Spaceport: Paralyzer

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Spaceport: Paralyzer Page 4

by Marteeka Karland

  When she hesitated, obviously unsure what to do, Tygor pounced. They tumbled back onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and covers. He managed to maneuver his hips between her legs, and she wrapped them around him even as she gave a startled cry.

  “You deserve to be wooed and made love to gently, Starla, but I’m afraid that will have to wait.” His voice quivered as he created a magical barrier around his cock instead of using more traditional protection. “I need you too badly.”

  He slipped a hand between them and stroked her. Had she not been ready, he’d have lubricated her, as well, but there was no need. She was hot and slick for him, just waiting for his cock. With one easy thrust, he sheathed himself inside her. They both cried out.

  Starla’s legs tightened around him when he withdrew slightly. She pulled him back inside her with a soft grunt. Her whimpers and moans were better than any music he’d ever created. Still, this wasn’t what he needed. He needed her wild and screaming.

  He repositioned himself higher up her body so he’d be able to drive deeper inside her. His weight rested on his arms, and he looked into her fiercely beautiful face. Starla’s eyes were wide, and she had an untamed look to her. Her now short-cropped hair stood out in all directions. That combined with the fine bone structure of her face gave her the illusion of a fairy gone totally over the edge.

  Tygor growled and bent his head to take her lips once again. Immediately, she opened her mouth wide and plunged her tongue inside his mouth to duel with his. She was hungry.

  Sure now that she was indeed ready for all he needed from her, he plunged his cock inside her over and over. Each stroke grew harder and deeper. Faster. Her legs squeezed him, and she dug her heels into his ass, using the leverage to meet each one of his thrusts with one of her own. Amazingly, she kept pace with him, and the sounds of flesh slapping flesh grew loud in the room. So did her moans and sighs.

  Soon, she shrieked with every plunge of his body. Her nails dug into his back, and she clawed at him -- yet another mark she’d made. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she was marking her territory. When his mouth found her neck, he did the same to her.

  Starla was his. No other man or woman would ever have her after this. No one.

  Chapter Five

  Starla’s head swam. This was totally beyond anything she’d ever experienced. She’d had sex before, but never like this, and never with someone who wanted more than just any woman who’d spread her legs. Tygor wanted her. Starla knew it, felt it in his magical essence. No other would satisfy him. His thoughts were focused squarely on her.

  The Vastus had seen to it she was highly trained and disciplined, but she was now more out of control than any time in her life. She didn’t want it any other way. Tygor consumed her with his lust, and she reveled in it. All she could do was follow where he led, and she was more than happy to do that.

  Every time he moved within her, her cunt tingled and throbbed. Her clit brushed erotically against his flesh with every stroke. Tygor raised his head to look at her, and her breath caught. It wasn’t just lust, but possessive determination. In that moment, she knew she belonged to him.

  It scared her to death. It also thrilled her beyond belief.

  Tygor knew the moment Starla recognized he’d staked his claim. There were so many emotions flickering across her face it was hard for him to tell how she felt. It was enough to slow him down, to prove to her he was worthy of her. In all his life, he’d never felt the need to prove himself to anyone. Making Starla see that he would be good for her even though he wasn’t a fully trained mage was the most important thing in his world.

  He rolled them over, wrapping his arms around her so that she pressed full against him. Her small, pert breasts pressed pleasantly against his chest, and he couldn’t help the full, upward thrust into her. She whimpered, twining her fingers in his hair.

  It was her turn to kiss him now. Sweet and feminine, her tongue darted into his, and she began to move on him. In long, slow strokes, she rode him, her hips moving smoothly, languidly.

  “Sweet stars, this is good.” Tygor barely recognized his own voice. He was supposed to be the tough, jaded rock star. The man who’d had every woman he’d ever wanted. With Starla, it was like his first time all over. She was indeed a special woman.

  “Mmmm,” she purred into his mouth as she kissed him over and over. His head spun and he wanted terribly to just flip them again and take her until they were both spent. But he didn’t. He let her play and explore. She might not be a virgin, but he’d bet everything he had she wasn’t very experienced. He could tell it in her touch. She was tentative, careful. She sat up and let her fingers dance lightly over his chest.

  Tygor let his hands rest on her narrow hips. There was very little flare from her waist to her hips, and muscle flexed beneath her skin. Her breasts were small but fit her petite form seamlessly, and her belly rippled with the most perfect set of abs Tygor had ever seen. She wasn’t bulky, but wiry and solidly made. Everything about her was absolutely flawless. Even her short, cropped hair. Everything fit naturally.

  He let his hands slide up her body to cup her breasts and tweak her nipples. Starla cried out and let her head fall back, exposing her long neck. She was truly beautiful beyond compare. How had he not seen this before? As he sat up to taste one ripe lovely nipple, he vaguely wondered if their magic harmonics had something to do with it and decided it didn’t really matter.

  He reflected on their short time together. She’d done everything he’d asked of her, short of not trying to capture the dangerous men following them. Even then, she’d only done it after taking a bullet meant for him. She’d put her body between him and a nasty injury, maybe even death. Maybe everything was a direct result of stress and high intensity on both their parts, but people had built strong relationships on less.

  His mother and father certainly had. No matter how much he and his father butted heads, he admitted freely that the man loved his wife with all his heart. He wanted something like that. He might not find it with Starla, but it certainly felt different than any other time in his life. They had a connection that one didn’t encounter very often.

  When Starla held him to her chest, offering him her other breast, Tygor decided it was time to finish this. He had a lot to think about, to talk about. With her. Somehow, he doubted this would qualify as an appropriate time to discuss their future. Hell, she might hate him and just be using him for sex. He grinned. He certainly hoped not, but he could still convince her they could be good together even if they were polar opposites.

  With her legs wrapped around his waist, he laid her back once again, never letting go of her breast. With a sigh and a little pop, he released the taut nipple and lay full on top of her. His hips kept up a slow steady pace as he found her gaze.

  “Are you ready, little warrior?” He smiled, but he suspected it was slightly strained. The velvet feel of her warm, wet pussy was beginning to drive him mad again. “Are you ready to come for me?”

  Eyes wide, she didn’t speak, but nodded slightly. When she did, he took possession of her mouth again and began to pump vigorously into her. Sweat broke out over her body, and his responded in kind. Her breathing became rapid and broken, uneven in its cadence. Finally -- finally! -- she pulled her mouth away from him and screamed his name. “Tygor! Oh, sweet stars, I’m coming! I’m coming!”

  Tygor looked into her face as she closed her eyes and screamed her pleasure. Her pussy contracted around him, milking him, wanting him to join her in the bliss she enjoyed.

  He bit his lip to keep from coming until even that didn’t work. Her spasms had only just started to dissipate when he felt his own orgasm rushing at him like a comet. There was no way he could prevent it, and he no longer tried.

  His screams echoed hers, and the pulsing of his cock only made her that much tighter. She still squeezed him snugly, convulsively, until neither of them had anything more to give.

  Panting and sweating unlike anything he’d ever e
xperienced in sex before, Tygor rolled them to their sides and pulled Starla snugly against him. He wanted to say something, but couldn’t form the words, so he simply held her. Kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

  Just as he was about to surrender to slumber, a sleepy voice said quietly, “I’m afraid I might love you, Tygor.” It was enough to jolt him awake and send chill bumps racing across his over-sensitized flesh. When he looked down at Starla to confirm what he thought he’d just heard, her eyes were closed, a small smile on her face.

  Heart pounding, head spinning, Tygor contented himself with holding her tightly in his arms. He reached to the other side of the big bed to drag a corner of the comforter over them. Tomorrow, he told himself. Tomorrow he’d get her to repeat what she’d just said, and they’d run away together. Life would be just like a fairytale, and they’d ride off into the sunset and life happily ever after.

  Yeah. Right.

  Chapter Six

  It was said the morning after was always awkward, and Starla wasn’t sure she was up for it. Carefully, quietly, she extracted herself from Tygor’s arms and crept out of bed. Before turning to leave, she looked at Tygor lying peacefully on the bed. When she did, she caught her reflection in the window.

  Her side of the station faced away from Adana, and the blackness of space was almost total. Only a few of the brightest stars were visible, and she could clearly see herself in the thick pane.

  Something about the pleasure she and Tygor shared made her view herself differently than she had before. She saw not a skinny, boyish frame, but a strong, sexy body made for the kind of rough loving Tygor seemed to enjoy.

  She shook her head. This was Tygor Gold. He had a new woman every place he went. What made her think she was any different? She could feel something in her magic, but she didn’t trust it. That bothered her more than anything else. She’d always trusted her magic, even when she thought she couldn’t trust anyone else. But to think she was that special a person simply defied imagination.

  Suddenly, the non-outfit she’d worn to The Haze seemed ridiculous. The miniscule skirt was too large for her now, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to do. She had a small room five decks down, but getting there half-naked was going to be a job. Having Tygor’s little trick of teleportation would be handy just now.

  Which was something else. Why the fuck hadn’t she been told he was a mage? She was low in the chain of command and this wasn’t the first time they’d held something she thought was important from her, but someone was going to answer for this.

  Looking around, she spotted a shirt of Tygor’s. It took her all of two seconds to decide to take it. She zipped the tunic to her throat. It was so long it covered her to the knee. No way was she putting those stupid shoes back on, so she’d just have to go barefoot. Without a backward glance -- because she knew she’d crawl back into bed with him if she did -- Starla left Tygor’s room and headed for her own.

  The trip was uneventful, thankfully. She entered her security code, pressed her palm to the display panel, and entered. No sooner had the door closed behind her than a hand clamped over her mouth.

  “Gotcha!” the gruff male voice growled in her ear. Starla struggled and tried to turn toward her attacker. She kicked and twisted, using all the strength of her wiry frame, to no avail.

  “Get her legs, will ya?” A second man, big and powerful looking, grabbed her lower legs and wrapped his arms around them. His grip was like steel, and she could not break his hold, no matter how much she kicked and wiggled. Her arms were bound behind her even as she continued to struggle, knowing it was likely a struggle for her life.

  Panic snaked its way around her. She tried to form a mind spell, but nothing happened. She couldn’t focus on the elements of the magic enough to control them.

  She tried to scream behind the big hand covering her mouth, but all that came through was a muffled squawk that wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear in the next room, let alone though the thick bulkhead.

  The big man at her feet looked up for a fleeting second, and Starla’s instincts kicked in. She pinned him with a powerful stare and thought she had him.

  “Don’t look at her, you fool! Do you want to die?”

  The hand on her mouth loosened long enough for a hood to be thrown over her head. She could feel the faint remains of her Paralyzer magic holding the man, but she hadn’t gotten a good enough grip on him to do much damage. Still, she held on for dear life. That thread might mean the difference between getting out of this alive and ending up a slave to some terrorist faction. All it would take would be the right combination of mind-altering drugs, and she’d probably do anything they wanted her to do. The thought of ending up as an assassin to some doomsday cult was enough to give her the strength to tie off the thread she’d managed to create.

  Just in time, too, because in the next instant, a crushing blow to her jaw sent her slamming into the deck. Her head spun, and she thought she might be sick. Another blow to her head, and everything went dark.

  * * *


  He knew that voice from somewhere. It echoed vaguely in his mind but he was too sleepy to try to figure it out.


  It sounded more urgent this time. Something wasn’t right. Tygor willed himself to open his eyes and shake the fuzz from his head, but it just didn’t seem worth the effort.

  “Wake up, you bloody wankor!”

  There was a sharp slap to his face this time. It was enough to pull him out of a sleep his rational brain knew wasn’t natural, but his body couldn’t seem to shake off.

  “Wha’ the fu --” His mouth felt like it had been stuffed full of cotton. Either that or some damned Kitali had shit in it. It tasted like he imagined Kitali shit would taste. A glass of what he hoped was water was thrust into his hand and pushed to his mouth. Tygor swallowed its contents gratefully.

  “What the fuck happened?” Tygor finally managed to get out.

  “Starla’s gone.” He looked sharply at Posh, and the big man handed him another glass. “She left here last night and went to her room. After that, who the hell knows? But she put up one hell of a fight.”

  Tygor gulped down two mouthfuls of water before he noticed his father standing beside Posh. “She didn’t use her magic?” She hadn’t refrained before, why now? Tygor tried to ignore the older man, but it was like trying to pretend a nasty stinging insect wasn’t buzzing around your head every couple of seconds.

  “We think she attempted to, but failed for some reason.” The rich, deep resonance of his father’s voice filled the room, just like it had in one of the Continuum Master’s lectures when Tygor had actually thought he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and be a Vastus mage. “One of them is partially paralyzed and in custody at the moment. Starla managed to tie off her spell. He won’t be able to do much until she either releases him or she dies.”

  “She can do more than that. Why do you think she couldn’t use her magic?” Tygor shook his head and splashed the remaining water on his face, trying to clear his head.

  When his father hesitated, Tygor met his gaze. “Her training, though heavy in the discipline of her magic, hasn’t yet included real life combat. She may have frozen when faced with a physical confrontation she wasn’t expecting.”

  Tygor couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You sent her out here, knowing there was someone after her power, without her being fully trained? Are you trying to get her killed?” As soon as he’d formed the question, the answer came to him. “You unimaginable son of a bitch.” Tygor’s voice was quiet. Deadly.

  He and his father had had many arguments since Tygor had left the Vastus. Tygor questioned some of the things they did and the means by which they did them. They operated in multiple shades of gray, and Tygor could never quite see where they drew the line between personal freedom and justice, and the greater good. He knew he never wanted to be the one caught between them and something they wanted, and he could never underst
and how his father could stomach being the one to make those kinds of decisions.

  “They had to be flushed out, Tygor,” Singin said reasonably, no trace of regret or any other emotion in his voice, but Tygor thought he saw a slight tightening of the skin around his father’s eyes. “They’ve been plotting to overthrow the IAC for several years now. Came close a time or two, though no one knows it.”

  “Yeah,” Tygor spat, “I’m sure the Vastus covered it all up real nicely.” He was hyperventilating, and his head was starting to spin now. Adrenaline kicked in, compounding the problem, and Tygor couldn’t stop his hands from shaking. He felt like his heart was going to explode. “Did you plan on her getting captured, or is that just collateral damage?”

  “Of course not!” It was the first time Tygor had seen his dad show any kind of emotion when dealing with Vastus business. “We’d planned on them trying to take her here. Everything had been set up that way, but when she left, we didn’t have time to move everyone to the new location before they took her.”

  Tygor was horrified. “You were here?” Was nothing sacred?

  “Don’t sound so shocked, Tygor. You knew there was something going on. Did you really think we’d send her alone? You knew she was being set up by a terrorist organization.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d be in my rooms without telling me!”

  “Would you two stop it?” Posh had dug out some clothes and now tossed them to Tygor. “This isn’t helping. Do you have any idea where she is?”

  “At the moment --” Singin crossed his arms, “-- they’re still on ’Port Adana. Apparently, there were three of them, and the two with her don’t want to leave the other. We’ve got a team following them. Once we get them boxed in, we’ll strike.”

  “And have them kill her?” Tygor fastened his pants and stomped his feet into thick-soled boots. “I don’t think so.”


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