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Best Man Under the Mistletoe

Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  Chelsea had seriously outdone herself on working with the in-house decorator. Brandee and Shane had been so thrilled with the results when they’d arrived.

  But right now Gabe was twitching to see Chelsea. Alone.

  When he’d arrived before the party officially started and seen Chelsea, he’d nearly swallowed his tongue. She was wearing a short, tight dress and those new cowboy boots, leaving a portion of her legs exposed. He wanted to feel those legs wrapped around his waist and he wanted to hike the skirt of her dress up to see what she wore beneath.

  The last few days had been hell in terms of all the ass-kissing he’d had to do to appease his clients. One had threatened to pull all of his business, which would have been a significant loss. But Gabe had assured him that no other scandals would tarnish the company. Gabe knew he was riding a fine line and one more issue would be the end of this working relationship.

  Gabe didn’t intend to let anything happen again. He was in complete control now. But some of the clients handled by his staff weren’t yet convinced. Gabe planned to keep a close eye on the situation and to reassure everyone that they were in the safest hands with the Walsh Group.

  Now that he’d handled the damage control, Gabe was more than ready to get back to Chelsea.

  When Gabe got to the hall she’d disappeared into, there was no sign of her. There were a couple offices and restrooms along the corridor but he had no idea where she’d gone.

  A faint sound of sniffling had Gabe going still. He turned his attention toward one of the offices and crossed the hallway. He knocked on the door, but no answer. That’s when he heard colorful cursing from behind the closed door.

  Gabe let himself in and found Chelsea. Her back was to him, her shoulders hunched as she pulled in a shaky breath. She pounded her fist on the desk with each curse word as if the inanimate object had offended her.


  She flinched and turned, her hand over her chest. “Sorry, I just needed a minute.”

  “To cry?”

  “I’m not crying.”

  Maybe not, but she was on the verge of angry tears if that quivering chin was any indicator.

  Gabe moved into the room, closing the door at his back and flicking on the light since he’d shut out the glow from the hall. Something at the party had bothered her because just moments ago he’d seen her laughing with guests and playing darts with some other ladies.

  “What is it?”

  Shaking her head, she attempted a smile. Did she truly think he’d just let her lie to his face and suffer alone? He wanted to know who the hell had hurt her so much that her cheeks were tinged pink and her eyes were practically shooting fire.

  “It’s nothing. I just needed to get away from the chaos out there for a second.” Chelsea slid her palms over his chest and cocked her head. “I’ve missed you.”

  Gripping her wrists before she could distract him, he leaned forward. “Don’t change the subject. Tell me what happened.”

  “Just some jerk thinking he can make crude comments about the photos.” She slid her hands up around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. “I didn’t want to make a scene so I just walked out.”

  Rage pumped through him. “Tell me who.”

  Chelsea shook her head. “He’s not ruining this night. That’s why I didn’t say anything. Daniel would go all big brother on me if he knew and Shane and Brandee would feel guilty for inviting someone here who was so ill-mannered.”

  To hell with Daniel or what anyone else would do. Gabe wanted his hands around the bastard’s throat right this second. Nobody would ever make Chelsea feel inferior or knock her self-esteem down...not as long as he was around. Hell, even after they were through, he’d still consider her a friend and he’d never stand for anyone being cruel to her.

  Gabe gritted his teeth and attempted to rein in his anger. He would find the bastard and make sure he understood never to mention Chelsea’s name again or even to glance her way. If Shane knew about this, he’d haul the guy out of the party, but Gabe wouldn’t let this dark cloud hang over the night and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let it hang over Chelsea.

  Daniel and Shane didn’t need to know anything had happened. Gabe knew and he would damn well take care of things.

  Forcing himself to remain calm, he nipped at her lips. “You look so damn sexy,” he murmured against her mouth. “Did you wear this to drive me crazy? Because I’m ready to make our excuses and find someplace where we can be alone so I can see what you’re wearing under this.”

  With that bright smile that never failed to pack a punch of lust, Chelsea tickled the nape of his neck with her fingertips. “Maybe I had someone in mind when I put this on.”

  “Is that right?” he growled.

  She nodded and met his gaze beneath her heavy lids. “I may have also had that same person in mind when I made a special purchase yesterday. Maybe something lacy.”

  His entire body tightened as he plunged his hands into her hair and covered her mouth with his. Damn this party. He wanted her right now. It had been too long—days—since he’d had her and each second that ticked by brought them closer to the end. The need had grown stronger and stronger and, right at this moment, he was hanging on by a thread.

  Chelsea pulled away. “We can’t do this here.”

  “We can,” he argued, reaching down to haul her hips flush with his. “I can clear off that desk and have you bent over in a second.”

  Her moan vibrated through her chest. “If we got caught here, Shane and Brandee would kill us. Besides, just think of all this as foreplay.”

  He’d been in foreplay mode all night. Seeing her hips in motion beneath that flimsy material had been like watching a slow-motion strip tease and he was damn tired of waiting for his prize.

  “I want to know what’s under this dress.”

  She gripped his jaw, wiping her thumb over his bottom lip. “I assure you, it will be worth the wait once we get back to my place.”

  “My place is closer. We’ll go there.”

  Before Chelsea, he’d never taken a woman back to his place, but he’d never had a need like this. Chelsea was different in every respect. She’d already been to his loft and, he had to admit, having her there hadn’t freaked him out. He’d actually enjoyed it.

  He’d also exposed a part of himself, of his past, that he never would’ve divulged had Chelsea not gotten to him deeper on some level. Those were thoughts he wasn’t ready to dive into right now.

  The second this party was over, he wanted that dress off and he suddenly had the all-consuming desire to see her spread across his sheets. Any meaningful thoughts or questioning why he’d opened up to her had no place here.

  “So impatient,” she mocked. Dropping a quick kiss on his lips, she pulled away from his arms and adjusted her dress. “We better get back out there or people will wonder where we went.”

  Nobody knew about their current situation and Gabe wanted to keep things that way. Whatever was going on between Chelsea and him didn’t concern anyone else. She was his and he wasn’t too keen on sharing. And he was determined to track down the jerk who’d upset her. The party was large, but Gabe knew most everyone in attendance. It wouldn’t be too difficult to figure it out.

  “You go,” he told her. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She slipped out the door and Gabe needed more than a minute to gather his thoughts. Between the desire pumping through him and the fury over some guy who didn’t have any manners, Gabe needed to rein it in before he went out there in a fit of rage.

  Gabe let a good five-minute gap pass before he headed back out. The party was still in full swing. The drinks were flowing, laughter and conversation filled the open area, and couples were dancing to a slow country song by the hired band.

  Standing back, Gabe surve
yed the room, trying to pinpoint guests he didn’t know. There was no way a friend of theirs would make snide remarks to Chelsea, so this guy had to be someone outside of their inner circle. Maybe a business associate of Shane’s or Brandee’s.

  Within minutes Gabe had narrowed the options to three guys. Gabe shoved his hands in his jeans and watched each of them for a few minutes. He needed to have absolutely no doubt which one he needed to rip apart.

  Chelsea and Brandee were throwing darts in the corner. Erin stood near them, sipping on a glass of water and chatting with her friends. Shane and Daniel were at the other dartboard. Gabe figured he should mingle so he didn’t look like he wanted to commit murder, but if any of those three guys said something to Chelsea again, Gabe wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.

  “Looks like you owe me a bourbon,” Daniel stated, slapping Shane on the back as Gabe joined them near the dartboards.

  “Considering it’s an open bar, I’m paying for it anyway,” Shane replied.

  “Actually, Chelsea and I paid for it,” Gabe interjected. “But feel free to drink all you want. We also have drivers to make sure everyone gets home safely.”

  “You guys really thought of everything,” Shane said. “Thanks, man.”

  Gabe didn’t want the accolades. Shane was his best buddy and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for him. Besides, working with Chelsea was worth all the money and time he’d spent. She trusted him now. She believed in him. And he couldn’t wait to get back to his place and make good on his promise to rip that dress off her body.

  “I’ll go get drinks,” Shane offered. “What do you guys want?”

  Daniel and Gabe gave their orders and Shane headed toward the bar. Risking a glance at the women, Gabe smiled when Chelsea threw the last dart in her hand and it hit the bull’s-eye. She threw her arms in the air and spun toward her friends with a huge smile on her face. That punch of lust to his gut always caught him off guard—though it was something he really should have been used to by now.

  “I’ll go get us some drinks,” she told them.

  Gabe forced himself to look away, but when he turned back, Daniel was eyeing him.

  “Something you want to tell me?” Chelsea’s brother asked.


  “You dodged that question before, Walsh.”

  Gabe shrugged. He’d continue dodging it until Chelsea wanted her brother in on what was going on...if she ever did.

  Even if he and Chelsea hadn’t agreed to keep things private, he wouldn’t be chatting with her brother about this. Chelsea was Gabe’s business. Simple as that.

  “This is none of your concern.”

  Daniel lifted his brows. “Is that right? Because you were looking at my sister like... I can’t even finish that without getting graphic. What the hell is going on with you guys?”

  Gabe crossed to the board and plucked out the darts. “We’re planning a wedding. You want to know anything else, you’d have to ask her.”

  “I’m asking you.”

  Gabe handed Daniel the red-tipped darts. “Winner gets the final say-so in this argument.”

  Taking the darts from Gabe, Daniel nodded. “I’ll want the truth when I win.”

  Like Gabe would ever lose.

  The crash of breaking glass had Gabe and Daniel spinning around. Chelsea stood in the midst of the mess, and some guy Gabe didn’t know was clutching her elbow.

  Oh, hell no. Gabe was across the room before he could even think twice. Rage bubbled within him and all he saw was Chelsea’s shocked face, her mouth open, her eyes wide. And fear. He saw fear and he damn well didn’t like it one bit because his Chelsea never cowered from anything. She was a fighter.

  “C’mon, baby. Everyone has already seen everything you have. Why don’t you give me a private show?”

  The guy slurred his words as the reek of alcohol wafted off him. Before Gabe could make a move, Chelsea rammed her elbow into the man’s stomach, causing him to grunt and double over.

  “You don’t have to be a b—”

  Gabe reached down, grabbing the guy by the throat and pulling up so he could look him in the eye. He wanted this jerk to know exactly who was threatening him.

  “Get the hell out of here and don’t come back. If I see you near Chelsea—if I even think you’ve spoken her name—you will find out just how difficult your life can be. Are we clear?”

  Daniel came up beside Chelsea, wrapping an arm around her. Gabe knew she was fine, but he wanted the trash taken out.

  Yanking the guy by the back of the neck, Gabe escorted him to the door and made sure he headed toward the parking lot. No way in hell was he going to allow Chelsea to continue living with this black mark over her. Everything that had happened to her wasn’t her fault, but the fault of his uncle.

  Gabe wished the old bastard wasn’t gone because he’d go kick his ass and knock some sense into him. How did one even get revenge on a dead man? Rage was a difficult emotion to control, but Gabe forced himself to breath in and out and get back to Chelsea without ripping someone’s head off.

  Chels was a strong woman, but there were only so many times someone could be knocked down, and in public, no less. Damn it all. Even though none of this was his fault, it was his family member who had set this ball in motion, ruining lives.

  That was all in the past now and Gabe was hell-bent on making sure the whole nightmare stayed that way. The town was moving on. These people were moving on. Until that jerk made a scene, this party was proof that every one of his friends had found their own happiness despite Dusty’s antics.

  Gabe stepped back into the main room and made a beeline for Chelsea, who sat on a bar stool beneath a large bundle of mistletoe. It was almost as if he was being given the green light.

  Several friends surrounded her: Erin, Brandee, Shane and her brother Daniel. Gabe didn’t care how rude he was or what others thought. The whole secrecy thing be damned. He wanted her to know she wasn’t alone and he wasn’t just consoling her as a pal. No, he planned on consoling her like her lover.

  Pushing past Shane, Gabe reached for Chelsea. Her eyes went wide when she spotted him and he wondered exactly what she saw written all over his face. Most likely, she saw every blasted thought racing through his head. Every instinct in him wanted to haul her out of there, but throwing her over his shoulder would only piss her off more.

  Gabe said nothing as he framed her face and captured her mouth. He swallowed her shocked gasp and eased her to her feet. Cheers and music surrounded them, but he blocked everything out except Chelsea’s sweet taste.

  When he feathered the kiss and released her lips, her lids took an extra moment to open. Desire and surprise stared back at him.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” she muttered. “Guess we’re not keeping this private anymore.”

  Gabe grabbed her hand. “We’re leaving.”

  “Don’t be absurd, Gabe. We—”

  He shot her a look that shut her up immediately.

  “Go,” Brandee stated from behind him. “The party is almost over, anyway.”

  “And we paid for people to clean up,” he reminded her, never taking his eyes from Chelsea.

  Her lips thinned as she nodded and gripped his hand.

  Gabe turned to find Daniel with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed.

  “That dart game is going to have to wait,” Gabe stated as he pushed by.

  Daniel’s eyes went to his sister. “Chels.”

  “I’ll call you later,” she told him.

  Later? Maybe tomorrow. Right now they were going to be alone, away from people, phones. The world. Gabe wasn’t in a sharing mood.

  Something about having another man put his hands on his woman and terrorize her made Gabe even more protective, even more territorial, than ever.

  Hadn’t he wanted to keep this purely physical? Hadn’t he wanted to keep things private?

  Well, apparently manhandling the jerk who’d approached her and then kissing Chelsea beneath the mistletoe had blown that plan all to hell. But he’d answer everyone’s questions another time.

  Chelsea was his for another week and he damn well planned to take every opportunity to show her just how a woman should be treated. She deserved everything and, for now, he was going to be her everything. Once the wedding was over, well, he’d worry about that when the time came.

  The valet brought Gabe’s truck around and Gabe gave him a hefty tip before helping Chelsea get in. There were so many emotions pumping through him right now, he needed a minute. If she touched him, if she said anything, he was afraid his control would snap. He was that desperate to be with her and to prove that she was not defined by the scandal that continued to plague her. Gabe had never felt the need to prove something to someone and he’d never had this desperation before.

  But this wasn’t about him. Everything about this moment, about these emotions, was about Chelsea.

  Being with this woman was like walking a tightrope. One wrong step and he could plummet into a territory he wasn’t ready for. Gabe was already teetering as it was and he had a sinking feeling he wasn’t going to be able to hang on much longer.

  The second he settled in behind the wheel and put the truck into Drive, Chelsea turned in her seat. “Gabe—”

  “Not now,” he growled, gripping the wheel tightly.

  Once they got to his place, they would talk. Or not. He’d much rather work his tension and stress out another way. He had a sinking feeling if he started opening up about his emotions now, he’d say things he’d vowed never to say to another woman and the last thing he wanted was for Chelsea to get hurt again.


  Anger rolled off Gabe in waves. She’d never seen him like this, had never thought someone so reserved could dole out such rage. But the man was practically shaking.

  He’d been pissed back at the party. The way he’d handled that drunk guy, Chelsea wasn’t so sure what would’ve happened had the room not been full of family and friends. Would Gabe have been so controlled or would he have pounded on the man? She’d been scared, not that Gabe would hurt her in his anger, but of what he’d do to the other guy and how she couldn’t prevent it.


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