The Stipulation (Volume Five)

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The Stipulation (Volume Five) Page 4

by M. L. Young

  The creaks from the floor were clearly there as Roman was still inside me, with his manhood throbbing against my tight pussy. We heard a door close—my parents’ bedroom door—and Roman gave out a soft sigh of relief, as we hadn’t been caught.

  “Maybe I should just finish you off myself, so we don’t have any more loud smacks resonating throughout the house,” I said as leaned forward, which caused him to slide out before I got on my knees.

  Roman didn’t argue or give me a struggle, and instead let me service him the same way I had earlier on the bed. My tongue trickled against his shaft as I grasped his hanging fruit with my left hand and massaged them carefully and slowly.

  A minute passed and Roman gripped tightly onto the bedpost as I knew he was about to explode with pleasure.

  He moaned and moaned as I took his piece out of my mouth and began quickly stroking it with my right hand. Two seconds passed and he bit his lip and put his head back as his sweet nectar exploded out of his cock and all over my chest like Old Faithful. I smiled, knowing both that I knew how to pleasure my man and that we likely had the hottest and sexiest session either one of us would ever have. Knowing you were that close to getting caught made doing it that much better.

  Roman quickly sat down as it stopped coming out, as his legs likely couldn’t handle keeping his body weight up any longer.

  “I’ll never forget this,” he said as he panted for breath.

  “I know,” I replied in a sultry and sexy voice, as if I knew he could never forget any encounter we ever had.

  Let’s just hope my father doesn’t ask me tomorrow what that strange noise was coming from my room. I’m not sure I could explain why my bed was creaking so loudly.

  Chapter Six

  A few days had passed, and it was time for Roman and me to leave. We had a flight at ten in the morning, and since there wasn’t a private airport near here, we had to fly commercial just like when we came. The flight wasn’t long, though, so it wasn’t going to be that big of a deal.

  My parents had shown us such great hospitality during our visit, which made it especially hard to leave. When I was away at school, I usually forgot the little things and the times spent with them, but when I was here with them, I couldn’t get enough of it. I got a nervous feeling in my stomach and chest when I knew I was leaving, mostly because I didn’t know the next time I’d even see them. It could be in a couple months or a full year. Their schedules weren’t certain, and they went on so many missions trips that last varying amounts of time. I knew this was likely going to be my last time seeing them, maybe even until Christmas time, if they were even here for that.

  “So are you kids happy to get home and back into your routines?” my father asked as he helped bring our luggage through the house.

  “I am, but I’m going to miss you two. I hate not being able to see you, and I wish we could have more time together,” I said, trying to hold back the tears.

  “I know, honey, but this is how it has to be. There are so many children and families that need our help, and besides, we will see each other soon,” my father said with a smile as he took my bags out of my room.

  I walked outside with my father as Roman and my mother were talking about how she was glad he was with me and taking care of me. She stopped talking as she saw us coming, and I didn’t acknowledge that I heard anything.

  My father walked to the back of the car and Roman followed to help him put our luggage away.

  As I started to walk, my mother grabbed my arm and pulled me back toward her.

  “I have to say, Natalie, I’m impressed.”

  “With what?” I asked confusedly.

  “With Roman. He’s such a nice young man, and I know he really cares about you. I’m so proud of you for having such a great relationship, and especially with a man who is very respectful to you and treats you with such dignity and respect,” my mother said with a smile.

  “Yeah, he is pretty great,” I said as I watched him help my dad.

  My father and Roman soon came over and now was the time to say good-bye. I hated this part of my trips, and seeing my mother tear up as she said good-bye to her baby girl was horrible. It wasn’t always horrendous because of the saying good-bye, but because she had a very ugly cry and tried to hold it back, which only made it significantly worse.

  “I told myself I wouldn’t cry,” she said as she fanned her eyes with her hands.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Roman. I hope we can see you again soon,” my father said as he shook Roman’s hand happily.

  “It was an honor meeting you, sir, and I’m looking forward to it,” Roman replied.

  My father hugged me tightly and held on for a few seconds as I could tell he was holding back from crying. He wasn’t an incredibly emotional man, but me leaving always made him emotional, and I knew he was crying on the inside.

  “Bye, Mom. I’ll call you soon,” I said to my mother just after Roman hugged her and said good-bye.

  “You better. I want to hear all about school,” she said as she grabbed me and hugged me very tightly.

  I gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled away before Roman and I walked back over to our SUV and strapped ourselves in.

  I rolled down the window to wave as we eased out of the driveway.

  “Be safe and let me know when you’re home!” my mother shouted from the driveway as they waved back.

  I smiled and Roman took off for the airport. I glanced behind me and saw them get farther and farther away before they vanished into obscurity and from my view. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my composure, just like I always had when I left them. This time was different, though. This time I didn’t leave alone. This time I had Roman with me.


  “I had a fun time,” Roman said as we hit cruising altitude.

  “Yeah, it was a good time, wasn’t it?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but I could do without going to church again,” he said playfully.

  “At least you didn’t get lured up onto stage like a piece of cattle,” I replied.

  The flight attendant brought two waters for Roman and me, for we were absolutely parched. We couldn’t find any in the airport, and all they were serving anywhere in there was soda. I guess they didn’t really care about the one liquid everybody needed to survive at that airport.

  “So, you know I’m going on business in a couple days, right?” Roman asked before taking a sip of his ice water.

  “Where to, and how long will you be gone?” I asked.

  “I’m going to Toronto, and I’m not sure. I don’t have a definitive answer, and it could be as long as three weeks if things go slowly up there,” he said.

  “Three weeks? I don’t know if I can go without you for three weeks, Roman,” I replied, almost trying to talk him out of it.

  “You went a lot longer than three weeks without me when we separated,” he replied, as if trying to make a point.

  “Yeah, and that was hell. Just try and get things done with whatever you’re doing so you aren’t gone that long,” I said.

  Just as I finished talking, the captain abruptly came on over the intercom to announce the status of our flight.

  “Good morning, this is your captain speaking. We are about forty-five minutes from our destination, and are a few minutes from hitting some rough turbulence. I’m going to turn on the fasten seatbelts sign and keep it on until we are in the clear. Thank you for flying with us today and we hope to see you again soon.”

  “I hate turbulence,” I said as I leaned my head back on my seat and held onto the armrests.

  “It’ll be okay,” Roman said as he put his hand on top of mine to calm me down.


  We had a car pick us up at the airport, and it was something I both had gotten used to and something that I was still unsure of. It felt so weird, as if we were this celebrity couple that was traipsing through the airport so we could go back to our mansion. Well, Roman was going back to his mansion, but I had
the displeasure of going back to my dorm. I wasn’t too thrilled about that, but school was starting in two days and I needed to study and ready myself. I hadn’t been doing that often recently, and my grades were starting to show it.

  “So listen, I almost forgot to ask you about something and I wanted to talk to you about it in person,” Roman said as we got off at my exit.

  “What’s up?” I replied.

  “Well, I was thinking that maybe we could take a few trips this summer while you’re off of school. I know you have some summer classes to do and all, but maybe we could fit them in between your classes,” he suggested.

  “Yeah, that sounds really great,” I replied with a smile, as I was genuinely excited.

  “I was also thinking…if you’re up for it…a trip to Paris in August before you start school up again. You’ll be done with your summer classes, and since you have a couple weeks before you start your fall semester, I was thinking we could do that as a fun little thing to do before school begins,” he said.

  Paris? Roman actually wanted to take me to Paris? I had been dreaming of going to Paris since I was a little girl, and going with somebody like Roman, somebody I was completely falling for would just be a dream come true.

  “I…I would love to!” I said happily.

  “I was hoping you’d say that. We could go wine tasting, go shopping, and have some fun at the Eiffel Tower,” he suggested.

  I smiled and kissed his cheek as the driver pulled up outside of my dorm and stopped the car in the same spot I had always been dropped off and picked up in before.

  “Well, this is my stop,” I said with a sad tone.

  “Let me help you,” Roman said as he got out of the car.

  I followed and he pulled my bags out of the car, which admittedly weren’t that big. I know he wanted to help me upstairs, but I told him it wasn’t necessary and that I got them down fine so I could get them up just as well.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked.

  “Hopefully soon, honey. I’ll try and see you in a couple days before I leave on my trip,” he said as he put his hands on my waist and stared into my eyes.

  “Well, I hope I see you before then. Be safe on your trip home,” I said, as my gaze lowered before meeting his eyes once again. “I love you.”

  Roman’s expression grew almost cautious before giving me a small smile, as his cheeks turned red.

  “I love you, too, Natalie,” he said before giving me a cute and sweet kiss on the lips.

  The fireworks never ceased to exist when I kissed him, and I couldn’t wait and see what they’d be like in Paris. The Eiffel Tower, the lights, the sounds, and just us against the world. It sounded like something out of a movie, and I hoped for the starring role.

  Roman and I let go and he walked back over to his door and blew me a kiss before getting inside. I caught it before he got in, and put it against my cheek with a happy smile as he sat down in the black leather seat inside.

  His door shut and the driver drove down the street before turning off and leaving my sight.

  I picked up my bags from the ground and started walking toward my dorm as I saw a bunch of spring breakers getting off the buses that went to both the airport and down to the destinations themselves. I thought I saw Jillian and Tara getting off of a bus very far away, but decided not to wait for them as they didn’t even have their luggage and I had mine strung across my body.

  I couldn’t wait to tell them about this trip.

  Chapter Seven

  I must’ve been upstairs in my room for about fifteen minutes before the handle turned and Jillian walked through the doorway with her plethora of bags. Some of them had sand crusted all over the outside, indicative of her beach stay, and it was trailing throughout the room, which was annoying to say the least.

  “Hey, how was your trip?” I asked as she shut the door behind her.

  “It was amazing, Natalie, you would’ve loved it. We were on the beach the entire time and there were so many tanned and ripped guys walking around. It was the biggest selection of hot guys I’ve ever seen,” she said.

  “Meet anyone new?” I asked.

  “Well, I met two guys and we had a little fun, but I don’t remember their names,” she said without shame.

  “Well, I’m glad you had a good time,” I replied.

  “How was your trip? Did Roman meet your parents?” she asked as she jumped on her bed.

  “Yeah, and everything went really well actually. Roman was very polite and my parents weren’t mean to him and didn’t try and faze him in any way,” I said.

  “So they like him then?” she asked.

  “Yeah, my mom even told me she really likes him and basically that I should hold onto him,” I replied.

  “Well yeah, with the amount of money he likely has I would hold onto him too,” she said as she rummaged through her purse.

  “Yeah, but it isn’t about the money to me. Sure that’s nice and all, but I really just like being with him, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else,” I said.

  “Fair enough,” Jillian replied as she lay back on her bed to rest.

  I continued to unpack my bags before I remembered I hadn’t told Jillian the biggest bombshell and piece of news.

  “I almost forgot to tell you. After I’m done with summer classes, Roman wants to take me on a trip outside the country,” I said with a smile.

  “Where to?” Jillian asked as she sat up in her bed with wide and excited eyes.

  “Paris,” I said with a smile.

  “France?” she asked excitedly.

  “Yup. He says he wants one great trip before school starts back up in the fall, and that’s the best place to go,” I said.

  “Well, you know what that means don’t you?” she asked.

  “That he wants to go on vacation?” I asked.

  “No, he’s going to propose to you!” Jillian said loudly for dramatic effect.

  “Propose? We haven’t been together that long. I think you’re full of it,” I replied, dismissing her claims.

  “Oh please. You two can’t stay away from each other, he’s meeting your parents, and he wants to take you in a few months to some far away location, one that is named the most romantic city in the world. Face it, Nat, he’s going to ask you to marry him,” Jillian said.

  Could she be right? Roman did come and meet my parents fairly effortlessly, as if he was planning to do that soon anyway. While we had only been together for four months, Paris was still five away, and nine months of dating and being together is an acceptable amount of time before an engagement. I’ve known people that got engaged in far less time. Still, though, the entire proposition sounded completely farfetched. I was sure he just wanted to take a nice vacation with me and give me a little relaxation and romance before I had to start the grind back at school again.

  “I still think you’re nuts,” I replied as I took my last shirt out of my suitcase and threw it into my dirty clothes hamper.

  “Think what you want, but I’m right. I’m going to go get some food, want me to bring you up anything?” Jillian asked.

  “A slice of pizza if they have any,” I replied.

  Jillian grabbed her keys, student card, and walked out the door, leaving me to sit here alone with my thoughts. Was it really possible that Roman would drop a bombshell of some kind on me in Paris? It didn’t have to be a proposal, but maybe our relationship would change in some way. After all, you didn’t just go to Paris on a whim.


  Class started up the next day as spring break was finally over and everybody on campus was groggy and going back to the grind that was sitting through college classes. I had an upper hand on my classmates, or so it seemed as I walked through campus, because most of them had been out partying and drinking all break and the hangover that was ensuing looked to be debilitating to say the least. Everybody had their sunglasses on, and cups of covered coffee were in full force as every student tried to sober up enough to sit
through an entire lecture.

  I had psychology with Tara, and she told me all about break and how she actually didn’t sleep with anyone, mostly because of her sugar daddies. They had a long talk with her and told her if she did anything they would dump and drop her, and I guess the thought of paying her own tuition and not getting presents anymore scared her from banging some random dude working at the gas station making minimum wage. No matter how hot that guy would’ve been, he wasn’t worth losing it all, at least so she said.

  “Are you sure he’s taking you to Paris, France and not Paris, Texas?” Tara asked before the professor had walked into the classroom.

  “Yeah, I’m positive,” I said with a chuckle. “He made sure to say France.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. The best place I’ve ever been taken to was New York, and that definitely isn’t Paris,” Tara said.

  “Yeah, but New York is nice! That big city life and tons of stuff to do,” I replied.

  “Yeah, it was nice, but it’s not Paris. I mean, the wine and cheese and romance that is Paris is so much better than anything in this country. Do you think he’s going to pop a question of any kind?” Tara asked before slyly putting the end of her pen into her mouth.

  “You and Jillian both—I swear. Just because I’m going on a trip with him doesn’t mean anything will happen. He took me to Aspen and nothing like that happened,” I said, trying to argue with her.

  “Yeah, but you two were fresh then. It would’ve been nuts had he proposed then. You two will have been together for a while though when Paris comes, and you never know what that city could do to a man,” she said.

  “All right, everybody, take your seats and open your books to page forty-three,” our professor yelled as she walked through the door and slammed her books on her desk.

  Tara opened her book and started taking notes as if nothing had happened, which it hadn’t, but it did in my mind. I still had months to go before I would even be on a plane to Paris, but now my mind was going to be rattled for months with the thoughts of Roman kneeling down at the Eiffel Tower or in some fancy restaurant in town. I couldn’t ask him about it, either, because then I would just look needy and would ruin any plans he did have for the trip. I could try to be sly and casually bring up marriage stuff, like magazines and talks about family friends getting married, but what if it didn’t work? I really didn’t want to go through the trouble of doing all of this if he didn’t respond and instead brushed both the proposal and me off like there’s nothing to talk about.


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