and Obama’s congressional campaign, 705
and Palmer’s reentry into state Senate campaign, 553
and petition regulations, 558, 559–60
professionalism of, 564
Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland (DMBG), 455, 465–66, 472, 476, 504, 562, 579
Obama job with, 483–86, 489, 491, 494, 496–500, 505, 511–14, 522, 548
Obama “of counsel” position, 565, 590
Obama wedding guests from, 478
See also Miner, Barnhill & Galland
Dean, Howard, 839–40
DeAngelis, Aldo, 577, 598
Death of Ivan Ilyich, The (Tolstoy), 426
death penalty
and faulty convictions, 644, 783
and gang-activity bill, 734–35, 740, 748, 827
moratorium on, 816, 830
and Obama interrogation-videotape bill, 808, 811
Obama’s view of, 574–76, 668, 714, 734–35, 740, 787, 796, 830, 850, 864, 910, 949
and Ryan blanket commutation, 791
Ryan Commission report on, 744, 755
Ryan moratorium on, 693
Ryan-Philip dispute over, 648
Déby, Idriss, 999
Decker, Anita, 943
Dee, Diane, 159
Deering, William, 1
Dees, Michael “Mike,” 229, 246–47, 277
Defense of Marriage Act (1996), 845, 846
Defoe, Daniel, 154
Delanney, Laurent, 115, 120, 128, 478, 565
Del Cecato, John, 820
DeLeo, Jimmy, 649, 687, 713, 714, 725, 728–29
Delgado, Willie, 522, 915
Delk, Yvonne, 473
del Valle, Miguel, 522, 600, 608, 623, 658, 759, 918
challenge to Philip power play, 729
cosponsorship of Chicago school-reform bill, 317
and dinner honoring Lumpkin, 318
first impressions of Obama, 475, 593
Demanski, Laura, 431, 483
Demers, Jim, 1012
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), 827
Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century (DL21C), 636
Democratic National Committee (DNC), 669, 791, 898
Democratic National Convention (1996), 573–74
Democratic National Convention (2000), 717, 941
Democratic National Convention (2004), Obama keynote speech, 913–14, 920, 923, 928–43, 948, 951, 954, 960, 963, 967, 978, 1028, 1050
Democratic National Convention (2008), 1041, 1049–50
Democratic Party, 471, 480, 503, 512
and Bill Clinton’s centrism, 561
congressional control (2006), 1011
in Illinois, 752, 775–76, 783
Obama critiques of, 975–76
and Obama presidency, 1074–75
Obama seen as “rising star” of, 962, 964, 967
and Washington insiders, 851
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), 908, 910, 922, 952, 958
Democratic Socialist Alliance (DSA), 114, 120
Democratic Socialists of America, 158, 563
Demos (think tank), 740, 782
Demuzio, Vince, 571, 587, 599, 628, 658, 800
Denitch, Bogdan, 158
Dennis, Eugene, 70
De Priest, Oscar, 645
Derks, Steve, 519, 546
Dershowitz, Alan, 847
Dery, Mark, 124
Derycz, Diana, 331, 342, 347
DeShaney v. Winnebago County (1989), 359, 360
Designs for Change, 265, 296, 303, 317
Despres, Leon, 699
Developing Communities Project (DCP), 189, 191, 249, 282, 289, 332, 481
and Alinsky-style tactics, 307–8
and Altgeld problems, 224, 235, 291
and black churches, 295–96
breakup with CCRC, 238
broadened outreach of, 223–24, 252
Career Education Network proposal, 264–65, 269–70, 304
Catholic parish base of, 29, 199–200, 201, 205, 206, 239
classist charges against, 268
core participants, 212, 268, 270
and disparate neighborhoods, 236, 244, 266–67
divisions within, 266–68, 405–6
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 527
expansion of base, 252
focus shift from jobs to education, 266–67
funding sources, 39, 265, 268–70, 305, 322, 510
Gamaliel training sessions, 263–64, 287
grant applications, 219, 220, 230, 239–40, 248, 261, 267–70, 295
and job training, 220, 229, 249
Kruglik as consultant, 39–40, 350
and landfill issue, 262–66, 274–75, 299–300, 306, 307–8, 310, 311
and Mayor Washington, 261–62, 264
neighborhoods served by, 199–200, 217, 239, 266–67
new members, 269–70
as nonprofit corporation, 238
Obama as executive director of, 264, 285, 350
Obama at annual convention of, 721
Obama going-away dinner, 318
Obama on positive results of, 312–13
Obama’s description of coworkers, 197–98
Obama’s frustrations with, 284
Obama’s introduction to, 201–2, 203, 206–7
Obama’s leaving from, 305, 308–11, 323
and Obama’s smoking, 270
Obama wedding guests from, 478, 479
Obama work with, 219–20, 236, 238–39, 247–48, 341, 351, 362, 404, 457
organizing strength of, 220
Owens as executive director of, 305, 350, 479
and Owens’s problems, 405–6, 479
and Parent Community Council, 295
and Project VOTE!, 475
and Protestant congregations, 33, 266, 296, 309–10
and public park improvement, 221–22, 230
recruitment by, 239
and school reform movement, 203, 251, 255–56, 289–90, 316, 317, 322
and Trinity United Church, 255, 259
Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), 105, 139, 510
Devine, Dick, 801
Dewey, Alice, 94, 119, 162, 169, 182, 380
as Ann Dunham’s dissertation adviser, 85
Ann Dunham’s dissertation dedication to, 470
and Ann Dunham’s professional name, 105
description of Stanley Dunham, 87
DeWitt, Jesse, 206
DeZutter, Hank, 548, 554–56
Dhesi, Simrit “Sima,” 317
Diament, Nathan, 375, 411, 811
Diehl, Jackson, 1076, 1077
Dietrich, Kelly, 817, 829
Dietterle, Todd, 576
DiFelice, Mary, 430
Dillard, Kirk, 594, 606, 618, 627–30, 926
and Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, 648–49
and Judiciary Committee, 731
minority leader bid by, 787
Obama political relationship with, 931–32, 968, 1034–35, 1077, 1078
and racial profiling, 734
on Rauschenberger candidacy, 929
and Ryan veto override vote, 766
on Sheila Simon ad, 905
Dillard, Marlene, 29, 213, 218, 238, 263, 312
and landfill task force, 308
and needs of disparate neighborhoods, 212, 266, 267, 268
Obama’s closeness with, 302, 309
Dimon, Jamie, 788, 806
Dingens, Greg, 375–76, 546, 773, 785
Dionne, E. J., 592, 645, 926, 994
DiPerna, Paula, 647, 749
Di Rosa, Paolo, 335, 352, 359, 410, 411
Ditka, Mike, 930, 932
Dixie Kitchen (Hyde Park restaurant), 740, 741
Dixon, Alan “Al the Pal,” 471, 516
Dixon, Bruce, 473, 475, 476, 827
Dixon, Willie, 200
Djilas, Milovan, The New Class, 155
Dobmeyer, Doug, 595, 638, 731
Dobry, Alan, 459–62, 521, 541, 574
and Palmer congressional primary, 545, 551, 553, 558, 559
and Rush congressional vulnerability, 666
Dobry, Lois, 541, 545, 553, 558, 559, 563, 574
Dodge, Jim, 811, 812
Dohrn, Bernardine
background of, 546, 616
dinners with Obamas, Ayers, and Khalidis, 568–70, 603, 674, 708, 835
on Obama’s personality, 835
radical past of, 168–69, 547, 569
Dold, Bruce, 306, 646
Dole, Bob, 573, 1024
Dole Corporation, 47
Dolotta, Peter, 400
Domer, Gaylene, 224
domestic partnerships, 561, 574, 845–46, 865
domestic violence protection, 694, 713, 840
Donahue, Laura Kent, 655, 780
Donahue, Richard K., 509, 749, 751
Donnell, William, 512–13, 514
Donnell v. Comdisco Inc. (Ill.), 512–13, 514, 644
Dorf, Michael (Chicago attorney), 775, 785, 861
Dorf, Michael (Harvard law student), 400, 401
Do the Right Thing (film), 262
Dowd, Maureen, 987, 1029, 1069
Downey, Kevin, 378, 385, 386, 426, 439
Doyle, Jim, 1009
draft registration, 113, 114, 116, 118, 125, 157
Dreams From My Father (Obama), 522, 531–32, 557, 577, 591, 634, 854, 1004
advances for, 432, 943
advertising of, 532–33
bestseller listings of, 943, 954–55
Bob Elia monologue portrayal, 193, 194, 529–30
book cover blurbs, 511, 528, 532–33, 574
book cover photos, 515
cancellation of original contract for, 482–83, 959
Chicago Reader extract of, 554
composite characters, 315, 500, 528, 529, 530–31, 537
composite girlfriend, 531, 1061, 1070
Crown’s reprint rights to, 911
Dystel’s remarketing of, 490
finishing of, 484–85, 486, 490, 500–501, 511–12
first draft of (see “Journeys in Black and White”)
Fisher’s editing of, 483–84, 490, 495, 500, 515
Fisher’s suggested title for, 515
Grammy Award for audio version, 980, 986
as historical fiction, 537
interviews about, 605
new contract for, 490–91
new edition of, 911
new interest in, 943
as novelistic, 537, 554
Obama characterization of, 543
Obama readings from, 729
Obama signing events, 640, 963, 964
original titles, 511–12, 515
paperback edition of, 574, 622, 943, 989
personal reactions to, 535–37
portrayal of Lolo Soetoro, 73, 528–29, 729
portrayal of Schofield Barracks party, 535–36, 543
portrayals of Obama’s parents, 529, 531, 540, 549
prepublication publicity for, 510–12
and presidential campaign, 1014–15, 1029, 1031–32
promotion of, 527, 533–35, 543, 640, 962
radical feeling inferred in, 1027
remaindered copies of, 622, 703
and Remnick’s Obama biography, 1055
restructuring of, 490–91
reviews of, 515, 533, 535
royalties from, 963, 965, 989, 1044
as self-distancing, 1049
and “Story of Race,” 643–44
and U.S. Senate campaign, 777, 902
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), 614
Drew, John, 123, 138–39
Drew, Liz, 836, 847, 903, 906
Dreyer, Benjamin, 515
Driscoll, Tim, 335
“driving while black.” See racial profiling
Drizin, Steven, 783–84
Drum, Kevin, 1031–32
Drummond, Tammerlin, 401–2
Dubi, Len, 33
Dubin, Jan Anne, 365–66, 496, 567
Du Bois, W.E.B., 487, 534, 575
Dudycz, Walter, 592, 598, 655
Duffett, Jim, 783, 916
Duffey, Margery, 80, 696
Dukakis, Michael, 338, 339, 348, 370, 913, 928
DuMont, Bruce, 629, 655, 712, 839
Dunham, Ann [Stanley Ann] (mother), 101, 122, 272, 276, 299, 634
anthropology study, 80, 82, 85, 89, 229
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) job, 379–80
birth of daughter Maya, 72
birth of son Barack, 52
and Black Orpheus (film), 50, 144, 540
cancer of, 510, 540, 801
death of, 549, 564, 565, 567, 808, 1051
and death of Obama Sr., 150
debts of, 182
and dissertation dedication, 470
dissertation of, 175, 272, 380, 420
divorce from Obama Sr., 58, 59, 118
divorce from Soetoro, 73, 105, 118–19
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 529, 540, 549
early years of, 48–52
and father’s death, 470
Indonesian life, 64, 65, 81, 85, 89–90, 105, 110, 139, 144, 162–63, 175, 182, 484, 485
and Kenya, 162, 420
long-range goals of (1985), 182
marriage to Obama Sr., 50–51, 52, 73, 79, 80–81
marriage to Soetoro, 57–58, 61, 62–63, 73
on Michelle Robinson, 381–82
mythologizing of Obama Sr. by, 73, 204, 1004
and New York job, 485
and New York visits, 144, 276
and Obama as “Barry,” 295
Obama’s conflicted feelings about, 88–90, 129, 175, 178, 470, 937
Obama’s descriptions of, 181, 272
and Obama’s education, 65, 67, 100, 110
and Obama’s employment, 169–70
Obama’s posthumous tribute to, 549
and Obama’s Punahou graduation, 105, 106
at Obamas’ wedding, 478, 479, 480
returns to Hawaii, 75, 94, 105, 106, 175, 181
and Sheila Jager visit, 294–95, 379
student year in Seattle, 53
Suarjana relationship, 380, 420
Sutoro as professional surname, 105, 110
unpaid taxes, 110, 214, 470, 549
USAID job, 105, 110, 139
Women’s World Banking job, 485, 510
Dunham, Madelyn Payne “Toot” (grandmother), 85, 100, 393, 571, 696
and American West tour, 82
and Ann’s birth name “Stanley,” 48
and Ann’s cancer, 510, 540
and Ann’s death, 549
Ann’s dissertation dedication to, 470
Ann’s financial debt to, 182
and Ann’s marriage to Obama Sr., 51
background and marriage of, 48–49
Bank of Hawaii retirement, 294
Bank of Hawaii vice presidency, 74, 87, 92, 110
and birth of granddaughter Maya, 72
death of, 1050, 1051
devotion to Obama, 87, 119, 1043, 1048
Dreams From My Father cover photo of, 515
early married years of, 48–50
fear of black panhandler, 119, 533, 543, 1043, 1045
homes in Honolulu, 57, 67, 87
and husband Stanley’s death, 470
Marian Robinson bond with, 479
and Obama as “Barry,” 295
Obama campaign contributions by, 618, 697
Obama condominium financing by, 491
Obama raised by, 103, 106, 119, 152, 470, 1043
Obama’s adult characterization of, 181, 1043
Obama’s annual Christmas visits to, 618, 641, 685, 686, 687, 689, 723, 789, 861, 963
and Obama’s birth, 52, 53
and Obama’s college friends, 139
and Obama’s Columbia commencement, 161
and Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 935, 937, 941
and Obama’s final visit with, 1050
and Obama�
��s law career, 233, 285
and Obama’s marijuana use, 101
and Obama’s presidential election, 1048, 1050
and Obama Sr. return visit, 80
Obama’s yearbook tribute to, 104
at Obama wedding, 478, 479
pragmatism of, 493
small apartment of, 87, 100, 139
smoking habit of, 91
temperament of, 87, 1048
Dunham, Ralph (great-uncle), 48, 49, 87, 91, 528
Dunham, Ruth Armour (great-grandmother), 48
Dunham, Stanley Ann (mother). See Dunham, Ann
Dunham, Stanley Armour “Gramps” (grandfather), 98, 99, 173, 181, 247, 514, 654
background and marriage of, 48–49
and birth of Obama, 52, 53
closeness with young Obama, 57, 67–68, 72, 81, 86, 87, 152–53, 1043
death of, 470
and Dreams From My Father, 515, 528, 533
early married years, 50–52
friendship with Davis, 68, 72, 85, 119, 120, 543
furniture sales jobs, 49, 67
homes in Honolulu, 57, 67, 87
insurance agent job, 67, 85, 92
and Madelyn’s fearful reaction to black man, 119, 533, 543, 1043
Obama raised by, 103, 106, 119, 470, 479
and Obama’s admission to Punahou School, 67, 74
and Obama’s Columbia commencement, 161
Obama’s poem about, 133–34, 135
Obama’s references to, 779
and Obama Sr. return visit, 80
Obama’s tributes to, 104, 479
personality of, 85–86, 87, 88, 106
poems by, 86–87, 96
retirement of, 294
small apartment of, 87, 100, 139
smoking habit of, 91
Dunlop, John T., 60
Dunn, Anita, 749, 774, 818, 819, 842, 843, 905
as head of Obama Hopefund PAC, 992
and Hull campaign, 879, 884
Durbin, Dick, 577, 578, 757, 765, 778, 951
and anti-Iraq war rally, 779, 786
on Guantanamo Bay interrogations, 972
Obama campaign trip with, 914–15
and Obama DNC keynote speech, 937, 939
Obama on Illinois popularity of, 717
and Obama’s presidential candidacy, 1020, 1032
and Obama’s presidential potential, 991–94, 1005
and Obama’s U.S. Senate position, 960
and Rice confirmation, 967
Durbin, Loretta, 939
Durkheim, Émile, 426
Dyson, Marv, 474
Dyson, Michael Eric, 743
Dystel, Jane, 404, 482, 485, 943
and Obama book proposal, 416–17, 430–32
and Obama book remarketing, 490
and Obama book reprint rights, 911
Obama’s replacement of, 959
Eagan, John “Vince,” 384, 394
Early Show, The (CBS), 935, 962
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 650, 694, 712, 713, 728, 749, 796, 800, 840, 848
Eason, John, 572, 576, 637, 668, 690, 691, 698, 707
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