Bullied Cinderella (Olive Skin Devils Book 2)

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Bullied Cinderella (Olive Skin Devils Book 2) Page 11

by Hollie Hutchins

  I didn’t dance around it. The moment the baby was strapped into the backseat, I demanded to know why she was being so weird towards me. She faced me with an almost motherly, knowing smile - as she often did, being the oldest sister.

  “You know, I don’t think Jada has the stomach for everything that goes on between me, Marco, and Felix,” she explained carefully.

  “And what makes you think I would?”

  She put her hand on my shoulder and squinted her eyes. “Because I have a feeling you may have experienced it once or twice. We were raised very conservatively. So...sometimes we’re convinced in our minds that something is wrong or that we shouldn’t desire it, but...our bodies never lie. We sometimes find ourselves reacting to things we’re convinced we shouldn’t want, but we do no matter how much we fight it.”

  “What does all of that have to do with why you don’t want to marry me off? Not that I’m complaining.”

  She cut her eyes over in the direction of the Valencia estate and grinned. “Leonardo is awfully handsome. He would make a decent partner if someone whipped him into shape.” She leaned in to whisper in my ear. “I bet he’s killer in bed too.”

  My cheeks turned bright red, and I was so flustered I couldn’t defend myself in the way I should have. It didn’t matter anyway, because Elaina had no interest in hearing me whine about how wrong she was. She flashed me a wink and quickly made her way around the car to get in and drive off, leaving me standing there at the edge of the driveway, feeling like an idiot.

  Elaina’s annoying little, snide comments mixed in with Jada’s despair and the upcoming arrangement was a lot to take in. It seemed like the perfect time to go for one of my daily walks around my family’s land to clear my head.

  I had discovered a creek that ran along the edge of our property, and it had become one of my favorite places to go. Especially when my thoughts were getting away from me. When I explored our land and all of its hidden little spots, it wasn’t uncommon for me to think back on that night Leonardo and I spent together in the woods. I would see so many discreet places around our land and imagine running into him out here. It was an impossible scenario because he’d never dare to set foot on our property with all of the legal matters at hand.

  I had felt so ashamed of my fantasies about him, and it was precisely why I had grown so fond of the creek. I could wade into the waters and feel the rushing cool flow of it against my skin. It was almost enough to ward off the heat of my desire, and I could picture my relentless thoughts about Leo washing away down into the river.

  But Elaina’s words were nagging at me. What did she mean with all that talk of wanting things we thought were bad? Had her start with Felix and Marco been anything like what had happened between Leo and I? I suppose there was no secret about why it was forbidden. They were brothers and she was involved with both of them, for goodness sake.

  My memories of Leo kept flooding me, and something about Elaina’s clever little speech had left me defenseless to them. It was almost like she was giving me permission to feel this way. I didn’t need much of a push since my mind seemed to go there whether I wanted it to or not. But this time when the flashes of my fantasies came and wouldn’t stop, I decided not to try and wash them away in the river.

  Instead, I climbed up to the banks and collapsed across the grass. Sometimes my thoughts were so intense that I couldn’t do anything but focus on them. I didn’t want to walk or explore or sit. I just wanted to lay there and let them consume me. I had been trying to avoid giving into that very temptation, but I was officially worn down.

  I stared up at the clouds for a minute before closing my eyes. My legs spread as I let the memory of Leo’s tongue against mine come to me so vividly that I swore it was real/ I told myself I only opened my legs to let my clothes dry off from the creek. But as I thought about Leo’s tongue moving from my mouth, down my neck, my chest, and circling around my hardened nipples...I couldn’t help but do the same with my own hand. And I didn’t stop there.

  I recalled all of Leo’s noises - his grunts of lust and longing. I remembered the look on his face when he finally slid inside of me. And as I replayed each moment of it in my mind, my fingers traveled down further until I had reached my pulsing bundle of nerves. I writhed against the grass, needing relief. I snaked my fingers underneath my clothes and finally let myself feel the satisfaction of my touch, imagining it was Leo bringing me that exquisite pleasure.



  I had received word from my lawyers that they had agreed on the legal property line, and I was eager to take out one of the horses to ride the new perimeter. It was a beautiful day for a horseback ride, and I felt proud of our land and everything that went into it. Taking it all in from end to the other was a gratifying feeling - one that I very much needed after everything that had happened with Lucia.

  I hadn’t been quite the same since the night I found her in the shed with Jorge. I knew Jorge and Dario were trying to get in her pants. I didn’t know she’d go along with it, even if it was just to get back at us in some way. I had wanted to think she set me apart from them, but I could now see how clearly delusional that was. It had all been a game to her.

  But we were still making out pretty well with the property divide, which I told myself was all that really mattered. The only loss was the creek that the lawyers had determined fell on her side. I had spent a lot of time out there as a boy, and I hated to lose it. I especially hated to know it would soon be cut off from me entirely by a big, gaudy fence. Since the construction was still halted while everything was being finalized, I decided to go see the creek one last time...as a sort of farewell.

  I had been riding for a while so I climbed off my horse and decided to walk it down to the water so it could get a drink. But as we got closer, I froze dead in my tracks at the sound of a strange noise. I thought it was maybe an animal at first, but I quickly realized it was the sound of a woman. Not just any sound...but one of distinct pleasure. I knew that low whimperish hum well.

  I tied up my horse and snuck down into the bushes. What I saw on the other side of the creekbed was the most exquisite sight I had ever laid eyes on. It was Lucia. She was laid out near the water’s edge in a green dress that flowed out around her. But she had slid the straps down off of her shoulders to expose her breasts - the ones I had been craving night after night. Her legs were spread wide with her skirt bunched up around her waist.

  And her fingers...my god...her fingers were stroking along her folds, sliding in and out of her slit. Even from the other side of the creek, I could see the cream glistening on her fingers as she pleasured herself. I wanted more than anything to take those fingers into my mouth and taste her again.

  I was frozen at first, in shock. My heart pounded as my veins coarsed with need, and Lucia began to quicken her pace. With one hand between her legs, her other hand traveled up to grope her breasts. I nearly slipped and emerged from my hiding spot. It was ridiculous - like a call I couldn’t refuse to answer. As if I could just pop up out of nowhere and offer my assistance.

  But oh how I did want to assist her. If she wanted to touch herself - fine. But I could at least take her nipples into my mouth and run my hands along her body until she coaxed the climax out. I was too afraid to move and risk disrupting her. I remembered our last interaction and knew any sudden appearance from me wouldn’t be met kindly...especially under these circumstances.

  The sounds seeping from her pink lips were like music in the air, and it was a new kind of experience to be able to take them in from a distance without my own pleasure and my own labored breathing to drown them out. I could hear every sweet whimper and broken moan. But then something else started quietly sneaking out, and that was the thing that sent me over the edge.

  Oh, Leo...Oh God, yes! Leo!

  She continued moaning and crying my name, and that was when I couldn’t resist taking part. I quickly reached into my pants and pulled out my throbbing erection. If she was think
ing of me while she came, I wanted to be there right along with her. If I couldn’t hold her ever again, I could at least have that much.

  I stroked myself to the same rhythm I saw her hands moving in while relishing in the sound of my name on her lips. I only wished I could see what images she was playing out in her mind, or better yet act them out in person. It didn’t matter. Even from all the way over there she had turned me on more than I ever thought possible. She surrendered one hand back against the ground, curling her fingers, while she thrashed her head back and forth. As soon as I heard her broken cries grow louder while her hips bucked and her legs shook, I spilled out onto the ground.

  I watched as Lucia laughed to herself as she came down from her own wave of pleasure, and I had to chuckle a little under my breath as well. I watched as she stepped off into the water and washed off. But soon after, she slid back into her shoes and sauntered off back into the brush line, on the path to her house.

  I had never felt so empty as when I watched her disappear in the bushes. She had no idea I had been watching, but she was thinking of me. And I wanted more than anything to feel her close to me now that it was over. To experience that kind of pleasure and then to be left with nothing but empty air was pure torture.

  It put me in a rather sour mood, which made no sense. It was everything I wanted, really. Better than I could have imagined. To see her exposed flesh again and to watch her melt into her own unbridled passion. We didn’t have to fight or talk, and I got to hear her call out my name. Afterward, everything went back to the way it was and nothing was complicated. It was the simplest, purest form of interaction I could ever hope for with her.

  But like everything with Lucia...nothing satisfied me. It only left me wanting more. So much that the following day I found myself returning to the creek again, this time on foot - just to ensure that if I did see her again, nothing threatened to give away my presence. Once again she was there. Only this time nothing so insidious happened. She lounged in the grass, ran her fingers in the water. She stared at the clouds and looked lost in thought. There was no touching herself or shedding her clothes, but she looked happy. Content. That was almost just as entertaining and pleasing to watch.

  I crept back to my hiding spot again on the third day, expecting something just as innocent. But this time she didn’t lay there long before snaking her fingers between her legs again. Just as it had happened the first time, she called out my name and pushed herself to the brink. It was more maddening this time. If she wanted me, why wouldn’t she just come and get me?

  I didn’t touch myself that time. Instead, I watched her finish and then stormed off back home. That night, I paced in my room for hours feeling like I was losing my mind. I thought back on the night I burst into the shed and kicked myself for not kissing her back. I should have lost myself there and threw her back down to the bed where Jorge had just tried to have his way with her.

  I thought I was proving some kind of point by resisting her, but once again I was the one left paying the price for it. The joke was on me. She always had the final laugh, and I was convinced that what all of this mess at the creek was about. Maybe she didn’t know I was watching her. Or maybe she did, and all of this was just another way for her to torture me. The longer I thought about it, the more convinced I was that it was true.

  The best way for me to get back at her would be to leave her there trying to tempt me to no avail. I could stop going and watching her. I could let her cry my name all she wanted and never offer to satisfy her. That was the only way to show her that I meant it when I said I wasn’t as weak as Jorge and Dario.

  I decided that’s what I would do. I would forget all about her and the stupid creek and everything that happened between us up until then. I would forget that Lucia Chavez existed. But even as I made my mind up, I knew it was a useless thought. If I could do any of that, I would have done it by now. Instead, my nights were filled with dreams of her, and my days were filled with watching her from the bushes. She was eating me up from the inside out like some kind of siren witch.

  The last shred of dignity I could maintain was not letting her know any of that. The more I danced along that creek, the more I risked losing my grip enough to actually go to her and give her everything she hoped I would. So, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t.

  It was like curbing any other addiction. It needed to be replaced with something new. I went into the parlor and made myself a drink, but of course, Jorge and Dario were lingering around to disrupt me. They were putting on their boots by the door and being very obnoxious. I hoped they were going hunting or something. Maybe shooting some guns would give me the distraction I so desperately needed.

  “Where are you two idiots running off to?”

  “Mother told us about the property lines and the creek,” Dario replied. “We thought we’d go visit it one last time...before the fence is up. Want to come?”

  “No!” I shouted. “No, you can’t go to the creek today.”

  “Why not?” Jorge scoffed.

  “You just...you just can’t,” I stammered, urgently trying to think of a good excuse. “Because I’m going. Right now. To meet with one of the lawyers. There’s a portion of the property line we still need to discuss and it runs right along the creek. I don’t want either of you poking around as I tend to it.”

  They didn’t seem entirely convinced, but I was brash enough to scare them off. At least for the time being. Unfortunately, it meant that I had to return to the creek even though it was the very thing I decided I wouldn’t do again. They were watching and waiting to see me go now, and I definitely couldn’t risk either of them stumbling on Lucia in the state I had seen her in. That was for me, and me alone.

  I snarled at them and marched out the door. It seemed like everything was conspiring against me. Maybe Lucia was indeed a witch and making all of this happen on purpose. Even when I didn’t want to go, I was still being forced to.

  I heaved my way out to the creek resentfully, mumbling expletives under my breath every step of the way. I could hear the water splashing as I got closer and thought maybe I would be spared the sight of her touching herself again. Hopefully, she was just taking an innocent swim. I could guard the spot and watch her daydream and then carry on.

  But once I settled into my spot and looked out at her, I saw it was not an innocent swim at all. She was swimming, but she was completely naked. The creek wasn’t deep enough to cover more than six inches of her bare legs, leaving the rest of her luscious curves on full display. She bent down to the water and splashed it across her tan skin. The sight of her breasts and ass glistening with beads of water against the sunlight was probably the worst sight I had to endure so far - even worse than watching her pleasure herself. She was completely exposed and begging to be handled.

  I watched her walk in the nude down the creek. She ventured out further than she ever had before until she came to a runoff that led to deeper waters. She didn’t hesitate to dive in and begin swimming around. I stood corrected. Seeing her curves float weightlessly in the water was far worse than watching her naked body in the sun. I could imagine crawling in after her and effortlessly lifting her up and down over my throbbing cock with the water splashing around us.

  She rolled over onto her back, exposing her breasts above the surface of the water. I prayed for her not to do what I thought she’d do next, but the heavens were not in my favor. She tip-toed her fingers down her torso and once again pressed them between her legs. She swam around, floating on the surface, stroking her folds. It was too much. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I had to do something...anything besides just stroking myself behind the bushes. All the while she probably suspected my nearby presence and was doing all of this just to torture me. I just needed to have her again, and she obviously wanted the same. Her motives meant nothing to me now. I didn’t care who won anymore.



  In my mind, Leo was fucking me up against a wall. I had see
n enough of those big strong arms of his and been carried by them more than once. I knew he could support my weight while expertly gliding in and out of me to my heart’s content. I was just getting started, and I could already feel my wetness seeping out into the water I was floating in.

  But suddenly I heard ripples against the edge of the bank that made me worry I wasn’t alone. I thought I was being paranoid, so I only glanced over at first - not even bothering to remove my hands from between my legs while doing so. Then I saw him.

  Leo. I jumped with a gasp, and let my naked body sink back underneath the thin veil of the water. I wanted to ask what the hell he was doing, but he was several steps ahead of me. He was shedding his clothes as he stepped down into the water.

  “Is this what gets you off?” he asked in an angry tone. “Provoke men? Push them over the edge?”

  “I...I...what do you...I wasn’t…,” I stammered, noting how alarmingly fast he was moving toward me. With each step he took he shed another layer of clothing. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his chiseled chest and then moved down to the zipper of his pants. He tugged at it slowly until finally his big, throbbing hard cock was exposed.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” His voice dropped into a low, tormented grumble...one that was torturously sexy and gave me an idea of exactly what it was I did to him.

  He continued wading towards me until he was so close I could smell that manly scent of his that had been haunting my dreams. I wanted to scream, but I didn’t know if it was out of fear or out of surrender.


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