’s got… from the files…”

  “A’right. You givin’ me a call if you needin’?” Sledge’s eyes looked deep into hers.

  “Can I… be giving you a call just cos?”

  “You knowin’ you can. I be talkin’ to you later. Thinkin’ Slasher wantin’ them teenagers we gettin’? Think we gotten about four of them alive…”

  “Yeah, I think she will. I’ll let you know.”

  Sledge nodded and put his hand on her face, “You bein’ a’right, witchy girl, I believin’ in you even if you aint.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but then shook his head, “Chattin’ later.” And then he left.

  Lupa stuffed her phone and smokes into her bag, then pulled out a little white pill… shit… should she? She decided against it, but poured the pills into the pillbox and tucked it in one of the inside pockets. Picking up her keys off the bench she left her apartment, walking up to Dameon’s and knocking on the door loudly.

  “Hey… what you doing here so early?” Dameon peered at her carefully.

  “Good morning to you too, can I come in?”

  Dameon nodded and opened the door. “You… ok?”

  “Yeah… I’m going to go see Slasher at eight… you wanna come?”

  “If you want me to… but… what you going to tell her about what happened with Hammer? She doesn’t know you owed him, does she?”

  “Nah,” Lupa sat on one of the couches and lit a smoke, “I’ll just say he had some information on our case, took me along. I think… do you think she knew about Karl?”

  Dameon pulled on a shirt and his jeans, crossing over and sitting next to her, “I don’t know… if she looked hard enough, she would. But… I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to ask her…” Dameon pushed his hair back from his face and looked at her carefully, “There’s a lot of shit they aint telling us, Lupa. Even with that card, there was shit on the blood magick I couldn’t access, y’know? Seems pretty… strange. And why wasn’t Mrs Corpore’s previous history in the file we got in the first place?”

  Lupa shrugged. Good fucking question. “Hey um… Ahriman told me who killed… your dad…”

  Dameon’s eyes grew dark as he searched her face, “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. It was Lyon. But apparently he wouldn’t remember. I… think he didn’t make it, though…” Lupa put her hand on Dameon’s, “I know you didn’t get to… be the one. But…”

  “It’s enough. Thanks… it wasn’t really him we would have been after, but this assman who had them under his thumb. Fuck. I just can’t even understand it. Why did he want the kids?”

  Lupa swallowed, “I think he wanted to uh… build a family.”

  “Oh.” Dameon pulled a face, “Gross. What a fucking loony. Alright, I’ll get my shoes on and we can head over to Slasher’s?”

  “Yeah. Better get this over with. Hopefully she won't try and kill me with you there.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Slasher sat across from them as Lupa poured out what had happened with Hammer… almost. She told Slasher what Dameon had found to do with Mrs Corpore, and that Hammer had some of the teenagers held should Slasher want them.

  “I see… so that’s why you were with Sledge? Because Hammer knew something?”

  Lupa hesitated, “Well… no, and yes. It’s complicated.”

  Slasher looked to Dameon, “And so you think that both these women promised something to this Ahriman guy and didn’t deliver, that’s why he killed the whole damned town?”

  “Something like that.” Dameon mumbled, clearly uncomfortable under Slasher’s cold gaze.

  “Well… The Force didn’t come up with much in their time looking into it as far as I know. At least, nothing either of you hadn’t worked out… do we know why the cows were being killed?”

  Lupa shrugged, “Ahriman never expressed much about it. I think… maybe it was to do with getting the kids under his spell, and maybe a bit of payback…”

  “Right. And have you decided to apologise to me yet?”

  Lupa crossed her arms, “That depends. Were you aware that Karl was giving The Organization reports on me?”

  Slasher’s eyebrows shot up, “No… how did you find that out?”

  “Um… that was me. I was… snooping.” Dameon looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

  “What did they say?” Slasher had anger in her eyes.

  “Lots of stuff. I don’t think… it’s appropriate for me to get into it.” Dameon glanced at Lupa then back at Slasher, “It was pretty personal though…”

  “Fucking bastards!” Slasher slammed her fist against the table, making the whole thing shake, “They told me they would never do that!” Slasher’s eyes quickly softened as she looked to Lupa. “Fuck. Are you ok, hun?”

  “I will be. And… sorry for being a bitch. I was just… stressed out. Felt like you didn’t trust me…” Lupa lied. Again.

  “I understand, I’m sorry too… Well…. Shit. I’m going to have to make some calls… I’ll need those access cards back too, they won't like it if you still have them…”

  Lupa pulled her wallet out and handed over the card, Dameon didn’t move, “Um… I lost mine. I think I left it in the library…”

  “Shit. Ok, I’ll get someone to look into it. I want you guys to take the week off. But come and see me later and I’ll let you know if we get anything out of the teens. Tank can call Hammer… actually, would you mind calling him Lupa? Tank won't…”

  “Yeah I can do that.” Lupa stood up and Dameon followed suit, “I’ll see you later…”

  Slasher took Lupa in her arms and kissed her forehead. “Be careful, Lupa, this is a lot to take in. Don’t go… being reckless.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Lupa smiled at her pretty-much-mother, “You know me. I’ll be ‘right.”

  Lupa and Dameon left, Tank giving them a smile as he opened the door. As they stepped out they could hear crashing from inside Slasher’s house. Lupa just shook her head as Dameon gave her a startled look. She knew what was going on, Slasher was breaking things. Probably pretty damned big things from the sounds of it.

  Once inside Lupa’s car Dameon pulled out his wallet, “I still have the card. I aint trusting them. I wanna look into it some more…”

  “Into what? You could get in some serious shit for having that…”

  “I know. But they’ve been sending us on hunts without all the info… they’ve been keeping fucking tabs on you, Lupa, aint you wanna have a look around at what else they are hiding? Shit, your lightning turned white. There must be a reason you didn’t tell Slasher that.”

  Lupa glanced over at Dameon, who was looking intense, “Yeah… I guess… can’t they track those cards though?”

  “No. Well, kinda. They know when they are being used, but they don’t know which card kinda thing, like… who it belongs to, these were just access cards, not personal issued cards. I checked it out when I was using it… we just have to make sure we cover our tracks. That way… they can’t pick up that it was us using it. We’ll have to be fucking careful, but we can do it.”

  Lupa nodded, “Ok. I’m with you. But… not for a while, ok? If Slasher is asking questions to the higher ups, we can't have them catching wind…

  “You betcha. Hey, um… Gran and Dad’s ashes are ready for me to collect… you wanna… come with me to get them?”

  Lupa glanced over at Dameon quickly, she hadn’t realised that they would be so… quick. She knew that people were no longer buried, or given funerals any more, but she thought…

  “Yeah ok, now?”

  “Yeah… if that’s ok…”


  Lupa turned her car away from her place and up to the crematorium. She kept looking over to Dameon to see if he was ok, but he was staring out the window. She hoped… shit. Whatever. He’d tell her if he needed her, and she would be there if that moment came. Lupa pulled into the parking lot and hopped out.

  “You know where to go?” Lupa asked, eyeing off the formidable looking building.

  “Yeah, came here for my Mum… I still remember. You aint been here before?”

  Lupa shook her head and followed Dameon into the building. The smell made Lupa’s throat feel disgusting. She was almost positive she was breathing in people… fuck it. Best not to think about it. She stood back as Dameon went to the desk and spoke to the woman, waiting a moment, then taking the two small boxes and hurrying out of there.

  “You ok?” Lupa asked, eyeing off the small boxes on his lap with curiosity. She thought they would be… bigger.

  “Not really. Hey, wanna go set them free in the river?”

  Not fucking really. “If that’s what you wanna do.”

  “Yeah… I think that’d be nice. They can go out to sea and be… free.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Lupa and Dameon stood on the bridge over the raging water. Lupa felt nervous being so close to the edge, but kept her fucking mouth shut for his sake. He needed this, and she was going to be there for him, the way… fuck it.

  “Goodbye, Gran,” Dameon said, opening the box and pulling out a bag, “You were my rock in the years when I struggled. I miss you.” He emptied the bag of ash out into the water then let the bag and box go too, putting the next one on the railing. “Goodbye, Dad. You always gave me a safe place to be… you… I miss you.” He emptied it out, dropping the bag and box into the turbulent waters.

  Lupa put her hand in his, moving closer to him, “Goodbye.” She whispered, resting her head on Dameon’s shoulder. He squeezed her hand and they watched the water raging beneath them in silence. A sad, but comfortable silence.

  Chapter twenty-three

  “Not all things need to be said…”

  Lupa put a blanket over Dameon, who was passed out on his couch. She smiled down at him snoring and decided to sneak out. She was pretty drunk, they had decided to ‘celebrate’ the passing of his family… Lupa didn’t get it, but apparently it was a thing. Whatever. If it made Dameon feel better she was happy to oblige.

  Once in the hallway Lupa decided to give Sledge a call… or should she call Hammer? It was only four… and she had told Slasher that she would organise the pick-up of the teenagers involved… shit. She better call and sort it out. She clicked call and unlocked her apartment door.

  “Good afternoon, little wolf witch, I was expecting your call. Sledge is on his way to pick you up.”

  Fuck. “Oh… um, I was just calling to organise the teenagers to be picked up for Slasher…”

  “Already sorted, my beauty, they were sent earlier… Sledge will be there soon. We shall speak when you arrive.”

  Hammer hung up. Great. Lupa went to her room and pulled off her ratty band shirt and exchanged it for a tight, long sleeved one. She checked her stitches quickly and nodded to herself. They were healing, but like herself again, not like the spell had made her heal super-fast. She quickly put some make up on and ruffled her hair. One good thing about having to cut it was that at least she didn’t need to do much with it… whatever. Grabbing her bag she went to wait out the front for Sledge.

  “Bein’ ready fast?” Sledge pushed the door open from the inside for her and she climbed in.

  “Yeah, I called Hammer to set up the delivery of the teenagers, but seems he already had plans for you to come get me… how’s things?” Lupa lit a smoke and offered Sledge one, lighting it for him as he took off quickly.

  “Bein’ right… findin’ out who dun puttin’ that spell in my chain.” Sledge gave Lupa a quick sideways look. “Bein’ that girl who we seein’ at the club. Turns out she bein’ that fucker’s sister.”

  Lupa shifted uncomfortably. What was she supposed to say? “That sucks. You deal with it?”

  “Thinkin’ I did. Thinkin’ she dun wishin’ she aint… you know.”

  Yeah. Lupa could guess. Wasn’t any of her fucking business. Rubbing her head she pulled out the pill box. Her mind was trying to wander too far, she’d been holding it off all day for Dameon. But being here… with Sledge… who had seen her being… fuck this. She pulled a pill out and washed it down with some water from a bottle in her bag.

  “You bein’ a’right?”

  “I will be. So, what’s Hammer want?”

  “He be tellin’ you. He gotten some… questions. He knowin’ I knew somethin’…”

  Lupa glanced over. Shit. Of course he would have told Hammer. And of course Hammer would have known Sledge knew something. “All good. Guessing you told him about Karl then?”

  Sledge pulled the car around the back. “I aint wantin’ to. Aint none of my business… but… it bein’ important.”

  Lupa watched Sledge’s face. But it wasn’t giving anything away. Shit. What the fuck was she in for now? What did Hammer want from her this time? Surely he couldn’t demand anything from her… but then… if he had things he could teach her about the white lightning…

  Sledge opened the door for her and she climbed out. He peered down at her with an odd look on his face, Lupa went to ask why but he closed the car door and strode over to the back entrance. Fuck. Why was he being weird? What was going on? She followed him over and he opened the door, coming in behind her and pointing to the jukebox room.

  “Good evening, Little Red, no do not sit, come with me. Sledge would you please fetch the girl’s body for us? Thank you.”

  Hammer kissed Lupa’s hand quickly and then began leading her out. She gave Sledge a look but he just half nodded and went a different way to them. Shit. A girl’s body? What did that even mean? Shit fuck shit. Hammer opened a door Lupa hadn’t been through before, flashing her a wide confident smile.

  “In here, my sweet, do not look so alarmed. You are safe.”

  Lupa stepped through. The room was all white with a bright light hanging from it… over a table. Lupa stopped. Shit. An autopsy table? She couldn’t be sure, but there was not much else in the room… fuck. What was going on?

  “Do not worry, my wolf witch, we will not be cutting anybody up this afternoon. But before Sledge returns… how are you doing with all that has… changed?” Hammer brushed her face gently as he stood close to her.

  “Fine. If you mean about Karl. I’m pretty…” Lupa tried to think of how she felt, but the little white pill was making her feel pretty ok. “I’ll be ok. Don’t worry ‘bout me.” She flashed him a smile, she was positive he’d know was fake, but hoped it meant that he’d shut up about it.

  “Very well, stand over here, Sledge is coming.” Hammer moved away from her and she stood on the other side of the table.

  Sledge came in and lay the body of a girl… shit. One of the twins. Lupa checked the nose, yep must be Layla. At least, she presumed so. As she looked down the dead girl’s body she could see a slight bump at her stomach. Lupa stepped away quickly.

  “Yes, she was indeed pregnant. But you’ll need to come closer for this, wolf witch. Come,” Hammer stood near Layla’s head and beckon her over. “This is rather interesting, and she seems to be the only one with it, which is why we did not send her to your Organization.”

  Lupa stood as close as she dared while Hammer pulled the girls lips open. Lupa gasped. No fucking way… she had mother fucking fangs. And they were not fucking wolfblood fang
s either.

  “Yes, Little Red, I believe she was starting to be consumed by the blood magick, and changing into a bloodsucker. There’s another thing… Sledge would you flip her over please?” Sledge turned the body over and pulled up the back of the girl’s shirt. “Do you see this here?” Hammer pointed at the spine between the shoulder blades. “If we push gently against it… see? The bones have begun to elongate here. I believe that had she survived, eventually she would have become a bloodsucker completely. She would have started to have her bones protruding from her back like the old legends say. Intriguing, is it not?”

  “Something like that,” Lupa muttered as she stepped closer to the table. She’d never seen a real life bloodsucker. She only had the word of The Organization about them. “How did the blood magick do this? Bloodsuckers are supposed to be a species… or a race. Like wolfbloods…”

  “As I said before, my darling, my people believed using blood magick is what made them this way. But I would suspect that perhaps both did exist, those who were born as one, and those who could become one. We have yet to inspect the foetus…”

  Lupa stepped back quickly, “I don’t want to hang around for that…”

  “Of course, Little Red, I would not expect you to. We may leave now, if you wish? Come.”

  Hammer lead her back out and down to the jukebox room again, indicating for her to sit while he poured them both a drink. She sat nervously and lit herself a smoke. What now? She couldn’t tell Slasher about this… Fuck. She couldn’t tell anyone about this.

  “We have made an interesting discovery, have we not?” Hammer handed her the glass and sat next to her with that ever so charming smile on his face.

  “Bullshit.” Lupa mumbled, throwing her drink back, “You knew that’s exactly what you were going to find. And I bet you know more too.”


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