Player of Life (Perception Book 4)

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Player of Life (Perception Book 4) Page 3

by Shandi Boyes

  The next morning, I assist in getting Emily prepared for her date with Zander. She was so excited about finally being able to go on a date with a guy she had been lusting over since Phillip’s party a few months ago. By the time she finished getting ready, I even had a hard time recognizing her. I decided to go for a more minimised look, wanting to look the least attractive to Christian as possible.

  When we made our way off the escalators, I instantly spotted Christian and Zander standing at the front of the cinema complex. Emily excitedly made her way towards them while I hesitantly followed behind. As Emily and Zander greeted each other, Christian’s eyes roamed over my outfit before he smiled. When Emily introduced us as if we were strangers, Christian’s eyebrow cocked high into his hairline, but he didn’t say anything as he lent in and kissed my cheek, leaving the scent of his aftershave behind. I narrowed my eyes at him, causing Emily to giggle.

  “Come on Jenni, it was a grandma kiss” Emily giggled. She can giggle, she doesn’t know how skilful his lips really are.

  I rolled my eyes at Zander’s movie selection, once again causing Emily to giggle. She soon stopped giggling once Zander’s confused gaze turned back to look at us. When Emily explained that Brad Pitt was going to be topless most of the movie, I practically ran back towards Zander and Christian. Christian’s body is a little more built than it was when I first saw him naked, but not by much. I looked forward to making several comments throughout the movie about the incredible build of Brad Pitt, just to try and lessen Christian’s arrogant egotistical attitude.

  “Oh my, would you look at those pecks” I gush, while biting down on my bottom lip and letting out a slight moan. When my eyes turn to sneakily look at Christian, I notice that he isn’t even looking at the movie screen. His eyes are directly focused on me.

  “So muscular” I inform while trying to keep my eyes firmly planted on the movie screen, but failing miserably. When my eyes eventually turn to look at Christian, he is smiling brightly, causing my pussy to get a rush of excitement.

  Christian is definitely your equivalent of a high school player, but he has the moves and the skills to be able to pull it off. I just couldn’t believe that I had been stupid enough to get myself snagged by him. When he lavishes you with all of his attention, you feel like you’re the only girl in the world. Until you give him what he wants and then he turns around and spits you out like a piece of used gum.

  “You’re still my favorite” he whispers while his eyes stare seductively into mine.

  “Out of a long list of many” I respond sarcastically, while rolling my eyes and turning my attention back to the movie screen.

  I hear him softly chuckle before he leans in closer to my face, his breath fluttering against my overheated cheeks

  “You make me want to break all my rules” he informs quietly. My gaze flicks to his with my eyebrows pulled tightly together in confusion.

  I can’t say that I am completely innocent in this situation. Christian was totally honest from the instant we started making out at Bronte’s Peak after our date. He explained that he wasn’t looking for anyone permanent in his life and that he had rules in place to make sure girls like me fully understood that. Such as, the one time we have sex will remain the one and only time we will have sex. Christian openly admitted that he had never slept with the same girl twice. He explained that it guaranteed that we wouldn’t become attached to him. You’d think that would have been my cue to leave, but when you look into his eyes and he kisses you, any concerns you had soon vanish.

  I grab a handful of my popcorn out of the box and threw it into his face before turning my gaze back to the movie screen. I was here supporting Emily not trying to organise another romp in the bedroom with the school’s biggest player.

  When Zander dropped Christian home and he turned to ask me if I was sure, I could see the confusion all over Emily’s face. I had planned on telling her all about Christian the instant we entered my house, but she decided to go out with Zander. Once everything hit the fan with Zander and Emily, I decided to keep quiet on my fling with Christian. I hardly spoke a word to Christian since that day. The fact that he stood by and watched as his best friend nearly destroyed mine was all it took for any feelings I had for him to turn into a simmering deep pit of rage.

  Chapter 3


  Three years later……

  “You can grab a shower in Isaac’s bathroom” I offer to Noah as I move over and show him the hidden bathroom Isaac has in his office at his dance club located in Ravenshoe.

  “If Isaac is cool with me using his shower, I have some spare clothes in my truck” Noah replies just as Isaac strolls into the room.

  “No worries Noah, you guys have really helped me out today. You are more than welcome to use my shower. I have also let Tina know that your drinks are on the house” Isaac advises Noah, before answering his ringing cell phone.

  Noahs nods his head before running down to collect his clothes from his truck parked outside.

  Noah had just been helping my brother Isaac and I out with unloading and connecting the kegs for tonight since Isaac had just fired his storeman for stealing. I was hesitant in asking Noah for help, but Isaac has mentioned a few times about a music executive that he is friends with and I am trying my hardest to get on Isaac’s good side. He has connections that will be able to help our band reach the success it is aiming for. I just need to reassure him the band is worth him putting in a good word for us.

  Our band dreams somewhat stalled two years ago when Noah’s brother Chris overdosed. It took a few months for Noah to even turn up to rehearsals and once he started showing up, he wasn’t really present. The only good thing that came out of the experience was the song he wrote called ‘Hollow’. You will never experience a song that is more daunting and sorrowful as that song. The first time I heard Noah sing it, it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Noah never once faltered on his heartbreaking performance and that is when I truly decided that I would do anything I could to remain a band member of ‘Rise Up’. I have never fucked with another band member’s girl since that day. That doesn’t mean I haven’t offered them my services if required, but none of them has yet to accept my offer.

  My brother Isaac is five years older than me and is the sole owner of an eighteen plus dance club called the ‘Dungeon’. I’m going to be honest and say I have no clue where he managed to get the money to open such an impressive looking club. This place practically screams money with its high vaulted ceilings, shackled dance cages and mahogany wood features. I’m pretty confident that the money he pours into this club isn’t from legal activities, but I can’t one hundred percent testify to that.

  Isaac and I grew up together and he was always a business orientated type of kid. He would even buy large cases of donuts at the supermarket and sell them for fifty cents apiece to the kids at school. That was a mark-up of three hundred percent, pocketing him a nice amount of change each week that he would reinvest into other quick money making schemes. What he does in his private life doesn’t really bother me, as long as it doesn’t have any flow on effect into my personal life.

  When my parents got divorced, Isaac, who was sixteen at the time, moved with our dad to Ravenshoe, while I decided to live with my mom in Florida. I was only a child at the time and didn’t realise that a majority of the problems in my parent’s marriage stemmed from my mom needing to always be the centre of attention. It took me a few years to work up the courage to ask her if I could live with my dad. Once the dust settled, it soon become apparent that it was one of the best decisions I could have ever made in my life. It was not long after moving here that Noah stumbled upon me in the music room at our high school.

  I have been trying hard the past three years to make up to the band for what I did to Slater, but he still fucking hates my guts. I can’t say I blame him. I don’t think I would ever forgive anyone if they slept with my girlfriend. But I make sure I always turn up to practice early,
I’m always the last one to leave and I do shit meaningless tasks for my brother just in a hope that he may mention my band to his music executive friend.

  “What’s your plans for tonight Nick?” Isaac questions, interrupting me from my thoughts.

  “Noah won’t drink much if he is driving, so I will probably just have a few beers with him before I go and find myself a lady” I reply, waggling my eyebrows.

  Isaac’s dark grey eyes lift from the large wooden desk he is currently sitting at to stare at me. His eyebrow is cocked and his jaw is ticking.

  “I’ll be sure to take it elsewhere this time” I chuckle.

  The last time I spent the night here, I ended up getting jumped by his bouncers in the alleyway because I refused to stop doing a ‘lewd act’ with a lady who enjoyed the thrill of fucking in public. The bouncers didn’t realise at the time that I was the owners little brother and now that I think about, I haven’t seen them since that day.

  “The offer for the apartment still stands” Isaac informs as he continues ruffling through the paperwork in front of him.

  Isaac last month had offered to rent me a large apartment at Ravenshoe so I would be closer to travel back and forth to Mavericks and to attend rehearsals at Marcus’s house. The band has managed to secure a regular Friday night gig at Mavericks a couple of months ago and he said he doesn’t like the fact that I’m commuting back to Petersburg every night. I’m hesitant in accepting his offer, I don’t really know why, but I think part of it might be the fact that I spent the majority of my teenage years watching my mom live off everyone else’s money. I really don’t want to follow in her footsteps.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I am fine living at dad’s” I reply just as Noah walks back into the office. Petersburg is only a twenty-minute trip from Ravenshoe anyway and the town is that small it doesn’t really get peak hour traffic. Once my dad retired, he sold his house at Ravenshoe and moved to Petersburg. It means the house is smaller in size but he has more land to occupy his time with.

  “I’ll meet you at the bar” I advise Noah, before heading out into the main bar area.

  The night is still pretty early but the floor space inside the club is already starting to become filled with partygoers wanting to spend their Saturday night getting sweaty, while bumping and grinding against each other. It sounds like my type of ideal night. Normally, I just host that type of night in my truck or in my companion’s bedroom.

  “Hey Tina” I greet as I walk up to the main bartender.

  Tina is one of the most petite and smallest girls I have ever seen. Her brown hair is cut in a pixie design, adding even more allure to the fact that she looks like a fairy. She has stunning hazel eyes that makes your dick twitch when you stare at them too long. She is attractive, but not in the way you’d expect. It’s a mix of unique features and attitude that makes your pulse race a little faster when you look at her.

  “How is the player tonight?” she questions while smiling.

  “Still waiting for that invite” I reply back, making her laugh loudly.

  I’ve been hounding Tina for the past few months for a chance to see if her allure matches her intensity in the bedroom. I don’t even care that she is a few years older than me as I am pretty sure she would be a little crazy between the sheets. Maybe she would be able to teach me a few pointers that I haven’t already learnt myself the past few years.

  “It must have gotten lost in the mail” she replies sarcastically as she hands me a bottle of beer. I smile against the rim of the beer, before I take a large mouth filling gulp.

  “Can I grab another bottle?” I request. One of Tina’s eyebrows cocks high into her hairline as she places her hands on her tiny hips.

  “Please” I add on quickly, forcing her stern face to morph into a smirk. She quickly grabs another bottle of beer and places it in front of me, before strutting her way to other patrons requesting her service. Her hips swaying in beat to the music being played in the club.

  “You weren’t kidding about this place getting packed” Noah states as he stands next to me. I hand him a beer and make my way to a booth located closest to the bar. I don’t want to have to stumble too far to get a refill. Although, I am sure if I requested nicely enough, Tina would probably personally deliver my beer.

  Over the next thirty minutes we watch as the dance floor becomes more crowded. People can be seen dancing provocatively under the strobing lights. Bumping and grinding against each other in sync to the music blaring out of the speakers hanging above the ceiling. There is no doubt in my mind that dancing is a form of sexual activity. It is nearly as close as the real thing, except you keep your clothes on. Although these days some of the girls clothes they wear can’t really be classed as clothing.

  When I hear Nelly Furtado’s song ‘Man Eater’ being blared over the speakers, I quickly jump from the booth I am sitting in.

  “I have to go and get myself a man eater!” I declare laughing while waggling my eyebrows at the shocked face of Noah.

  “You coming?” I question. Noah instantly starts shaking his head, looking mortified that I would even suggest that he joins me on the dance floor. That guy has no idea on what he is missing out on. The ratio of girls to men on a dance floor is normally around four to one. Four beautiful women per one horny male. Those are the types of ratios I like.

  The instant I hit the dance floor, the ratios stacks up. Several beautiful women start moving towards me. I can feel the dampness in the air from the mass of bodies dancing in the small space. The musky smell is intoxicating and reminds me of the smell of a bedroom after hot and raunchy sex. When the DJ notices me in the middle of the floor, he nods his head in greeting before playing his next song selection, Justin Timberlake’s ‘Sexy Back’. He knows as well as I do how many woman love dancing to this song. They want to feel sexy and I am more than happy to help them feel that way.

  If you’re a person that doesn’t like being man handled, then I suggest you stay off the dancefloor. I have been grabbed, poked and felt up multiple times over the last several songs. I find it amusing at the fact that women are perfectly happy grabbing a feel of my cock without permission, but if I attempted to grab their breasts without first asking, all hell would break loss. It is just lucky that I don’t mind the touchy feely type of girls.

  I am currently dancing with two girls, one plastered to the front of my body, moving her hips in beat to the music, while the other one is plastered on my back, rubbing her breast against me. Just as the brunette in the front bends down to grind her backside against my crutch, I catch a flurry of red in the corner of my eye.

  My eyes watch as the blonde beauty makes her way onto the dance floor with her two friends. Watching the trio of girls makes it feel like I had just hit the fucking trifecta. Three beautiful girls all at once. One blonde, one brunette and the other is a redhead. My taste generally leans more towards blondes and when this blonde does a little twirl on the dance floor and her dress fans out enough that I see a small section of her little lace panties underneath, I’m more than interested in seeing the rest of them.

  When the blonde turns towards her friend and smiles, I can’t help the smile that forms on my face, her smile is a fucking knock out. My dick starts to twitch as I watch her and her two friends dance in the middle of the floor. A small handful of guy’s have started ditching their current dance partners to move in closer to the trio. I find it interesting that none of them appear to notice the attention they are rapidly gaining. It is like watching a group of lions silently stalking their pray.

  I had completely forgotten about my current dance partner, as I was too busy paying attention to my next target, when she suddenly attaches herself to my lips. Normally that wouldn’t have bothered me, but the erection I was currently sporting wasn’t standing to attention from her attempts at grinding off her tailbone against my hardened cock. I pull back from her embrace and peer past her disappointed eyes to seek the stunning trio again. Except this time, the blonde is t
he only one remaining on the dancefloor.

  “Perfect” I silently chant to myself.

  “Did you want a drink?” I question into a pair of lust filled green eyes. My dance partner slowly licks her lips and starts to nod her head.

  “Great, then can you grab me a beer while you’re there?” I request as I spin her towards the bar and give her a little nudge in that direction.

  I knew I was being a fucking insensitive jerk, but I needed a way to get her away from me while the blonde was alone. And I needed to do it quick, as a handful of guys have already noticed that she has been left unattended.

  My dance partner’s eyes narrow and she huffs in anger, before she storms towards the bar. The instant her black pumps step off the dancefloor, I rush towards the blonde.

  “There you are baby cakes, I’ve been looking for you everywhere” I state as I move towards her and plant a long peck directly onto her red painted lips.


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