Against the Odds

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Against the Odds Page 19

by Tori Carson

  “I’ll go hang out on the roof.” Sammy reached for the knob.

  “No, don’t go. It’s all right.” Alexa waved him to the padded chair on the far side of the bed.

  Sammy looked to Sid before moving.

  “Keep us company. Your ghost shirt isn’t going to keep your brains from being baked on the rooftop,” Sid teased his friend. There was nothing to do now but wait for Desi to show.

  Alexa looked at Sid sharply. “Don’t make light of his sacred beliefs. Just because you might not understand or believe in it doesn’t mean you have the right to discount it.”

  Sammy laughed. “She’s definitely your better half, dude.” He sat down in the chair and propped his feet on the end of the bed. “Good luck teaching him any manners, Alexa. He may know what tie to wear with what jacket and what wine to sip with what food, but culturally he’s ignorant.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched and a faint pink touched her cheeks for a moment.

  “Many cultural traditions or beliefs can be linked in one way or another to a sound scientific theory,” Alexa explained.

  Sid snorted rudely. “No scientific theory I’ve ever heard of touts cotton fibers as being strong enough to stop bullets.”

  “I’ll let the record stand for itself,” Sammy retorted smugly.

  Sid flipped him off.

  “What record? What are you two talking about?” Alexa asked. She tapped her foot and immediately grimaced.

  “I’ve been in the line of fire as often as Sid, but I don’t carry around any souvenirs like he does.”

  “You’re just a lucky bastard,” Sid grumbled as he rubbed Alexa’s thigh. Every movement she made seemed to bring her pain.

  “Or he ducks better than you do,” Alexa teased Sid. “I know watching Hackman shoot you ruined my whole day.” Underneath the table she wrung her hands.

  Both men burst out laughing. Sid was filled with pride. That Alexa was making the effort to joke with them after the experience she’d just gone through showed him just how strong she was. The tension was getting to her, but she kept up the banter.

  Sid gently brushed two fingers over her injured cheek. “Perhaps we both need to get a little better at it.”

  “Couldn’t hurt,” she conceded.

  “How much pain are you in, babe?” Sid wondered if she’d acknowledge it.

  She shrugged. “The waiting is getting to me. How do you guys handle it?”

  “You should have seen him while you were MIA. I thought he was going to have a stroke.” Sammy poked fun at Sid again. “Papa threatened to have him relieved if he didn’t get a grip.”

  Alexa leaned into Sid. “I’m sorry I worried you.” She glanced at Sammy. “Who is Papa?”

  “Teague is married to the chief’s daughter, Chantel. When he’s out of earshot, that’s what he calls the boss,” Sid explained.

  At the mention of Teague’s name, the tentative smile faded from Alexa’s face. She wasn’t ready to forgive him. His girl could definitely hold a grudge.

  “Did I get you in trouble?” she asked Sid with concern etched in her expression.

  “Sid and the chief are pretty tight, Alexa. He’d have to do more than bark orders like an idiot and piss off all the locals to get in any serious trouble. Besides, I’m sure Teague was running interference for us. I know you’re mad at him, but he is one of the good guys,” Sammy answered, sparing Sid the embarrassment.

  “A white Taurus just pulled into the parking lot,” one of the guys on the roof radioed. “He’s circling around. Looks like this is it. Identify and notify.”

  “Grumpy’s a go,” Sid responded immediately.

  “Hang tough, Alexa,” Sammy told her as he slid out the bathroom window. A moment later a thud sounded on the roof above them. “Du-rag’s a go,” Sammy chimed in.

  While the rest of the team readied for action, Sid turned his attention to Alexa. “Go into the other room.”

  “No. I’m staying with you. We’ll see this through together.” Her jaw tightened and her eyes locked with his.

  By the look on her face, he knew nothing he said would change her mind. He’d never been more proud of her.

  In the same motel room where Danny had left her to be raped, Alexa waited to face him one more time. She stood straight and tall in her kitten heels, ignoring the pain from the cuts on her feet. She smoothed out her pencil skirt and forced a pleasant expression on her face. Danny would never see weakness from her again.

  Her heart beat double time as the chime signaled the door was unlocked. Sid stood in front of her with his pistol drawn. A few inches of the doorway were illuminated.

  “What the…” Danny started to ask just as Sammy, holding onto the walkway awning, swung feet first directly into Danny’s back. The door bounced off the wall and Danny landed face first on the floor of the motel room.

  Sammy placed his knee against Danny’s spine and his Glock at the back of his head. “Don’t even think about moving.”

  Sid stepped forward and covered Sammy while he searched her brother. He found a small pistol in an ankle holster and bags of various colors and shapes of pills. He also found a packet of white powder and a mini spoon.

  “I’m so glad you decided to join us again, Danny. You ran off so quickly we didn’t really have a chance to discuss your future.” Alexa spoke with a calm confidence she really didn’t feel.

  All three men stared at her for a moment. Sid was the first to grin and if she wasn’t mistaken, he’d sent Sammy a conspiratory wink. Danny just glared at her as if seeing her for the first time.

  She waved to the table. “Please, have a seat.”

  “What the hell is this all about?” Danny blustered as he got to his feet.

  “The lady asked you to have a seat. I strongly advise you to do so.” Sid kept his Sig Sauer trained on Danny’s head as Sammy shoved her brother into the seat nearest the door.

  Alexa took the farthest chair and sat at an angle, hiding the injured side of her face in the shadows and her cast under the table. “You see, Danny, these gentleman believe you have value to them. After our encounter, I fear they are wrong. In my opinion you’re nothing more than a parasite that needs to be exterminated.”

  “Like I give two shits what you say.”

  Sammy smacked him upside the head. “Listen to your sister, asshole. She obviously got the brains in your family.”

  “You murdered Mom and Dad, Ezzy, Blanca and Marge.”

  “Who the fuck are Blanch and Marge? Worthless fucking bolts?” Danny asked indignantly.

  Her stomach rolled at his callous disregard for human life. “Blanca and Marge were seamstresses who were trapped in the fire you set to hide the fact that you murdered Ezzy.”

  He waved his hand dismissing her. “That doesn’t count. I was trying to kill you. They were just collateral damage, as the saying goes.”

  “As I was saying, you murdered five people that I’m aware of. I suspect there are others. While nothing you do to make amends will bring those people back, these gentleman believe you could serve a greater purpose working for them than rotting in a prison cell. I completely disagree. In the big picture of life, I think it would be very fitting if you were to spend your remaining days on this earth as an inmate’s fuck toy.”

  Danny’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

  Sammy snorted and Sid’s mouth twitched slightly before he regained his professional demeanor.

  “I sincerely hope you refuse to help these men, or prove to be as useless as I believe you to be because I’ve been promised the opportunity to choose your bunkmate and I’m really looking forward to it.” She watched Danny shift uncomfortably in his chair.

  “What is she talking about?” He looked from Sid to Sammy then back to Sid.

  “We have enough evidence to lock you away for several lifetimes, and with the gracious help we’ve received from Hackman, Grumer and Fuller, you’ll never walk free again. Your associates decided to buy their way out of jail by supply
ing us information about you and your business dealings.” Sid embellished the truth. “In the big scheme of things, you’re just a small fry, and we’re after bigger fish.”

  Danny ran a shaky hand through his slicked back, gray hair. His cocksure smile disappeared as his shoulders sagged. “What exactly are you offering?”

  Sid shrugged. “That would depend on what you can tell us. I’ll be honest with you. It won’t be easy to wipe the slate clean. The last time I checked, the district attorney felt he had a rock solid case on thirteen counts of murder, and I lost track of the number of kidnapping, racketeering and other charges.”

  Alexa watched as the wheels began to turn for Danny. His rapid eye movement told her he was considering his options. The fact that he hadn’t balked at Sid’s bluff of thirteen murders made her wonder just how many people he was actually responsible for killing.

  “What if I gift wrap Bobby the Bull for you?” Danny offered.

  Are they really serious with these ridiculous names? Alexa wondered.

  Sid looked at Danny incredulously. “Give me a break. Hackman sold out Bobby a week ago. We want DeRege.” Hackman had been dead by then, but Danny didn’t know that.

  The blood drained from Danny’s face and he shook his head. “Not the King. I’d rather go to prison.” He stretched out his legs and grinned smugly. “Hell, I can file so many motions I won’t go to trial until I’m old and gray.”

  Alexa fist pumped. “Yes! You hold to that line of thinking, Danny. That’s exactly what you should do.” She leaned back in her chair and smiled like it was Christmas morning. “You know, I’ve made millions as an interior decorator. I really have no need for our trust fund. I think I’ll spend it on Viagra for your bunkmate.” She’d only stretched the truth a little.

  “You vindictive bitch.” The vein on the side of his temple bulged. “We can do business, but I’m not talking to her anymore. If you want my help”—he tossed his chin in her direction—“then get her outta here.”

  That Danny thought he was in a position to make demands floored her. He must consider his crimes of little consequence.

  “I think it’s time to move this discussion down to headquarters,” Sid announced.

  Sammy opened the door. Several local agents entered and led Danny from the room.

  Sid and Alexa stood on the sidewalk and silently watched. She knew he had to be locked away, but it still broke her heart. How the little red-headed boy her parents had dearly loved could have grown into such a monster, she’d probably never figure out.

  An NBIA, white transit van was parked in the second row of spaces. The side door was slid open and Danny was stepping into it as he kicked off on the running board, knocking the agent to the left of him off balance. Danny grabbed the officer’s pistol, turned and pointed it directly at Alexa.

  Before she could register what was happening, Sid, Sammy and two local agents all opened fire, striking Danny several times about the head and chest. As if in slow motion, he crumpled to the ground.

  * * * *

  As the elevator doors of the New Yorker Hotel opened, Sammy clapped Sid on the back and headed off to his room.

  Once they were alone, Sid turned to Alexa. “Your feet have to be hurting. Let me carry you.”

  She shook her head and walked to the room they shared.

  In the couple of hours since the shooting, Alexa had barely said a handful of words. He’d been shocked when she had taken the lead with Desi, but she’d pushed just the right buttons. He’d been convinced Desi was ready to cooperate.

  After sliding the plastic card into the slot, Sid held the door open for Alexa. He’d allowed the silent treatment while they’d been around other people, but now that they were alone, that shit was coming to an end.

  He worked the lock, ensuring their privacy, and turned in time to watch her curl into a ball on the armchair near the desk. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she’d avoided the couch to keep a distance between them.

  “I’m going to run a bath for us.” He waited a moment, but when she didn’t reply he headed to the restroom.

  Once the tub was filling, he returned to her side. “Babe, you need to give me some direction. I don’t know what you need. Your sorrow is beating at me.”

  She looked up at Sid with tear-filled eyes. “I pushed him too hard. I wanted to show him how tough I was, that he couldn’t break me.” She sniffled.

  “That’s bullshit. If you have to blame someone besides the bastard himself, then blame me. I’m the one who shot him.” And no matter how many crimes Desi committed, he was still her brother.

  “You did nothing wrong, Sid. Once he had a hold of the gun, you had no choice. All you did was protect me and your team.”

  He sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Alexa realized that. “Come on, babe, let’s get you into the bath. It’s been a horrible couple of days.”

  Sid waited for a few moments. When she didn’t respond, he picked her up and carried her to the tub. He nudged off her shoes before sliding her feet to the ground. She reached behind her and unfastened her skirt, allowing it to pool at her ankles while Sid unbuttoned her shirt and pushed it from her shoulders. Alexa added her bra to the pile as Sid turned off the water.

  He offered his hand to help guide her into the tub. As she sat down, he wrapped her cast in a towel and rested it on the edge. He used one of the complimentary cups to douse her hair. Taking his time, he massaged her scalp with shampoo.

  Her soft coos eased a few of the knots in his stomach. At least he could do this right.

  “I love your hair. It’s thick and gorgeous.” He needed to find something safe to talk about.

  “It hid the microphone pretty well. I’m grateful for that.”

  So much for finding a neutral subject. “We found the other one in a dumpster a couple of blocks from the warehouse.” The emotions of those few hours came rushing back. “I’ve never been so worried.” He rinsed out the shampoo then applied the cream rinse.

  “I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you. I was wrong to put you through that.” She tipped her head back and closed her eyes while he took care of her.

  He wasn’t entirely sure he’d heard her correctly. She’d been through hell and here she was apologizing that he’d been scared? It was obvious Alexa was taking the blame for the mission deviating from the plan.

  “Babe, I was running the operation. It was my decision. Why don’t you tell me what’s been going on inside that brain of yours.” He was convinced it was more than grieving.

  Alexa was quiet for so long he assumed she wasn’t going to answer him.

  When he noticed her staring at her water-soaked fingers, he asked, “Are you ready to get out?”

  She nodded and stood up. He wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the bed, feeling utterly helpless.

  After drying off, she twisted her hair into a loose bun and lay down.

  Sid left the bathroom light on, knowing Alexa wouldn’t want it completely dark, then curled around and pulled the covers over them. He settled in, knowing it was going to be a long night. He wondered if he should put in a call to the agency shrink he’d worked with on a few cases. He had no idea if he should push her to talk or just comfort her.

  “He hurt me,” Alexa softly whispered.

  He tightened his arms around her and waited to see if she’d continue.

  “Instead of crumbling, I got mad. That’s not normal is it? He killed our parents and destroyed my childhood. I should have been overwhelmed by grief but once the shock passed, all I could think about was getting even with him. I wanted him in jail.” Her voice was growing louder. “When you told me the FBI and the DEA wanted him as an informant, I was so angry. I wanted him to spend the rest of his life behind bars.” Alexa was trembling.

  “Baby, anger is the second stage of grief. It’s perfectly normal,” he assured her.

  “Not like this. It was all-consuming. I wanted to hurt him, just like he’d hurt me.”
br />   “I don’t understand. What are you telling me, Alexa?”

  “The memories I have of my dad are those of a child. He was larger than life. When the loneliness would get to be too much, I’d scour the libraries and later the Internet and read every article I could find about my parents. They all describe my dad as being a shrewd businessman, one who fiercely protected his designs and aggressively went after anyone who infringed on his styles.”

  She softened her voice and looked up at him with pain-filled eyes. “I have a few images in here”—she pointed to her temple—“of Dad slamming his fist down on a table. His face red with anger.”

  “I don’t know much about the fashion industry, baby, but I understand it’s highly competitive and corporate espionage is a common occurrence. To be such a success, your father would have had to be diligent. I don’t know a single person who at one time or another hasn’t lost their temper. He didn’t hit you or your mother. He hit a table, babe. Don’t read more into it than is really there. You obviously have his talent and your mother’s beauty.” He was a little worried she’d decide to take her rightful place as the head of Desman’s Designs. There was no doubt in his mind that she was his soulmate and his place was by her side, but he hoped she decided to return to Arizona. He’d never aspired to live in a bustling city.

  “Danny was wholly without compassion. He was in pursuit of money, nothing else mattered.” She grew contemplative. “Competitors described my dad that same way. What if Dad passed on more than his fashion sense? Something that could be twisted?”

  “Alexa, there was never a hint that your father was anything other than a brilliant designer and businessman. And you, my sweet, don’t have a cruel bone in your body.” He kissed her temple. “Whatever you’re thinking, just stop. You’re connecting A to B and coming up with D. Just rest, baby. We’ll look at all this tomorrow when we’ve had some much-needed sleep.”

  “I want to go and see Mr. Hawkings. He worked closely with my parents.” Alexa sounded lost in thought.

  “We’ll go in the morning. Now, let me hold you. I feel like a part of me is missing if you’re too far away.”


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