Warnings and Wildfires

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Warnings and Wildfires Page 3

by Autumn Jones Lake

  Liam shrugs him off and tips his head back. “Where you been?”

  “Working. It’s like every fucking idiot in Empire decides to set their backyard on fire this time of year. ‘Don’t burn shit outside when there’s a drought.’ Why is that so hard to comprehend?” He shoves into the booth next to Liam and nods at me. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m supposed to ask if you want to teach How to subdue a suspect with minimal force to some new recruits? It actually pays, unlike all your damsel-in-distress classes.”

  “Sure.” I can always use the money and the networking opportunity.

  “Bro,” Jake says, walking up and slapping my shoulder. “Amy’s looking for you.”

  I groan at the same time my dick perks up. Amy is not a client of mine. She’s never even set foot inside my gym. Hell, she might not even know I own a gym. We have an occasional good time together, then go our satisfied, separate ways.

  Across from me, Liam shakes his head but doesn’t bother to comment as I slide out of the booth. Keegan isn’t so polite.

  “Slave to the pussy much?” he says with a wide grin.

  “Fuck off.”

  I tell myself I’m only heading to the bathroom to splash some water on my face and figure out what the hell I’m doing tonight, but I know better.

  Amy doesn’t disappoint. She pops out of the ladies’ room as I enter the hallway. “Sully! Jake said you were here.”

  “How’ve you been?”

  She moves in closer, slinging her arms around my neck. “Missing you.”

  The corner of my mouth tips up and I brace one hand against the wall. “Yeah?”

  She nods and pulls me down close enough to smell the beer on her breath. “We’re always so good together.” She reaches up and whispers in my ear, “Remember the time we snuck in the closet and you made me put my hands against the wall while you took me from behind? That was so hot.”

  Yes, it was. And I can picture it perfectly. What a helpful memory. Exactly what I need to erase the image of Aubrey’s perfectly thick little thighs out of my head. All day long, I’ve been fantasizing about what would’ve happened if I’d peeled her panties off along with her leggings.

  I squeeze my eyes shut to banish Aubrey from my brain. Thinking of fucking one woman while I’m planning to fuck a different one is a dick move.

  She slides her hand between us, cupping my package. “Mmm…feels like we might not make it to the closet.” Her hand slides into mine and she tugs me down the hallway. “Do you have a condom?”

  “Wait, Aubrey,” I say, stopping dead.

  Her eyes widen. “What did you call me?”

  Shit! Why did I say that?

  If thinking about another woman when you’re about to fuck one woman is a dick move, actually calling the girl you’re about to fuck by another girl’s name makes me dickhead of the century.

  I blink, taking in Amy’s long, lean frame. The sky-high, red heels will put her at just the right height…

  But I can’t shake the image of Aubrey’s sweet, trusting face as I tended to her injury this morning.

  I should’ve checked on her after I closed the gym. What if she needs something? She can’t make it up and down those stairs with her bum knee. Does she even own a car?

  Fuck. I drag my hands through my hair, so frustrated I’m close to yanking it out.

  “Sully?” Amy’s bright red cheeks highlight that I’m not only being a rude asshole, but I’ve also embarrassed her.

  “I’m sorry, Au…Amy.” Goddammit, what is wrong with me? “It’s not you—”

  “Clearly.” Her pinched expression, crossed arms, and tapping foot suggest she’s moving from embarrassed to seriously pissed.

  “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  Like the dick I am tonight, I hurry away from her and back to my friends.

  “Where’s Amy?” Jake asks when I stop at our table.

  “I don’t know,” I mumble, whipping out my wallet and throwing some bills on the table. “I’m heading out.”

  “Seriously?” Jake bitches. He jabs his fist into my bicep. “Don’t forget Wrath’s dropping off that equipment for us later in the week.”

  “Aren’t you going to be there?”

  “I’ll try, but I got a lot going on.”

  A lot going on probably means borderline criminal activity I’d rather not know about.

  “We’ll talk later.” Now that the idea’s in my head, I’m way too eager to leave to sit around talking about work.

  Liam tips his head up and lays his cop stare on me. “But Keegan just got here,” he says. The unspoken, Are you really leaving us here with your asshole brother? sort of hangs between us.

  “Sorry, bro.” I seem to be apologizing to everyone tonight.

  Keegan shakes his head. “I can’t believe I drove all the way over here for this.”

  Amy takes that exact moment to walk by and hiss “asshole” at me loud enough for the whole table to hear.

  And promptly mock me for.

  “Whoa!” Jake howls with laughter. He tips his head with fake-serious concern. “Quickdraw tonight? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Well, not me, but—”

  “Shut up.”

  Shaking his head, Liam slides out of the booth. “I want to get home before Bree anyway. I’ll walk out with you.”

  “Fuck you both,” Jake says, flipping us off. He throws his arm around Keegan’s shoulders, making Keegan send a wrinkled-brow-side-eye Jake’s way. “Keegan’s got my back.”

  I return the gesture before following Liam out the door. On the sidewalk, he turns and gives me a more serious appraisal. “Sure you’re all right?”

  “Just something I need to take care of.”

  “Something or someone?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  He pins me with the hard cop stare again. “Don’t forget what I said.”

  Ignoring the reminder, I hustle over to my Jeep and get the hell out of there.

  I should bring her something, right? What’s even available at this hour?

  Shit, what if she’s asleep? I don’t have her number. I hesitate behind the wheel. I could go back to the gym and look it up, but that’ll take too long.

  I need to see her. Now.

  Popcorn, check.

  Movie, check.

  Sad girl all alone tonight, double-check.

  I’m about to hit play when someone knocks on my door.

  I duck down on the couch as if whoever’s on the other side of the door has X-ray vision.


  Am I hallucinating or is that Sully’s voice?

  “Just a minute!” I shout, jumping off the couch. A slap of pain vibrates down my leg. “Ow!”

  “Are you okay?” Sully asks through the door.

  I limp my way over and open the door. Sure enough, he’s standing in front of me.

  “Sully, hi. What are you doing here?”

  He holds up a brown paper bag. “I couldn’t stop thinking about your empty freezer.”

  I blink a few times. “You brought me ice cream?”

  “Well, I wanted to check on you.” He cranes his neck, trying to see inside the apartment and I feel like an idiot for not inviting him in already. “Is that okay? I would’ve called, but I don’t have your number.”

  “Come in. Thank you. That’s so nice.”

  “Is your sister here?”

  “Nope. She’s working.”

  He sets the bag on the counter and pulls out three pints from Stewart’s. “Cookie dough, right?” he asks, handing me a pint.

  “Wow, uh, yeah. Thanks.”

  “I didn’t know what your sister might like, so I went with plain ol’ chocolate,” he says, opening the freezer and sticking one of the pints inside.

  He brought ice cream for my sister too? Just in case? I’m in danger of melting into a puddle of goo.

  “Spoons?” he asks.

  Still too surprised by the sweet gesture, I point to the drawer in f
ront of me. Instead of you know, opening it myself.

  He slides it open, brushing his hand against my hip in the process and I back away.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  I take the spoon he offers and hobble back to the couch. He follows and stares at the popcorn on my coffee table for a second.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt—”

  “Trust me,” I say, holding up the container. “This is way better than popcorn. I’ve been dying for ice cream since we talked about it this morning.”

  “Looks like I made the right choice.”

  He swivels his head between the chair and the couch. My stomach flips as he takes the space next to me on the couch, his warm, muscled thigh lightly pressing against mine.

  “What are you watching?” he asks.

  “I was about to watch Atomic Blonde.”


  I lift my shoulders. “I still haven’t seen it.”

  “Neither have I.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Really? Hot chick in an action movie? Figured a big, buff guy like you would be all over that.”

  If I’m not mistaken, he almost seems embarrassed. This man has a thousand reasons to be cocky or arrogant…yet, he isn’t.

  “No special girl you wanted to take to the movies?”

  He snorts and stabs his spoon into his just-barely softened ice cream. “I don’t have a ton of free time.”


  We settle into the movie and half-way through, no matter how hard I fight it, I end up falling asleep.

  I’m not sure how much later I wake up against Sully’s arm to the sound of someone knocking on my door. He glances down with a soft smile. “Hey, sleepyhead. You expecting anyone?”

  Embarrassed, I sit up and wipe the drool off my chin. “No.”

  I move and he places his hand on my leg. “Stay there. I’ll get the door.”

  At some point, he must have pulled a blanket over me and I tuck my feet up under it as I turn my head to watch him.

  It’s none of my business, but it bugs me that Aubrey’s alone in the apartment so late at night. Or would be if I hadn’t decided to stick around.

  That’s why I answer the door. If anyone thinks she’s easy prey, they’re in for a shock.

  It’s a good thing I answer too. With his hood pulled up, I can barely make out the guy’s face. He’s got a few inches on me, but I’m already calculating which spots I’ll strike if he makes a move toward Aubrey.

  “Hey.” He scowls at me, attempting to step forward. “Is Aubrey home?”

  I block him from stepping across the threshold. “Who are you?”

  “Who are you?” he asks, placing his hands on his hips. “Where’s Aubrey?”

  “Tyler!” Aubrey calls, struggling to get up off the couch.

  “Are you okay, honey?” he asks.


  Obviously she knows the guy. My urge to tell him to get lost and slam the door in his face almost wins, but I step aside and let him enter.

  It occurs to me I’ve never asked if she has a boyfriend. He’s too old for her, but no one’s asked my opinion.

  “Sully,” Aubrey says. “This is my neighbor. Gambler’s his dog.”

  “You might want to invest in some obedience classes for him,” I say instead of hello. My mama raised me with better manners than that, but as far as I’m concerned, this guy’s responsible for Aubrey getting hurt so I’m not feeling very polite.

  “I know,” he says, shaking his head. “Celia called to bitch me out. I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I’m so sorry, hon.”

  Maybe he’s not a total douche. Maybe he’s Celia’s boyfriend.

  “It’s not your fault,” Aubrey says. “I’ll be okay.” She throws the blanket back and Tyler’s eyes widen.

  “Shit, Aubrey. Your leg’s a mess.”

  “I’m fine,” she insists. “Sully fixed me up.”

  Tyler finally glances at me and with his hood now down I recognize him. “You’re Keegan’s buddy? The dog rescuer?”

  “That’s me.” He holds out his hand and I shake it. “Sullivan Wallace, right? You own Strike Back?”


  Now that we’ve established we have a friend in common, Ty’s posture relaxes. Mine doesn’t. The mild urge to punch him still lingers.

  “I’ve only had Gambler for about a week. He’s friendly as hell but strong. I should’ve worked with him more before having Aubrey handle him on her own. I was in a tough spot though.”

  “It’s fine, Ty. Really,” Aubrey insists. “I’m just lucky Sully was there to catch him, so he didn’t get hit by a car.”

  “Thanks, man,” Ty says. He turns back to Aubrey. “You need me to get anything for you?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  He shakes his head and pulls his wallet out of his pocket, flipping it open and grabbing a wad of bills that he hands to Aubrey.

  “Ty. That’s way more than we agreed on.”

  “I didn’t know you were gonna get hurt,” he says, refusing to take any of the money she pushes at him. Aubrey finally gives up and stuffs it in her back pocket.


  “If you need anything, let me know. Okay?”

  “I will.”

  Ty’s gaze slides between Aubrey and me. “You sure everything’s okay?” The, Do you need me to get rid of this jerk expression on his face isn’t lost on me.

  Now I really want to tell him to back off, but at the same time, I’m glad Aubrey has someone looking out for her.

  Aubrey ducks her head. “I’m fine. Thanks, Ty.”

  He gives us one last inspection before saying good night.

  I’m burning to ask about their relationship, but don’t know how to phrase the question without giving Aubrey the wrong impression.

  Keep telling yourself you’re not interested in her.

  She lets out a big yawn and stretches, showing off all the curves I want to memorize with my tongue. “Sorry I fell asleep on you,” she says in a husky voice.

  “Glad you were comfortable enough to fall asleep.” I glance at the clock. “I should go. Will your sister be home soon?”

  She stands and hobbles over to me. “She probably went out after work. I’ll be okay.”

  I’m not sure what possesses me, but I reach out and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She ducks her head. “I’m probably a mess.”

  “Messy looks good on you.” Makes me think what it would be like to wake up next to her in the morning. All her long, silky, coconut-scented hair spilling over my pillows.

  It’s official. I’ve reached the knows-what-her-hair-smells-like level of creepiness.

  She tilts her head back.

  Her full, cherry-red lips part. So close. So kissable.

  My pulse quickens.

  She closes her eyes.

  Waiting for the kiss this moment demands.

  Instead, I squeeze her hand, let myself out, and pretend I don’t notice the disappointment clouding her eyes.


  Dearest Aubrey,

  Remember the beautiful conversations we used to have? No one knew you better than me. No one knew me better than you. I miss those days and dream of you often.

  You’ve made so many changes in your life. Moving in with your sister. Drifting aimlessly from one menial job to another. You once had so many higher aspirations. What happened?

  Is it because I’m not there to guide and support you? For that, I’m so sorry, sweetheart.

  I don’t blame you anymore. I need you to know that.

  You & me for infinity, Aubrey.

  Soon we’ll be together, and I’ll make up for all the time we’ve lost.

  All my love,


  I saved the letter. It’s been sitting on my desk for three days. Taunting me.

  Now I wish I’d thrown it away the second my sister handed it to me.

  My hands shake as I fold the letter back into its envelope and tuck i
t away in my desk drawer.

  A trickle of fear runs down my spine. I should’ve kept better tabs on him.

  Instead of pretending I could start over fresh.

  Celia’s already left for the day. Once again I’m alone and it’s starting to weigh on me.

  There’s a thump in the hallway outside the apartment and I practically jump out of my skin. It’s not an unusual noise. Things bump and bang all hours of the day and night here.

  But it’s enough to snap me out of my fog.

  I need to get out of here.

  A safe place, preferably with lots of people sounds perfect.

  Sully’s studio. Not because of him. Well, because of him, yes. It’s more than that, though. Taking his self-defense classes has given me back some of my confidence. I’m not stupid enough to think a few afternoons learning to punch, kick, and evade a would-be attacker make me invincible. But at least he’s given me a fighting chance against a harsh world.

  Strike Back is dead quiet when I open the front door an hour later.

  Sully’s behind the front counter talking with a terrifyingly large blond man in heavy black boots, jeans, a T-shirt that shows off thoroughly inked and muscled arms, and a leather vest covered in various patches. The man exudes strength and power, similar to Sully, but darker, almost menacing. He shifts and I glimpse the grinning skull wearing a crown covering the back of his black leather vest.

  No ‘almost’ about it. Definite menacing vibes surround this guy.

  Did I walk in on something sinister? Is Sully in deep with the local mob? Is he about to have his knee-caps broken? Does that actually happen in real life?

  Perhaps I should skip the true crime documentaries next time I’m laid up.

  Neither of them notices me right away. They’re speaking in low tones, but I catch the name Jake more than once.

  Uncomfortable going unnoticed and eavesdropping for so long, I finally clear my throat.

  “Oh, hello there.” The blond giant smiles down at me, suddenly not looking so terrifying. “Am I in your way?” he asks, stepping back.

  He’s so polite, and doesn’t so much as drop his gaze below my face, that a guilty flush spreads over my skin for assuming he’s a criminal.

  “Hey, Aubrey, what’s up?” Sully asks, throwing a scowl at his friend. “This is Wrath, Jake’s business partner.”


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