Robb, Charlie, 421, 438
Roberts, Dorothy, 437
Roberts, Helen, 44, 55
Roberts, John G., Jr., 975–76, 979–80
Roberts, Robin, 1062
Robeson, Paul, 69
Robinson, Avery, 736
Robinson, Craig (brother-in-law), 363–67, 463, 493, 520, 664
and basketball coaching, 736, 993
divorce of, 736
family life of, 520, 591–92, 615
on Michelle Obama’s temperament, 1032
and Obama campaigns, 675, 695, 758, 1017–18
and Obama U.S. Senate win, 957
at Obama wedding, 479
second marriage of, 993, 1022
Robinson, Fraser (father-in-law), 364, 365, 366, 367, 520
death of, 445
Obama’s admiration of, 417
Robinson, Janis Hardiman (sister-in-law), 160, 363, 366–67, 485, 493
and ABLE, 723
divorce of, 736
and family life, 520, 615
as Obama campaign co-treasurer, 666
and Obama’s aspirations, 591
and Obama state Senate campaign, 527, 546
at Obama wedding, 479
Robinson, Leslie, 736
Robinson, Marian (mother-in-law), 364, 365, 520, 568, 736, 766–67
care of Malia and Sasha Obama by, 965, 969, 1039
first impressions of Obama, 366
Madelyn Dunham bond with, 479
and Obama in home of, 417, 418, 454, 455, 458, 459, 462, 491
and Obama potential presidential candidacy, 1017
at Obama wedding, 479
and Thanksgiving family gathering, 979
Robinson, Michelle. See Obama, Michelle Robinson
Robinson, Paul H., 333
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 154
Roby, George C., 685, 706
Rock, Jill, 767, 768, 851
Rock, Phil, 586
Rockaby (Beckett), 172
Rockefeller, Jay, 1072
Roderick, David M., 18–19
Rodgers, Lenora, 28
Rodriguez, Byron, 745, 752
Rodriguez, Petra, 16, 19, 20
Roeser, Tom, 871
Roe v. Wade (1973), 615, 633, 902
Rogers, Gwendolyn LaRoche. See LaRoche, Gwendolyn
Rogers, Joel, 493–94, 561–62
Rogers, John, Jr., 463, 472, 516, 541, 577, 723, 851
and Jones tribute, 769
and Moseley-Braun’s former U.S. Senate seat, 788, 789, 791–92
and Obama campaign funding, 667–69, 733, 747, 773, 785, 814, 840, 885, 892
and Obama’s U.S. Senate bid, 758, 789
See also Ariel Capital Management
Rogers, Steven, 747, 814
Roll Call, 693, 705, 853–54
Rolling, Ken, 249, 304, 312, 350, 576
and Chicago Annenberg Challenge, 523, 551, 570, 571, 715–16
and “Future of Organizing” panel, 501
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
on Obama’s stresses, 716
praise for DCP, 268
and Woods Fund, 219, 220, 239, 247
Rolling Stone
Obama interview, 1056
“The Radical Roots of Barack Obama” article, 1026–27
Roman Catholic parishes
and Catholic social teaching, 238, 318
and CHD trainers, 263
and community organizing, 7–14, 22, 24, 26, 39, 220
as DCP base, 29, 199–200, 201, 205, 206, 239
Gary (Ind.) diocese, 222–23
Office of Black Catholic Ministries, 263
and Roseland, 26, 29–30
See also specific parishes and pastors
Romero, Oscar, Archbishop, 136
Romer v. Evans (1996), 579
Romney, Mitt, 962, 1062, 1063, 1064
Ronan, Alfred, 713, 814
Ronen, Carol, 766
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1054, 1060
Roque, Leonard “Tony,” 2, 6, 11, 18
Rorty, Richard, 379, 426
Rose, Charlie, 962, 1006
Rose, Don, 545, 705, 774
Roseland, 198–201, 202, 222, 239, 313
and bribery scandal, 215
Career Education Network proposal, 249–53, 262–68, 295–96
CEN tutoring program, 294
DCP key participants, 212
decline of, 24–28, 36
disappointment with Obama presidency, 1058
dominant pastors, 25, 29–30, 253, 254, 266, 289
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
economic development measures, 284
gang intimidation, 257, 258, 503
homeless people, 253–54
jobs center, 261, 288
jobs losses, 36
Muslim community, 261
as Obama formative experience, 197, 217, 245, 253, 254, 259, 272, 281, 288, 345, 362, 367, 373–74, 395, 441, 453, 457, 458, 534, 727, 909, 1028, 1044
plight of schools, 242–43, 268, 289–90, 441
and Project VOTE!, 475
prospective health center, 262
University of Chicago law student from, 486–87
violence, 37, 200, 1059
“white flight” from, 24–25, 26–27
Roseland Christian Ministries Center, 26, 37
Roseland Clergy Association (RCA), 254
Roseland Community Development Corporation (RCDC), 261
Roseland Heights Community Association, 27–28
Rosen, Louis, 25
Rosenberg, David, 328, 333, 334, 342–44, 370, 401
economic perspective of, 441
Obama and Fisher student relationship with, 343, 348, 354, 357, 358, 447, 476
Torts exam, 349
and value of Law Review presidency, 383
Rosenbloom, Richard S., 7
Roskam, Peter, 918
Ross, Donald K., 183
Roth, Andy, 144, 145, 158
New Year’s Eve party, 167, 168
Obama’s good-bye lunch with, 192
and Obama’s Law Review presidency, 404
and Occidental College, 113–14, 135
Roth, Jon, 167, 168
Rothenberg, Stuart, 776, 963
Rothkopf, David, 1071, 1072
Rouse, Pete
as Daschle’s U.S. Senate chief of staff, 948
and Obama’s presidential candidacy, 983, 991, 1000, 1001, 1003–14, 1018, 1022
as Obama’s U.S. Senate chief of staff, 961–62, 968, 969, 976, 977
as Obama White House temporary chief of staff, 1057
Rowan, William A., 30
Rowe, Romelle, 131
Rubin, Alicia, 333–34, 336, 340–41, 342, 356
Rudd, Jean, 12, 13, 350, 363, 466, 605
and community organizing roundtable, 372
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
interviewed about Obama, 554
and Obama campaign funding, 666, 748
and Obama law school choice, 304
and Obama’s bid for Joyce Foundation presidency, 750
and Obama’s bid for state Senate, 519, 526
and Obama’s book manuscript, 482–83, 484
and Palmer congressional campaign, 517
and Woods Fund, 219–20, 239, 268, 305, 312, 322, 495, 501, 503
Ruenitz, Robert, 54
Ruggie, John G., 161
Ruiz, Jesse, 486–87, 538, 546, 548, 576, 716
and Obama campaign funding, 747
Rules, Roles, and Relations (Emmet), 426
Ruppersberger, C. A. “Dutch,” 820
Rush, Bobby
and asbestos problem, 225, 226
and congressional district revised boundaries, 735
and congressional reelection primary, 669, 673–82, 685, 698
and congressional reelection primary victory, 706–8, 710, 755
deaths of son and father, 677–78, 679, 697, 707
and Democratic politics, 744–45, 902
as endangered incumbent, 667
endorsement of Hull’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 831–32, 834, 855, 860, 886
as former Black Panther, 471, 645, 662, 663, 708
as grudge-holder, 832
HistoryMakers video interview of, 727
and mayoral challenge to Daley, 645, 646, 659, 660, 665, 670, 675, 677, 679, 709
non-support of Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 795, 798, 858, 888, 894
“Obama as tool of white liberals” charge, 704
and Obama congressional primary challenge, 661–65, 669, 670–71, 675, 685, 688–91, 692, 693, 696–99, 701–10, 738, 739, 930
and Obama primary loss, 706–10, 750, 755, 782, 793, 841
on Obama’s missed state Senate gun-control vote, 687
resentments toward, 660
seat in U.S. Congress, 471, 504, 645, 648, 659, 661, 662, 663, 667
significance of Obama’s loss to, 750
and U.S. Senate primary candidates, 802, 829, 831
Rush, Carolyn, 669, 832
Rush, Marlon, 855, 858
Rush, Thomas, 351
Rusk, Barbara Cannon, 56
Russert, Tim, 933, 983, 996, 1007–8, 1013, 1039
Russians, The (Smith), 155
Rutan v. Republican Party (1990), 426
Rutherford, Dan, 733
Rutizer, Barry, 166, 170, 940
Ryan, George (Illinois Republican governor), 611, 618, 627, 630, 636, 640, 720, 893
and bipartisanship, 651
and bribery scandal, 693, 732, 739, 754–55, 783, 861, 926, 931
and child-support bill veto, 668, 682, 704
contest between successors, 739–40
Cullerton skit impersonation of, 735
and Daley political machine, 740
and death penalty, 644, 648, 693, 740, 744, 748, 755, 791
election as governor, 642–43
and gun control, 711, 714
indictment of, 861
and ISBI board appointees, 736
and KidCare expansion, 776
as lame duck, 740
and line-item budget vetoes, 766, 769
and lobbyists, 653
and Medicaid-funded-abortion bill, 714
Philip discord with, 646–47, 648, 684, 685, 689, 711
political transformation of, 714–15
and predatory lending regulation, 717
and public works construction project, 652, 655
and Safe Neighborhoods Act, 684, 685–86, 687
and state budget, 657, 728, 766
and state budget agreement, 712, 735
and tax abatement “enterprise zones,” 722
Ryan, Jack (Illinois Republican U.S. Senate candidate)
campaign assets, 839, 844
campaign chances, 854, 907
campaign critics, 919
campaign strategy, 923
campaign vulnerabilities, 913
and divorce records, 886–87, 894–95, 901, 902, 911, 912, 915, 924, 925–26
favorability rating, 922
and Obama campaign, 918
and Obama debate challenge, 923, 945
oppositional research report on, 908
political record of, 911
poll results, 912, 922, 926–27, 947, 948
prediction of Obama 2008 successful presidential campaign, 967
and sex club charge, 887, 895, 924
and videographer stalking of Obama, 915, 919, 951
withdrawal from campaign, 927, 930, 945, 947, 949
Zorn press takedown of, 967
Ryan, Jeri, 886, 895, 924, 926
Ryan, Jim, 640, 684, 734, 739–40, 754, 755, 783
Ryan, Mary, 248–49, 262, 274, 275, 311
Ryan, Paul, 1059
Safe Neighborhoods Act (Ill. 1999), 683–87, 711, 826
Saguaro Seminar, 592, 613, 617, 620, 632, 637–38, 645, 660, 711
Sahlins, Marshall, 228, 245
Said, Edward, 146, 153, 158, 632
St. Anne Parish, 33
St. Catherine of Genoa Parish, 26, 29, 39, 207, 212, 252, 260, 297, 317
St. Francis Assisi school (Jakarta), 64, 65
St. Francis de Sales Parish, 19
St. George and St. Matthias Episcopal Church, 253, 254
St. Helena of the Cross Parish, 24, 26, 29, 199, 200, 201, 206, 209, 230
St. John de la Salle Parish, 29, 199, 206, 267
St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 517
St. Kevin Parish, 19, 20, 33, 199, 210, 248
landfill rally, 306–8, 310, 311
St. Sabina Parish, 29, 260, 297, 473, 475, 481, 714, 716
St. Salonea Parish, 24
St. Victor Parish, 14, 20–21, 22, 23, 33, 207
core activists, 8–9, 29, 33, 205, 206
Leo Mahon departure from, 238
St. Xavier University, 304
Saitoti, George, 58
Sakata, Shinko, 229
Saladi, Indira, 618
Salazar, Ken, 953, 957
Salem Baptist Church, 991
Salter, Mark, 985, 986
Saltmarsh, Kathy, 811
Saltzman, Bettylu, 472, 481, 807
and anti-Iraq war rally, 778, 779, 1034
and Obama campaign funding, 785, 814, 840, 885
and Obama congressional campaign, 666
and Palmer congressional campaign, 517
Salz, Kenji, 92, 93, 94, 104, 106, 484
same-sex marriage, 561, 633, 637, 845, 846
Biden support for, 1062
Obama positions on, 865, 875, 887, 923, 925, 949, 992, 993, 1004, 1030, 1060
Obama support for, 1062
Sampson, Al, 254–55, 257, 284, 315
Samuels, David, 1049
Samuels, Mark, 845
Samuels, Summer, 690–91, 698, 704
Samuelson, Robert, 1041
San Antonio v. Rodriguez (1973), 487
Sandburg, Carl, 191
Sandoval, Martin, 868
Sanger, David, 1066
Sangmeister, George, 553
Sarmina, Teresa, 349
Sarrafan, Sima, 340
Sasono, Adi, 182
Sater, Greg, 335, 340, 341–42, 344, 358
Satter, Beryl, 282–83
Sautter, Chris, 579–80, 688, 695, 699
and Obama missed gun-control vote, 688
pessimism about Obama congressional campaign, 669, 675, 678, 679–80, 699, 700, 705
and viability of Obama U.S. Senate candidacy, 755–56
Savage, Bonnie, 355, 356
Savage, Gus, 275, 306, 406, 407, 471, 472, 669
Save Our Jobs Committee (SOJC), 9–14, 18, 29, 34, 38, 239, 284
celebratory rally, 559–60
MacArthur grant to, 640
Mayor Washington sympathy with, 213, 221
and UNO first protest, 11
Sawyer, Diane, 935, 1040–50, 1054
Sawyer, Eugene, 206, 292, 294, 616
and aide’s ethnic slurs, 314–15
Daley’s defeat of, 374, 465
as Mayor Washington’s successor, 292, 294, 306, 308, 311
and waste management task force, 307, 310, 322–23
SBC Communications, 823
SCA Chemical Services, 16, 21, 305
Scalia, Antonin, 576, 615, 975
Scanlon, James M., 563, 564
Scates, Steve and Kappy, 610
Schakowsky, Jan, 694, 753, 789, 967
endorsement of Obama, 857, 858, 862, 863, 872, 878, 898
and Obama’s gay-rights position, 864
and poll results, 762, 763, 764
Schapiro, Andy, 378, 386, 390, 400, 700
Law Review satiric Revue, 407–8
Scheiber, Noam, 921, 1071
Scheid, Bernard “Benny,” 19, 20
Scheiner, David L., 262, 547, 916
Scheinman, Bill, 43, 54
Scheper, Scott, 370–71
Schiavo, Christine, 1007
Schieffer, Bob, 933
, 987, 1066, 1071, 1073
Schiff, Robbin, 515
Schilling, Warner, 161
Schlafly, Phyllis, 127
Schmich, Mary, 208, 802
Schmidt, Jeanne Reynolds, 536. See also Reynolds, Jeanne
Schmidt, John R., 478, 505, 563, 610, 618, 723
and attorney general bid, 740
and gubernatorial race, 623, 740, 833
and Illinois Project VOTE! fund-raising, 472, 476
and Obama’s campaign funding, 638, 785, 814
and Obama’s congressional bid, 662, 669
and Obama’s unfinished manuscript, 483, 484
Schmitz, Paul, 567
Schmoyer, Shannon, 336, 340, 356
Schneider, Barbara, 378, 390, 414
Schneier, Ned, 184
Schnider, Robert A., 924
Schoenberg, Jeff, 518, 807, 868, 918, 939
Schoenburg, Bernard, 642, 915, 919, 942, 977, 991
and Obama’s 2004 DNC speech, 932
and Obama’s controversial missed vote in state Senate, 688
and Obama’s youthful drug use, 853, 862
Schofield, Doug, 803
Schofield Barracks (Hawaii) party, 88–89, 535–36, 543
school reform, 203, 281, 289, 290, 405, 524, 546, 547
and Donald Moore, 715–16, 867
and foundation funding, 509–11
and Illinois state funding, 588
Obama ideas about, 633, 696, 697, 730, 732, 987
and Raby, 303, 322
and UNO, 265–66, 283, 303–4, 316–18, 322, 350
school vouchers, 697, 833–34
Schopp, George, 19, 20, 21, 199, 208, 209, 210, 248
and landfill rally, 307, 308
Schultz, Connie, 1010
Schultz, Robert, 63
Schumann Foundation, 540
Schumer, Chuck, 992, 994
Schumer, Ellen, 242, 508, 517, 521, 549, 558, 563
Schumpeter, Joseph, 450
Schwartz, Michael, 112
Schweickart, Karen, 753
Schweitzer, Albert, 228
Scott, Hal, 355
Scott, Jackie, 388, 396
Scott, Janny, 56, 58, 80
Scott, Jason, 488, 489, 567
Scott, Rob, 781, 822
Scully, Steve, 1052
seat-belt bill, 799, 811, 829
Second Amendment, 632, 806, 911, 949
Secter, Bob, 870
Sederstrom, Scott, 275
Seeger, Kristen, 724
Seidman, Gary, 179
Seidman, William, 284
Seliga, Joe, 706
Senate Agriculture Committee, 960
Senate Banking Committee, 284
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, 963, 976, 1012
Senate Finance Committee, 960
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 960, 963, 967, 971, 973, 976–77, 1013
Rice testimony on Iraq war “surge,” 1023
Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, 1013
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, 1013
Senate Intelligence Committee, 1072
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