Ecstasy From the Deep: Venora Mates Book One

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Ecstasy From the Deep: Venora Mates Book One Page 14

by Octavia Kore

  There, she felt little hands clutch at her fingers and heard the gurgles of the newborn in her arms. The dream flashed to the excitement of chasing little feet through a home full of love and laughter; of feeling like she would go crazy from the amount of chaos to feeling as if her heart would burst with affection.

  The hand shook her again, and this time, she managed to pry her eyes open. The hard mauve plates of Zar’s chest filled her vision and she frowned.


  Amanda’s head snapped back as the familiar voice whispered close to her ear and she turned to see the soft golden glow of her mate’s eyes. “Oshen! You’re all right!”

  “Shh.” He nodded toward Zar, who still slept next to her. “Let’s get you out of here before he wakes up.” His hands slid beneath her, helping her to her feet. “Come.”

  Oshen took her hand, leading her to the entrance to the cave Zar had brought her to earlier. “Wait, I have to tell you something.” Amanda tried to tug her hand from his grip, but he held fast. “He’s not going to hurt me.” She could see a sliver of one of the double moons when a terrifying growl filled the cavern.

  She spun around, watching as Zar got to his feet, all four violet eyes focused on Oshen as he stepped in front of her, blocking her view. Zar’s grumbly language rolled over her and she tried to duck around the massive Venium male. There was a softness in his eyes when he looked at her and he let loose one of those magical purrs that never failed to calm her racing heart. She had found it made her uneasy at first, but what could one expect from a noise that was half-alligator mating call, half-tyrannosaurus rex growl?

  “Run, Amanda,” Oshen told her, pushing her toward the entrance of the cave. “Stay away from my mate, Grutex.” He growled, his fushori pulsing brightly.

  Zar stepped closer, towering over both of them as Amanda tried to get around Oshen’s tail. This was ridiculous. They were going to hurt each other over a simple misunderstanding because one of them couldn’t understand her and the other wasn’t listening to her.

  Just as the males reached one another, she managed to slip in between them, her hands pressed to both of their chests as she tried her best to shove them apart. Unsurprisingly, neither one budged at all.

  “This is insane! Stop it, right now!”

  Oshen frowned at her hand on Zar’s chest, and she turned to look up into the violet eyes of the other male. He was watching her hand too, and when she looked down, she gasped at what she saw. The plates were glowing, radiating a violet sheen beneath her palm that rippled over his mauve exoskeleton. This hadn’t happened any of the other times they had touched.

  “Zar? What is that?”

  “Zar?” Oshen growled, narrowing his eyes on the male. His tail wrapped around her thigh as his arms snaked around her torso and he lifted her up against him. “This is the male who you dreamed of? The one who frightened you?”

  “He saved me, Oshen.” Amanda ran the tip of her finger over his cheek, touching a small cut on his skin before pressing a soft kiss to his chest. “He’s been my friend for a long time. He isn’t going to hurt me.” A wave of nausea overcame her and she pushed frantically at his arms until he released her. She barely made it to one of the small bushes outside before the bile rose up her throat. Oshen’s hands swept her hair up, and she felt Zar’s hand soothe down her back. The sickness began to recede as Zar’s purr rolled through her, and she scrubbed her hands over her face.

  “My heart,” Oshen murmured, stroking her arm with a clawed finger. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s going to sound crazy, but I think I might be pregnant.” Her voice caught and she let out a shuddering sigh, resting her head against Oshen’s arm exhaustedly. Amanda didn’t realize just how much she had missed him. Having Oshen and Zar with her made her feel strangely whole and secure. “It’s only been a week so this shouldn’t even be possible, and it’s not like there was anyone before that. Not lately, anyway.” Zar crouched down next to her and she smiled when he twisted a lock of her hair around his finger. “It’s crazy, I know it is, but I’ve been sick. I thought it might be a concussion from the crash, but I…” Amanda frowned, placing her hand over the small bump that seemed to have grown even more within the last day.

  “What is it?” Oshen nuzzled his face into her hair. “What happened?”

  “I felt something move,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes as she looked up at her mate. “What if I have a parasite?”

  Oshen placed his hand over hers, caressing her belly as his fushori pulsed gently. “Pregnancy isn’t impossible,” he said, his tail curling around her calf. “We were in the cryochambers for five weeks longer than we had anticipated.”

  “Five weeks? I thought we were going to make it here in one. And where’s Hades?”

  “There were complications and Vog did what he needed to do in order to get us here safely.” When Amanda raised her brow, he smiled. “Well, as safe as he could manage. He said he was able to get Hades to the surface, but we aren’t sure where he went.”

  Her poor Hades, lost somewhere on the planet all alone. She hoped he wasn’t nearly as inept as she apparently was. “What sort of complications?”

  Before Oshen could answer, Zar growled, his eyes narrowing on a spot somewhere within the woods in front of them. She saw them then, the six red eyes watching them from a distance. He had followed her here.

  “It is not safe here. My plan didn’t work,” Oshen said, and although she was sure Zar couldn’t understand the words, he seemed to agree, taking her hand and tugging her back. “Does he have a village?” Oshen asked, nodding toward Zar as he took hold of her other hand.

  She shrugged, looking up at Zar, who was busy scanning everything around them. “I’m not sure, but we were traveling somewhere yesterday when I got sick and he stopped here to let me rest. Wait, what plan?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Vog went for reinforcements, but I think it might be best to follow Zar for now. With both of us with you, I doubt our friend out there will be brave enough to try anything stupid.”

  Amanda turned back to where the eyes had peered out at her and shuddered, clutching the hands of the males on either side of her tightly. “Okay.”

  They walked for what seemed like hours in silence, giving Amanda time to obsess over everything Oshen had said. Someone had followed the ship, had complicated things so much that they had spent an extra five weeks in space traveling here. After seeing the eyes in the darkness, there was no doubt in her mind that it was the Grutex from Earth. What was it about her that he could possibly want so badly? She wasn’t special, wasn’t what many would consider beautiful, but this Grutex had stalked her from one planet to another. And what about the fact that Oshen believed she was pregnant? Her hand drifted down to her stomach as she turned her head to watch him in the growing light of the morning sun.

  “How did you find me anyways?”

  “I used the tracker on your cryochamber and then followed your scent from there. It was only by luck that it did not rain.” He pushed a branch out of her way so she could walk past it.

  “Oshen?” His gaze found hers and her heart leapt. “What you said about the pregnancy earlier… do you really think it’s possible?”

  “I believe so.”

  “It’s just that humans aren’t able to feel their babies move this early.” Even as she spoke the words, Amanda felt a small flutter beneath her hand and stopped in her tracks. “See? Feel!” She grabbed Oshen’s hand, placing it on her stomach as the flutters became stronger.

  “Gynaika…” he said, dropping to his knees in front of her, a grin stretching across his face as the movement continued.

  “Oshen, this isn’t normal!”

  “Perhaps not, but for Venium females this is appropriate.” When she arched a brow at the remark he laughed. “I’ve witnessed twelve of my dam’s pregnancies and births. This is nothing new to me. An average pregnancy lasts four months, give or take a few days. I’ve never known any Venium to m
ate outside of our species so I couldn’t tell you how this might differ, but assuming you progress like my dam, you are nearly halfway through.”

  Halfway through her pregnancy and she was just finding out. Amanda took a deep breath as her nerves made her queasy again, but before it could get worse, she heard the low rattle, felt it flow through her as her body settled. Her eyes met Zar’s and he tilted his head to the side, watching the interaction intently. He must have known the whole time. All those moments when he had pressed his face against her belly or touched it, he had been telling her in his own way.

  Amanda covered her face with her hands and groaned. “Zar must think I’m the worst soon-to-be-mother ever.”

  “What?” Oshen frowned, his gaze shifting between her and the other male. “Why would he think that?”

  “I put myself in danger so many times here and he’s had to come to my rescue more than once. He must think I’m horrible.” Tears fell down her cheeks, and she felt Oshen stand and pull her into his chest.

  “I’m sure he doesn’t think you are horrible.”

  A soft brush against her hip had her turning to see Zar crouched down at her side, his eyes fixed on her tear-stained face. “Mikri thea.” He used a knuckle to wipe away her tears. She didn’t understand what he said after that, but the way he looked at her made her heart race.

  A war raged within Amanda between her heart and her mind. One told her that being here with both of them was right, while the other told her she was only inviting trouble. Amanda rested her head on Oshen’s chest as she let her fingers trail over Zar’s face, watching the play of violet light shimmer in its wake.

  She could hear Jun’s voice in her head as she stood there between them, feeling safe and secure even with a deranged alien stalking them.

  “So, what? You feel the same way about both of these aliens? Are they both made for you?”

  When they held her like this, it sure felt that way.

  Chapter 20


  The rest of the journey through the woods had been uneventful so far, with no other sightings of her alien stalker. It seemed like the presence of both her males had given the Grutex second thoughts.

  Both of my males? Why did her conscience sound so much like Jun?

  She grimaced to herself and shifted in Zar’s arms so she could look over her shoulder at Oshen as he walked beside them. Both males were on constant alert, scanning the trees that surrounded them. Her mate’s face was drawn into a frown and had been ever since she decided to let Zar carry her.

  “I’m more than capable of carrying my mate.” He grumbled, narrowing his golden eyes on Zar.

  “I never said you weren’t.” Amanda sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “But you’ve been in an accident.”

  “I was not injured,” he protested.

  “I don’t want to argue with you about this, Oshen.” She pulled his head down to hers, pressing her lips against his. “Let Zar help.” Oshen’s jaw clenched, the muscle ticking before he nodded.

  “Are you upset with me?” she asked.

  “Why would you think that?” He turned to her, his frown deepening. When Amanda nodded toward Zar, Oshen sighed. “I won’t tell you I wouldn’t feel better holding you myself, but I am not upset by your decision.”

  “Your face says otherwise.”

  She frowned dramatically, making him smile and shake his head. “I am thinking.”

  “Oshen? Thank you for coming after me.” She extended her hand toward him and he reached out for it, pressing a kiss to her palm before releasing it.

  “Gynaika, you are the most important thing in my life. Nothing in the universe could stop me from finding you.”

  The little one in her belly fluttered gently and she smiled. The sickness that had been plaguing her off and on had been absent since the three of them had started their journey and she was thankful to be feeling more like herself. She wasn’t sure how Zar’s vibrations were able to do it, but she wished she could bottle it up for all of the women on Earth who suffered through months of nausea. She looked at him from the corner of her eye and smiled when he glanced down at her stomach and vibrated.

  The flutters within her increased, and she rubbed her hand over her bump. Sometimes it seemed like Zar was communicating with the baby, soothing him or her with the sounds he made. The baby responded the same when Oshen put his hand on her belly and the thought that the little one reacted to both of them in such a way made her heart clench with emotion. She wished Oshen had been there for the first movements, but she was happy to share these moments with him now.

  A massive gate made of stacked stone came into view, beautiful and intimidating with its high walls. It was the first unnatural structure she had seen on Venora, and it left her speechless. The sounds of people conversing, yelling, and talking grew louder as they approached the entrance, and she felt Zar’s arms tighten around her. He slowed to a stop and set her down on her feet before he turned to Oshen, speaking softly.

  “Do you know what he’s saying?” she asked.

  Oshen shook his head. “I don’t, but Mouni is working on it. Some of the words sound familiar, but I don’t know if they have similar meanings.”

  A commotion up ahead caught her attention and she squinted to see what was going on. A call went up, and the sounds of heavy footsteps filled her ears as Oshen and Zar both tensed. “What’s going on?”

  “Stay calm,” Oshen told her quietly, taking her hand.

  “Oshen…” People began rushing forward. Some of them looked similar to the Grutex, like Zar, while others had what seemed like Venium features. “What the hell is going on here?”

  “They’re hybrids,” Oshen murmured, looking just as shocked as she felt.

  A male at the front of the crowd shouted something at Zar before spitting at his feet. Oshen growled low in his throat, but Zar only looked away. A shout came from the back, silencing the group that had gathered around them as three large males who favored the Grutex pushed their way through. The one in the lead had a rainbow hue to his exoskeleton that she hadn’t seen before. It shimmered in the sunlight, almost looking like it was dancing across his body. He spoke in clipped tones that spoke of his displeasure with whatever situation they had found themselves in.

  Beside her, Zar shook his head, replying quietly. From somewhere deep in the crowd, a rock was thrown, barely missing Zar’s head.

  “Hey!” Amanda yelled, stepping forward. No one was going to treat either of her guys that way. “That was rude!” Before she could think twice about her decision, rainbow guy grabbed her around the waist. She struggled in his grasp as he hauled her up against his chest. “Put me down!”

  “Wait!” Oshen stepped forward, hands spread in an attempt to show he meant them no harm. “Be easy with her.” He turned to Zar, who was watching the other male with deadly focus. “Tell them, Zar.”

  But there was no time to react. Both Oshen and Zar were attacked from behind and wrestled to the ground, their faces pushed into the dirt as Amanda screamed.

  “No, no! Stop! Please, don’t hurt them!” She struggled against his iron grip, kicking and twisting.

  “Stop, gynaika,” Oshen ground out. “Do not give them a reason to harm you.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks as she watched one of them press his foot against Zar’s neck. “Please stop! They’ve done nothing.” She turned her head to look up at the face of the male who held her. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Mikri thea,” Zar whispered, his labored breathing disturbing the dirt beneath his cheek.

  There was an audible gasp from the mob when she twisted in the rainbow male’s arms and slapped him across the face. When she raised her hand to do it again, he caught it, muttering something under his breath before he placed her on her feet. If she would have known all it took to be freed was a slap, she would have done it sooner.

  When she tried to run to her males, the crowd began to shout. The ones guarding Zar and Oshen stepped into
her path. “You can’t do this to them!”

  “We are all right, gynaika. Stay where you are.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Oshen.” She dropped to her knees in front of them, reaching to brush her fingers over her mate’s cheek despite the murmurs of the guards at his side. When she extended her hand toward Zar, the reaction was far more explosive. The males around him growled, dragging his body farther away. Zar shook his head frantically in a silent warning when she tried to follow.

  Amanda pressed her hand to her stomach as the baby within her stirred, rolling and kicking gently. The low, familiar rattle filled the air and the little one moved excitedly in response until it was abruptly cut off when one of the males slammed his foot down on Zar’s head.

  She swallowed a strangled cry. “Stop that!”

  Murmurs rippled through the crowd as the sounds of distant screams and shouts drew closer. Amanda turned to see two more aliens racing toward them, their skirts clutched in one hand as they waved their other ones frantically. They looked a lot like the Venium females she had seen pictures of aboard the mothership but seemed broader at the shoulders, with the vine-like tendrils of the Grutex coming from their heads. Both had matching aqua-colored eyes and glowing fushoris that trailed over their nearly transparent white skin.

  The rainbow male who had grabbed her tried to stop them, but they spoke to him in angry tones before dropping down in front of Zar, touching his wounds and fussing over him. When he spoke to them, the smaller female glanced over at her curiously, her head tilting as she responded to whatever Zar had said. Amanda felt an irrational surge of jealousy at their intimacy.

  Was this female his mate? Was this why the others were so angry with him?

  The other female turned back to the male who stood behind them, speaking quickly. Amanda wasn’t sure what was being discussed, but she had a feeling it was about her with the way they all began gesturing in her direction, their voices raising until they were practically yelling. The smaller female, the one who had been watching her, came between them, speaking calmly, bringing some sense of order to the madness that had erupted.


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