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Worship Page 1

by Jennifer Domenico


  A Taboo Romance

  Copyright 2018 Jennifer Domenico

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  To all my readers who stick with me through the ups and downs, who encourage and support me, and who continue to show enthusiasm for my words.


  “Julia? Julia, come down here. We’re waiting on you.”

  Briefly glancing at my shut bedroom door, I finish scrawling in my journal. I have to get the words out before they drive me crazy.


  “Coming!” I hurry my last sentence, shove the tattered book under my pillow, and rush out the door and down the stairs to my waiting family. My sister rolls her eyes while dad looks pissed and mom worried.

  Dad grabs my arm pulling me toward the door. “We’re going to be late because of you.”

  “Sorry. I was finishing homework.”

  “Just get in the car.”

  Katie nudges my arm on the way. “Homework. Oh please. What are you up to?”

  “Nothing.” I pull my sweater on and climb into the backseat, not at all excited to go spend the day at a family reunion. “I still don’t know why we have to go hang out with all these people we’ve never met.”

  “Because we’ve never met them.” She glances out the window as she fastens her seatbelt. “You’re lucky to have blood relatives. You ever think of that?”

  I pat her hand. “Sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “I know, but at least you know where you come from. I have to guess.”

  “No, Katie. You come from us. Just because it’s not biological doesn’t mean you aren’t just as much a Caputo as I am. You know that.”

  She nods, but her eyes are somber. “I don’t want everyone looking at me funny because I’m adopted.” Her eyes meet mine. “You know?”

  “I get it, but mom and dad covered that. It’ll be fine. Besides,” I tuck my arm through hers. “You’re my sister no matter how we got here. You’re stuck with me.”

  She finally smiles. “I’m glad to be stuck with you.”

  “Good. We just have to get through a few hours and it’ll be fine.”

  “Let’s hope.” We’re silent for a moment until she nudges me again. “What were you doing in your room? You can tell me.”


  “Come on, Julia. You’ve been acting weird lately. What’s up?”

  My eyes shift to my parents to make sure they aren’t listening. “You won’t tell anyone?”

  “Of course not. Sister secret. You know that.”

  “I’ve been having weird dreams lately. Vivid and strange, so I decided to write them down. When I write it out, it feels so real, like a movie.”

  “What about?”

  “A guy. He’s running in the dark, like through trees or something. He’s calling out to someone, but his voice is muffled.”

  “Wow. Is he scared?”

  “No, not scared. Desperate. I don’t think he’s being chased. I think he’s chasing.”

  “What does he look like?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I can’t see his face clearly. I just know it’s a man and he’s young and he’s trying to catch up.”

  “Weird. You’ve had this dream more than once?”

  “Yes. Several times a week for a couple of months.”

  Katie tilts her head. “Really? This has been going on that long?”

  “Yup. Maybe it’s my hormones going wild.”

  She laughs. “Turn fifteen and start dreaming of running boys.”

  I laugh too. “Maybe, but I started writing it down and it helps me to get it out for some reason.”

  “Well maybe they’ll stop soon or you’ll get to see his face.”


  We finish the ride in silence until the car pulls into the parking lot of a huge historic church. Dad stops the car and him and mom have a soft chat before he turns to look at both of us.

  “Okay, girls. Let’s try to act social and polite.”

  “Yes, dad,” we say at the same time.

  We all step out of the car and walk up the stone steps to the church. When we enter, mom signs the guest book as we wait behind her, before walking to the side door to go outside where the gathering is taking place. According to dad, the person that organized this is a distant cousin and did some kind of research to find all of us. Turns out most of us live within a hundred miles of each other and many much closer. As we enter the backyard, there’s a huge sign with all the family names written on it. Caputo, Minelli, Lombardo, and Abruzzo. Katie and I stand on the steps watching the hundreds of people filling the grassy area ahead of us while our parents start greeting people.

  We walk through the crowd being introduced and smiling politely. We listen, bored straight, as adult after adult tries to connect our relation. When Katie excuses herself to go to the bathroom, I sneak off to sit on a bench out of the sun and away from all the people. I close my eyes, as I rub my forehead.

  “Too much?” My eyes pop open at the sound of the male voice. A huge grin spreads across his face. “Hi.”

  Oh my god, he’s so cute. I offer a smile. “Hi.”

  “Mind if I sit with you?”

  “Uh, no.” I scoot to my left as he plops down next to me.

  He extends his hand. “I’m Diego. You?”

  “Julia. Are we related?”

  He shrugs. “Doubt it. I’m here with my aunt and uncle. My mom’s sister raises me.”

  “What happened to your mom?”

  “She died of cancer when I was a kid.”

  My brow crinkles. “I’m so sorry.”


  “What about your dad?”

  “Never met the guy. My aunt took me in after my mom died. Her husband is Lombardo.”

  “Oh. We’re Caputo.”


  “Nice to meet you, Diego Montesanto.”

  “You too, Julia Caputo.” He looks ahead for a moment. “How old are you?”

  “Fifteen. You?”

  “Sixteen. Sucks getting dragged to these things doesn’t it?”


  We sit quietly for a moment. “Is it weird that I kinda feel like I’ve met you before?”

  I smile. “No. That happens sometimes. Do you live around here?”

  “Nope. Two towns over.”

  “Well, maybe I just have a familiar face.”

  “Yeah, that must be it.” He looks out at the picnic for a moment. “I always wondered what it would be like to have two biological parents. Is it cool?”

  I scrunch my nose. “It might be for some people. My dad is kind of mean. He’s really strict. My mom is nice, but she’s super religious so we can’t step out of line at all.”


  “My sister is adopted, so she probably feels like you do in some way.”

  “What happened to her parents?”

  “Don’t know. She was abandoned at a hospital as an infant. My mom volunteered there and wanted to adopt her.”

  “In a way that’s cool. They picked her.”

  “That’s what I tell her. They didn’t have to, but they did.”

  “She belongs somewhere.” He nods. “I feel like a loner, you know. Like nobody gets me. Nobody listens.”

  I offer a smile. “I’m listening.”

  He holds my gaze for a moment. He’s so cute. His black curls hang down in his face, highlighting the blue of his eyes. He even has a little scruff on his cheeks. He’s tall and athletic look
ing. As we gaze at each other, he leans in.

  “Want to take a walk?”


  “Yeah, now. Want to?”

  I look around for my parents, spotting them across the yard. “I have to ask. I’ll get in trouble if I don’t.”

  Diego grins, pinching my chin. “They won’t even notice you’re gone. We’ll hurry. I just want to take a walk with you.”


  “Cuz I like you.”

  I feel a little flutter in my stomach I’ve never felt before. “You like me? You just met me.”

  “Yeah.” He grins. “Funny, isn’t it? I think you’re pretty, Julia. And sweet.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He holds out his hand. “Quick walk?”

  “Um okay. Yeah.”

  He takes my hand and we hurry up the stairs, bumping into Katie on the way.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Uh, Katie this is my new friend, Diego. Diego, my sister, Katie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Katie.” His voice is so deep, he makes my knees feel shaky.

  “Hi.” Katie looks at me. “Where are you going?”

  “A quick walk. Cover for me?”

  Her brow furrows. “You sure?”

  Diego steps closer. “She’s safe. I just want to walk over to the big oak tree for a minute. We’ll back in twenty minutes. Promise.”

  “Well, okay. But hurry back.”

  “I will.”

  Diego and I rush out the front door of the church and across the parking lot. We slow down when we reach the side yard where the tree is. “I saw this when we came in, and I thought it was cool.”

  “It’s beautiful.” My eyes shift up to the huge tree looming over us.

  “Like you are.” Diego gently backs me up until I’m pressed against the tree. He puts his arms on either side of my face. “I thought it looked like a great place to kiss a pretty girl.”

  My eyes open wide. “You want to kiss me?”

  “I do. Have you been kissed before?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  Diego moves closer to me, bending his face down. His lips brush over mine, causing me to gasp softly. “Can I kiss you, Julia?”

  My eyes shift up to his. “Yes.”

  He smiles as his lips meet mine, pressing softly at first, but then firmer. My lips part and his tongue slips inside. My first kiss! We stand like this, kissing slowly as our bodies sway together. Diego’s hands move into my hair, and I let my arms wrap around his waist. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  He moves back just slightly. “Whoa.”


  “Can I tell you something kinda weird?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Anything.”

  “Kissing you…it felt fucking awesome. It felt like…”


  “Like I was supposed to kiss you.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.”

  “Can I do it again?”


  His mouth closes over mine again, and this time, he presses his body into mine. I can feel the muscles in his chest, the slight bulge between his legs, the strength of his arms. It’s so nice. It’s perfect. It’s—

  “What the hell are you doing to my daughter?”

  The moment is broken abruptly by the sound of my father’s voice. Diego steps back and I see dad, mom, and a distraught Katie rushing toward us.

  When dad reaches us, he grabs my arm. “Explain yourself, young lady!”

  “Nothing, dad. It’s nothing. I was just talking—”

  “It didn’t look like talking to me.” He glares at Diego. “Were you taking advantage of her?”

  “No, sir. Not at all.”

  “Get in the car, Julia.”

  “No, dad, please.”


  My eyes meet Diego’s, who looks devastated. “I won’t forget you,” he says, softly.

  I mouth ‘I’m sorry’ to him as my mother drags me away. Before I know it, I’m sitting in the back seat, and as my father stomps back toward the car I hear his last words to Diego, “Stay away from my little girl.”

  My eyes are still stuck on the boy who gave me my first kiss. Diego waves before sliding his hands in his pockets and the sadness on his face breaks my heart.

  “You’re grounded!” Dad slams the door shut and starts the car before twisting around to face me. “And just to be clear, you will not see that boy again. Do you understand me?”

  “Dad, it was innocent. He didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you so angry?”

  “Do you understand me?”

  My heart sinks. “Yes.”

  “Good. You will forget that boy if you know what’s good for you.”

  Dad tears out of the parking lot as Katie reaches for my hand. “I tried to cover,” she whispers.

  “It’s okay.”

  I twist around one more time to see Diego still watching me. Forget him? I never will.


  Katie slips in my bedroom after knocking on the door. “You okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah.” I close my journal. “I was just sketching a little.”

  “Let me see.”

  I show her the picture of the tree and Diego leaning against it. “It’s still rough.”

  “It’s nice. Still thinking about him weeks later, huh?”

  “How could I not? That moment under the tree was magical. He was so sweet, Katie. He needed someone to care and dad just tore me away. I couldn’t get his number or anything.”



  We both lie on the bed and stare up at the twirling ceiling fan. “How are the dreams?”

  “Haven’t had one in a while.”

  “Since when?”

  I think for a moment. “Since the day of the reunion.”

  “Huh. Maybe your brain is too full of Diego for dreams.”

  I laugh softly. “Maybe. I hope I stop thinking about him soon. It’s hopeless. I’ll never see him again. I already tried finding him online. Nothing.”

  Katie turns to face me. “Maybe you just consider it a life moment and move on, you know?”

  “I don’t see that I have a choice.”

  “Sorry.” She sits up. “I’m going out with Christy to get some ice cream. Wanna come?”

  “I’m still grounded.”

  “Still?” She shakes her head. “Dad is so hardcore sometimes.”


  “Right. I’ll bring you some back. Cookies and Cream?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Chin up. Everything’s gonna be okay.”

  She leaves and I open my journal again to finish sketching Diego’s gorgeous features. I may never see him again, but at least I’ll never forget that moment under a big beautiful tree.

  Chapter One


  Ten Years Later

  “Are you almost ready, Julia?”

  I hobble out of my bathroom, sliding one sandal on my foot. “Almost. I just need to put on some gloss.”

  Erika rolls her eyes and leans against my doorframe. “You take forever to get ready.”

  “Perfection takes time.” I wink and run my fingers through my hair as I stand upright again. “I’m literally minutes away from doneness.”

  “Drink specials will be nothing but a distant memory by the time we get there.”

  “Whatever. It’s nine o’clock. We’ll be fine.” I enter my bathroom and finish my makeup, fluff my hair one last time before smiling at my reflection and joining Erika. “Ready.” I grab my clutch from the bed. “Let’s do this.”

  Erika grins and loops her arm through mine. “This is so exciting. New city, our own apartment, and cute boys to meet.”

  “Let’s hope. This was a tough move. I pray it works out.”

  “It will. Those years of working hard paid off.” Erika laughs, tossing her currently pink bob as s
he does. “Now we’re in the best possible place we could be to start our career. Seriously. We’re in freaking Italy. It’s an art history paradise.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I smile. “I’m glad you’re with me.”

  “Me too. Now let’s go slay.”

  We walk down the street to the piazza where the nightlife this little town has exists. The town is quaint and idyllic, exactly how a small Tuscan town in Italy looks in my mind.

  “What are you thinking?”

  I glance at Erika. “Just that I can’t believe I’m here. All those years of studying and tests and theory. Now we get to actually apply what we learned. It’s exciting.”

  Erika grins. “It is. Monday’s the big day.”

  “Yeah. Are you nervous?”

  “Sure, a little. You?”

  “Yep. It’s one thing to read it and another to do it.”

  “Right.” We stop walking and Erika takes my hands in hers. “But we got this. Our professor believed we could do it. We know our shit.”

  I laugh, nodding. “We do. You’re right.”

  “I know. Now let’s go turn up.”

  “Let’s go.”

  We finish our short walk and slip inside the club with the loudest music. The bass is so loud my heart feels like it’s shaking in my chest. I can barely see Erika through all the flashing lights. It’s crowded with young people, and I take a deep breath realizing I can finally let loose. My dad isn’t here to ruin the fun for once. I don’t have anything to study for. No papers to write, no tests to take. No expectations.

  “Ciao, Bella.”

  I twist toward the male voice to see a handsome young man standing next to me. “Ciao.”

  “Come stai?”

  “Bene. Tu?”

  “Si, sto bene. You speak English?”

  I laugh softly. “I do.”

  “Me too.” He moves closer so I can actually hear him. “Do you want a drink?”


  “Come with me.”

  He grips my wrist and pulls me toward the bar. I search the crowd for Erika and find her talking to a group of people. She smiles and waves, but continues her chat. She was always more outgoing than me. We reach the bar and the guy with me asks me what I want.

  “I don’t care. Surprise me.”

  He nods and leans in to tell the bartender my drink order. When he’s done, he turns around and hands me something pink and fruity looking. I sip it and smile. It’s perfect for a summer night.


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