Their Shadow Queen

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Their Shadow Queen Page 3

by Kim Loraine

  Shaking my head, I resist the urge to give in and offer a retort. I don’t want him to know he’s pissed me off. We both move through the house, chatting and pretending to care about the party while looking for Maeve. When I catch sight of her iridescent wings and long flowing hair, I smile. She’s dancing and laughing, looking truly happy as she talks to another girl. Settling myself on a barstool, I stay where I am, out of her line of sight, but close enough to get to her if I need to.

  “You found her, I see?” Finn says, handing me a red plastic cup and tapping his own to mine. “At least pretend to be enjoying yourself, unless you want to use magic to hide.”

  I bring the cup to my lips and take a pull of the watery beer. I miss the strong ale of our world, the smells of clean earth, the feel of magic in the air. Finn seems to have taken to the human world, but I long for Faerie.

  Finn and I both go ramrod straight when a tall man wraps his arm around Maeve’s waist and pulls her against him. She laughs and pushes on his chest, playfully telling him she’s not interested as she shakes her head. But the asshole continues touching her, leaning in to kiss her, fucking groping her ass. Before I know what’s happening, I’m behind her, gripping his wrist so tightly I can feel the bones rub together. He lets out a strangled cry and backs away.

  “What the fuck, man?” he asks.

  “You don’t put your hands on someone who doesn’t want it. Women deserve more than your unwanted attention. You earn their approval.”

  Maeve meets my gaze with gratefulness in her eyes. I don’t give her the opportunity to waste her breath on this guy. Taking her by the elbow, I lean down and murmur, “Let’s go home.”

  She nods and walks with me into the night. The adoration in her gaze and the feel of her skin against mine sears into my memory where I can relive this moment as often as I need to. Because this is all I have.



  I don’t know how this is going to work for much longer. We’ve been living with Maeve, pretending to be college students for months now, but I think she suspects something. She’s cagey around us. Jumpy and awkward, as though she fears at any moment one of us might turn on her. It’s my fault. I’m too worried about my growing attraction to her. Jensen guards her from afar. He’s determined to keep himself at a distance but I know he struggles with his feelings for her. She’s too beautiful, too kind and caring, too everything to ignore. I don’t know how he manages to ignore his need. I can’t handle Maeve thinking I want anyone but her. The last thing I want is to make her uncomfortable. In fact, I want to make her smile—at me.

  I find her sitting at the dining room table, a carton of Chinese take-out and her laptop in front of her.

  “Hey,” she says, smiling up at me. My heart leaps at the sight. That’s what I wanted, the one thing she could give me, and she gave it.


  She pushes the white carton of food in my direction. “Want some? It’s cashew chicken.”

  Shaking my head, I take a seat next to her. “What are you working on?”

  A heavy sigh falls from her. “Statistics.” She rests her chin in her palm and pouts. “I shouldn’t have waited so long to take this damn class. I’ve been dreading it.”

  “You need help?” I could easily use some of my magic and give her the knowledge she needs to ace the homework. Hell, I could give her what she needs to ace the whole class.

  “I need alcohol.”

  I cock an eyebrow, knowing the rules of this world. “Are you trying to get me to buy you beer?”

  “Ugh, I can’t wait until I don't have to rely on hot guys to get my alcohol for me.”

  My stomach clenches with unwanted desire at her words. Hot. She thinks I’m hot. Standing, I walk to the kitchen and open the refrigerator. “I’m pretty sure we have some back here.” We don’t, but I’m not above calling some into being for her.

  “We don’t. Besides, I don’t really like beer anyway.” She stands and stretches, her light shirt riding up and showing off a line of perfect skin. “I need to take a break. Want to watch a movie?”

  I can’t speak, I’m too busy pretending I wasn’t just staring at her and thinking of how much I want to feel that skin under my fingers. Nodding, I clear my throat. “Sure. What do you feel like?”

  She shrugs. “Let’s take our chances and channel surf.”

  We settle onto the couch, her body only separate from mine by a few inches. She smells so good. Like vanilla. She flips through the channels but I don’t pay attention to the screen. I just want to be near her. Finally, she settles on some historic show about Scotland. There’s lots of skin and sex, and I’m embarrassingly aroused being so close to her and watching this show.

  “I think this was a book,” she says.

  “What?” Honestly, I was too busy trying to calm my body to hear her.

  “A book. I’m pretty sure it was a book.”

  Turning to face her, I swallow hard against the lump in my throat and offer a smile. “Sexy book.”

  “Yeah. Maybe I should read it.” She leans close, her brilliant eyes searing my soul. Thick, dark lashes frame the intensely green pools. My gaze drops to her mouth as her tongue darts out to wet the fullness of her lower lip. I need to kiss her. But I can’t. I’m here in service of her, my queen, our queen.

  Our bodies are so close I can feel her heat mix with mine and the softness of her breaths brush my lips. If I close the distance I’ll be able to see if her mouth is really as soft and warm as it looks, if she tastes as good as she smells. I want to. I want it so bad. Sliding my fingers across her shoulder, I trail them up the length of her neck until they’re tangled in her hair.

  “Finn,” she whispers, closing her eyes and leaning toward me.

  God, yes. I have to give in. There’s a visceral need driving me and stealing away all rational thought. I lean forward and nearly let our mouths connect but at the last moment, my brain takes control and I turn my face, kissing her cheek instead. Even that slight bit of intimacy makes my blood hum with desire.

  Fuck. We’d almost done something we could never take back. I’d lost track of what was most important. Our goal. Keep her safe until she is returned to the Shadow Court. I can’t fall in love with her.



  A persistent buzzing from my bedside table has me rolling to my side and frowning at the clock. Reaching blindly for my phone, I blink rapidly and sigh before answering.


  “Did I wake you, hon?” My mom’s voice is apologetic on the other end of the line.

  Glancing at the warm glow of morning light that is spilling through my partially opened curtains, I sit up and yawn. “Yeah, but I needed to get up anyway.”

  “I just…I wanted to tell you happy birthday.”

  “My birthday lasts all day, you didn’t have to call at sunrise,” I tease.

  “I wanted to make sure we talked before you…are too busy.”

  “Mom, I—“

  “No, don’t tell me you’re sorry you decided to transfer to Central. I know it was right for you. We couldn’t keep you forever. No matter how much we wanted to.”

  My heart breaks a little at the sadness in her tone. “I’ll be back in a few weeks for summer break. Why do you sound so sad?”

  She sniffles and clears her throat. “No, it’s nothing. We just miss you. I’m so proud of you, honey.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “I should let you go. Have a wonderful day. And, honey?”


  “Be happy.”

  I smile and get out of bed. “I will.”

  When we hang up, I can’t help but feel a sense of loss. My birthday has always been special in my family. I’m the only child and my parents had tried for kids for ten years before I was born. To say they doted would be an understatement.

  After pulling on my CWU sweatshirt, I pad downstairs with one goal. Coffee. The house is quiet, and for a moment, I think my roommate
s must already be gone for the day. Things have crossed over to true friendship between the three of us over the last few months. I’d hoped for more with Finn, but our near-kiss seemed to drive him away rather than closer. It doesn’t matter that I know he wanted it as much as I had. Something is keeping us apart, keeping him from crossing the line.

  “You’re up early,” Jensen’s deep voice catches me off guard and makes me flinch. He’s sitting in the armchair in the corner of our living room, a book in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other.

  “My mom called and woke me up.”

  Concern flits over his face. “Everything okay?”

  I grin. “Yeah, she just wanted to wish me happy birthday.”

  Jensen’s gaze locks on something over my shoulder and I’m warmed by the sight of a sleepy, shirtless Finn with tousled hair and a sexy smile. “It’s your birthday?” Finn asks.

  “Yeah.” God, I think I’m blushing. My cheeks are on fire.

  “What are your plans?”

  “I wasn’t really planning to do anything.” I sound pathetic. Like a loser with no friends.

  “But it’s your twenty-first, right?” Finn runs a hand through his hair. “Isn’t that some kind of rite of passage here?”

  Here? Oh, right, he’s British, where they can drink before their twenties. “Yeah, I guess. It just seems like such a cliché. The obligatory twenty-one-run. Stumbling drunk, possible one-night-stand, definite hangover the next day.”

  Jensen cracks a rare smile. “You’re right. Stay here. Then you won’t have to worry about the one-night-stand.”

  “I was planning to get a bottle of wine and bask in the glow of true adulthood.”

  Finn smirks. “You know what? I think we can do better than that. We’ve been more trouble than we’re worth since we all moved in together. Let us take you out for dinner and drinks tonight. Our way of saying thanks for putting up with us.”

  My stomach flips at the thought of them taking the time to care for me. “Okay, I guess.”

  Jensen opens his mouth as if to protest, but Finn shakes his head. “Don’t start. You’re only twenty-one once in your life.”

  Jensen mutters something that sounds kind of like, “Speak for yourself.”

  “Thanks, guys. I wasn’t expecting this, but it’ll be nice to ring in my birthday with you. Honestly, the idea of celebrating without my family had me just wanting to gloss it over.”

  Finn surprises me by wrapping me in his arms. “You’re ours now.” He releases me and steps back, making me miss him instantly. “We’ll always be here for you.”

  If he only knew how much I wished that were true. How hard I’ve fallen for him.

  Maybe tonight, I’ll tell him.

  Hours later, I’m standing in the bathroom with a curling wand in one hand and hairspray in the other. I’ve been at this for close to an hour, carefully sculpting my long hair into pretty waves and making sure I look perfect. I want to look nice for them. After the last lock of my blonde hair is done, I run my fingers through the mass of curls and separate them until I’ve got what my cousin Sara would call, sex hair. I’m not going to lie, it looks amazing. I can’t wait for the guys to see me. Excitement curls in my chest as I apply a thin layer of red lip-gloss and spritz a bit of perfume into the air before walking through it. I’m ready for them.

  Walking to the top of the stairs, I pause and can’t contain my smile at the scene that greets me. Finn’s standing at the bottom of the stairs with a grin on his face and a wrapped present in his hands.

  “There she is,” he says, as he approaches and holds out a hand.

  Letting him help me the rest of the way down, I bask in the feeling of his hand touching mine. “You clean up nice,” I offer. It’s the truth. The man has on dark jeans and a deep blue button down shirt and his tawny hair is combed away from his face, accenting those gorgeous cheekbones of his.

  His gaze rakes over my form, momentarily making me self-conscious. I tug at the neckline of my low cut shirt and try to hide the cleavage I’d originally wanted to display.

  “Don’t hide yourself. You’re beautiful.”

  My cheeks warm at the compliment, and I can’t tear my eyes away from his. “Thanks. So are you.” The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

  Releasing my hand, he steps back and smiles. “Jensen will be ready soon. In the meantime, I wanted to give you this.” He hands me the gift he’d been holding. “It’s just a small token.”

  I slip my finger under the paper and carefully open the package. My heartbeat picks up a notch at the sight of the small box with the logo of my favorite jewelry boutique embossed on the top. “Finn? You didn’t have to do this.”

  His cheeks go charmingly pink. “I wanted to. Just open it.”

  My breath catches when I lift the top and find a beautiful silver necklace. There’s a heart in the center with a crown resting atop it and two hands holding either side of the heart. Running my fingers over it, I blink back tears, suddenly overwhelmed.

  “It’s a claddagh. The hands signify friendship, the crown loyalty, and the heart—“

  “Ready to go?” Jensen says, interrupting our tender moment.

  I nod but hold up the silver chain and hand it to Finn. “Put it on me?”

  “Of course,” he says.

  The pendant settles on my chest and for the first time, I feel like I really mean something to him.

  “Let’s go.” Taking Finn’s hand, I tug him toward the door, Jensen following behind us.

  Hours later, I sway and swerve between my two men, happily drunk and surrounded by these two.

  “Best birthday. And now I get to be a Maeve sandwich. You know, I had fantasies about this.” My words are slurred and it takes a few beats before my brain catches up to my mouth. “Oh shit, did I just say that out loud?”

  Finn chuckles. “Don’t worry. You won’t remember in the morning.”

  Jensen tenses beside me. “Everything will be different in the morning.” He unlocks the front door and swings it open, letting me inside first.

  My knees give out as I attempt to climb the stairs but Finn is there, catching me up in his arms. I nuzzle my face into his neck and take a long breath, loving his scent. “Mm, you smell so good. Why do you always smell good?”

  “I shower.”

  A giggle escapes me and I drop light kisses on his neck. “Thank you for your…consideration.”

  When we reach the end of the hall, Finn sets me on my feet but I don’t let go of him. Instead, I place my hand on the doorknob to the room closest to us. I don’t want him to go. I don't plan to end this night alone. “Finn…” I begin, but trail off, not really knowing what to say.

  “Maeve.” His eyes blaze as he steps toward me. I can’t help but breathe him in. He’s so close.

  Threading my fingers with his, I take a moment to gather my courage and open the door. “Come inside?”

  He hesitates for a beat, but I tug him with me until we’re both standing inside the four walls of my bedroom. The connection between us is undeniable, a power that can’t be stopped. I want nothing more than for the door to be closed and him to be kissing me. As if on cue, a breeze blows the door shut, and all that’s left is for his lips to touch mine.

  “How did that happen?” I ask, looking around for an open window.

  His eyes flare with anxiousness. “These houses are drafty.”

  Nodding, I work to reclaim the moment we lost. “Finn, I don’t understand why things went backward with us.”

  He averts his gaze, running a hand through his tawny hair. “It’s not that I don’t want—“

  “I just…I’ve never felt this way before. And I feel something from you too. I’m usually really good at judging other people’s feelings. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  He bites his lower lip and I think he’s going to leave, until he steps closer. “I can’t.”

  He can’t what? Can’t tell me I’m wrong? Can’t be with me? God, he’s frustrating. I r
each out and run my palm over his cheek. “You can.”

  “God, Maeve. You don’t understand.”

  “You’re right. I don’t.”

  Our gazes are so fierce, I fear we’ll combust. I see it the moment he decides to leave, and I take my opportunity before it’s gone. I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight. His hands grip my waist, tension radiating through him until he sighs and pulls me closer.

  “Oh, what the hell. We’re only a few hours away,” he murmurs before pulling away and sliding his hand up my back.

  I tilt my face and lock eyes with him again, and then his mouth is on mine, fire sparking between us. I’ll give him everything if he wants it. I know it in this moment. I love him, I have for a long time.

  He deepens the kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth and the taste of him sends my head spinning from the overwhelming sensations. A strange weightlessness covers me, buckling my knees. I would’ve fallen to the floor if Finn hadn’t held me close.

  “Shit, Maeve,” he cries, scooping me into his arms and carrying me to the bed.

  I want nothing more than to stay with him, but everything goes dark and my last thought before unconsciousness takes me is that he is mine.



  I wake blanketed by inky darkness and a damp chill covers my skin. A shiver courses through my body and I instinctively reach for my quilt. My eyes pop open as I find the spongy texture of moss rather than fabric.

  What the hell? I can make out the silhouettes of trees around me and as I sit up, trying to get my bearings. Have I been sleepwalking again?

  “She wakes. Lady Saskia, she wakes.” An unfamiliar, disembodied voice pulls me completely from the haze of sleep.

  Oh, crap. I’ve been kidnapped. Who would want to kidnap me? Idiots maybe? I’m the kid of a hardware store owner and librarian. They won’t get any money for me. My fight or flight instincts kick in and I clamber to my feet, trying to control the shaking of my limbs. If I can just figure out where I am, maybe I can get away and back to the house. My chest tightens and I move to make a break for it. I can’t see anyone around me, so it’s pretty clear that whoever just spoke isn’t close enough to catch me.


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