Player of Life (Perception Book 4)

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Player of Life (Perception Book 4) Page 9

by Shandi Boyes

  “I was just about to leave myself anyway” she continues while smiling brightly, she is pretty but I wouldn’t say she is stunning or beautiful.

  I flick my gaze back to Tina and notice that she is slightly shaking her head. When my eyes narrow down to her cleavage, silently requesting my keys back, she shakes her head more firmly.

  “That will be great” I reply, triggering the brunette to get a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

  “Nick” Tina states in warning as I wrap my arms around the petite brunette. I shoot Tina a quick wink and a smirk while I follow the young lady out into the carpark.

  On the drive to Mavericks, I found out my saviour’s name is Megan and she had just turned twenty-one and recently moved to Ravenshoe from some Hicksville town. I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying as I was too busy being concerned about getting my ass chewed out for turning up to a gig late. Tonight is the first time I have ever shown up late.

  Megan followed me into Mavericks and I quickly stumbled my way up to the stage. Noah’s curious gaze turned towards me and he shook his head angrily, but he didn’t say a word. I’m pretty sure he would easily be able to smell the liquor seeping out of my pores. I managed to complete the entire set without missing any chords. But the instant our performance was over I bolted to the male bathrooms to expel the copious amount of whiskey I had downed too quickly. It took several long stomach cramping heaves for my body to expel all of the alcohol I had guzzled at the Dungeon. By the time I walk back out into the bar, the rest of my band mates are nowhere to be seen.

  “Are you okay?” questions Megan sincerely, nearly making me scream like a girl as I hadn’t noticed her standing to the side of me.

  “Yeah, I must have a bug or something” I reply confidently. Not wanting to let on the fact I just threw up around half a bottle of whiskey as I can’t hold my liquor. I then stumble towards the bar to take full advantage of the free beers we are entitled to every Friday night.

  The next morning, I wake up with one of the worst thumping headaches you could possibly imagine. You’d think with how much whiskey I had vomited out the night before that I would have expelled most of the alcohol from my system. But nope, I still feel fucking drunk right now. I attempt to raise my arm to rub the sleep out of my eyes and suddenly realise that someone is laying against my chest. Flicking down my frightful eyes, I notice a pile of light brown hair fanned across my chest. Oh fuck. I must have been that drunk last night that I forgot to sneak out once my companion had fallen asleep.

  My gaze flicks around the unfamiliar surroundings and I gather I must be in some low cost motel. The alarm clock shows that it is 11.14am. No wonder why my head is thumping, the last time I peered at the clock at Mavericks is was a little after four am.

  “Good morning” gets breathed heavily on my chest, before she lifts her head and kisses me directly on my lips. I pull her back away from me by her shoulders, while I roam my eyes over her face, trying to remember exactly who she is.

  “Morning…babe” I reply hesitantly, since I can’t remember her name. I then quickly jump out of the small double bed and grab my jeans off the floor to place them over the top of the cotton boxer shorts I am currently wearing.

  The nameless brunette watches me as I gather her clothes from around the dingy, mouldy room and hand them back to her.

  “You get dress and I’ll meet you in the hall” I advise as gently as possible, since her hazel eyes are starting to get some unshed tears in them.

  I quickly dart out into corridor, where I murmur several curse words under my breath. I am still pacing the stained concrete floor when she slowly opens the motel door and nervously walks towards me.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she questions softly while fidgeting with her dress.

  “Umm…no…not at all… I just…umm… have to go to work” I reply nervously. This is the reason I normally leave while they are sleeping, to avoid the awkward next morning conversation.

  “Okay” she replies, before she offers me a small smile. She then walks over and places a soft kiss against my stern lips.

  “I’ll see you next week?” she questions while staring into my eyes. My eyebrows narrow down low on my face, before I gently nod my head. I would say anything if it makes her get out of here a little quicker. I swiftly usher her down the corridor and walk her to the entrance of the Motel Six.

  “Bye” she whispers before she makes her way over to a small yellow car.

  The instant her car exits the hotel driveway I loudly scream “Fuck” that it echo’s around the desolated motel. I’m never drinking whiskey ever again.

  My hazy eyes quickly dart around the carpark seeking my truck, until I remember that I had left it at Isaac’s club last night. I quickly pull my cell phone out of my pocket to call a taxi and notice that I have a text message from Jenni.

  Did you want to go out tonight?

  Fuck yes. Finally, after nearly four months of chasing, it’s time to collect my prize. I quickly call for a taxi, before calling Jenni.

  “Hello” she greets quietly into the phone.

  “One hour wasn’t enough?” I question cheekily, triggering her to giggle.

  This is the first time I have ever made Jenni giggle and I want to make sure it isn’t the last.

  Chapter 13


  My head spent all last night trying to convince my heart that Nick wasn’t what it wanted, but my heart never listened. I know with Nick I’m only getting the same deal as I got with Christian, but I no longer care. I have decided it is like anything in life, when you’re told you can’t have it, you want it even more. I want Nick. I want him that much he makes it hard for me to breath when he is in the same room as me. I only have two months left of summer break before I am going to New York to study Fashion Design, so I decided it was time to have a little bit of fun. No commitments, no boyfriends, no expectations, just fun!

  Before I had the opportunity of chickening out, I quickly sent Nick a message asking him out tonight. I was surprised when not long later my phone started ringing.

  I laughed loudly when he said “One hour wasn’t enough”. I don’t think an hour will ever be enough to get my fill of Nick, but I am willing to take whatever I can get.

  “Where do you want to go?” he questions friendly, but I can hear the sexual undertone in his voice.

  “The Dungeon” I reply quickly. I still have fond memories of our time dancing their four months ago.

  “Okay” Nick replies cockily, I could just imagine him rubbing his hands together right now.

  “Can you pick me up?” I question softly.

  Nick remains quiet on the end of the line that I was starting to think our call has been disconnected. I quickly pull the phone away from my ear to make sure his number is still displayed. When I notice the timer is still ticking down, I lift my phone back against my ear.

  “Nick, are you there?” I question, wondering if the phone call dropped out on his end.

  “Yep, sorry I’m here, yeah I can pick you up” he responds nervously.

  I recite my address to Nick and after we agree that he is going to pick me up at nine, I disconnect the call. I decide not to tell Emily or Nicole about my date tonight with Nick. Emily has been so preoccupied the past few months with Noah that I barely see her as it is. But anytime I do see her, she always gives me the same stern warning about staying away from Nick.

  The rest of the day I spent with my dad and Maria watching movies and eating popcorn. By the time it reaches seven pm, I nervously make my way up to my room to get ready for my date with Nick. I didn’t need to worry about primping and pampering myself for tonight as my Aunt Dee made sure nearly every surface of my body was waxed and polished before I left her Salon yesterday afternoon.

  I spot the headlights of Nick’s truck pulling into our driveway promptly at nine pm. I quickly dart down the stairwell, mumbling a quick goodbye to my dad while preparing to open the large white wooden front

  “Wait a minute” my dad instructs firmly. When my nervous eyes turn to face my dad sitting in his office, his eyes roam over my short red dress and stiletto shoes before his worried gaze turns back to mine

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” Dad questions while standing up from his large wooden chair to walk around his desk to stand next to me in the foyer, just as the doorbell rings loudly.

  “Please daddy” I beg. Silently praying that he doesn’t embarrass me in front of Nick.

  “A real man has no problems meeting his dates father” Dad responds sternly, while his dark eyes stare firmly into mine.

  “It isn’t a date, he is just a friend” I inform calmly, trying my hardest not to fidget. My dad slowly crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me.

  “Fine” I huff angrily, while opening the front door to find Nick walking back towards his truck.

  When he hears the door creak, his puzzled gaze turns back towards the house. His eyes leisurely roam over my short red dress, before he smiles his panty combusting grin. His seductive smile is soon wiped off his face when my dad steps into view. I awkwardly cringe as my dad quickly strolls towards Nick with his hand held out in greeting.

  “Michael Murphy, Jenni’s dad” he introduces while he shakes Nick’s hand firmly.

  “Nick, uh Nicholas Holt” Nick replies rattled. I try not to giggle at the fact that my dad has managed to make Nick nervous, but when his freaked out eyes turn back to look at me, I can’t help but release a little chuckle.

  I quickly make my way over to a petrified Nick to save him from the dreaded meet the parent’s routine. Once I reach my dad, I stand up on my tippy toes and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, dad” I whisper into his ear before grasping Nick’s sweaty hand in mine and quickly darting towards his truck.

  Nick remains quiet as he commences our trip back into Ravenshoe. I watch his side profile for most of the drive and notice that he swallows several times in a row and keeps rubbing his hands down his jean covered thighs.

  “I’m sorry about my dad” I apologize when I realise that Nick still appears to be rattled from their earlier meeting.

  Nick breathes harshly out of his nose and smirks, before he turns his gaze from the road to look at me.

  “He doesn’t own a gun, does he?” Nick questions concerned.

  “I don’t think so” I reply hesitantly, making Nick’s eyes open wide in shock before he glances back towards the road.

  “Does he need too?” I question cheekily.

  Nick’s gaze quickly flicks back from the road and slowly roams over my body. Once his eyes reach back to my face, he smiles seductively.

  “Yeah, he probably does” he responds while smiling, triggering my heart to start flipping in my chest.

  By the time we pull into the carpark behind the ‘Dungeon’ the line to enter the club is already half way around the block. Nick quickly runs around his truck to help me down, since my killer high shoes and super tight dress make it impossible for me to step down. He ends up having to lift me down from his truck and when he lowers me down onto my feet, he makes sure my body glides along his, causing a gathering of goose bumps to form on my arms.

  He quickly grasps my hand within his and starts walking us directly into the club, not bothering to stand in the queue with the rest of the patrons. Nick confidently walks straight up to the bouncer that I had a run in with nearly four months ago.

  “Travis” Nick greets sternly as he strolls past him. I notice that Travis’s face morphs into confusion when he notices Nick holding my hand.

  Nick moves swiftly towards the large mahogany bar on the far wall, once we reach the bar he releases his grip on my hand and lifts it to signal that he is requesting service to a bartender serving other patrons. Even though it is still early, the Dungeon is jammed pack with partygoers. Once the petite bartender notices Nick requesting assistance, she smiles brightly before she quickly makes her way towards us.

  “What did you want to drink?” Nick questions into my ear, allowing me to smell his delicious scent.

  “I’m not twenty-one” I inform quietly, triggering him to chuckle softly.

  “I know that, neither am I” he responds, while raising his eyebrows high into the air.

  “Wine?” I half answer half question, seeking permission on whether that would be okay.

  “It’s a little too early for the player to be arriving” loudly declares the smiling petite bartender.

  “It’s never too early to play” Nick responds playfully, triggering me to roll my eyes and huff in disgust.

  The bartenders gaze flicks over towards me and she slowly roams her eyes over my face before her confused gaze turns back towards Nick.

  “Beer girl?” she questions, while chuckling softly.

  “Tina, this is Jenni, Jenni, Tina” Nick introduces casually.

  “Nice to meet you” I inform Tina, while she continues to flick her confused gaze between Nick and I.

  “Can we please grab a glass of wine and a bottle of beer” Nick requests. Tina’s gaze turns towards Nick, where she stares at him for several seconds before she eventually goes and gathers the order he has requested.

  “Did you two…ummm”

  “No” Nick interrupts firmly as we make our way to one of the booths lining the back wall of the dance club.

  “Not through lack of trying though” he states arrogantly as I started to slide into the booth. My heart plummets and my eyes narrow as I quickly stand up from the booth and attempt to scoot back out.

  “I was joking” Nick replies as he blocks my exit. I take in several deep breaths before I lift my stern and angry eyes to look into Nick’s. I can easily tell that he is lying.

  “Okay, I’m not joking, but I haven’t tried anything for months” he continues while his dark blue eyes stare directly into mine. Now he is telling the truth, but it doesn’t help lessen my jealously at the fact that he wanted to sleep with her.

  I sit back down in the booth but scoot as far away from Nick as possible. He smirks at me before he joins me in the booth. He then slides right across the black leather seat until he is sitting that close to me our thighs are touching. Tonight he is wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a black polo shirt that is well fitted on his athletic build.

  “Now you’re trapped” he whispers seductively, while staring into my eyes. He then leans in and places a kiss under my left earlobe.

  “You can’t run and you can’t hide” he whispers into my ear, while placing another small kiss along my jawline, causing me to involuntarily moan.

  When he slowly pulls away from our embrace and his dark eyes stare into mine, the anger and jealously issues I was having soon vanish. I have once again become putty in the hands of a player.

  “No commitments, no boyfriends, no expectations, just fun” I silently chant to myself. When Nick smiles his panty combusting grin, I pull his tortuous lips towards mine by the back of his shaggy blonde hair.

  The kiss I have been fantasizing about for the past four months goes above and beyond my greatest expectations.

  Chapter 14


  Jenni tastes even better than I had expected and now that I’ve had a small taste of her, I want so much more. As our make out session starts to intensify, I know that I need to take this somewhere more private. Normally, public displays of ‘affection’ don’t bother me. But I am not willing to share one single inch of Jenni’s body with any other perverted guy in this club tonight. When I pull away from our embrace, I swear she slightly whimpers making my dick even harder.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I question into her lust filled eyes.

  She stares at me while biting down on her bottom lip, before she slowly starts to nod her head. I clutch her hand in mine and practically sprint towards the carpark. Jenni’s high heels shoes are foiling my attempt at a swift getaway, that I quickly throw her over my shoulder, causing her to squeal loudly,
before I dart out the back entrance of the club. It wasn’t that I was desperate, I just wanted to get Jenni naked before she had a chance to change her mind.

  Once I place her in the passenger seat of my truck, I dart around the other side and eagerly jump in. It is only once I fire up my truck do I realise I have no clue where I should be going. Normally I go to my companion’s place, but I don’t think Jenni’s dad would appreciate that. When I peer over at Jenni sitting nervously in the passenger seat of my truck, her lust filled eyes turn up to look at me. When I notice the pink hue on her neck, I decide to break all of my rules.


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