Designed by Desire

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Designed by Desire Page 8

by Pamela Yaye

  Blaring car horns and a cool, light breeze streamed into the office through the open window. Allowing the sun’s rays to calm her, she picked up her water bottle and took a long drink. Kyle was partially right. Like everyone else in the family, Brianna was worried sick about Bailey and feared her attacker would strike again.


  When they least expected it.

  That’s why she’d called police headquarters that morning and inquired about the investigation. With a heavy heart, Brianna listened as the detective brought her up to speed on the case. There was no new evidence, no new leads, no new witnesses. Brianna hated living alone in the apartment she shared with Bailey, but her sister’s kidnapping wasn’t the reason Brianna was in a melancholy mood.

  Collin was.

  Brianna couldn’t shake the images of her hot, gorgeous lover.

  “You have the most beautiful eyes,” he’d said one night after a round of passionate lovemaking that had left them both spent and clinging to each other. “They’re brighter than a million stars, and every time you look at me I get tongue-tied.”

  “Wow, handsome and complimentary. How did I get so lucky?”

  “Fate brought us together to have one hell of a weekend, and I’m having a blast.”

  “Me, too, Collin. I wish I could stay here with you forever.”

  Collin had raised an eyebrow. “Forever, huh?”

  Brianna had winced when she realized the thought in her mind had escaped her mouth. “That came out all wrong,” she’d said, shaking her head. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “So, you’re not enjoying my company?”

  “Of course I am. You’re fun and spontaneous, and I always have a great time with you.”

  “And, I with you, mademoiselle.”

  His fake French accent had made Brianna laugh, but when he’d kissed her she’d moaned into his mouth. Kissing him back, she’d tenderly caressed his face, his shoulders and his chest. Briana hadn’t been able to stop touching him, stroking him, rubbing her naked body against his. The more they’d teased and licked and pawed each other, the more Brianna had wanted and needed him. His scent, his touch and the words he’d whispered between each kiss had blown her away.

  “You’re the sweetest piece of chocolate I’ve ever tasted,” he’d breathed, swirling an index finger around her navel. “And once I start licking you, I just can’t stop.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Brianna?” Kyle said.

  Brianna didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there reliving the last time she’d made love to Collin, but when she surfaced from her haze and saw the expression on her brother’s face, Brianna winced.

  “You met someone, didn’t you?” Pointing a finger at his sister, his eyes narrowed and he leaned forward until they were just inches away. “Someone you really like.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ve only been back in town for twenty-four hours,” Brianna said, shifting nervously on her chair. “When would I have had the time to meet someone? On the cab ride over from my apartment this morning?”

  “Maybe you met him in the city of lights.”

  “O-o-o-okay, Kyle, whatever you say. I met someone in Paris, fell madly in love and we’re eloping to Las Vegas next week!”

  Kyle chuckled. “It’s good to see you still have your sense of humor.”

  “Break time’s over, Mr. Man.” Brianna pointed at her office door. “I’m swamped with work, so skedaddle.”

  “Sis, I really need you to do me a favor.”

  “What kind of favor?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

  “I have a two o’clock meeting this afternoon with one of our biggest investors, but Zoe wants me to look at reception venues with her.”

  Brianna glanced at her desk calendar. “Oh, wow, the big day is fast approaching, huh?”

  “Thanksgiving can’t come soon enough for me.” Kyle smiled. “If it were up to me we’d already be married, but Zoe’s been dreaming of her wedding day since she was a little girl and I want to give my baby everything her heart desires.”

  “To think, all this time Zoe was right under your nose.”

  “Crazy, huh? I never imagined getting locked in a supply closet would be the best thing to ever happen to me, but it was.” Kyle chuckled. “I can’t think of anything better than waking up every morning with Zoe in my arms and...”

  Having seen her brother go down this sappy, love-struck road before, Brianna knew she should change the subject quick. She didn’t have time for idle chitchat.

  “I don’t mind standing in for you,” Brianna said, cutting her brother off mid-word. “I haven’t had lunch yet, and sampling wedding menus at ritzy hotels is a lot more fun than ordering fabric samples and snacking on rice cakes.”

  “I don’t need you to meet up with Zoe. I need you to meet Cameron Childs.”

  Brianna frowned. “I’m a fashion designer, Kyle, not a businesswoman. What do you expect me to do?”

  “Just be your smart, witty self.”

  “And?” Brianna prompted. Her gut was telling her that Kyle was holding something back, and she wanted to know exactly what she was in for before agreeing to meet the investor.

  “The incident at Lincoln Center spooked our investors, and the last time I spoke to Cameron, I got the distinct feeling he was having second thoughts about the sponsorship deal. I need you to assuage his fears and remind him of the benefits of investing in RHD.”

  “Kyle, look at me,” Brianna said, staring down at her striped cotton shirt and faded jeans. “I’m not exactly dressed for a business meeting.”

  “Nice try.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “But I happen to know for a fact that the closet over there is filled with your favorite pieces from our spring line.”

  Brianna hid a smile. Kyle knew her too well. Her office closet held everything from business suits to workout clothes. “Fine, I’ll stand in for you this afternoon, but you owe me big-time.”

  “Once you close this deal I’m taking you to the best restaurant in town.”

  “Really? Wow, Kyle, I’m impressed. You never treat.”

  He dropped a kiss on her cheek and stood. “Nothing’s too good for you, sis. You know that.” At the door, Kyle glanced over his shoulder and flashed a grin. “And if you persuade Cameron Childs to invest another million, I’ll let you supersize your meal!”

  Brianna snatched her water bottle off her desk and hurled it across the room. It struck the door instead of Kyle, but she still cracked up. Falling in love had changed her brother for the better, and Brianna loved seeing this playful side of him. He reminded her of Collin—the man who’d come to mean so much to her in such a short period of time.

  Quit daydreaming about him, her inner voice snapped. Your rendezvous is over, and you’re never going to see him again, so leave that man in the past where he belongs.

  Brianna flipped open her sketch pad, scooped up her pencil and began drawing as if her life depended on it. And it did. If she wanted to ride the wave of success after the RHD show and continue to prove that she was every bit as talented as the competition, her designs had to be better than ever. And they would be.

  All she had to do was keep her mind off Collin.

  * * *

  A little before two o’clock that afternoon, Brianna strode through the automatic doors of the Childs International Hotel feeling only half as confident as she looked. Inside the lobby, she paused to admire the contemporary glass and chrome decor. The reception area was filled with vibrant artwork, cozy bucket chairs and extravagant flower-filled vases. The building reeked of old money, but Brianna wasn’t surprised. Cameron Childs was worth millions, and his Fortune-500 company had its hand in everything from television to aviation.

  On the cab ride over, Brianna had studied up on t
he company and its charismatic CEO. The internet was flooded with pictures, news clips and damning headlines about the married New York native, and gossip bloggers labeled him a “deeply troubled philanderer.”

  “Good afternoon,” Brianna said to the receptionist. “I’m from Roger Hamilton Designs, and I have a two o’clock appointment with Cameron Childs.”

  “Please have a seat. Mr. Childs will be with you shortly.”

  While Brianna waited, she read the latest issue of Eminence magazine and checked her email on her BlackBerry. Just when Brianna was about to give up hope of meeting Cameron Childs in this lifetime, the receptionist marched into the waiting area and announced her name.

  “Mr. Childs apologizes for the delay, but he’s prepared to see you now.”

  Brianna rose and followed the receptionist through the lobby and down a bright corridor filled with watercolor paintings and framed business awards. The receptionist stopped at the end of the hallway, opened the office door to her left and swept a hand inside.

  Taking a deep breath, Brianna adjusted her scarf and smoothed a hand over the front of her belted A-line dress. Channeling her inner businesswoman, she raised her chin, pinned back her shoulders and strode into the office as Mr. Childs stood to greet her.

  “Good afternoon. Welcome to Childs International—”

  Brianna gasped. The floor fell out from under her feet and for a pulse-pounding minute she couldn’t breathe., it can’t be! I must be dreaming!

  Her heart welled up inside her chest, beating uncontrollably. The shiver that ran the length of her spine caused her legs to shake and buckle. Her stomach pitched and heaved so violently Brianna feared she was going to be sick on the plush white carpet.

  But it wasn’t her fault. She couldn’t be blamed, couldn’t be held responsible if she lost her poise, her cool. Because there, standing in front of the circular desk in a sleek black suit and eye-catching pink tie, was the man she’d spent four blissful days and three steamy nights with in Paris.


  The suave, charismatic businessman who’d treated her like a queen and rocked her world in the bedroom.

  Her vision blurred, swimming in and out of focus. Seeing him was a shock to her system. It was impossible to believe, impossible to wrap her mind around. Collin was in New York, and he was standing just inches away from her.

  Close enough to touch, close enough to kiss, whispered her inner voice.

  Brianna opened her mouth, realized she didn’t know what to say and quickly closed it. She was gaping at him, out-and-out staring, but couldn’t stop ogling his delicious physique. Or from adding this yummy picture of him to her mental Rolodex.

  The air was suffocating, thicker than L.A. smog. Telephones buzzed beyond the four walls, laughter rang out and noise from downtown Manhattan penetrated the open windows, but Brianna still could hear her loud, erratic heartbeat drumming in her ears.

  Collin didn’t speak, didn’t utter a single word. He looked absolutely, positively stunned, and the dazed, bewildered expression on his face only increased Brianna’s anxiety. His eyes couldn’t be any wider, his mouth couldn’t be open any bigger and his posture was as stiff as the bronze lion sitting on corner of his executive desk.

  He took off his designer glasses and rubbed his eyes with his fingertips before slipping them back on.

  “Brianna, is that really you?”

  “Collin?” she asked, knowing full well it was him but wanting to prove to herself that he wasn’t a dream or a figment of her overactive imagination. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.”

  “I thought you lived in L.A.!”

  “I have a house in Beverly Hills and a condo in Malibu, but New York is home.” His expression was still stunned disbelief, but a smile warmed his lips. “I can’t believe it’s actually you. I feel like I’m dreaming with my eyes open.”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  “And what a delicious mouth it is.”

  Desire consumed Brianna, but she didn’t confess to Collin how thrilled she was to see him. Kyle was depending on her to wow Cameron Childs, and she refused to let her family down, not even for a man she’d been obsessing about for the past twenty-four hours. “I’m supposed to be meeting with Cameron Childs.”

  “And I’m supposed to be meeting with Kyle Hamilton.”

  “I guess we were never properly introduced, huh?” Brianna knew touching Collin was risky—as dangerous as swimming with a great white shark—but she smiled and offered her right hand. “I’m Kyle’s sister Brianna. He couldn’t make it this afternoon and sent me on his behalf.”

  “This meeting is getting more interesting by the second.” Collin took her hand in his and held it tight. “You’re a fashion designer at Roger Hamilton Designs.”

  “Yes, and I’m more than qualified to answer any questions Mr. Childs may have about our 2014 spring line.”

  “This is an RHD suit,” Collin announced, touching a hand to the lapel of his double-breasted jacket. “I’m a huge fan of your label and have been for many years.”

  “Thank you, we, um, appreciate your support and ongoing patronage.”

  Brianna heard the words come out of her mouth and wished she could jam them back inside. She was rambling and making herself look like a complete ninny in the process. But she was tense, more uncomfortable than a drug dealer in church, and battling a serious case of nerves. “If you’d like, I could set up a private fitting with one of the designers in our menswear department.”

  “I’d like that, Brianna. Thanks for the hookup.”

  His hand closed around her fingers, gently caressing each one. His touch soothed her, calmed her. He looked more handsome than Brianna remembered, and when she got a whiff of his cologne her thoughts drifted back to the afternoon they’d spent strolling around the Luxembourg Gardens holding hands and sharing kisses. It was hard for Brianna to believe that was just three days ago. God, I’ve missed you, she thought, staring deep into his eyes. It feels like months since I saw you and even longer since I felt your kiss, your touch, your sweet, tender caress.

  “Do you work for Cameron Childs?” Brianna asked, desperate to unscramble the pieces of this mystifying puzzle.

  Collin cracked a smile. “You could say that.”

  “Are you his personal assistant?”

  “No, I’m a little higher up on the chain of command.”

  He stepped forward, so close Brianna could smell his minty-fresh breath. Thoughts of kissing him, of tasting his sweetness filled her mind, but she resisted her flesh. They were in New York, not thousands of miles away in Paris, and as long as she remembered their secret rendezvous was over, she’d be fine. “You still haven’t told me who you are or what your position is here.”

  “I’m Cameron’s brother, and if I had known I was meeting you this afternoon, I wouldn’t have given him such a hard time about taking his place,” he said, wearing an easy smile. “I returned from Paris last night to attend this meeting, and now I’m really glad I did.”

  “You told me you were in the hotel business.”

  “I am, among other things.”

  All at once everything made sense. Collin’s outrageous spending in Paris; waiters bending over backward to please him; the preferential treatment he received in restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Scoring tables next to the biggest stars in the world should have tipped her off that Collin was a powerful, influential man, but she’d been too smitten to notice. “O-O-Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe it,” she stammered, embarrassed by how loud and squeaky her voice sounded. “You own Childs International Hotels!”

  “My brother and I run the Childs Corporation together,” he said. Then, pressing a finger to his lips, he glanced around as if they were in a crowded room and feared their conversation would
be overheard. “Don’t tell anyone. I like to keep a low profile.”

  “Partying in the hottest Paris nightclubs is hardly keeping a low profile.”

  “It staves off boredom.” Collin gave her a wink and flashed a smile. “But isn’t that what you were doing in Paris? Taking a break from all the madness and craziness around here and cutting loose?”

  “Yeah, and if I had my way I’d still be at the hotel.”

  With you, lounging in bed, listening to Rashad J and making sweet love....

  “Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel. The constant glare of the media spotlight can be draining sometimes.”

  “Not sometimes,” she quipped. “All the time.”

  “How do you feel about taking this meeting outside? Seeing you threw me for a loop, and my head is still spinning.”

  Brianna laughed. “Where do you want to go?”

  “I don’t have a specific place in mind. Let’s just see where the day takes us.” The corners of his mouth twitched, as if he were suppressing a laugh. “Sound good to you, Ms. Hamilton?”

  Brianna nodded. That’s all she could manage. Collin had a hand on her waist and was staring at her closely, intently. Mischief twinkled in his eyes and he was wearing that scrumptious, disarming grin of his. The one that left her tongue-tied.

  Touching a hand to her neck, she fussed with her silk scarf. It was either that or throw herself into Collin’s arms, but the last thing Brianna wanted to do was embarrass herself. They weren’t in Paris—they were in New York, in the real world, and their affair was long over, a thing of the past.

  “You’re wearing the scarf I gave you.”

  Brianna smiled sheepishly. “Of course I am. I love it.”

  “I bought it so you wouldn’t forget me or the time we shared together in Paris.”

  Taking a deep breath didn’t calm her nerves or squelch the fire burning inside her, but thoughts of her family did both. They were depending on her, and Brianna was determined not to blow it. So what if she’d slept with Collin several wonderful, thrilling times? So what if she’d once dribbled chocolate syrup on his chest and slowly licked it off? She had a job to do—one she took very seriously—and Brianna refused to let anything stand in her way. Not even the wild, insatiable desire she had for the man walking beside her in the black, tailored RHD suit.


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