The Baby Pact_A BDSM Romance

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The Baby Pact_A BDSM Romance Page 2

by Riley Rollins

  We’d stopped only inches apart. I towered over her slight frame and waves of sweet familiarity washed over me. She was average in height, but delicately boned, giving the impression of fragility… quite in contrast to her true nature. She’d always been the strongest woman I’d ever met… she just didn’t know it. She looked up at me, and I felt consumed by the power of her….

  “You’re inexperienced… in your white dress,” I said. “And yet you’re here. And you meet my eyes.” I touched her chin with my finger… she didn’t shy away. And I could feel her temperature rising just from that single fingertip on her flesh. It set off a riot of primal urges inside me.

  “I’m not a sub,” she said, softly. And there was no sweeter challenge. Her words sent my cock pounding straight up the length of my belly.

  “Then do you intend to dominate me?” I asked, sounding far more casual than I felt. I leaned in, almost touching her ear with my lips. “It won’t happen, Angel. I promise you that much.”

  Her reaction was purely exquisite. Using her nickname was the key, and I knew it. I could feel the war of need and control struggling inside her, and moved around behind her to stroke my fingers down the long hollow of her spine, letting them linger at the base. I flashed back to when I’d tied those sweet wrists with the sweet pink satin sash from her prom gown. I’d shaken her to the fucking core when I’d lifted her skirts and spread her thighs with my face....

  “But what about pleasure?” I asked her, watching for her response, knowing she had to be remembering it, too. That night had been pivotal in both our lives, more than she realized…. “I see it in your eyes that you need it, that you’ve denied it too long.

  For tonight… for you… there aren’t any rules except that you give in to your pleasure,” I said, as I lifted her hair from her neck and gave in to the need to bury my face in its softness. “You’ll do this for me,” I told her. “You’ll do this for yourself.”

  And I felt her entire body relax in my hands. A second later, I had her gathered in my arms, away from the hall and the naked, rutting bodies that filled it. I headed for the stairs, for the privacy of a room of our own….



  Millfield High, Prom Night

  Six years ago…

  I’d managed to tear my dress, my updo had gone completely south, and Mattie’s Midnight Passion lipstick was every kind of wrong on me. By the time I was dressed and ready, Jimmy had been waiting downstairs for at least twenty minutes, Mom was pacing outside in the hall, and my reflection in the mirror looked like anything but a girl about to have one of the most exciting nights of her life. From the neck up, anyway. My dress, even torn, really was pretty great….

  “There,” Mattie said, biting the thread off with her teeth. “I think that’ll hold.” She adjusted the fine silver strap on my shoulder as if we had all the time in the world. It was her unshakable calm that I loved about her most. Well, it was just one of many things.

  “God, look at you,” she said, smiling. “Spin for me… come on now. And see if you can put a smile on that sour face. This is your prom night, not a fucking funeral service.”

  Mom rapped impatiently against the door. Again. She and Jimmy were two of a kind. Neither one had any patience to speak of. Maybe that’s why she liked him so much. And why I should have my head examined for agreeing to ever go out with him in the first place. But she had forced the issue for so long… and by senior year I’d finally given in, just to ease the tension between us. As far as she was concerned, James Seevers… the great heir apparent to the Seevers fortune… ought to be every girl’s dream. I, however, didn’t happen to be every girl.

  Still, I had Mattie on my side, so there really wasn’t much room for complaints. Mattie Wilder had been my best friend since grade school, and was the only person in the world who knew all my deepest, darkest secrets. She kinda knew everything most of the time. And she was right about tonight, too. This was my one and only prom. And minus Jimmy, I’d been looking forward to it. I turned to look back into the mirror, smiling like she’d told me to, and the spell was cast. My silvery dress seemed to float around my ankles just the way it should. The pink satin sash formed a soft, perfect bow at the waist and trailed down the back, almost to the floor. Yes, very Cinderella, I thought. Even if the real prince was way out of her league, and she was going to the ball with one of the little white rats.

  “I swear, you’re the only girl in our class who could pull this off, this whole fairytale look…,” Mattie said, handing me my mask. “Very classic… very… sweet, really…”

  She herself had gone with an elegant black gown that hugged all the right places. The masquerade theme of the evening had most of our friends choosing to go all dark and mysterious, and Mattie was right at home, totally in her element. But I was just too fair. So even if I didn’t look as grown up and sophisticated as the other girls, I’d happily settle for not looking like a kid playing dress-up. I’d chosen to go lighter, understated. Safe.

  I put on the sequined mask, adjusting it, tilting my head to the side to see the effect. And somehow that sparkling bit of silver seemed to pull all the loose ends together like magic. My blonde hair looked perfectly fine, left loose and flowing over my shoulders. And the rosy stain left after I’d scrubbed off the lipstick actually seemed just right. In any case, there was nothing left to do but go downstairs. Jimmy would spend half the night sulking if I kept him waiting any longer. And he already had his nose out of joint because I’d insisted Mattie ride with us. She didn’t have a date and liked it that way. More and more, I was starting to appreciate her point of view…

  And so we headed down the stairs.

  My pumpkin was waiting.

  “Make yourselves at home,” Jimmy said, leaving us in the glittering foyer almost as soon as we arrived. “I’ll go get drinks for us and catch up with you later on.” He gave me a kiss that left a film of moisture on my lips. “Duties of the host, and all that shit.”

  Funny thing was, instead of feeling abandoned, I relaxed, and felt my first flutters of real excitement as he walked away from us.

  Our graduating class was fairly small, fewer than two hundred seniors, and we didn’t have the funds to rent a hotel ballroom. And Mr. Seevers, Jimmy’s father, hated to pass up a chance to show off. So they had generously offered their home for the party, and he and his arm-candy wife were hovering on the edge of the dance floor, acting as chaperones. And, as usual, the minute I was on Seever property, every nerve in my body had snapped to full attention. I scanned the crowd, the tall curving staircases that swept the edges of the enormous room… I already knew Will had come home to attend Jimmy’s graduation. But I was praying I wouldn’t have to wait until then to catch a glimpse of him.

  Maybe I should have felt guilty. He was ten years older than me, and Jimmy’s half-brother. But none of that had stopped me from dreaming, even when we were still kids and Will was already in college. He was still older, of course, but then so was I. Finally. My eighteenth birthday had come and gone almost a month ago. But remembering that night was the last thing I wanted right now. Cringing, I pushed the memory of it down… out of my mind.

  And that’s when I saw him, coming down the stairs. It never failed. That warm feeling of liquid heat I felt every time he was near. Yeah, I probably should have felt guilty. But if anyone had

  the ability to make tonight the one to remember, it was Will. My fairytale prince. My untouchable, unreachable, off-limits dream come true. Just one dance with him tonight…

  “And here he comes,” Mattie whispered into my ear. “Or at least he will if you play your cards right....”

  “Tshhhh,” I hissed, working hard to keep what little poise I had. “Will you just… just… go, alright? Nose-ring guy over there is dying to get his hands on you… So just go…”

  “His name is Kevin,” she shot back with a smirk. “And don’t knock the piercings.” She pushed back a handful of her bright hair and smiled back over her
shoulder slyly. “Not until you’ve tried it anyway. I know I’m going to.” She grinned. “I heard his big nose is just the tip of the iceberg…”

  She left me with my mouth hanging open and years of her advice ringing in my ears. Mattie was all about taking chances. And according to her, I was still way too naive…

  But I never was again, not after that night… Not after Will…

  “Dance with me,” he had said.

  Three simple words that changed my whole life. I could have said no. Except that I didn’t. I’d known all along I’d have given up anything and everything to wind up in Will’s arms. And the minute he pulled me against him that night…

  I pretty much did.



  The Underground

  “I can’t.”

  I looked beyond the mask into her sapphire blue eyes and stopped cold.

  “I’m not saying no,” she added, quickly. “Just not upstairs…

  You’re right,” she went on, her face so close to mine. I hadn’t put her down… and I had no fucking intention to. “I’m here, and I… I do want this… But we’re strangers, just the same. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.”

  “And at the end of the night we go our separate ways…,” I answered slowly. “But right here, right now… This only works if you can give in to what you want. You’re going to have to trust your own desires… You’re going to have to trust me.” I gathered her against me tighter, tight enough the pressure of my chest pushed her breasts up so they nearly spilled out the top of her neckline. Bigger than I remembered…

  “I do,” she replied, not looking up from my mouth. “I’m not entirely sure why… or how, but you remind me of someone. From a long time ago…”

  “A man who woke up a need inside you,” I whispered. “A need you never forgot… for something you were afraid you’d never feel again.” I let her slip down until her feet touched the floor, but kept her crushed against me. The resulting friction made it all too clear to both of us that precious time was passing… “And you’re back tonight, to taste that sweet temptation again… to surrender your body, to give up control… just for a night…” As I spoke, I moved her, under the curve of the staircase, into the waiting darkness there. The balusters cast shadows on her pale skin. I shifted her easily so that my body formed a shield. I had no intention of sharing her with the rest of the room. I had come here for her, and I wanted her all to myself.

  “What did he do… this man you can’t forget?” I ran my fingers under the thin straps of her dress… and remembered… “Did he look at you, like this?” I snapped the silver straps and felt a primal surge run like fire just under my skin. Her dress fell in an instant, leaving her in nothing but a lace thong and thin strap of pink satin that covered nothing but her nipples. I couldn’t stop the rush of pure greedy satisfaction. She remembered the satin, too. And she’d loved it as much as I had…

  I ran my fingers over her skin. Her neck… her shoulders… the hollow between her breasts. “Did he touch you like this?” I whispered, teasing her with my fingers, willing them to move slowly, deliberately. My reward was the quiver that ran through her. She might hide behind her mask, but her flesh told me the truth. I ran one gentle palm down her shivering belly and between her thighs. Not only was she wet, but she was slick down the insides of her legs. Memory is a powerful thing...

  “Oh… my… God…,” she breathed, putting her hand out for support. Her eyes were heavily lidded and she rocked on her feet unsteadily. “Yes,” she whispered over the pulsing sound of the music behind us. I knelt down in front of her and pressed my face into her, breathing her scent, inhaling her essence. She was perfume and musk, like a drug screaming out to my need. I tore through the lace at her hips and her thong fell to the floor.

  “Did he make you come on his tongue?” I demanded, lifting her legs off the ground so her thighs rested on my shoulders. She dug her heels into my back and I buried my face without waiting for her answer. I already knew. And I wasn’t waiting a second longer to take what was mine.

  She was slick and hot, her pussy lips thick and swollen with her desire. I kissed, licked, devoured… crazy with my own hunger. And she ground her hips against me in response. My cock pounded, furious… impatient with its own unfulfilled need. I simply let it drive me on.

  My pleasure was her pleasure. Tonight wouldn’t just end with her climax. It would begin with it…

  I reached up, cupping her sweet curving cheeks, intoxicated by her scent, her taste… her responsiveness. She was everything I remembered and more. Richer somehow. More luxurious… I slowed my pace as her breathing quickened. Not yet, my angel… not just yet…

  “You’re shaking, sweetheart,” I whispered against her belly. The truth was, I was shaking, too… desperate to tear off the masks we wore and take her away from this place. I wanted her a thousand different ways and none of them could happen here, with so many other people so close… I stood up and could feel the heat of her breath through my shirt.

  “It’s been… I don’t… I haven’t…,” she was gasping, her delicately restrained breasts heaved with effort. “I just haven’t been with anyone in a long time,” she panted.

  I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over my face. “He affected you so much?” I asked darkly. “And you’ve never forgotten…” I leaned closer and reached behind her back. The ends of the pink ribbon that barely concealed her nipples were tied in a bow. “Take it off,” I demanded. “I want to see all of you.”

  Her blue eyes blinked only once… and then she obeyed. She reached a hand up behind and tugged at the end of the ribbon. Her breasts wobbled for a moment and the ribbon fell away. No longer bound, they bounced apart, free… heavy… round. Her nipples, no longer tiny nubs, were thick and stiff, dark and standing out from her creamy mounds and begging to be sucked. Soon, I told myself… Soon...

  “What is it that really brought you here tonight?” I asked deliberately, running the tip of my finger down the slope of her breast. “We both know an angel like you doesn’t come to a place like this without wanting something…” I opened my hand, curving it around her swollen breast, dizzy with the weight of it and the desire that was pushing me to the end of my limits. She leaned into me and closed her eyes. Her dark lashes swept her sequined mask.

  “A memory,” she whispered.

  My gut tightened hard and my cock pulsed maddeningly. That’s it, Angel, I thought. Begin to trust… “Tell me…”

  “It was years ago… I was only eighteen and almost a virgin…” She gasped as I squeezed her in my hand, willing her to go on. She responded instantly… the way she always did with me…

  “He was all I ever wanted…,” she went on. My hand moved warmly, the other found its way down her spine… between those soft, round cheeks.

  “It was my prom night,” she said, her head lolling against my shoulder as my fingers moved lower. “He took me… he tied me and he touched me…”

  “Like I’m touching you now…”

  “Yes.” She bit into my shoulder as my fingers reached her tight little rim. She was slippery wet. I rubbed a delicate circle around the sensitive flesh and felt her shudder. “Like this… and he gave you your very first climax?” I whispered against the side of her face. “What else did he do?”

  “He tied my hands,” she gasped. “With the sash of my gown.” I felt her hands reach between us, boldly finding the rock-hard heat of my cock. Her hands had my pants open in a fast second and her hand slipped over my slick, ready head. “I thought I could never have a man like him…,” she whispered. “He fucked me…”

  “He was older.” I pumped my cock in her hand and felt my balls lift higher. “Not your date?”

  “My date was busy fucking someone else,” she said. “He found me, he danced with me… and nothing else mattered after that…”

  “And here you are tonight,” I said, pushing my fingers into the velvet heat of her pussy. “You came here to reme
mber. You still can’t forget…”

  She leaned back in my arms, surrendering to the pulse that was beating inside her. She held my cock in her hands, not realizing that she was holding far, far more…

  “Please,” she begged, her body so sweet and so willing in my arms.




  I held him tight, knowing it was insanity that drove me on. It had to be. I was educated, intelligent… a mother for God’s sake. And I was naked in a stranger’s arms, telling him things I was barely willing to admit to myself. But there was something in those dark, hidden eyes that seemed to pull the truth from me. And my own silver mask, like a shining wall between us, gave me courage. I could trust… for one night. For only one night. Then I would go back to who I really was… to my real life. And this man would never know who I was.

  I was safe.

  He watched me from behind his mask, letting his eyes run down my body like he was committing me to memory. And he was quiet. Only his cock, beating its pounding rhythm into my hands told me how my words affected him. His heart was racing… just like mine. Then he slipped his fingers out of me and my heart missed a beat.

  He took a step back. Only far enough to pull me along with him, further into the darkness and the privacy under the stairs. The music still throbbed, mixed with the sounds of pleasure all around us. But we were hidden from sight. He peeled off his shirt… then left the rest of his clothes in a heap at our feet. His powerful thighs spread as he planted his feet and let me look at him. We were even somehow… both naked and fully exposed. Then he reached down and pulled a long fabric from the pocket of his coat on the floor. It was pale and he wrapped it sensuously around his hands. The shiver that ran through my body was deep and exquisite.


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