and Eden Green, 32–33
“motor voter” case, 565
and New Party, 561–62
organizing approach, 201, 502
and Project VOTE!, 474, 475, 477
and Roseland, 200–201
suit against Edgar, 512
Woods Fund grant to, 501
Action for Change (Nader), 182–83
Adamjee, Ferial “Filly,” 171, 177, 215
Adams, Cindy, 943
Adarand Construction v. Pena (1995), 578
Adelstein, Eric, 606, 669, 673, 689, 693
and Chico U.S. Senate primary candidacy, 817, 847
and Obama U.S. Senate candidacy, 755
Adequate Health Care Task Force, 917
Administrative Law (Edley), 432
affirmative action
class-based, 575, 614
as law school case study, 515, 614, 615
liberal dilemma of, 614
Obama’s views on, 403–4, 428, 440, 457, 633, 644, 655, 953
seen as stigma, 383, 385, 397, 427, 428, 443
Supreme Court ruling, 578
women and, 396, 427, 445
See also under Harvard Law Review; Harvard Law School
Affordable Care Act (2010), 1053, 1058, 1060, 1067, 1075
partisan divide over, 1054–55
website dysfunction, 1066
Afghanistan war, 1014, 1053–54, 1056
AFL-CIO, 796, 827, 844, 864, 865–66, 956
African AIDS crisis, 997, 998, 1002
African American Contractors Association, 749
African-American Institute (AAI), 45, 53, 58
African American Ministerial Alliance, 838
African-American Student Foundation, 54
African American Summit for the 90s (TV panel), 440–41
African National Congress (ANC), 126, 142, 160
Afrikan Education Project, 126
AFSCME. See American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Agha, Asif
as Obama’s closest male Hyde Park friend, 198, 203–4, 205, 208, 211, 217, 229, 236, 237, 245–46, 270, 271, 272, 285
and Obama’s relationship with Jager, 228, 277–78, 316
and Obama’s secularism, 298
Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan, 272
Ahad, Samia, 197, 198
AIDS, 997, 998, 1002, 1006, 1015
African crisis, 997, 998, 1002
conspiracy theorists, 1046
Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 574, 597
Ajami, Fouad, 1067
Akaka, Danny, 976
Akers, Raymond, 215
Akkineni, Roopa, 880
Alberding, Ellen, 750, 752
Alele, Suzanne “Suzy,” 417
Alexander, Elizabeth, 616–17
Alexis, Geraldine, 417, 418, 465
and death of Ann Dunham, 549
as guest at Obama wedding, 478, 480
and Obama campaign donation, 638, 666
and Sidley’s summer program, 349, 351–52, 361
Alfred, Julie, 495–96
Ali, Muhammad, 418, 545, 616
Alinsky, Saul, 8, 9, 41, 184, 198, 292
adverse effects of tactics of, 323
best-known principle of, 231, 248
confrontational style of, 12, 13, 29, 201, 248, 281, 282–83, 299, 300, 301, 307–8
and IAF training programs, 210, 230, 231, 233, 287, 307, 373
Obama critique of, 373–74
organizing vision of, 259
and power-analysis training, 495
pragmatism of, 233
revisions of strategies and tactics, 241
Alito, Samuel, 979, 983
Allen, David, 435, 436
Allen, Martha, 225
Alliance for Better Chicago Schools (ABC), 322
Alliance for Survival, 126
Alliance of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE), 591, 723, 769, 1019
Allis-Chalmers plant closing, 207
All Things Considered (NPR), 506–7, 1005
Alperovitz, Gar, 7, 138–39
Al Qaeda, 779, 1014
Alter, Jonathan, 963, 1020, 1056, 1063
Altgeld Developing Communities Project, 224
Altgeld Gardens, 30–35
asbestos contamination, 223–27, 244, 248, 291
boycott of Wheatley Child-Parent Center, 248
Carver Park, 222
Carver schools, 30, 31, 32, 217, 249, 251, 405
and CEN tutoring program, 294
and DCP organizers, 229–30, 239, 240, 261, 266, 268, 287
deterioration of, 31–33, 217
drug traffic, 217
employment problems, 220, 223, 229, 235, 249, 296
garbage dumping, 200, 202, 210, 212
Obama’s focus on, 217, 245, 309, 313, 321, 458, 1044
scale of deprivation of, 267, 1044
Washington’s mayoral campaign in, 263
youth gangs, 244, 294
Altgeld Tenants United (ATU), 34, 35
Altheimer & Gray, 817, 821, 829, 834, 847
Amanat, Frank, 388, 394, 426, 429, 430, 444
American Bar Association, 334
American Cancer Society, 801
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 15, 684
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 712, 731, 795, 823–24
endorsement of Obama, 853, 854, 864, 866
lobbyists, 589, 600, 907
Obama campaign fund donors, 610
and Obama U.S. Senate primary campaign, 827, 832, 833, 837, 875, 807, 913–14
and Project VOTE!, 477, 480, 481
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 811, 982
American Lawyer (journal), 402
American Lung Association, 809
American Public Health Association, 809
Ameritech, 698
Amin, Hisham, 564, 575
Anderson, Donita Powell, 255, 259, 324
Anderson, Jack, 509, 749, 751, 752
Anderson, Mark, 117
Anderson, Paul, 111, 112, 121, 133, 135, 136
Ando, Dean, 80–81
Annenberg, Walter, 509, 510, 511, 517, 523
See also Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC)
Anthony, Arthé, 130
Anti-Defamation League, 314
anti-Semitism, 314, 315
Arab American Action Network, 632, 834, 875
Aramanda, Joseph, 886, 1021
Aranda, Ted, 201, 314
Arbor, Pat, 757, 842
Ariel Capital Management, 463, 747, 758, 773
Arms Race Alternatives, 157
Armstrong, Dan (BIMR editor), 170, 174, 179–80
Armstrong, Danny (Columbia student), 159, 160
Arterian, Susan, 174, 536
Art Institute of Chicago, 237, 262, 361
Ashcroft, John, 725, 833
Asia Foundation, 82
Askew, Cathy, 29, 206, 238, 268, 270
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
and landfill protest, 274
Obama’s bond with, 212, 236, 246, 297
and Obama’s departure, 309, 319
and Obama’s racial identity, 278
Askew, Stephanie, 212
Askia, Gha-Is F., 521, 545, 558, 560, 561, 562
Asner, Ed, 136
Assad, Bashar al-, 1066
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. See ACORN
Atieno, Jael, 150, 151, 321
Atkins, Andrea, 299
Atlantic Monthly, 1061
Atlantic Richfield plant closing, 207
Attacking Viral Influenza Across Nations (AVIAN) Act, 970
Attisani, David, 334, 341, 342, 346, 347, 356, 358
Atwater, Lee, 1048
Atwood, William, 851
Audacity of Hope, The (Obama)
audio recording of, 996
book tour promoting, 1001, 1005, 1007, 1009
contract for, 959, 989, 992, 994
Fisher editing of, 989
Jarrett book party for, 1004
proofreading of, 999
reviews of, 1004
royalties from, 1012, 1044
Augustine, Loretta Freeman, 269, 310, 316, 317
and Altgeld Gardens, 30–31, 224, 235
argument against Kruglik, 39, 40
conflict with Dillard, 267
as DCP core participant, 209, 213, 261, 262, 268, 270
as DCP director, 238
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
as guest at Obama wedding, 478, 480
and landfill protest, 274, 299–300, 306, 307, 308, 310, 322
and Obama book signing, 527
and Obama going-away barbecues, 323
Obama’s bond with, 201–2, 217, 218, 236, 302
on Obama’s fight with Jager, 317–18
Austin, Lemuel, 262
Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990), 419
Autobiography of Malcolm X, The, 88, 695
Avalos, Alma, 16, 17
avian flu, 970, 971, 977
AVI BioPharma stock, 968, 979
Avila, Frank, 839
Avila, Jim, 226
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 1060
Axelrod, David, 820, 956, 975, 977
assessment of Obama presidency, 1073
background of, 774
and campaign staff tensions, 877
and Claypool friendship, 989
critics of, 1036
as Daley’s media counselor, 481, 516, 867
and defensive research, 945
and driver for Obama, 889–90
and Hull-Sexton divorce scandal, 842, 882
and media consulting firm founding, 774–75
memo advocating Obama presidential bid, 1014–15
on Obama Chicago mansion purchase, 966
and Obama congressional primary bid, 669, 671, 707
and Obama debate performance, 952
and Obama DNC (2004) speech, 913–14, 930, 931, 933–34, 936–37, 939, 940
and Obama narrative, 1049
and Obama presidential campaign, 1026–27, 1038, 1049
on Obama’s political skills, 954
and Obama TV appearance, 872, 874, 878, 898
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 903, 954
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign challenges, 905
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign emphasis, 870–71, 918–19
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign final days, 894
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign memo, 918–19
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign planning, 905–6, 910, 913, 929
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign revised plans, 944–45
and Obama U.S. Senate primary, 760–66, 774–79, 805–6, 812–13, 816, 820–21, 848, 849–50, 863–64, 879
and Obama U.S. Senate primary Election Day, 897, 898
on Obama U.S. Senate primary win, 900
and Obama U.S. Senate “Transition” memo, 948
and Obama White House, 1051, 1052, 1054, 1058
and possibility of Obama presidential candidacy, 992, 999, 1000–1001, 1007, 1011–19, 1022
on potential problems of Obama presidential candidacy,1015, 1017
and Sheila Simon statement about Obama, 879–80
as vital factor in Obama’s presidential win, 1050–51
and Wright controversy, 1027, 1028, 1042, 1046
writing skill of, 879–80, 927, 1028
and “Yes We Can!” slogan, 918
Axelrod, Lauren, 774, 775, 975
Axelrod, Susan, 817, 975
Ayers, Bill, 303, 612, 757
background of, 511
and Chicago Annenberg Challenge, 523, 524
Cook’s encounter with, 168–69
dinners with Obamas, Dohrn, and Khalidis, 568–70, 603, 617, 674, 708, 834–35
and juvenile justice reform, 616, 617
Obama campaign contribution from, 733
as Obama presidential campaign issue, 1044–45
Obamas’ friendship with, 743
on Obama’s personality, 835
and Obama state Senate campaign, 546, 733
past political violence of, 511, 546, 569, 743, 1044
and school reform, 405, 509–11, 546, 547
self-reinvention of, 569
and Woods Fund board, 669
Ayers, George, 249, 265
Ayers, John, 249, 523, 633, 647
Ayers, Thomas G., 511
Ayres, Ian, 436, 456
Back of the Yards neighborhood, 22, 284
Bacon, Gloria Jackson, 217
Bacon, Perry, Jr., 986
Bader, Dennis, 106
Bagby, Margaret, 239, 263, 267, 269, 317
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
as guest at Obama wedding, 478, 480
and landfill protest, 275, 308
Baim, Tracy, 852, 865
Bain, Eugenia “Sister,” 184
Baird, Douglas, 454, 466, 486, 565–66, 666, 914
Bakalis, Michael, 243
Baker, Deborah, 574
Baker, Ida, 75
Baker, Peter, 1057, 1068, 1073
Baker, Ruth Beatrice, 75–76, 77, 78
See also Ndesandjo, Ruth Beatrice Baker Obama
Baker, Vera, 910, 922
Balanoff, Miriam, 10
Baldwin, James, 695
Banas, Casey, 281
Bangash, Afzal, 137
Bank of Hawaii, 51, 74, 87, 119, 1043
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), 379–80
Banks, Brian, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478, 517
Baptist churches, 253, 255, 259, 289
Baravati, Ahmad, 154, 486, 498
Baravati v. Josephthal, Lyon & Ross (1993), 498
Barnard College, 303, 347, 379, 380, 394
Barnes, Arthur H., 182
Barnett, Robert, 959
Barnett, William, 645
Barnett v. City of Chicago (1997), 486, 498, 635
Barnhill, Chuck, 486, 514, 668
Baron, Hal, 281, 517, 525, 526, 545, 552, 553, 732
Baron, Michael L., 146–47, 153, 161, 293
Barrett, Tom, 1009
Barrow, Willie, 850, 876
Bartlett, Katharine, 398–99
Baruch, Susannah, 515
Basinger, Kim, 105
in Chicago, 694–95
at Columbia, 143
Craig Robinson university coaching, 736, 993
at Harvard Law School, 336, 343–44, 375–76, 378, 428
Harvard-Walpole State prison inmates game, 376, 435
as Obama campaign analogy, 1041
and Obama’s left-handedness, 111, 365, 367
Obama’s style of, 367
in Obama’s youth, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92–93
at Occidental, 110–11
at Punahou, 96–100, 536
at University of Chicago gym, 492
Baskin-Robbins, 94–95, 100, 363
Bassett, Emmett, 140
Bates, Mary, 28
Bauer, Bob, 979
Baum, Gideon, 595, 609
Bayer, Henry, 913–14
Bayh, Evan, 982
Bay Valley Foods, 973
Beavers, William, 306, 460
Bechet, Leon, 336
Becker, Scott, 331, 348, 354
Beckett, Samuel, 172, 178
Beckman, Peregrine “Pern,” 142, 146, 153, 940
Becoming a Heroine (Brownstein), 148
Belcaster, John, 498, 499–500, 546, 565, 634, 659, 729–30, 754
Bell, Derrick, 339, 409–11, 441, 477
and BLSA protest, 328
critique of Brown v. Board of Education, 856–57
Dreams From My Father endorsement by, 511–12, 515, 528, 533
New York University law school appointment of, 445–46
Obama’s first meeting with, 337
and Obama’s Law Review presidency
, 391, 393–94
Obama’s thank-you note to, 446
Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), 506–7
Bendix, Mark, 83, 88, 91–92, 93, 104
Benjamin, Ellen, 36, 254
Bennett, Anna, 765, 858, 872
Bennett, Joe, 29, 199, 206, 266
Bennett, Robert W., 564–65, 613, 643, 674, 734
and Obama campaign contribution, 638
and Obama Northwestern law school scholarship offer, 304–5, 494–95
and redistricting, 734
Bennett, Petts & Blumenthal, 765
Benton, Marjorie, 814
Berenson, Brad, 369, 378, 385, 388, 396, 397, 408
and “bagel war,” 425
and Bluebook rules, 437
conservatism of, 438
Obama friendship with, 428
on Obama’s “amused detachment,” 427
and Supreme Court commentary controversy, 413, 414, 420–21, 422–23
Berkowitz, Jeff, 771, 786–87, 833–34, 932, 991
Berman, Arthur, 265, 316, 558
Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal, 14, 22, 205–6, 207, 209, 223, 230, 406
Bernardin Amendment, 764, 765, 783
Bernstein, Mary, 205, 209, 217–18, 282, 285, 289
Bertha, Brian, 414
Besuki elementary school (Jakarta), 65, 72
Beth Eden Baptist Church, 256
Beverly Bank, 284
Beverly Hills Cop (film), 180
Beyoncé, 1063, 1067
“Beyond Critical Legal Studies: The Reconstructive Theology of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” (Cook), 399
Beyond the Beltway (radio program), 839–40
Beyond the Wasteland (Bowles et al.), 448
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 117, 137, 144
Biden, Joe, 1043, 1049, 1060, 1062
Biko, Stephen, 126
Bilandic, Michael A., 741
bin Laden, Osama, 743, 848
Obama sounding like, 790, 845, 923, 950
U.S. forces killing of, 1059, 1072
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (2002). See McCain-Feingold Act
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Commission, 917
Birkett, Joe, 783
Bishop, Maurice, 461
Black, Timuel “Tim,” 473, 548, 552, 1047
Black Caucus
Chicago City Council, 758
Illinois legislature, 657–58, 710, 799
See also Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
black churches, 555, 573
Harvard conference on, 285–86
and Obama campaigns, 690–91, 698, 855, 861, 895, 909
potential for community organizing, 285–86, 295–96, 297, 313
See also specific churches
Black History Month, 441, 643
Black Law Students Association (BLSA), 336–37, 375, 376, 383, 393, 443
annual spring conference, 445–46
black students’ leadership roles, 328, 351
and black student study group, 346
Michelle Robinson’s active role in, 351
and “Minority and Women Law Professors” essay, 329
and Obama Law Review presidency, 394
Rising Star Page 246