Bullied Cinderella (Olive Skin Devils Book 2)

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Bullied Cinderella (Olive Skin Devils Book 2) Page 13

by Hollie Hutchins

  “Wait, what if they hear us? My mom and Jada are asleep in the next rooms over.”

  I ignored her, still teasing her with my throbbing erection. She pleaded with me with her eyes. “Please, Leo. You’re so hard. I don’t think I can stay quiet enough.”

  I pressed my lips to hers, relishing in the feeling of her velvet tongue rolling across mine. We bit at each other’s lips as our mouths danced together until I pulled back with a smile. I ran my hand across her cheek, down her neck and chest, stopping to squeeze her breasts as I went. Once I felt my way back down between her legs, I slid her panties off slowly and brought them up to her mouth. She parted her lips knowingly and let me put them in her mouth to muffle her cries.

  I towered above her body, restrained against the bed, and nudged my tip along her folds and slit. She squirmed as I slipped it inside of her and back out again, spreading her wetness all around. I could hear her hopelessly begging me for more around the fabric of her panties in her mouth. Without warning, I thrusted forward until she was completely filled.

  With those first few thrusts, everything around us seemed heightened. The house was quiet except for the distant sleeping breaths of her family and the quiet creaking of her bed. Her nostrils flared with hot breaths. The moonlight coming in through the window was just enough to create a blue glow that framed the edges of her skin.

  She lifted her hips to guide me deeper into her, inch by inch. I dragged my fingers down her torse, already quivering with restraint. I opened my mouth, practically holding my breath to keep from yelling out, and continued thrusting into her. Our desires for each other mounted and grew with each pounding movement while my insides burned, threatening to devour me.

  Her breasts bounced as I went, each time pushing our heat and desire closer to the edge. Every time I pulled out, I could see her glistening wetness that had coated my cock. I tried to go slow so I could relish in the sight and feeling of it, but soon I couldn’t take it anymore. That primal animalistic drive she was so good at bringing out in me roared, and I picked up my pace ramming into her as hard as I could.

  Her cries were muffled as she squirmed, thrashed, and writhed, desperately clinging onto enough control to keep her voice down. Her arms were still suspended over her head, and she was completely surrendered to me. Her pussy tightened and throbbed around me as we both grew closer. A few more thrusts and soon we were both spinning out of control, clenching with overwhelming relief and ecstasy. She rocked her hips against me in perfect rhythm until she had milked me completely and we were both left breathless and shivering in the aftermath.

  Reality seemed to slip away in those moments, and I suddenly felt the need to freeze, still inside of her, to listen for any stirring in the house. We were so swept up in everything, I couldn’t be sure how loud we might have been. When everything seemed to remain quiet and still, I finally pulled out of her and removed the panties from her mouth. But I kept her arms tied so she would be at my mercy a little longer, and I could run my hands freely up and down her body.

  She laughed a little and smiled up at me. “They’re very deep sleepers,” she said, cutting her eyes to the wall behind her.

  I brought my attention to what she was staring at, and it was only then that I noticed the marks on the wall just behind the posts of her headboard. “Was that from tonight?” I asked in surprise.

  “Well, I don’t have any other men sneaking in through my bedroom window.”

  I chuckled before finally releasing her hands and lowering myself beside her. We were quiet for a long time there in the darkness as I glided my fingers around her chest. I loved that she didn’t rush to cover up, and she didn’t even chastise me for breaking in. We could finally just accept this and lay there together quietly.

  “So much for it never happening again,” she huffed finally, but she didn’t seem too sorry about it. She stared up at me intently. “Did you mean what you said?”


  “When you first climbed into my bed...That you can’t stop thinking about me,” she answered quietly.

  “You already knew that.”

  “But...did you mean you can’t stop thinking about this...as in what we just did. The creek. The woods. Or did you mean...me? As in really thinking about me...even outside of sex.”

  I lowered my lips to hers for a deep, soft kiss. “All of it,” I answered. “All of it and all of you...ever since you first scolded me in the laundry room all that time ago. I was just too stupid to realize why I was so taken by you then. I mistook it for pure hatred.”

  “I definitely hated you then,” she stated blankly.

  “To be fair I’m sure there was some of that mixed in on my part too.” I smiled and kissed her again. “It’s very hard to want something you can’t have so badly. It’ll drive you mad and send you storming out of your bedroom in the middle of the night to break through windows.”

  She rolled over to her stomach and looked at me with a devilish spark in her eyes. Her long dark wavy hair cascaded around her and her lips curled with the most perfect grin. “Did it ever occur to you to just try being nice to me? Charm and romance me a little? We could have been enjoying more of this months ago if you hadn’t made it so damn hard for me to stomach you.”

  I kissed her forehead but settled back against the pillow with a grim expression. “No, there’s more to it than that.”

  She propped her cheek against her hand and waited for me to explain. Her eyes filled with concern and dread with each passing second of silence, but I hated to remind her of just how complicated everything was. Not while, for once, it finally seemed so damn simple. But I knew that feeling only lasted while we were in that bed. It was fleeting, and soon we’d have to face reality.

  “Family is very important to me,” I explained. “I know you might not think much of my mother, or Dario, or Jorge...or me, even. But I was raised with the sense of obligation to them...above everything else. Not just them, but to our family’s honor.”

  “And I’m just a lowly servant...Always will be. No matter how much money we have,” she replied sarcastically, but she knowingly accepted it as fact.

  “I don’t agree with it, but it’s how things work. My mother...she just won’t ever approve.”

  Her eyes dropped and she looked away, as if I had just cinched a flickering flame that was starting to grow. I ran my fingers along her chin and pulled her gaze back to mine. “Hey, it’s not like it’s stopped me this far. Might have held me back a little, but you’re still calling out to me in the middle of the night like a siren...And so far, it's taken everything in me to resist. Those defenses are apparently getting weaker...because here I am.”

  With a faint smile, she parted her lips for a gentle kiss. We stayed like that for as long as we could, but as sunrise grew closer, we both knew I had to go back out the way I came in. We lingered at the window for the longest time with her in her room, and me already over on the other side, outside of the house. Every time I’d try to leave, we’d get sucked into another kiss.



  Leo explained to me how insatiable his desires for me had become, and it seemed that once I finally gave into them, I was just as hopeless for him. I didn’t know how to explain it. Thinking back on some of the things he had said and done was enough to make my blood boil in a split second. And yet the moment he pressed his lips to mine, all of that would dissolve into hot, flaming, arousal.

  We met at the creek every afternoon, and each night he crawled back through my bedroom window. Jada had hinted at hearing strange noises in the night, but I played dumb and kept my door locked just incase. It’s as if Leo and I were taking all of that hatred and rage for each other and funneling it into each other’s bodies. And by the time we were finished, it was transformed into something else entirely. With more time alone, I might have dared to put a word to the feelings I had for him. But we both knew what we shared could never be anything more than late-night rendezvous and afternoon romps in the cr
eek. So it was better to not overthink it, and we kept each other busy plenty enough to make that an easy thing to do.

  “What are your plans once the fence is finished?” he asked me one day during an afternoon swim.

  I felt a tinge of guilt as I was reminded of my plans for revenge. If he had asked me weeks ago, I would have smiled to myself as I thought about how I planned to destroy their reputation for good. But everything had changed now, and I had barely slowed down to rechart my course.

  “Your family may still be unaccepted by some, like my prude of a mother,” he continued. “But you do have a small fortune from your father now. And you own land, which is as good as gold in our circles.”

  “And soon my sister Jada will be married off to someone to secure our place,” I added.

  “So what will you do? Will I have to find some new window to sneak through once you’re married off and sharing a bed with your husband?”

  “Oh, sure!” I laughed. “I can see it now! I’ll fuck him and then meet you in the laundry room each night afterward.”

  I turned around to see Leo wasn’t laughing. Instead, his eyes were flaming and glued to me with a familiar look of rage I hadn’t seen in a long time. He swept through the water quickly and moved over my body with an encompassing grip.

  “Don’t talk like that,” he commanded with his deep growl. “A husband for show is one thing, but I can’t bear the thought of another man putting his hands on you.”

  He clenched his fingers into my hair and pulled my head back to expose my long neck. He bit into me possessively and then urged my mouth open with his tongue. He kissed me like he owned me and he’d fight any man to the death for his right to claim my body every day and night.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry,” I answered once my lips were free again. “I have no intentions of becoming any man’s wife. And since your family is too good for me, I guess I’ll die an old spinster all alone.”

  “A spinster with a secret lover,” he reminded me with hope.

  I wanted to laugh and joke, but it seemed unfair. He could suggest whatever he wanted, but the minute I reminded him of just how hopeless our situation really was - he flew over the edge. My heart grew heavy with the reality of it all, and it was enough to make me pull out of his grip and climb back onto the shore.

  “Maybe you’re not so different as I thought,” I sneered as I reached for my clothes. He watched from the water with confusion. “I always thought you were an immature mama’s boy who was bored enough to play pranks on your poor helpless staff just to feel like you had some kind of purpose for your days.”

  He growled in a deep roar under his breath and pulled himself out of the water. He forcefully took me back into his arms once again, demanding that I look at him. His eyes burned with that ravenous desire and anger that I had grown so used to.

  “And nothing I’ve done recently has changed your mind?” he asked, watching my lips intently. He was silently reminding me of everything he had done to my body...things that were far from fitting for the man I just described. He possessed me and handled me with such brute force that only a real man could put forth.

  I took in a sharp breath and gathered my words. I didn’t know if I wanted to give into him right then and there, putting off all the doubts and concerns growing in my mind for another day. Or if it was time for us to face facts for good and risk realizing that we would truly have to put all of this behind us.

  “My family hates you too,” I spoke, penetrating our deep stare and heavy silence. “But they would accept with open and loving arms if I asked them too. Are you really so afraid to stand up to your mother and tell her how you feel about me?”

  “Afraid,” he repeated resentfully.

  “Well that’s what it is, isn’t it?”

  His fingers dug into my thighs and backside as he hoisted me up into the air, forcing my legs around his waist. His throbbing erection pressed between my legs, daring to pummel forward so he could try once again to prove to me just how much of a fearless man he could be. It was no use in trying to dissuade him. I was just as powerless to this as he was, and it made it impossible to think clearly about the obstacles in whatever this thing between us was.

  He carried me to the flat grass and laid my body down, drinking me in with his eyes as I sprawled out in the baking sunlight. The only thing hotter than the rays that had darkened my skin from all of these afternoons spent with him was the heat emanating between our bodies. It crackled with an unrelenting force that was always begging us to partake again...and again and again.

  It was always easier to push our thoughts aside and just explore each other’s bodies. Not that it made much more sense than our circumstances, but it was easier. We let our muscles and surging desires do all the talking for us until the rest of it didn’t matter anymore...at least for a little while.

  I took in deep, panting breaths of Leo’s familiar scent as he kissed his way down my neck and chest. He kissed and nibbled along the curves of my breasts and ran his tongue across my hardened nipples. He sucked each one into his mouth and sent a shooting sensation straight to my core. I squirmed with my hands pinned above my head, where he liked them. He always demanded that I be surrendered to him completely.

  His mouth sucked, bit, and licked its way down in between my legs. His fingers teased and coaxed as he lowered his lips to my folds. Just a few gentle warning kisses, and then all at once he would suck me into his mouth as my hips buckled. I was becoming used to all of his little tricks and patterns, but it didn’t make them any less thrilling each time they happened.

  The pleasure mounted as he swirled his tongue and teeth around me, but I reached out for his throbbing cock - wanting to stroke it and give him the same feelings he was giving to me.

  “I want to taste you,” I murmured between my breaths, tightening my grip around him.

  “I’m not done yet,” he said, barely taking his mouth from me to speak.

  “I know,” I grinned, tugging him towards me.

  He looked a little surprised, but quickly gave me what I wanted. He wouldn’t dare deny such a request. He laid down beside me with his erection angled towards my mouth while running his hand back around my legs, sucking in my folds once again. I moaned and gasped as he continued sucking and licking, all while I slid my lips around his pulsing tip. He hissed against me, and I took him even deeper between my lips.

  He lost ourselves in the rhythms and motions, fighting between succumbing to the overwhelming pleasure while still trying to serve each other. I went until I couldn’t take it anymore and could feel the swell of a rippling orgasm tearing through me. The only thing muffling my cries was his hard cock pumping into my mouth.

  But a noise cut everything off all at once. I was too deep in our sex daze to make it out at first, but it became alarmingly clear all too quickly. A man’s voice. Two men’s voices. Dario and Jorge’s voices. The sirens blared in my head as Leo and I jerked up from our very compromising position.

  To our horror, both Jorge and Dario were standing a few feet away glaring at us with wide-open mouths and eyes.

  “I knew it!” Jorge shouted, pointing an accusing finger at us.

  Leo scrambled to find my clothes and quickly draped them across my naked body. Of course, his first concern would be to keep his cousins from seeing what he had decided belonged to him and only him. I wasn’t any more thrilled about it than he was and clung to the covering of my clothes as tightly as I could, but it was too late. I retraced our movements in my mind, remembering how I extended my leg up into the air to let Leo take me into his mouth completely. From where Dario and Jorge were standing, they would have seen more of me than I cared to think about. I was mortified, and my cheeks turned hot red.

  “What the fuck are you two doing here!?” Leo thundered as he struggled to throw on his pants, not even bothering with his underwear.

  Oddly enough, the only thing I could think about as I watched him, at least for a brief second, was that he hadn
’t finished before they walked up. But remembering how intensely, and loudly, I orgasmed quickly overshadowed that moment of pity. Dario and Jorge had gotten quite the show, much to my dismay.

  “We knew you were up to something out here,” Jorge yelled back. “I should have known this had something to do with her.”

  Dario sulked behind him, pointedly avoiding eye contact with me - which I was more than fine with. But I could see his wounded expression and knew he felt hurt.

  “I thought you...That maybe you and I…,” he stuttered like a child, unable to express just how blindsided he felt.

  I was embarrassed and growing very tired with how ridiculously immature all three of them managed to be, even as grown men.

  “Dario, please. You and I kissed once. And that was weeks ago.”

  “You said you wanted to see me again,” he argued.

  Leo’s eyes darted between us with rage. “You kissed!?”

  “She’s toying with us,” Jorge declared. “All of us. I bet this all has something to do with her vendetta against us. This is all a part of some big plan. I’m just as sure of that as I was sure that we’d find you two out here like this.”

  “Well, I didn’t expect to find them like that,” Dario mumbled resentfully.

  Leo stood tall above me, taking it all in. Every so often he’d cut his eyes down to me, and I knew he had a lot to say but wasn’t about to give his cousins the satisfaction of hearing any of it. I could see the doubts flashing over his eyes, but he was still clinging to what he thought he knew. That whatever was happening between us was world’s apart from any plans for revenge or anything that went on with me and the others. Whatever we had to discuss would wait until later, in private.

  “Can you honestly tell us this isn’t what you hoped would happen!?” Jorge raved. “That you didn’t lead each of us on and then lure him out here, just hoping we’d catch you like this!?”


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