The Stipulation (Volume Five)

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by M. L. Young

  The Stipulation

  Vol. 5

  M.L. Young

  Editor: Laura LaTulipe

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances of characters to actual persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. The author, M.L. Young, holds exclusive rights to this work.

  Copyright © 2013 by M.L. Young

  All rights reserved

  The Stipulation Volume Five

  Chapter One

  There are times in life where we are thrown gigantic and monumentous curve balls. You could fail a test, be fired from your job, or lose the person you love. Sometimes, though, you are thrown a curve ball that is not bad, but good.

  I was in my pajamas, ready to try to relax and watch some TV with Trevor, and instead Roman was standing here…right in front of me. My mind couldn’t even comprehend it, and all I wanted to do was both scream and throw up from the debilitating shock I felt.

  “Can we talk?” Roman asked as he stood there, still in the hallway.

  “Yes,” I mumbled softly as I nodded.

  I stepped aside and opened the door farther to allow him to walk inside. He walked in slowly, as I could see a clear sense of nervousness overwhelming him. He scanned my dorm, as this was his first time in here, aside from the times he’d been in my dreams and thoughts.

  “So, this is your dorm?” he asked, even though he clearly knew the answer.

  “Yeah, it is. So, how did you even get in here? There’s a locked elevator.”

  Roman walked over to my desk chair and sat with a sly and almost secretive smile on his face.

  “You do realize I am a genius software engineer, right? I founded and then grew a massive company, so bypassing an elevator lock really wasn’t that difficult for me,” he said with a smile, as if trying to mask the sarcasm.

  The light went on in my head, and I then realized that he was telling the truth. The elevator lock in a twenty-year-old dorm at a state school wouldn’t exactly pose a real sense of difficulty to him. It wasn’t like I lived in The Pentagon or anything.

  I sat down in Jillian’s desk chair, which was on the other side of the room, yet not that far away. I was still stunned that he was even here, and I didn’t know what to expect from the entire situation.

  “I think we need to talk,” he said as he rubbed his hands together nervously.

  “That might be a good idea. What are you even doing here?” I asked curiously, as I tried to keep my tone as friendly as possible.

  “Well, that’s a good question. I’m here because I want to win you back, Natalie. I know it sounds crazy, and I know I said that we were on separate pages and I didn’t want a relationship, but as time passed and I’ve been without you, I realized I can’t live without you. All I’ve been able to think about is you. I need you.”

  I sat there trying to analyze and process everything he just said. On the outside I appeared cold and analytical, but on the inside I was screaming like a child who just got a puppy for Christmas. I had been waiting for him to tell me these words for so long, and the weeks without him had been hell. But I also didn’t want to come across as too needy, though. If I just jumped back into his arms and went all crazy, he would think he could just get rid of me whenever. I needed him to think I could’ve moved on, and that he had to work to gain back my trust and love.

  “I’m happy to hear you say those nice things. The thing is, though, I’ve seen a couple other guys, and you just dumped me on my ass without so much as a reasonable explanation. Why should I just take you back and be your sugar baby again?” I asked with my legs crossed.

  “I know it’s hard and you have every right to be mad, but you know you like me—and I know you like me. We get along great and have always had an amazing time together. And besides, I don’t want you to be my sugar baby,” he said.

  “Okay, then, why are you here? Do you want to be my best friend or something?” I asked in confusion.

  “Natalie, I want you to be my girlfriend,” he said with a serious tone and stare.

  Girlfriend? Did I just hear him right? The same man who told me I was just a companion and basically arm candy was now telling me that he wanted to commit himself to me and be completely monogamous? I was skeptical, but understandably happy and giddy on the inside. All I had wanted from our first date together was to be with him and be his girlfriend. I didn’t care about his money or status, but about the person he actually was, which was charming and extraordinary.

  “So you’re willing to commit yourself to me, and be with just me?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Yes. Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as he walked over and clasped my hands, pulling me up to him.

  I stood there holding his hands as I averted my eyes and began to think. I actually knew my answer—I had always known—but I wanted him to sweat it out a little. After all, he did break my heart and caused me to suffer all of these weeks, so I returned the favor and made him break a sweat.

  “Well?” he asked nervously as I took my sweet time in giving him an answer.

  “Oh, what?” I asked, as if I had forgotten what we were talking about.

  “Natalie!” he said.

  “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend,” I said with a grin from ear to ear, as the butterflies floated me up into the air.

  “You make me so happy,” he said with a smile before leaning in to kiss me.

  My heart soared as his lips pressed against mine. The time that had passed in between kisses began killing my soul, as Roman now revived it and made me whole. I felt as though I was being taken back to our first kiss; like a young girl getting her first kiss from her first crush. Our lips were quivering against each other’s, as if we were both feeling the intense bout of nervousness that came from being with each other once again.

  We reluctantly released our kiss before I rested my forehead against his, as if connecting us together as one. I placed my trembling hand against his chest and felt his heart beat quickly before it began to slow down as the nervousness had faded away. The sky was dark outside, as the moonlight shined through the window and struck a mood that could only come from this moment. After weeks of being deprived of one another, and now that we were together, we had to make this moment complete. I wanted him to consummate our new relationship; like a new ship being christened.

  “You look so sexy when you’re in your pajamas,” he said as his hands ran down my sides; his fingertips going between my skin and the band of my pants.

  “I look even sexier without them on,” I said in a sultry voice.

  Roman kissed my neck and slowly slid down my sweatpants as my pink lace panties were exposed to the crisp air of my dorm room. The band of the pants passed by my thighs and fell to the ground as I yanked my feet out of them and kicked them to the side. Roman’s fingertips trailed lightly down my bare thighs and back up like he was a blind man reading a Braille magazine. I had missed his gentle, yet powerful touch. The sparks were spreading like wildfire, and all I wanted was him to extinguish them.

  Roman’s lips moved to mine as I began to unbutton his shirt from feel, as my eyes were shut to complete the moment. I slowly removed his shirt from his muscular body before my hands ran down and felt every ripple of his chiseled abs. It was like I was touching a god, and I wanted him to take me to his Mt. Olympus.

  As I stood there kissing him, I felt his manhood grow larger as it pressed against my thigh in a show of dominance. It was begging me to take it out and caress it like I had done in days past, and I leisurely made it wait as I wanted to tease him as far as I could.

  Roman peele
d off my shirt and tossed it on the ground before looking down at my supple and waiting breasts, as if he were gazing upon them for the very first time.

  “I had almost forgotten how amazing your body was,” he said as his hands went down my curves.

  “Shut up and take me,” I said in a dominant voice as I grabbed his belt and jerked him in closer to me.

  I heard his breath get heavier as I had just aroused him even further than he was, which was my true end goal. I wanted to watch him squirm, just like the way he had always made me squirm when he tickled my pussy on the countless other occasions we had been intimate.

  I slowly unbuckled his belt as I kissed his earlobe slowly and seductively. The belt came loose and I quickly unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground as his cock was only guarded by his red cotton boxers, which admittedly weren’t doing that great of a job of holding back that monster. I could notice it peeking out of the bottom, as if it was trying to entice me to see it yet again.

  Roman’s hands rubbed my shoulders as I began to slowly kneel in front of him, as my eyes stayed staring at him the entire way down. I placed my hands on his thighs and rubbed them as I teased him carelessly. I knew he was ready to erupt, and I wanted to be front row for the splash that was close to arriving.

  I thumbed his waistband and was about to pull down his boxers when I heard the door handle twist as it was being unlocked. Who was coming to my room this late at night? Jillian was supposed to be with Steve, and nobody besides the building staff had a key to our room. The door quickly opened before I could get up, and Jillian flipped on the lights and stopped in her place as she saw me down on the ground about to service Roman’s pipe.

  “Oh my God!” she said.

  Roman drew me to my feet and quickly pulled up his pants, as he was obviously embarrassed, even though he had no reason to be. He had the body of a god and a dick as big as a python. If anything, Jillian should be embarrassed that Steve wasn’t built like this.

  “Do you want me to leave?” Jillian asked as she stood there horrified.

  Roman and I quickly put on our clothes as we tried to cover ourselves and not look too indecent. I had never seen Roman get dressed so quickly before, and I knew if there were an Olympic event, he would easily win the gold.

  “No, I should be leaving. I’ll text you later,” he said as his cheeks turned red and he quickly gave me a kiss good-bye.

  He gave a nervous smile and nodded as he walked past Jillian before she came in and closed the door.

  “Was that Roman?” she asked in shock.

  “Yup,” I said, as I was still too mortified to give her a better answer.

  “I thought you two were over with. What happened?” she asked as she sat down and almost demanded I give her the scoop.

  “Well, he showed up unexpectedly and long story short, he asked me to be his girlfriend,” I said with a smile.

  “No way! That’s amazing, Natty! So you two are official?” she asked with a gigantic smile.

  “Mm-hm,” I said with a smile as I nodded.

  “I’m so happy for you. You can finally get over that rut and go back to your normal self! By the way, I ran into Trevor in the hallway, and he said his mom was calling and that he’d just catch you later,” she said as she took off her heels and removed her jewelry.

  I hadn’t thought about that; going back to normal. I hadn’t been my normal self these past few weeks, and I had become a girl I never wanted to be, and that scared me. I was a depressed and frightened girl who didn’t know what to do with her life anymore, and now I felt as though Roman showing up gave me an instant purpose and reminded me of who I was. I just hoped this keeps up.

  Chapter Two

  I woke up early the next morning, as my mind was able to easily fall asleep even after everything that had transpired. I slept like an absolute baby, and didn’t wake up once during the night, instead using all of my eight hours to dream about Roman and the new title he bestowed onto me. I was now, for the first time in my life, the girlfriend of a man, and not just any man, but the most amazing man I had ever met. My life was taken by sure shock and surprise, and even though being his girlfriend was all so fresh and new, I felt as though I had known what to do all along.

  Jillian was still asleep when I woke up, as she was upset last night. She had gotten into a huge fight with Steve, and didn’t really see too much of a future with him anymore. She was getting sick of all the partying he did and the way he still flirted with other girls, even though she was right there practically giving herself to him. I concurred, saying that she deserved better, and I thought she really took that to heart and realized what I was saying was true. I didn’t suggest that she should become a sugar baby, but I think Tara had been getting on her case about the subject. It would be great to bring her aboard and let her have a guy like Roman—one that could give her everything her heart desired.

  I picked up my cold phone and unlocked the screen to see I had a text from Roman. I smiled as I saw his name, but my fingers couldn’t move fast enough to see what the message even said.

  I’ve been thinking a lot about you. How would you feel about brunch around ten? I’ll pick you up and we can talk some more.

  I responded with a happy yes and put down my phone with a gleaming smile laced across my face. We didn’t get a lot of time last night to talk, with the groping and all, and I wanted to reconnect with him in the same way we had connected so many times before. It wasn’t that I felt disconnected from him in any way, but we were surely going to be rusty, and we had a lot to talk about and hash out, including what we did in our time away from each other. I really wanted to know if he saw any other women, specifically the other sugar babies that Jerome had available, and I needed to know that kind of information before I went forward in a relationship with him.


  Roman’s car pulled up—roaring—as all of the students, mostly guys that were outside, had to stop and stare at who exactly this was. I wanted to yell out that this was my boyfriend, in a show of dominance, but I kept it to myself as I got into the car and closed the door behind me so the cool breeze couldn’t press against my body any longer.

  “Well hello, beautiful.” Roman smiled as the door shut.

  “Hello, handsome,” I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  Roman put the car in gear and slowly took off as all of the kids outside were still staring in awe at his majestic and mighty sports car. There’s something about fast and loud cars that always made a man do a double take. I’m sure a naked girl could be running outside right now and they’d still be staring at the car as if they wanted to make sweet love to it.

  “So, did your roommate say anything about last night?” Roman asked, as if he was a little nervous or embarrassed.

  “Oh, we just talked about you a little. There’s nothing to worry about though,” I replied with a smile.

  “Did she, um, see anything?” he asked as he crept out onto the busy street.

  “No, and even if she did, you of all people have nothing to be embarrassed about,” I said as I put my hand on his thigh.

  Roman gave out a faint chuckle as he weaved in and out of traffic and headed in the direction of that ritzy restaurant he had taken me for brunch many weeks earlier. It was almost as if we were recreating our second date, and that prospect made me a little giddy inside. Even though we had been there just once, I felt as though we had history there, and it was going to be nice to keep that tradition alive.

  We eased up to the restaurant, which was of course packed for Sunday morning brunch, and Roman quickly got out of the car and came to open my door for me. From what I had heard from all of my friends, they made it seem as though chivalry was something that was long gone and dead. None of their boyfriends or potential boyfriends did anything for them, and here I was with a man that wanted to take care of me and be both polite and a total gentleman in any way he could. This behavior made me realize that they were just all sour and mad girls, and
that chivalry was definitely not dead in the slightest.

  We walked up to the door hand in hand and an employee happily opened the door before Roman could get to it. I could tell he was a little pissed, probably because he wanted to impress me and make me feel special since we were now a couple. I knew he tried to do it though, and that’s all that was important to me.

  “Good morning, Monsieur Parker,” Pierre said from behind his podium.

  “Pierre, my friend, how are you?” Roman asked with a smile, prompting me to believe he hadn’t been here since the last time we came together.

  “I am well, my friend. I have your table ready for you, so please, follow me,” Pierre said with a smile as he grabbed two menus and guided us to our table.

  Pierre escorted us to the same slightly obscured and private table we had during our last visit here. He placed the menus in front of us and smiled before walking back to his podium and likely his duties in the restaurant.

  “So, I wanted to talk to you about something before I forget,” Roman said as he put his menu down.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked nervously.

  “Not at all. I know your spring break is coming up rather quickly, and I was wondering if you wanted to make plans. I have a friend that has a nice beach cottage in the Maldives that we could use if you’re open to the idea. Drinks from coconuts and a private beach sounds like a fun time to me,” he said with a dastardly smile, as if he was really excited to see me in a bikini.

  “I can’t.” My voiced dripped with disappointment. “It’s not that I don’t want to, because I do, but I already made plans to see my parents. They’re going to be back from a missions trip and I usually go home to see them,” I said, hopefully not breaking his heart too much.

  “Oh, that’s too bad. Not to see you parents, but that we can’t go on a trip together,” he said, obviously disappointed.


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