Thurmond, Strom, 788
Tibbetts, Ed, 961
Tilly, Laura, 478, 479, 486, 498, 499, 504
Time for XII program, 22–23, 39
Time magazine, 118, 394, 929, 961, 991, 993, 1049, 1054
Obama cover story, 1001–2
Obama profile, 986
Times Books, 501, 510, 511, 515, 527, 528, 532
acquisition of Dreams From My Father, 490–91, 494
Titcomb, Bobby, 92–93, 101, 102, 103, 175
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 529, 536
Obama’s relationship with, 181–82, 285
as Obama wedding guest, 478
Tith, Naranhkiri, 54
Today Show (NBC), 930, 935, 957, 1018, 1032
Todd, Chuck, 1052, 1055, 1065, 1066, 1070
Toker, Anne, 389, 396, 397, 437, 438
Topinka, Judy Baar, 832, 895, 915, 919, 925, 926, 927
Topolinski, Tom “Topo,” 88, 91–94, 96–97, 100–101, 104, 536
Torielli, Gina, 335, 341, 346, 382, 435
Torres, Maria, 520, 643, 734
Torrey, Bob, 90
Torrey, Joyce Kang, 83
Torrey, Kent, 90, 94, 100, 106
torture, 976, 1051, 1072, 1073
Totenberg, Nina, 285
Toutonghi, Mary, 53–54
toxic chemical waste, 16, 21, 200, 248, 273–75
Toxic Victims Access to Justice bill (NY), 186, 187
Trask, Andrew, 615
Travis, Carole, 569, 570, 571, 603
Travis, Dempsey J., 663
Treadwell, Jimmy, 593
TreeHouse Foods, 973, 990, 1017, 1032
Tribe, Laurence H., 348, 354, 392, 399, 408, 417, 599
Constitutional Law course, 358, 370–71, 381, 388
constitutional paradigm seminar, 400–401
first meeting with Obama, 357
Harvard Law Review essay, 376–77, 379
Obama and Fisher relationship with, 357, 371, 376–77, 379, 382, 385–86, 401, 447, 456
Obama campaign contribution from, 668
on Obama’s Law Review presidency, 394
On Reading the Constitution, 401
teaching style of, 371
Trinity United Church of Christ, 255–59, 289, 297, 324, 697, 941
and “Black Value System,” 257
membership increase, 256–58
Obama association with, 417, 468, 849, 1046
as Obama presidential candidacy issue, 1026, 1027, 1044, 1045
Obamas as members of, 469, 470, 493, 651, 1041, 1046, 1047
Obamas’ charitable giving to, 990, 1044
Obamas’ poor attendance at, 567, 634, 742, 813, 909
Obamas’ withdrawal from, 1047
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 848–50, 859, 873, 874, 891, 957
Obama wedding at, 479
preeminence of, 743
and Project VOTE! and, 474, 475
See also Wright, Jeremiah A., Jr.
Trisulo, “Sonny,” 64
Trop, Harriet, 564, 643
Trotter, Donne, 460, 582, 586, 619, 799
animus toward Obama, 598, 600, 604, 606, 658, 768, 808, 868
appointment to state Senate, 471
and children’s health insurance program, 627
and congressional primary bid, 659–60, 664, 666, 667, 670, 674, 675, 678–80, 683, 688–90, 693, 697, 698, 701–10
and Democratic politics, 745
and election of Mayor Washington, 263, 306
and Obama’s physical confrontation with Hendon, 768
and Palmer state Senate seat, 462, 471, 558, 563
on Philip’s racist speech, 586
and pork-barrel funding, 753
and state Senate influence, 739
Troutman, Arenda, 335, 518, 678
Troutt, David, 342, 346, 347, 348, 356, 455
Trump, Donald, 452
Tucker, Stacy Monahan, 718–19
Turner, Art, 601
Turow, Scott, 570, 574, 606, 659, 675, 783, 787, 841
on Obama as exemplar of American diversity, 911
on Obama’s religious faith, 910
Tutu, Desmond, 434, 997, 999
Udall, Mark, 1072
Ujima (black student group), 115, 127, 128, 136
Ullman, Howard, 422, 438
Unbearable Lightness of Being (film), 301
“Underground” (Obama), 133, 134
Unger, Jonathan, 155
Unger, Roberto Mangabeira, 328, 382–83, 400, 401, 449, 457
disappointment in Obama’s presidency, 1062
Reinventing Democracy course, 447–48
Union Oil Company, 73, 94
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), 59
United Auto Workers (UAW), 2–3, 477, 813
United Church of Christ, 256
United Citizens Organization (UCO), 223
United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) of Southeast Chicago, 10–15, 18–20, 28, 29, 36, 198, 248, 374
and Alinsky-style tactics, 307–8, 323
annual dinner, 240–41
candidate forum, 34
and Daley campaign, 623
founding and expansion of, 10–12, 14, 22
and Gamaliel Foundation, 235–36, 241, 242, 405
and Hispanic neighborhoods, 210, 405
IAF training sessions, 230–31
landfill protests, 210, 240, 262–63, 267, 276, 290, 299–300, 306–11
and Parent Community Council, 295
power struggles within, 405
and school reform movement, 265, 283, 303–4, 316, 317, 322, 350
suit against EPA, 200
transformation of, 323
United Steelworkers (USW), 2, 9, 18, 21–22
United Steelworkers Local 1033, 38, 206, 207, 211, 213, 251, 309
and new LTV contract vote, 221
and strike, 233–34
universal health care
Illinois Constitution proposed amendment, 620
Obama advocacy, 691, 697, 783, 787, 827, 839, 849, 865, 916, 921, 923, 1025, 1034, 1040
single-payer proposal, 776, 916–17, 932
University of Chicago, 567–68, 570, 577, 634, 643, 736
University of Chicago Law Review, 412–13, 444
University of Chicago Law School (UCLS), 577, 711, 779–80
black students, 487, 637, 718
conservativism of, 575, 914
Constitutional Law III course, 566, 575–76, 579–80, 603, 614–15, 637, 673, 718–19, 745, 753, 780, 847, 856, 914
and “day in Springfield” auction prize, 611, 732–33
Obama faculty appointment, 454–55, 466, 475–76, 489, 521, 564, 566, 708, 764, 835, 837
Obama nonideological agenda, 745
Obama resignation from, 959
Obama salary, 625, 814, 914
Obama-student relations, 745–46, 914
privilege of attending, 746
Racism and the Law course, 475–76, 486–88, 494, 496–98, 514–15, 566, 603, 613–14, 615, 637, 673, 718–19, 745, 753, 780, 847, 849, 856, 914
teaching approach and syllabus, 497, 719, 724, 752
Voting Rights course, 566, 579, 618, 641–42, 724, 752, 753, 789, 803
white male dominance, 718, 745
University of Chicago Library, 454
University of Chicago Medical Center, 737
Michelle Obama job, 737, 749, 814, 969, 990, 1017, 1048
Michelle Obama part-time leave from, 1026, 1029
University of Hawaii
Ann Dunham at, 57, 63
Ann Dunham graduate study at, 82, 85, 175
East-West Center, 61
Lolo Soetoro at, 58
Maya Soetoro at, 478–79, 493, 861
Obama Sr. at, 45–48, 51, 53, 54–56, 79
University of Illinois, 36, 303
University of Illinois at Chicago, 509, 546–47
University of Illinois Chicago Circle campus (UICC), 281, 283, 292, 316
University of Massachusetts, Obama commencement address, 993, 994
University of Washington (UDub), 49, 50, 292
Ann Dunham’s year at, 53–54, 56, 81
USAID, 105, 139, 214
USA Patriot Act. See Patriot Act
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 391
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 498, 512, 559, 566, 729–30, 735, 754
U.S. Steel, 7, 12, 208, 234, 238
South Works closure, 1–2, 18–19, 21–22, 28, 38, 233
U.S. Supreme Court. See Supreme Court, U.S.
Vader, Tony, 29–30
Vallas, Paul, 523–24, 612, 645
and Democratic gubernatorial race, 740, 745, 748, 752, 754, 762
Vandermyde, Todd, 806
Van Der Slik, Jack, 641
Van Fossen, Doyle, 113–14
Vanity Fair, 963, 1061–62
Obama profile, 1067
Van Zanten, Donna, 26, 36, 37
Van Zanten, Kent, 37
Van Zanten, Tony, 26, 36, 266
Vasquez, Felix, 38
Vaughn, Jacqueline, 280
Vayda, Pete, 185, 533, 540
Verdict, The (film), 724
Viall, Ralph, 24, 28, 29
Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) (Ill.), 801, 887
Victims of Groupthink (Janis), 146
Victor, Kirk, 987–88
videotaped-police-interrogation bill, 487, 798–99, 801, 804, 811, 812, 825
state Senate passage of, 819, 830, 831, 867, 891
Vietor, Tommy, 910, 942, 944
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation (1977), 487
Vilsack, Tom, 755
Vinson, Brenda, 167
Vitas, Daniel “Muscles,” 14
Viverito, Lou, 545, 600, 652, 713, 725, 759, 868
Vogel, Ezra, 328
von Hoffman, Nicholas, 8
Vorenberg, James, 328, 329
Voting Rights Act (1965), 216, 579, 661, 739
Vrdolyak, Edward R. “Fast Eddie,” 2, 17–21, 38, 291, 535
conflict with Mayor Washington, 210, 216, 220–21, 240, 251, 263, 292
and dumping moratorium, 28, 29, 35
and landfill, 240, 274, 276, 300
and mayoral election defeats, 263, 374
Sawyer characterization of, 292, 308
Vukojevic, Joe, 299
Wade, Deloris, 969
Waits, Tom, 111
Walder, Andrew W., 154–55
Wallace, Chris, 1045
Wallace-Wells, Benjamin, 953, 1026–27
Waller, Isabella, 239, 249, 266
Walley, Christine, 23–24
Wall Street Journal, 980, 994, 1020, 1031
Wall Street Project, 665, 1023
Wal-Mart, 1017
Walpole All-Stars, 435
Walpole (Mass.) State Prison, 376
Walsh, Joan, 1055
Walsh, Larry, 1077
and county executive win, 956
on Obama’s frustration with state Senate, 659
and Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 759, 792, 868
and poker games, 603, 604, 621, 651, 652
Walsh, Terry, 778, 812, 819, 820, 837, 864, 891
analysis of Obama U.S. Senate campaign strategy, 789, 800, 903–4, 913
Walsh, Tom, 621–22, 652, 687, 907, 939
Walters, Barbara, 1060
Wan, Pauline, 378, 390
Wang, Audrey, 386
Wansley, Ty, 535
Ware, Judy Farner, 56
Warfel, Justin, 919
WARN (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification) Act (1998), 727
Warren, Alvin, 382, 399, 415
Warren, Elizabeth, 854, 927
Warren, Rick, 1015
Warren Court (1960s), 96, 725–26
Washington, Booker T., 487, 560
Washington, Grover, Jr., 89, 100, 455
Washington, Harold, 221, 240, 245, 294, 380, 406, 518, 645
administration problems, 215–16
and Altgeld asbestos, 217, 224, 225
and Career Education Network, 264, 266
and CHA problems, 244
charisma of, 271, 293, 373, 1036
and Chicago bribery scandal, 215–16
and Chicago schools, 279, 280, 281, 283, 540
as Chicago’s first black mayor, 18, 202, 222, 312, 313, 460, 541, 954
city council conflict with, 209–10
and coalition renewal, 494
and CPD, 229–30
disillusion following death of, 52, 313, 459
Education Summit, 281, 292, 316
and Far West Side jobs center, 261
fatal heart attack of, 290–92, 294
Jackson Jr. seen as successor, 894
and landfill issue, 19–20, 29, 34–36, 234, 274, 275, 276, 307–8, 311
legacy of, 482
loyal supporters, 253, 522, 896
and mayoral reelection campaign, 234, 250, 251, 257, 263, 481
Obama’s admiration for, 202, 292–93, 345, 548, 705
Obama’s critique of, 373, 374, 555
Obama’s politics as legacy of, 288–89, 663, 668, 852, 893, 896, 900
PCR speech of, 248
political office progression of, 519
political opponents of, 230
and RCDC, 261–63
and Roseland decline, 36
Sawyer as successor, 292, 294, 306, 308, 310
Task Force on Solid Waste Management, 234
Task Force on Steel, 212–13
and UNO, 207, 210, 265, 266
and Wisconsin Steel laid-off workers, 13
Washington, Harriet, 1046
Washington, Joe, 266, 281
Washington, Joyce, 740, 754, 797, 798
backers of, 862
Iraq war position, 880
petition validity, 857, 860–61
poll results, 802, 835, 885
televised debate, 848
and U.S. Senate primary, 528–29, 800, 817, 828–29, 833, 837, 842, 844
and U.S. Senate primary results, 900
Washington, Laura, 481, 792, 830, 845, 1022, 1030
Washington Heights, 239
Washington Post
Obama coauthored op-ed, 980
on Obama presidency failures, 1059, 1066
on Obama presidential campaign, 1029–30, 1032, 1036, 1038
on Obama presidential potential, 993–94, 1011, 1019
praise for Obama’s speech on race, 1043
profile of Obama, 969
on Republican midterm (2014) sweep, 1071
on Wright, 1046
Washington Times, 1019
Washington v. Davis (1976), 487
Wasik, John, 6
Waste Management Incorporated (WMI), 16–20, 240, 248–49, 262–64
and community trust, 307
and employees’ misconduct, 305–6
and political scandal, 215–16
See also Calumet Industrial District (CID) landfill
Wathen, Tom, 187, 376
Watkins, Paul, 533
Watson, Carlos, 954
Watson, Frank, 592, 606, 722, 787, 907, 915, 919, 960
Watson, Kevin, 837, 854, 855, 875, 877, 889–90, 907, 910
Waugh, Malcolm, 74
Weatherly-Williams, Dawna, 72, 95
Weather Underground, 546, 569, 743, 1044
Weaver, Stan, 596, 682
Webb, Jim, 1010
Webb, Lori-Christina, 421, 437, 438
Webb, Tim, 489
Weber, Arnold, 511
Weber, Max, 426
Webster, John, 253, 318, 1058
Webster, Kimetha, 252–53
Wechsler, Herbert, 424
Weddington, Wayne, 160
Weekly Standard, 1032
Weightman, Wayne, 92, 104
Weinberger, Michael, 386, 391, 412, 432
Weisberg, Jacob, 994–95, 1009
Welch, Pat, 571, 624, 628, 640, 649, 713, 759, 767
welfare reform, 564, 578, 589, 600, 648, 748
federal, 563, 574, 576, 590, 597, 601, 607
Welton, Chris, 121, 127, 137
Wenner, Jann, 1056
West, Ann, 239, 268–69, 289, 316
West, Cornel, 497, 543, 1069
West, Robin, 412, 423, 426, 429
West, Tommy, 29, 207, 260, 262, 297, 298, 308
Western Illinois University, 780
West Pullman, 25, 212, 239, 266, 268, 269
West Pullman Park, 222
Wettleson, Jeff, 124
Wexner, Abigail, 752
What Is the World Made Of? (Feinberg), 147
Wheatley Child-Parent Center, 217, 244, 248
Wheeler, Charles M., III, 741–42
Wheeler, Esther “Queen Esther,” 32, 34
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church (Houston), 469
“Where’s Room 185?” (report), 243
Which Side Are You On? (Geoghegan), 570
Whitaker, Eric, 638, 668, 803, 1021, 1027, 1044
White, Jesse, 640, 741
White, Quincy, 463
Whitehead, David, 574
White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner, 817
Whitelaw, Billie, 172
Whitfield, Rita, 477
Whitman, Gordon, 360, 369, 370, 374–75, 378, 386, 391, 398
Law Review articles cochair, 390, 412–13
Whitson, Sarah Leah, 331, 335, 340, 347, 371
Wieboldt Foundation, 12, 13, 14, 242, 249, 280, 295, 322, 509
“Community Organizing Award” ceremony, 576–77
DCP funding, 239–40, 265, 268, 295, 510
Wiegmann, H. Brad, 344, 356, 358, 399
Wiener, Don, 545, 562, 669, 673
Wilder, Douglas, 961
Wilhelm, David, 412, 713, 729, 846, 898, 900, 916
Wilkins, Ann Marie, 854
Wilkins, David, 329, 330, 337, 404
fund-raiser for Obama, 854
Law Review article, 412, 414, 429, 432, 439
Wilkins, Roger, 258
Will, George, 1019
Willenson, Marni, 514–15, 729–30
Williams, Andy, 73
Williams, Brian, 940
Williams, Clarence, III, 91
Williams, Grant, 32–33, 34
Williams, Michael, 179
Williams, Patricia, 414, 422, 423, 426, 429, 457
Williams, Paul, 519, 545, 552, 599–600, 662, 769, 962
Williams, Raymond, 156
Williams, Rick, 252, 266, 284, 309–10
Williams, Verna, 328
Williams, Vince, 601, 664
Williams, Walter (CHA manager), 224
Williams, Walter E. (economist), 193–94
Williamson, Alec, 67, 74, 85, 86
Williamson, John S., 67
Williamson, Susan, 67
Wills, Chris, 932, 955
Wilson, Audra, 812, 832, 836, 837, 841, 845, 859–60
departure from Obama campaign staff, 877, 906, 907, 910
Wilson, David, 593
Wilson, Kaye, 495, 535, 703
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