Queen Bees: Six Brilliant and Extraordinary Society Hostesses Between the Wars – a Spectacle of Celebrity, Talent, and Burning Ambition

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Queen Bees: Six Brilliant and Extraordinary Society Hostesses Between the Wars – a Spectacle of Celebrity, Talent, and Burning Ambition Page 35

by Siân Evans

  Barrie, J.M.

  Barrington, Emilie

  Battenburg, Prince Louis of

  Battenburg, Prince George of


  Beaton, Cecil

  Beaton, Nancy

  Benn, Anthony Wedgwood


  Beaufort, Duke of

  Beaverbrook, Lord

  Beecham, Sir Thomas

  Beecham, Sir Joseph

  Beecham, Utica Celestia Welles

  ‘Beerage, the’

  Beerbohm, Max

  Bedaux, Charles

  Beit, Alfred Sir

  Beit, Sir Otto

  Bell, Clive

  Bell, Vanessa

  Benckendorff, Count Constantin

  Benson, E.F.


  Berenson, Bernard

  Berkeley, Busby

  Berlin, Isaiah

  Berners, Lord Gerald

  Bernhardt, Sarah

  Bienvenue au Soldat

  Bigot, Mademoiselle

  Bismarck, Prince Otto von

  ‘Black Book’, The German (Sonderfahndungsliste GB)

  ‘Black Bottom, the’

  Black Man and White Ladyship

  ‘Blackshirts’ see British Union of Fascists


  Blickling Hall

  Blitz, The

  Bloomsbury Set

  Blunt, Alfred, Bishop of Bradford

  ‘Blunt Instrument’, The’

  Bole the Butler

  Bonar Law, Andrew

  Book of Beauty, by Cecil Beaton

  Bonynge, Virginia Daniel

  Bonynge, William

  Boothby, Lord Robert (‘Bob)

  Borden, Mary

  Bottomley MP, Horatio

  Bowes Lyon, Elizabeth

  Bowra, Maurice

  Brecknock, Lord and Lady

  Bridgewater House

  ‘Bright Young Things’

  British Union of Fascists (BUF)

  Brittain, Vera

  Brittain-Jones, Rosemary

  Bryanston Court

  Buccleuch, Duchess of

  Buckingham Palace

  Burke, Maud see Cunard, Lady Maud and Cunard Lady Emerald

  Burke, Judge Stevenson

  Burke’s Peerage

  Bushell, Arthur

  Burne-Jones, Edward

  Burne-Jones, Margaret

  Cadogan, Alec

  Campbell, Mrs Patrick

  Canadian House of Commons

  Canadian Red Cross Hospital at Cliveden

  Canova, Antonio

  Canterbury, Archbishop of see Lang, Cosmo Gordon

  Carpentier, Horace

  Carrington, Dora

  Cartland, Barbara


  Cassel, Sir Ernest

  Castlereagh, Viscount Robert

  Castlereagh MP, Captain Charles see also Londonderry, Lord Charles

  Castlerosse, Viscount Valentine

  Castlerosse, Lady

  Cavalcade magazine

  Cazalet, Victor

  Chamberlain, Austen

  Chamberlain, Ivy

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Channon, Sir Henry (‘Chips’)

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chaplin, Edith

  Charteris, Evan

  Charles, Prince of Wales

  Charleston, The

  Civil Air Guard


  Clarence, Duke of (‘Eddy’)


  Clark, Kenneth


  Cold War, the


  Connolly, Cyril

  Conscientious objectors

  Cooper, Gladys

  Coward, Noel

  Coronation of King Edward VII

  Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary

  Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

  Corrupt Coterie, The

  Channel Tunnel, the

  Chateau d’Asnières, near Paris

  Chateau de Cande

  Chetwynd-Talbot, Theresa, Sixth Marchioness of Londonderry

  Chicago Sun-Times

  Christian Science

  Churchill, Randolph

  Churchill, Sir Winston

  Churchill, Lady Clementine (‘Clemmie’)

  Cleveland Fund

  Cleveland Museum of Art

  Cleveland Zoo


  Acquisition of estate by William Waldorf Astor

  Wedding present for Nancy and Waldorf

  Servants at Cliveden

  House parties

  War cemetery

  ‘Cliveden Set, The’

  Cockburn, Claud

  Coldstream Guards

  Colefax & Fowler (see also Sibyl Colefax Ltd)



  Colefax, Lady Sibyl (née Halsey)

  unhappy childhood

  marriage to Arthur Colefax


  interior design by

  financial worries

  relationship with Virginia Woolf

  and the cultural elite

  as hostess

  mocked by contemporaries

  illegible handwriting

  friendship with Wallis Simpson

  rivalry with Emerald Cunard

  and Nazi Germany

  and Prince of Wales


  sale of Argyll House

  during World War II


  Later years


  Colefax, Michael

  Colefax, Peter

  Colefax, Sir Arthur

  Colgate, Samuel J.

  ‘Colour Bar’, the

  ‘Come Into the Garden, Maud’, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  Concentration camps

  Cooper, Alfred Duff

  Cooper, Gary

  Cooper, Lady Diana (née Manners)

  Corbett, Leonora

  Corrnwall, Camilla, Duchess of

  Cornwallis-West, Jennie

  Corrigan, Laura Mae, née Whitrock

  poverty of family

  arrival in London 1922

  marriage to James Corrigan (‘Jimmy’)

  as party-giver



  snubs Mrs Margaret Greville

  and opera




  and royalty

  and Wallis Simpson



  meets Mussolini

  and von Ribbentrop

  in Paris

  in Occupied France

  World War II

  Awards for bravery


  Corrigan, James (‘Jimmy’)

  Corrigan, Captain James C. Corrigan

  Corrigan-McKinney Steel Company

  Covent Garden

  Covent Garden Opera Syndicate Ltd

  Country House Scheme, the

  Country house weekends

  Country Life

  Crocker, Mrs Harry

  Croix du Combattant

  Croix de Guerre

  Crome Yellow, by Aldous Huxley

  Crowder, Henry

  Cubitt, the Hon Roland (‘Rollie’)

  Cubitt, Sonia see Sonia Keppel

  Cubitt, Thomas

  Cunard, Edith

  Cunard, Lady Maud (‘Emerald’)

  loss of father

  early years

  marriage to Sir Bache

  views on motherhood

  with Edward VII

  affair with Thomas Beecham

  passion for music

  as society hostess

  relationship with George Moore

  relationship with Nancy

  name-change to Emerald

  financial worries


  rivalry with other hostesses


  Friendship with Prince of Wales, Edward VIII

  Friendship with Wallis Simpson

  and von Ribbentrop


  During World War II

  Desertion by Thomas Beecham

  Later years


  Cunard, Nancy

  Cunard, Victor

  Cunard, Sir Bache

  Cunningham-Reid, Mary (née Ashley)

  Cust, the Hon Henry

  Curzon, Lord

  Curzon, Alexandra (‘Baba’} later Metcalfe

  Curzon, Irene


  Dachau concentration camp

  Daily Express

  Daily Mail

  Daily Mirror

  Daily News

  Daily Sketch

  Daily Star

  Daily Worker

  Davies, Marion

  Dawson, Geoffrey

  Dawson of Penn, Lord

  Dean, Charles



  De Gaulle

  de Grey, Countess Gladys

  de Laszlo, Philip

  de Polignac, Princesse

  de Pompadour, Madame

  Derby, Lady

  Devonshire, Duke of

  Devonshire House

  de Walden, Lord Howard

  de Wolfe, Elsie (Lady Mendl)

  Delius, Frederick

  Depression (1929)

  Der Rosenkavalier

  Desborough, Lady Ettie

  Devonshire, Duke of

  Diaghilev, Serge

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickens KC, Henry

  Divorce, attitudes to

  ‘Dollar Queen, the’ see also Laura Mae Corrigan

  Donegall, Marquess of

  Dorchester Hotel (‘The Dorch’)

  ‘Dorm, the’ (at Dorchester Hotel)

  Drogheda, Lord

  Dufferin and Ava, Marquess of

  Duggan, Mrs Grace

  Duke, Doris


  Duncan, Isadore

  Dunrobin Castle

  Duveen, Joseph

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  Eden, Sir Anthony


  Edward VII, King

  Edward VIII, King, formerly Prince of Wales. See also Duke of Windsor

  Tour of India

  Friendship with Lady Cunard

  Views on Mrs Greville

  And America

  Popular opinion

  Friendship with Sibyl Colefax

  Ostracises Laura Mae Corrigan and Mrs Margaret Greville


  Relationship with Wallis Simpson

  And Nazi Germany

  Accession 1936

  Decision to abdicate

  Ehrengäste ‘honoured guests’

  Eiffel Tower Restaurant, the

  Elcho, Lady

  Eliot, T.S.

  Elizabeth, Princess, Duchess of York, née Bowes Lyon. Later Queen Elizabeth, then Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother


  Friendship with ‘Mrs Ronnie’ Greville

  Marriage to Prince Albert

  Honeymoon at Polesden Lacey

  Relationship with Wallis Simpson

  Reaction to Abdication

  Relationship with Emerald Cunard

  Relationship with Osbert Sitwell

  During World War II

  Reaction to inheritance from Mrs Greville

  Elizabeth, Princess, later Queen Elizabeth II

  Ellesmere, Lady Violet

  Ely, Gertrude

  Embassy Club, London

  Ena, Queen of Spain

  Esher, Lord


  Euclid Avenue, Cleveland


  Eve of Parliament balls (see also Parliamentary balls)

  Evening News

  Evening Standard

  Fairbairn, Sydney

  Fairbanks Jnr, Douglas


  Fascism, growth of (See also British Union of Fascists)

  Fawcett, Millicent

  Faud, King of Egypt

  Faustino, Princess Jane

  Fellowes, Daisy

  Fellowes-Gordon, Dorothy (‘Dickie’)

  First World War

  outbreak of

  effects of

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott


  Foster, Maud

  Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park

  Fountain of Love, the

  ‘Four Hundred, the’

  Fowler, John


  Franco, General Francisco

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

  Fraser, Sir John Foster

  Freaks of Mayfair, by E.F. Benson

  Freud, Clement

  Freud, Sigmund

  Frick, Miss

  Fry, Roger

  Furness, Thelma, Lady

  Furness, Viscount Marmaduke (The Fiery Furness)

  Furtwangler, Wilhelm

  Furies, The Lord Berners

  Fury, HMS


  Gandarillas, Tony


  Garvin, J.L.


  Geissmar, Dr Berta

  General Strike

  George, David Lloyd

  George, Prince, Duke of Kent

  George V, King

  Relationship with his children


  During the Great War

  Attitude to Mrs Greville

  Approval of Elizabeth, Duchess of York

  Concerns about Prince of Wales


  George VI, King and Queen Elizabeth

  During World War II

  George, King of Greece

  Gestapo, the

  Gibbons, Nanny

  Gibson, Dana

  Gibson, Irene

  Gielgud, John

  Gladstone, William

  Glamis Castle

  Glass Menagerie, The, by Tennessee Williams

  Glyn, Elinor

  Gold Standard

  Gosse, Sir Edmund

  Gotterdämmerung, by Wagner

  Grandi, Count Dino

  Grant, Duncan

  ‘Great Mayfair War’, the (see also Gate-crashing)

  Grenfell, Joyce

  Greville, Margaret Helen, née Anderson (aka ‘Mrs Ronnie’)

  Stigma of illegitimacy

  First able to vote aged

  International travel

  Charitable giving

  Marriage to Ronald Greville

  Friendship with Prince of Wales, later Edward VII


  Relationship with King George V and Queen Mary

  Friendship with Prince Albert, (‘Bertie’)56

  And Prince of Wales, later Edward VIII

  Outbreak of Great War

  Formidable reputation


  As matchmaker

  Marriage proposal from Sir John Simon

  and her servants

  and Laura Mae Corrigan

  as society hostess

  relationship with Emerald Cunard


  and von Ribbentrop

  meets Hitler

  and Mussolini

  and Nazi Germany

  and the Duke and Duchess of York

  close friendship with Elizabeth, Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth

  and Winston Churchill

  and political influence


  views on Jews

  during World War II


  Greville, the Hon Ronald Henry Fulke (‘Ronnie’)

  Political career

  Friendship with Prince of Wales, later Edward VII

  Death in 1908

  Greville, Lord

  Greville Lady Violet

  Greville, Sir Sidney

  Grey, Sir Edward

  George V,

  George VI, King

  Goering, Hermann

  Gold Standard

  Gordon, Mary

  Grimmett, Gordon

  Grimsthorpe Castle

  Great War see First World War

  Grosvenor House

  Guinness, Brian

  Guinness, Diana (see also Mosley, Lady Diana)

  Guinness, Honor (later Channon)

  Gustav of Sweden, Crown Prince

  Hailsham, Viscount

  Halifax, Lord

  Halsey, Sophie

  Halsey, William

  Halsey, Willie

  Halsey, Ethel

  Halsey, Sibyl see Colefax, Lady Sibyl

  Harding, President


  Harris, Lady


  Hart-Davis, Sybil

  Hartnell, Norman

  Harmsworth, Molly see Northcliffe, Lady

  Harmsworth, Geoffrey

  Harrison, Rosina (‘Rose’)

  Harvey, Mrs George

  Hearst, William Randolph

  ‘Heil Hitler’. See also ‘Hitlergrüss’

  Heloise and Abelard, by George Moore

  Heinemann, William

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henderson, Sir Nevile

  ‘Herr Brickendrop’ (von Ribbentrop)

  Hess, Rudolf

  Hever Castle, Kent


  Hindus, Maurice

  Hitler, Adolf



  Home Rule for Ireland

  Homosexuality, (see also Shaw, Bobbie)

  Hoare, Samuel

  Hoesch, Leopold von

  Horne, Herbert

  Horne, Sir Robert

  Horner, Edward

  Horner, Robert

  Houghton, Allanson B.

  Household Cavalry

  House of Commons

  House of Lords

  Hudson, Edward

  Hulton, Gertie

  Humby, Betty

  Hunt, Holman


  Hutton, Barbara

  Huxley, Aldous

  Ilchester, Lord and Lady

  Imperial League of Opera


  Inskip, Sir Thomas

  Isaacs, Rufus see Reading, Lord

  Italian Old Masters exhibition

  Italy, King and Queen of

  ‘I’ve Been to a Marvellous Party’, by Noel Coward

  James, Mrs Arthur

  John, Augustus

  John Bull magazine

  Johnson, Amy

  Johnstone, Lawrence

  Joint Council of Midwifery

  Jones, Sir Roderick

  Jones, Thomas

  Jordan, Mary

  Juliana, Princess of the Netherlands

  Jura, Island of

  Jutland, Battle of

  Kahn, Mr and Mrs Otto

  Keeler, Christine

  Keene, Nancy Witcher

  Kelmsley, Lord

  Kennedy, Bobby

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Kennedy, Teddy

  Keppel, Alice (‘La Favorita’)

  Keppel, George

  Rosalind Cubitt

  Keppel, Sonia (later Cubitt)

  Keppel, Violet

  Kerr, Archie Clark

  Kerr, Philip (Lord Lothian)

  Kerr-Smiley, Mrs Maud

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Khan, Aly

  Khan, Aga

  King Edward VII’s Hospital for Officers

  King, Viva

  Kinross, Lord see Balfour, Patrick

  Kipling, Alice

  Kipling, Lockwood

  Kipling, Rudyard


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