Human Milking Farm

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Human Milking Farm Page 3

by Fiona Thompson

  But was all this worth fifty grand? I really didn’t know any more. Maybe once the baby was born, I could find a way to escape. Maybe.

  “I need to push. Please!” Janet screamed and her teeth gritted together.

  I heard the sound of a whip cracking against her. It was followed by tears and Mark’s angry voice. “Cow’s don’t speak, Janet. Should I teach you a lesson now or once you’re done birthing these calves?”

  The crying lasted for a few more hours and then when I heard the sound of Janet’s healthy babies crying, I was finally able to get some sleep.


  When I awoke, my body was tingling and my belly itched. I moaned with my eyes closed and scratched at it with my hoof when I realized, I wasn’t even able to reach the whole thing.

  My eyes startled open and I rolled up on my knees. My belly was so front heavy, I tittered and nearly crashed down onto the floor.

  It was so swollen and so full of life, but carrying so low, I was surprised. Was I going to give birth already? Was I ready to go through that?

  I gasped when the stable door opened and Mark came into view. “Damn girl,” he muttered and my eyes fell away to the floor, I was so embarrassed. “You take better to the medicine than any of the girls I’ve ever tagged before. We better get you milked before your breasts explode.”

  Getting milked, that sounded like a very good idea. Thanks to my size, I had trouble crawling. That and my belly was now grazing on the floor as I moved. Mark wasn’t patient with me. He grabbed me roughly by the hair and forced me to follow him faster.

  I cringed, my knees were getting scraped and my belly hurt. I knew things were going to get worse as he fastened my wrists into the wall shackles and he wheeled the machine over in front of me. I couldn’t wait. My pussy was salivating with excitement at the thought of having another milk orgasm.

  Mark took his time though. He ran his hands under my breasts and his thumb over my nipples. I groaned as he hefted there large weight with his hands, running is palms underneath them. “You are glorious.” Mark whispered. “I know I am supposed to give you to the stud once you pop, but damn I really don’t want to.”

  I opened my eyes and for a moment thought he might kiss me, but instead he hooked my breasts up to the machine like they were utters to a cow and the machine turned came to life. My breasts were compressed, squeezed, and rolled, sending my mind a million miles away to ecstasy.

  My head rolled back, it was a good thing I was in chains, because I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to stand up, the pressure was so intense. The mixture of pleasure and pain driving me insane.

  I was aware that Mark’s warm hands were on my hips. That they were rubbing me like a lover. They extended out, massaging my over taught belly, causing my flesh to tingle and my baby to kick me.

  Turning my head to the side, I moaned. My lips parted and they were greeted with Mark’s. We kissed with passion, and force. Like we had been waiting for this for so long. His hands were all over me, gripping and grabbing me like he hadn’t seen me in years. I wanted him bad. I knew he was keeping me prisoner, doing things to my body he had no right to, but I loved it.

  And I only wanted him inside me.

  I got my wish a moment later as he took me up the rear, his hands steadied my hips. The chains held me upright as my torso fell forward, even further into the breast milking machine. I couldn’t have spoken if you paid me. The pleasure drove all human thought away from me and it really was like I was an animal.

  When the orgasm came, it was so strong I felt like I was being ripped in two. But I loved it and only wished we could have done it again.

  Chapter Eight

  The days that followed I spent waiting to give birth.

  But at least my body stopped growing at such a fast rate. During the day, Janet and I were inseparable as her body healed an prepared to be knocked up again. And in the morning an at night, Mark took me to the brink of destruction.

  I wondered why I loved them both so much. I knew it was just lust, but there was something about this place, the food, everything that I loved. Craved. I was addicted.

  The sun was high in the sky and I spent my time laying naked in the pasture. I had recently been milked and now was relaxed with Janet. My head was on her lap as we sat together in a comfortable silence. Her leather hoof stroked over my face and down my neck.

  My eyes were closed as the sun beat down on me. I felt my belly changing, shifting and something deep inside me was a groan of pain. But it was so slight, I barely paid attention to it.

  “Contractions started?” Janet asked and my eyes fluttered open with surprise. She smiled with a slight laugh. “For a split second, your breathing changed.”

  I laughed that she knew me so well already. “Well, it’s not that bad yet.”

  “It will be soon.” Janet said with a far off look on her face as the stud, the giant man with muscles came strolling through the pasture. When he saw her, he stopped walking and beside me Janet shivered.


  The contractions worsened throughout the day and by the time the sun had set, I could barely stand the pain any longer.

  I had been moved, forced to crawl, back into my stable. When I collapsed because of the pain, I was whipped until I started moving again. Once I was laying on the hay that made my bed, I started to feel better. And they left me. Locked me in and just left me.

  But every hour they came back and checked me, to see how far along I was.

  I squirmed in pain and howled with Mark’s hand inside me like I was a piece of meat. “Eight centimeters.” He said to his brother and not to me at all. No one cared about the pain I was in.

  They huffed and nodded with approval. “She’ll be pushing soon. Mark, do what you have to.” James said and then they left.

  Mark kneeled down beside me and stroked my belly. “Be over soon, Amy. You have to be strong."

  I nodded and wanted to speak, but didn’t want to get whipped again. I thought Mark was being sensitive and sweet, but then he took what looked like a horse bit and put it in my mouth, securing the buckle behind my head.

  Thick, hot stinging tears fell from my eyes.

  “Clamp down when it gets bad. I’ll be back in twenty minutes. Then I’ll stay with you until you give birth.”

  I was thankful he’d be back. I didn’t want to be alone.


  “Push, damnit Amy!”

  I was trying the best I could, my knees pulled up into my chest as close as they would get, but the baby wouldn’t come out.

  I had been biting down so hard on my bit to ward off the pain that my teeth were making teeth marks in the leather. I grunted and ground my teeth, but all I could feel was the intense pressure and the neverending contractions inside my belly.

  “If she’s going to have it, she needs to get up and squat. That kid is too big to come out her hips laying down.” James said.

  When Mark tried to get me to stand up, I swatted at him. I didn’t want to move. But he slapped me hard across the face and I had no choice, but to move.

  It made everything so much worse. I howled, my head thrown backwards as I steadied myself on my feet. James was behind me, holding my hips as he helped me get into a squat position. My knees were outward, my giant belly taught between them.

  Mark held my wrists, forcing me to look in his eyes. “Go down as low as you can and push with everything you have. Push until you bleed if you have to. If you don’t get it out, you’re both going to die. We don’t do c-sections.”

  I sobbed, but nodded and then did as he said. I got down low and pushed. I used James to support my back, and laid my head against Mark’s shoulder as my legs burned and something in me was stretching, tearing.

  I screamed, and a few minutes, I felt something pass from me. My son.

  James helped me lay down while Mark cleaned off the baby and wrapped it in a blanket. He was handed to me so I could feed him. I let him suckle against my breast and I cried

. He was so beautiful.

  James left after clapping Mark on the shoulder.

  “Good job.” Mark said and moved to leave.

  “How long? How long do I have with him?”

  Mark shrugged. “Few weeks. The he’ll be ready to be sold to a new farm. He’s a big boy. He’ll be a stud for sure. Then, you’ll be ready for full time breeding.”

  When Mark left I hugged my baby close to my chest. “I’ll find you.” I promised him. “I’ll find you.”


  Weeks past and turned into months. Getting pregnant was common place and after awhile giving birth was easier. It still hurt, but my body handled it better and after a few hours of labor, I always seemed to have twins or triplets.

  I was one pregnancy away from gaining my freedom. From leaving the farm and pretending none of this had ever happened.

  One more pregnancy was all it was going to take. And the stud, his name was Paul I found out, was getting ready to knock me up one final time.

  “Wait!” James and Mark were running toward us. “Don’t do it.”

  I stared at them both with a question in my face.

  Mark struggled to catch his breath. “The heavy weight champ, Mitch Taylor, he wants to buy a cow to take with him around the world. To live with him. So he can drink breast milk whenever he wants, right from the source.”

  “And he wants to take a look at you, Amy.” James smiled and unlocked the metal hoofs from my wrists. “He wants the highest quality stuff money can buy and that’s you, sweetheart. Looks like you’re finally going to get out of here.”

  “When?” I asked with a deep breath. I wasn’t supposed to speak, but it looked like the rules were changing.

  “Next week. Give us some time to prep you.” Mark said.

  “But…I’m supposed to be out of here next month.”

  When Mark and James laughed, I knew it was always a lie. I was never getting out of here. And now I was going to be sold? Like a common piece of cattle?


  They spent some time making sure my breasts shrunk down to a reasonable size and I was forced to exercise, do sit-ups, so that I would get my figure back after being a baby factory. My hips were still wide, but my abs were chiseled again. My breasts were above average size, but were plump, firm and when I put on the string bikini they gave me, I looked sexy again.

  My braid was gone and instead my hair was loose in waves around my shoulders. I had to admit that once in high heels, I looked pretty hot as I stood there with my hands cuffed in front of me and a long chain secure at my neck.

  Mark held it securely as Mitch Taylor came up to me. He was bigger in person. Underneath his clothes I could see muscles rippling. Pecks, biceps, all of it. His jaw was perfectly strong, his eyes piercing green and his hair was a dark brown.

  His finger stroked my chin. I didn’t break eye contact or even move. I wasn’t going to let him scare me. When he smiled at me, my hear skipped a beat. He sure was handsome.

  “She’ll do perfectly. It’s important she be beautiful as well as have the highest quality of milk.”

  Mark nodded with a grin. “We’ll be sure to give you the supplies you need to keep her pumped with the good stuff.”

  “Thank you.” Mitch said and grabbed my chain, coiling it around his hand times. “Come, Amy. It’s time to say good-bye to the farm and hello to your new life.”

  I smiled at him because it seemed like the right thing to do. When he leaned over and kissed my cheek, my skin was set on fire.

  There was something about him. I almost felt like….I was meant to be his.

  Chapter Nine

  Mitch Taylor was a gorgeous, famous and successful heavy weight champ turned weight lifting competitor.

  And he was my owner. He bought me from the milking farm. His hand taught on my leash as he led me away. It was hard to walk in the stilled heels the farm hands dressed me in, but he went slow through the fields until we reached the road.

  Then, I saw a giant stretch SUV. It was so huge and ridiculous, kind of like Mitch’s muscles. Everything was giant and over exaggerated with this guy. But when he turned to me to take my leash off, my heart skipped a beat. He was handsome. His face was perfect, with laugh lines around his mouth and soft crow’s feet around the eyes.

  His blue eyes looked kind, sensitive, so how could he buy a human being? Didn’t he realize I was a person?

  “Don’t look so sad.” Mitch said to me.

  Someone came out of the car and opened the rear door. He was in a dark suit with a matching cap, polished and sophisticated. Mitch’s driver. Maybe one day, if I was careful, he would help me escape.

  “I have nothing to be happy about.” I said as I slipped inside the SUV backseat. The door was closed and the windows were dark. I couldn’t see anything.

  Not even into the front seat. There was a dark partition that separated me from the driver and Mitch. I felt the car inch forward before it accelerated away from the farm. I wasn’t a passenger. I was being treated like cargo.


  I fell asleep on the long drive and what felt like hours later, I was waking up as the SUV slowed down. When I peered out the window I saw a giant mansion. The lawn was perfectly manicured and in the center of the perfectly color coordinated flowers was a fountain. It was all so grand, all so perfect.

  I guess I could have asked for worst places to live even if I was human livestock.

  The back door opened and behind the twilight sky I saw Mitch. He gave me a small smile. “Sleep well?”

  I shrugged. “A little bit.”

  “You snore.” Mitch said simply. “It was cute, but let’s hope you don’t do it too much or it’ll keep me up at night.”

  So I was expected to keep a bed with this guy? I didn’t know if I should love it or if I should hate it so I didn’t say anything as he snapped the leash back on around my collar and gave me a tug.

  At least he allowed me to get my footing before he led me up the stone stairs. I guess I should have been grateful he was letting me walk upright and not on all fours like an animal like they did at a barn. Yeah, I had a lot to be grateful for.

  The foyer was grand, almost like something you would expect to see in a museum with giant chandeliers, tables of flowers and up above on the staircases that seemed to go on forever I saw maids, servants, all cleaning and getting things ready for their masters return home. They busied themselves and made themselves scarce when they saw Mitch enter.

  “Come. I’ll show you to where you’ll spend the night and most of your time.”

  “All right.” I said because he seemed to expect an answer.

  We climbed two sets of stairs and then came to a set of oak French doors. He popped them open and inside I saw the grandest, largest bedroom my eyes had ever had the pleasure to see. The bed was massive, looked so comfortable I practically wanted to sleep again just to test it out.

  And then out of the corner of my eye I saw a cage on the other side of the room. It was small. If that was designed for me I was barely going to have room to turn around. Sitting up would be impossible.

  So he got the big fluffy bed and I would stay in a cage until he needed my milk? Like I was the family dog. No, the family dog was treated better than that.

  I blinked my tears away. “Well, your bed looks comfortable.”

  Mitch smirked. “You’ll get to lay in it in the mornings. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I only want you for milk. There will be no sexual relations between us, other than that. Do you understand?”

  I nodded that I did, but inside my blood boiled. The sex was the best thing about being milked. I didn’t think I could be more unhappy if I tried.

  He led me away and we went down the hall to a small room that was empty of furniture. On the floor was a large bowl of the special oats I was given at the farm, the ones that would keep may breasts pumped full of milk.

  I thought I could go on a hunger strike. Refuse to eat them, but just looking at the sp
arkling bowl of oats made my mouth water.

  He took me over to the bowl and made me get down on my hands and knees. He secured my leash to a hook in the floor. When he did so it locked in place. “Take your time, cow. Just knock on the floor when you’re done and someone will come to assist you.”

  I didn’t say anything. I just started to eat. I felt so low. So humiliated. Tears ran down my cheeks, but part of me must have liked it because I became so horny as he left the room, I thought I would have taken a fuck from pretty much anyone that walked by.


  Once my belly was happily distended from the amount of oats I ate and water I drank, I knocked on the floor. It took a few minutes but finally someone did come to get me. One of the servants led me into another room. It had a privacy board, the kind you see fancy people changing clothes behind in movies, and a full length mirror.

  He led me to a bar stool behind the board. “Sit.” He instructed.

  I did as I was told and he began removing my shoes. His hands traveled up my calves and over my thighs.

  I suppressed a moan as he undid the laces of my short dress and lifted it over my head. His eyes were all over me and my giant, inflated breasts, full of milk and waiting for their master to expel.

  “Like what you see?” I said in a sultry voice.

  His hands took me by my waist and he grunted, rubbing his hands along my taught skin. “You are to be fitted with a chastity belt so master can’t give in to his attractions of you. He’s afraid if he were to lay with you…well, let’s just say this could be your last chance to have sex for a very long time.”

  “And you’re offering?”

  the fabric and when I gave it a rough squeeze, yanking and pulling, it was long. And hard. It was ready for business.

  His eyes closed and he moaned. “We have only a few minutes.”

  I unzipped his pants and freed his cock, sliding my hand up and down it’s shaft. He moaned and I grunted, wrapping my arms around his neck. We kissed and my legs opened in invitation. He accepted in less than an instant.


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