Forever Yours

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Forever Yours Page 11

by Melissa Tereze

  Paisley rubbed her hands together, blowing into them before picking up her gloves.

  “Give me your hands.” Georgina pulled them towards her, warming them with her own gloves. “Did you want to leave? You’re freezing.” She squeezed Paisley’s hands gently, their eyes locking. “I don’t want you to get sick over Christmas.”

  “I dreamt about that,” Paisley said, her eyes switching from Georgina’s to her lips. “That time I was sick, and you looked after me.”


  “It woke me in the night.” Paisley lowered her eyes. “Did that ever happen to you?” she asked. “Did you ever think about us together?”

  “Only every minute of every day.”

  “Paisley, love.” Both Georgina and Paisley froze. A woman was now standing behind Paisley. A woman who looked very much like Paisley. “I was just getting some last-minute shopping.”

  “Georgina,” Paisley said, climbing to her feet, “this is my mum, Pauline.”

  “Lovely to meet you.” Pauline extended her hand.

  “Mum, this is my boss, Georgina.”

  This may not have been the time or place to feel disappointed by Paisley’s words, but Georgina did. Just as they were about to reminisce, to discuss the days they spent without one another, Paisley’s family had once again disrupted it. And to top it all off, Georgina was still just Paisley’s boss.

  Georgina squared her shoulders, taking the proffered hand. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Healy.”

  “Our Paisley has told me all about you.”

  Georgina frowned. She didn’t wish to put her foot in it, so she simply cleared her throat and smiled. Pauline couldn’t possibly mean that Paisley had told her mum who Georgina once was; she wasn’t that lucky.

  “Let me get you a hot drink.” Paisley disappeared, leaving Georgina and her mum alone.

  “She’s the best assistant I’ve ever had.” Georgina threw her thumb over her shoulder. “You have a wonderful daughter.”

  “You’re back.”

  “Yes, uh…” Georgina chewed the inside of her mouth. “I had things to take care of away from the firm. It took longer than I thought it would.”

  “You should tell her.” Pauline glanced at her daughter momentarily. “You should tell her exactly the kind of man her father was.”

  Georgina’s eyes widened. “Y-you knew?”

  “I had to listen to my daughter cry herself to sleep night after night,” Pauline admitted, her eyes welling with tears. “She was so in love with you, Georgina. When Patrick died, only three days later she told me about you. But I already knew.” Pauline offered Georgina a sad smile. “If I could have helped her—helped you—I would have.”

  “Your husband was an animal, Mrs. Healy. I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, but he ruined my life. He ruined his daughter’s life.”

  Pauline sighed. “And he ruined mine. Do you think he was easy to live with?”

  “I don’t imagine he was.” Georgina glanced over her shoulder; Paisley was nearing the end of the queue. Before Paisley returned, Georgina needed to know how much Pauline was aware of her husband’s behaviour. Did she know everything? “He told you?”

  “That night,” Pauline replied. “I told him he was making a mistake. I told him he couldn’t rule her life…but he thought different.” Pauline motioned for Georgina to sit back down at the table she and Paisley had shared. “Whenever he went away, I thought about telling her. That she should look for you and run away with you, but Patrick would have found her. He had so many connections—awful, terrible friends—and I couldn’t risk either of you being hurt. Because he would have, Georgina. He wouldn’t have thought twice about doing the unthinkable.”

  “Why did you stay with him?”

  “Fear,” Pauline admitted, her voice wavering. “Everything was always about fear with Patrick.”

  “Mrs. Healy, if I’m ever lucky enough to get your daughter back, do I have your blessing?”

  Pauline nodded. “One hundred percent. And please, you know how stubborn she is…don’t give up on her.”

  “I spent every moment thinking about her.” A tear slid down Georgina’s cheek, settling at her jawline. It felt good to finally say those words out loud to someone other than Paisley. It lifted one hell of a weight knowing she didn’t have to hide her love for Paisley anymore. “But I think the damage is too much to repair. Tonight has been all I could have hoped for, but Paisley is so distant.”

  “Give her time.”

  “I want to, I’d wait as long as she needed me to, but I don’t know if it’ll work out in the end. I can’t spend my life waiting and wondering if she’ll ever take me back.”

  “So, tell her. She deserves to know the truth.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her the truth?”

  “Because I’m a coward. I never stopped all of this from happening.”

  “You probably had as much chance of convincing him as I did.” Georgina reached out, squeezing Pauline’s hand. “After Christmas, okay? I don’t want to ruin another one for her.”

  “After Christmas,” Pauline agreed. “She’s coming back over…”

  “Mum, they didn’t have any marshmallows left.” Paisley placed a hot chocolate down in front of Pauline, returning to her seat beside Georgina. “And I’m not pointing fingers, but Georgina definitely swiped a few extras from the jar for mine earlier…”

  Georgina shrugged. “What can I say? I know how much you love them.”

  Paisley’s hand fell to Georgina’s thigh beneath the table, squeezing it as her eyes remained on Pauline’s. Though she was wearing jeans, Georgina could feel the heat from Paisley’s hands she never thought she would experience again.

  “Well, I’m going to take this to go.” Pauline smiled as she stood up. “It was lovely to finally meet you, Georgina.” Pauline’s eyes finally landed on her daughters. “Have a wonderful Christmas together.”

  Paisley stood, hugging her mum. “You’ll let me know when you’re back from Oisín’s?”

  “I will, love.” Pauline cupped her daughters face. “I’m so proud of you, Paisley.”

  “Thanks, Mum.”

  Georgina watched Paisley say goodbye to her mother, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she did. This wasn’t the expected outcome of tonight, but Georgina was satisfied.

  She glanced up to find Paisley watching her. “You told your mum who I was.”

  “I did.” Paisley nodded. “The second I came out.”

  Georgina adjusted the woolly hat on her head. “Yeah, she said, but why?”

  “Because I wanted her to know that at one time, I had the love of my life right in front of me.”

  Georgina’s heart sunk and nearly shattered, but she wouldn’t allow the man who ruined everything to continue to do so from the grave. Georgina rounded the table, her hands finding either side of Paisley’s neck, her thumbs settling on her jawline. “Paisley…”

  “Y-yeah?” Paisley’s dark eyes bored into Georgina’s soul. Piercing through her.

  “I’m still here. I’m right in front of you, and I want you. I need you.”

  “I’m sorry.” Paisley’s eyes closed.

  “No, please don’t do this.” Georgina’s voice trembled, but she wouldn’t let Paisley do this. They needed one another. “We should be together. Just you and me. You know I’m right.”

  “For how I’ve treated you,” Paisley continued. “I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you since you came home. You told me why you left, but I kept pushing you away.”

  “You have every right to be wary. I couldn’t ever blame you for that, but I’m not going anywhere Paisley.”

  “I never stopped loving you, Gee.” Paisley leaned into Georgina’s touch. “I tried so hard to hate you, even when you came home, but I couldn’t.”

  “I want this Christmas to be perfect.” Georgina’s thumb feathered across Paisley’s bottom lip, her mouth appearing more inviting than ever before. Soft, plump lips. That’s how G
eorgina remembered them. “And, God, I want to kiss you. Every minute of every day for the rest of my life…”

  “Come on.” Paisley settled her hands over Georgina’s. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “To where?”

  “My place?” Paisley quirked an eyebrow. “Somewhere, anywhere other than here…”

  “Yeah?” Georgina’s smile grew impossibly wide, Paisley’s hands squeezing her own as she lowered them. “You’re sure?”

  “That I want to spend the rest of this night with you?” Paisley asked, pulling Georgina away from the crowd. “I’m more than sure.”


  Paisley sat comfortably between Georgina’s legs, resting back against her warm, slender body. This version of Georgina—outside the office—was her favourite. It always would be. No suit. Without pretence. Just Georgina, in the flesh. Herself. Not the image she had to maintain throughout the working week. Georgina didn’t bring the work home with her, leaving them both with stress-free nights together. They would get that back; they had to.

  Paisley may have been hesitant and stupid but spending the evening down at the Christmas market with Georgina had confirmed feelings that really didn’t need any confirmation. Georgina was holding her how she used to, soft and tender but providing that element of protection. Her steady breathing was enough to send all of Paisley’s worries into outer space, never to be felt or thought about again.

  Six months. A measly six months was how long they’d had together last time…but it felt like a lifetime. Georgina made everything feel worthwhile, including Paisley’s decision to bring her back here tonight. She still had a framed photo of them beside her bed—holidaying in the south of France—and anything Georgina had ever given her, gifted to her, remained on display. It always would. Including the bracelet retrieved from the box at Georgina’s just last night. The one that sat perfectly on her wrist.

  Georgina’s fingertips toyed with the white gold, her lips finding the side of Paisley’s neck. With her eyes closed, Paisley simply revelled in the sensation of those indulgent, full lips. Georgina’s lips had always done something indescribable to Paisley’s body, that perfect pressure applied with every touch, every kiss. Paisley hadn’t felt that with Victoria. Everything had always been urgent and needy, Victoria never taking a moment to enjoy Paisley. That was okay, though. Paisley didn’t need another woman to replace Georgina or what they’d shared. She just needed Georgina.

  “Paisley…” Georgina spoke barely above a whisper, sending a shiver down Paisley’s spine. “I do love you.”

  “I know.” Paisley shifted, turning on her side and tilting her head to meet Georgina’s eyes. “I love you, too.”

  With those words, the dam burst. Tears fell freely from Georgina’s deep, green eyes, her breath catching as she sobbed into her hands. Paisley needed to feel a connection to the only woman she’d ever loved, choosing to climb from the space between Georgina’s legs, pulling her up and against Paisley’s body.

  “Hey,” Paisley breathed, curling her fingers under Georgina’s chin. “I don’t like seeing you upset.”

  “H-hold me.” Georgina fell into Paisley’s arms, gripping her back as though her life depended on it. “God, I never want to lose you again.” she turned her face into Paisley’s neck. “You deserve the truth.”

  “Another time.” Paisley pulled back, taking Georgina’s hand and guiding her towards her bedroom door. “Tonight, I just want to be with you.”

  “Oh, God.” Georgina’s tears subsided, her teeth tugging on her bottom lip. “T-this is actually happening.” The door opened and Paisley nodded, smiling as her eyes turned almost black.

  “Stay the night with me.”

  “Yes,” Georgina agreed without a second thought. “Every time, yes.”

  Both disappearing into the darkness of Paisley’s bedroom, Georgina watched as Paisley’s bedside table lamp flickered on. Illuminating the room dimly, Paisley held out her hand, smiling when Georgina took it and pressed her body against Paisley’s.

  “Paisley…” Georgina’s eyes searched her face. There was no doubt that she was looking for signs of hesitation; she wouldn’t find any. Paisley may have spent the last ten days or so backing away, but this right now was real. She hadn’t brought Georgina back here only to end this. No, Paisley was fully aware of what was unfolding between them. The love they once shared. The pain of being apart. That connection strengthening as the moments passed.

  “Gee,” Paisley whispered.

  “I know I left,” Georgina’s hand found Paisley’s heart, “but please, don’t break my heart.”

  Paisley frowned. “I-I–”

  “If this is your way of getting me back, I need to know.” The pain in Georgina’s eyes knocked the wind out of Paisley. “If this is a final goodbye from you, please, prepare me for it.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you.” Paisley lifted Georgina’s hand, kissing her fingertips as she guided her towards the bed. “You. I want you.”

  Georgina simply stared, her eyes still damp with tears. Paisley wasn’t sure how she could tell Georgina how she felt, so she would show her instead. After all, their sex life had been incredibly fulfilling before Georgina left.

  She guided Georgina down on the bed, Paisley’s fingers immediately unzipping the hoodie covering Georgina’s body. Royal blue lace came into view, concealing ample breasts and taking Paisley’s breath away. Georgina in lace underwear did everything to Paisley’s body, that was no secret, but this moment was completely unexpected. How was she supposed to concentrate and focus when all she could see in her mind’s eye was the last time she’d made love to Georgina? Writhing. Moaning. Their bodies one.

  “Paisley?” Georgina looked up through hooded eyes, her hands settling on Paisley’s hips as she drew her in closer. “I’ve missed you so much.” Georgina’s hand slid to Paisley stomach, lifting her shirt, her forehead now resting against Paisley’s bare skin. “Everything.”

  Paisley’s hand weaved through Georgina’s long, flowing hair, tilting her head back to meet Paisley’s gaze. Her heart beating in a steady rhythm, Paisley used her free hand to unbutton her shirt. Georgina watched on, her eyes hungry and urging Paisley to give that little bit more. Skin came into view, Paisley’s abdominals contracting as Georgina’s hand slowly ghosted up her stomach.

  “This moment…” Georgina paused, pressing her lips to Paisley’s bare stomach. “I thought it would never happen.”

  “Look at me.” Paisley guided Georgina’s eyes to her own. “I’ve dreamt about this moment…and I know you have, too.”

  Georgina smiled, her eyelids fluttering closed. “I have.”

  Paisley straddled Georgina’s legs unexpectedly, pushing her down onto the bed as she did. They could discuss their wants and needs for one another over the years, or they could act on them. Right now, Paisley needed to act on them. To feel Georgina beneath her. Her soft moans drowning out every cry to have ever spilled from her lips. Tonight, it was just them. Alone and still as in love as they once were. Paisley didn’t need to drag this out and she had no plans to; Georgina would wake beside her tomorrow, her very naked and very beautiful body completely spent. That is what Paisley thought about. Not the past. Not the tears. Not the opportunities they’d missed out on. Just this moment. Fully present.

  Paisley’s lips worked the swell of Georgina’s breasts, her chest heaving as she moved lower to the lace covering what she desired. Paisley could spend her life on top of this woman, she truly could. Her fingers found the front clasp on Georgina’s bra, flicking it until her breasts spilled out.

  “You’re still the most beautiful woman in the world, Gee.”

  Georgina silenced Paisley, pulling her flush against her and kissing her fervently. Paisley slid her hand down between them, needing more. The moment she touched Georgina, everything would fall back into place. It had to.

  “Paisley…” Georgina pulled back, breathless. “God, I really need you to touch me.”

Paisley smiled into another kiss, her hand pushing past the waistband of Georgina’s jeans. It wasn’t ideal, she needed Georgina totally naked, but the desire was too much. Tonight would go on into the early hours—this, for now, would work.

  Georgina, damp with arousal, arched her back as Paisley’s tongue travelled down her neck, along her collarbone, before taking a nipple between her teeth. Neither could deny the craving between them—deep within. Paisley suddenly climbed from Georgina, tugging her jeans over her ass and down her legs. Her eyes focused on more blue lace, her fingers curling around the waistband.

  “Take them off, Paisley.”

  Paisley’s eyes travelled back up Georgina’s half naked body, her bottom lip firmly between her teeth. Though she felt calm—wanting this to happen—her heart suddenly thrashed. Her pulse thrumming hard in her ears. Without losing Georgina’s gaze, Paisley slid Georgina’s underwear from her legs, dropping them to the floor beside the bed.

  Paisley fell to her knees between Georgina’s legs, her hands pushing them open wider. Kissing her way up Georgina’s thighs, her mouth stopped at the tiny strip of blonde curls sitting above glistening arousal. One finger pushed between her swollen lips, Georgina gasping as her hips bucked.


  Paisley repeated the movement, her eyes closing as Georgina moaned softly. Paisley climbed to her feet, urging Georgina back on the bed and falling down on top of her. Her hand once again disappeared between them, Georgina’s green eyes staring at Paisley when she touched her.

  “D-do you still want me?” Georgina asked. “After everything?”

  “I want you so much.” Pushing two fingers inside Georgina, Paisley’s eyes closed. This; it was everything and more. “Oh, God.” Paisley sunk deeper, Georgina’s hips matching her thrusts. “Only you.”

  Georgina pulled Paisley into a passionate kiss, her teeth nipping and sucking on her bottom lip. Paisley knew Georgina remembered their first time together…and their last. The emotion between them was overwhelming, but this was real. This was definitely happening.


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