Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast

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Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast Page 12

by Blue Saffire

  I couldn’t be happier to be done with this mission. The moment the plane takes off for home, I can feel the blood pumping through my veins. After dropping off Nate and his team, we are finally on our way home. I will have my girl in my arms soon.

  It has been a fight to not think about that last kiss outside her apartment. I wanted to carry her inside right then and there and fuck her until we were both weak. Half way home, I can’t wait any longer. A text is better than nothing.

  I pull my phone from my pocket and turn it on. I go to send a text, but notice I have one from my brother. I decide to open it first. As the video comes up, I can’t believe what I am seeing. I growl a deep rumbling sound from my gut. I’m going to kill this motherfucker. I knew I should have handled him before I left.

  I feel Wyatt look over my shoulder and the same growl rises from his throat. I don’t blame him as I watch his girl work with mine to beat the shit out of the punk bitch on my screen.

  “What the fuck is that? Tell me it is a joke or some training you set up while we were gone,” Wyatt snarls.

  “This motherfucker is going to wish this was a joke,” I snarl. “That’s Bean’s dead ex-boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, well, why is my girl handing him his fucking ass on a video,” Wyatt hisses like a mad man. “Who is recording that shit? Wait…did she just pull a gun?”

  I shake my head because sure as shit, Nellie pulls a gun just before Ryan comes into view. I know Brax is the one recording this shit. He is the one that sent it. He is going to have me to answer to when I get my hands on him.

  I’m proud of Rebecca, but that doesn’t make me any less pissed off. I feel like I am going to boil right out of my skin. This plane needs to land and soon.

  I start the video over, because I am in disbelief of what I just watched. I smirk when Bean and Nellie kick that pussy in his back. Johnathan is now standing over us to see what has both me and Wyatt growling like caged bears.

  “Damn,” John whistles when Nellie scissor kicks the prick and Bean follows with a backflip double kick.

  I have the phone in a vice grip as I grit my teeth. When I get my hands on this motherfucker he is going to feel the pain. I’m going to make it hurt. I almost laugh as I watch Nellie pull a .45 once again. I taught my girls well.

  “So I guess we won’t be getting any sleep yet,” Johnathan sighs.

  “I got this,” I grumble. “Brax said Bean has been staying with Nellie and working at the office. Wyatt, you go take care of our girls. I got this asshole. I’ve owed him a visit for some time now.”

  I don’t need my brothers for this little bitch. I can’t wait to get my hands on him. I can feel my jaw ticking as I grind my teeth. I try to focus on anything else before my head explodes.

  I have my eyes closed when my brother starts to vibrate beside me. I open my eyes to see that Wyatt’s face is bright red. If I thought he was pissed before, he is livid now. “What the fuck,” I ask.

  He just hands me his phone. I read the text from Felix and I start to see red. Yup, no sleep tonight. First, we both check in on the girls, then we handle business. Somebody is not making it through this night and it’s no one that belongs to me.



  This all sucks, we were having such a great time out shopping. Nellie had the great idea to go shopping before the guys get back, to get something sexy for when they arrive. They are due back tonight. So Heather, Nellie, and I went to do some shopping, with Braxton along to watch over us, of course.

  I can’t even believe the sexy stuff I bought for myself. I’m still blushing each time I think of it. All of that excitement and joy was killed with one text.

  I cannot believe that asshole trashed Nellie’s place. What did she say his name was? Barry, her ex’s name is Barry something, I like asshole better. I mean, who does that? He destroyed everything. Her apartment looks like it was run through by savages.

  You had to see the pictures, there was so much hatred and loathing in the damage he inflicted on Nellie’s place. I got a chill just from looking at it.

  That monster shredded her clothes, her mattress, even the bed coverings. Nellie’s bathroom toilet was stuffed full of her ruined underwear and bras. The sick bastard destroyed all of her family photos and smashed up her furniture.

  I already know that Nellie hasn’t told us everything. The way she freaked out when she received that text and when Braxton told us what happened in her apartment, I just know she is holding something back.

  I have been watching my friend fall apart before my eyes and it is making me so mad. I’m so happy Noah and Wyatt are on their way home. I don’t know what else to do for Nellie and that is killing me. Heather and I have tried to soothe her, but she is driving me nuts as the anxiety oozes off of her.

  If Nellie bounces around one more time I’m going to scream. She is making me nervous. I don’t even think she knows she is doing it.

  Honestly, I am already nervous to have Noah returning home. I know he is going to want to lay hands on Joshua, but that’s the last thing I’m worried about. My stomach drops as I think of Noah’s erection poking into me as he told me he needed me at Halo’s.

  Things are about to change between us forever. Once we take that step we can never go back. I stick my manicured fingertip into my mouth and start to nibble. I need something to distract me from Nellie and my own thoughts.

  Just when I let my thoughts wander to a safe place, the front door bursts open. Wyatt comes rushing through the door first, but I see Noah rushing in right behind him. Nellie flies by me and into Wyatt’s arms. He lifts her from her feet and allows her to wrap around him.

  My heart breaks as I hear Nellie breakdown and sob. Wyatt murmurs to her as he heads for the master bedroom, not giving attention to anything other than Nellie. I know my friend’s man has her.

  I turn my attention to my own man. Or at least, I think that is what I can call him. Noah walks in and stops just a foot away from me as I sit perched on the couch. He doesn’t say a word as he folds his tatted arms over his chest and stares at me. His legs are in a wide stance and his eyes are solely trained on me.

  Heather lets out a low whistle. “I think I’m going to head home,” she says and stands to gather her things.

  “I’ll follow you there,” Brax says and stands.

  “Sit your ass back down,” Noah growls, without taking his eyes off me. “Ry, make sure Heather gets home safe and then head back over here. Wyatt and I will be heading back out to handle business.”

  Braxton grumbles something under his breath, but he sits back down. Heather smirks and pats Braxton on the shoulder as she walks by. Braxton gives her a hard look that makes her turn away and rush out the door. Ryan chuckles and follows Heather out.

  I go to stand, but sit back on my butt just as quickly. I see the small smile that tilts the corner of Noah’s mouth. I wipe my hands on my dress and lick my lips. Noah’s smile grows as his eyes roam over me.

  Noah tilts his head and lifts a brow at me. I don’t know what to do, so I remain seated, blinking dumbly up at him. Noah shakes his head and opens his arms for me.

  I jump from my seat and rush into his arms. I hug him tight and inhale his scent. I missed him so much. I pull away to look up into his eyes. Noah gives me a questioning look and I know what he is waiting for.

  I lick my lips nervously once more, then I nod my head. “I belong to you,” I say in almost a whisper, because my throat is too dry to speak any louder.

  Noah’s face breaks into a face splitting smile, just before he tosses me over his shoulder. I yelp and cling to the back of his t-shirt as he heads for the upstairs rooms in Wyatt’s house. I swear I start drooling at the sight of his hot tight ass in his cargo pants. One of his big callused hands slides up my thigh, under my dress and squeezes, then repeatedly strokes my skin.

  “Which room have you been staying in,” he says huskily when we get to the top of the stairs.

  “The blue room,” I squawk and
point around him as best I can.

  Noah moves swiftly into the room and boots the door closed. He sets me on my feet, steadying me before he cups my face in his warm palms. “Say it again,” he breathes in my face.

  “I belong to you,” I say, smiling up at him shyly.

  Noah groans and captures my lips in a passionate, possessive kiss. I cling to his t-shirt, holding on to my own sanity, by my fingertips. His hands move into my messy bun as he deepens the kiss. I feel my nipples harden against my bra and my panties melt between my thighs.

  I reach for the hem of Noah’s t-shirt and tug it up. He breaks the kiss to allow me to pull it up over his head. Noah grabs my hips and bunches my dress up in his hands, before he tugs it up over my head. I fight the urge to cover myself as his eyes seem to feast on me.

  “You’re gorgeous all over,” Noah mutters. “Come here.”

  I move closer and wrap my arms around his neck. Noah grabs my ass and pulls me into his body. He starts a trail of hot kisses from my ear down my neck.

  I feel his hard cock press against my belly and I stiffen. “Noah?” I say softly.

  “Yes,” he groans.

  “I need to tell you something,” I shiver as his tongue slide over the trail he just made with his lips.

  “What is it, Baby,” Noah whispers in my ear, scrambling my thoughts.

  I pull away and back up enough to put a good distance between us. Noah’s brows knit in concern. I get distracted by his muscled, tattoo covered chest. His peck flex as he starts to tense up in anticipation of my words. My eyes flick up to his and I see his temper about to come to the surface when he thinks I may say something he’s not going to like. I hold my hands up to still his temper.

  “Relax, I just need to tell you something,” I lick my lips and press forward. “This will be my first time,” I breathe out all at once.

  Noah stares at me blankly for a moment. “What do you mean?” He asks as if he has heard me wrong.

  “I’ve never… you know. I haven’t had sex before,” I shrug my shoulders and fidget. I cross my arms over my body feeling really self-conscious now.

  Noah moves across the room faster than a guy his size should be able to. He grabs a hold of my hair and tugs my head back. His tongue is thrust between my lips as he growls into my mouth. I grip his biceps and hold onto him tightly.

  His free hand slides down my side to my thigh and then between my legs. Noah hisses when he finds my wet center. “Damn, Rebecca, you’re soaked,” Noah rasps. “If you respond to me like this, I’m going to have a hard time not fucking you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whimper as his big fingers slide back and further over my swollen folds.

  Noah shakes his head. His lips graze back and further over mine in the barest touch with the motion. “There is nothing to be sorry about, Baby. I’m not fucking you for the first time in my brother’s house. I just want to taste you,” Noah says as he nibbles on my lips.

  My head falls back as Noah’s fingers slip pass the fabric of my panties and in between my pussy lips. “Noah,” I moan.

  Noah licks from the base of my throat up to my chin. “I’ve died a thousand times waiting to hear you moan my name like that,” Noah groan. “Do you like that, Baby? Do you like my fingers inside you?”

  “Yes,” I whimper as my legs start to tremble. I gasp and whine when Noah pulls his fingers free.

  “Come here,” he says as he releases my hair and holds his hand out to me.

  I take his hand and he leads me around the bed. He kicks off his boots, and sits on the edge of the bed. He bends to pull my shoes from my feet. I hold onto his shoulders as I step out of my shoes one by one. Noah turns and lies back on the bed, making himself comfortable on the pillow.

  “Come sit on my face,” Noah commands and licks his lips. “I want you to become acquainted with your new throne.”

  I hesitant for only a few seconds before I straddle his waist on the bed and begin to climb up his body to sit on his face. When my thighs are on either side of his face, Noah grasps my hips and pulls me down into his mouth.

  He licks me through the damp fabric of my panties. I cry out and reach to lock my fingers in his hair. Noah uses his tongue to push my panties out of his way. I convulse when he gets beyond the barrier and licks his way through my folds. I can’t help but rock my hips into his face. The hairs of his beard rub against my skin and cause a delicious shockwave to hit my senses.

  Noah growls into my core as I tighten my hold in his hair and really start to ride his face. This is the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had. His tongue circles my clit and my whole back bows.

  “Noah,” I call out.

  “You taste so fucking good. Damn, Rebecca, I’m going to eat this pussy every chance I get,” Noah rasps as he gives me a small break from his mouth. His big thumb runs through my lower lips, then presses on my swollen clit.

  “Please, Noah,” I sob in need.

  Noah tastes me with a light lick before he sucks my lower lips into his mouth one by one. I rock my hips, trying to get more friction from his mouth. Noah slips the tips of two fingers inside me and my eyes cross.

  I’m so close, I can feel it. I have touched myself to fantasies of Noah, but I’ve never felt anything like this when touching myself. My body locks as I scream out his name and come hard.

  Noah doesn’t let up, instead he rips my panties from my body and tosses the fabric aside. With my ass exposed, Noah grabs two hands full of my globes. He spreads me with his big, long fingers and starts to take deeper, longer licks, from front to back.

  I’m on sensory overload. “Noah,” I blink away tears of ecstasy.

  Noah flips me onto my back, surprising me. He continues to lap at me as he reaches to pinch my nipples through the fabric of my bra. My head thrashes back and forth as I try to crawl away. Noah lifts his head and I can see my juices covering his face. His beard looks wet and sticky with my cream.

  Noah peels the cups of my bra down to reveal my breasts. His lids hood even lower as my nipples come into view. Noah runs a hand down his beard then licks his palm. He smirks at me then lowers to suck my right nipple into his mouth. I buck off the bed and claw my fingers down his back.

  Noah growls against my breast and reaches between my legs to play with my pussy while he sucks, circles, and nips my hardened peak with his mouth.

  I try to coil into myself away from his masterful touch, but he is not giving an inch. Noah drags his face from one breast to the other, allowing his facial hair to tickle my sensitive skin. “I’ve wanted to get my hands on these tits for forever. Your body is amazing,” Noah murmurs just before he sucks my other breast into his mouth.

  I come hard again. Harder than the last time. I don’t know if it is his touch or his words, but I’m a goner. As I lie limp beneath him, Noah kisses his way down my stomach pausing at my belly button. I gasp when he dips his tongue inside, then tugs at my belly ring with his teeth.

  “I think you got this shit to torture me,” Noah smiles against my skin.

  I remember the day I got my belly pierced like it was yesterday. We’d just gone to look at some ink Noah was thinking about getting. I don’t know how I ended up getting a piercing.

  Noah did get ink that day. A compass over his heart. It’s a beautiful piece that is special to us both. Where the N should be for North, Noah has a R B, for Rebecca Bean…or so I thought. My mind races as I consider that those letters could stand for Rebecca Black.

  I stop my train of thought. I am so getting ahead of myself. I’d asked him that day why he’d gotten my initials and he told me he would tell me one day. I’d wanted to get a matching piece, but I’ve never decided on where to put it.

  Noah kisses his way back up my body as he continues to strum my love with his skilled fingers. He captures my lips and kisses me deeply. I groan loudly into his mouth when I taste myself on his lips.

  I run my fingers over the compass on his chest. Noah breaks the kiss and looks me in the eyes. He answe
rs the questions in my mind as he speaks as if hearing my every thought.

  “Do you remember the day you got pierced and I got this tat? I told you I would tell you why I got it one day,” Noah breathes. I whimper and nod my head, because words are not capable of forming on my lips this time. “You are my compass, Rebecca. I have known for a long time that one day I would make you mine. My heart will always find its way to you.”

  I gush right on his hand as I’m overwhelmed by his words. I gasp and Noah swallows it in another searing kiss. Noah removes his hand from between my legs and lowers his body onto mine. He rocks into me and I dig my nails into his back.

  “Noah,” I plea.

  “Baby,” Noah rasps and rocks into me again. He reaches between us to release the button on his pants. “You have me so hard.”

  Noah’s phone chirps right at that moment and I groan and sigh. I know he is about to leave, and I really don’t want him to. Noah freezes and places his forehead to mine. He inhales deeply reigning in control.

  “I need to handle this. I’ll take you home when I get back,” Noah pecks my lips and lifts up off of me and then climbs off the bed. He shoves his feet into his boots, while pulling out his phone to check it. Noah walks over to grab up his discarded t-shirt, grunting at his phone. Before leaving the room, he walks back over to place one more kiss on my lips.

  I pout in disappointment. For one, I don’t want him to go. Secondly, I don’t want to go home, I want to go to his place and finish what we started. My bed is too small for Noah, but I don’t say a word as he makes his way out of the room. Instead, I sag into the mattress and let my sated bliss take me under.




  Watching Wyatt beat the shit out of Nellie’s ex wasn’t enough to starve off my beast. It just fueled my need to feed my boiling rage. Once Dad, Uncle Rob, and Uncle Steve showed up to handle that piece of garbage for good, Wyatt and I took off to catch this fuck, Joshua.

  I have no doubts Dad and Uncle Steve will handle that piece of shit Wyatt knocked out cold. He won’t be troubling Nellie ever again. I snort in my head. He was a tough guy against an apartment. His bitch ass didn’t last two seconds against my brother.


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