The Warrior of Sapin

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The Warrior of Sapin Page 5

by Whiskey Flowers

  "Answering a question and getting to the damn point" Jason replied.

  "Well no, I guess not" the one handed boy replied.

  "While we are riding together I will appreciate it if when I ask you a question, you answer it in as few as words as possible" Jason replied. "If it is a yes or no question then answer yes or no, if it is something that takes more explanation I would also like if you answered it without any backstory or fluff. Just answer what I asked and I will do the same for you."

  "I didn’t mean to offend you" the brave woman replied. "But I don’t answer yes or no questions."

  "Then you can fend for yourself" Jason replied. "You won’t catch me starting any conversations or speaking to you and I'll appreciate it if you don’t speak to me."

  "Daphne you need all the friends you can get" the other woman said looking at the brave woman.

  "My husband used to demand yes or no questions and have me answer him like I was one of his damn workers" Daphne replied. "Now that he is gone I will not let any man talk down to me, Mattie."

  "Then you better hope that horrid man never catches you then" Mattie replied. "I know what happens after the fights, if any of us survive."

  "What is that?" Jason asked.

  "We will become disposable mercenaries sent on the behalf of the kingdom to help out the kingdom's allies in war" Mattie replied. "Or we will hunt for freshroot, it is in the Untamed Lands and if we are discovered we will probably die from the men there."

  "Freshroot?" Jason asked.

  "Freshroot is..." Daphne started before Jason cut her off.

  "I didn’t ask you for anything" Jason replied. "Please stop talking over my conversation."

  "Just because I don’t speak the way you demand?" Daphne said angrily.

  "What is freshroot Mattie?" Jason asked, ignoring Daphne.

  "Freshroot is the root of a plant that only grows in the Untamed Lands" Mattie replied. "It is used for seasoning food, just a sprinkle keeps meat, fruit and vegetables fresh longer. The problem is gathering it, every nation wants it and the Untamed Lands is the only place it is found and those lands are lawless."

  "What are the Untamed Lands?" Jason asked.

  "How can you not have heard of the Untamed Lands?" Daphne asked. "It's like you don’t know anything."

  "You are trying you best to be annoying, the next time you enter my conversation I am going to bash your damn face in" Jason said in a low voice with as much evil intent he could put into it. "I want you to think I am lying, I want you to enter my conversation just one more fucking time."

  "Boy that aint necessary" the old man replied. "Everyone here is just scared."

  "I don’t care, my words still stand" Jason replied. "Being cordial to a woman who didn’t deserve it put me in this place. It got my father killed and me branded a criminal, it won't happen to me again. It won't ever fucking happen to me again."

  "I am sorry" Daphne said defeated. "I am not trying to piss you off and I do appreciate what you have done so far. But you are worried about things that do not matter at the moment. We are going to die in less than a week, none of us will be lucky enough to even travel to the Untamed Lands."

  "I am" Jason replied. "I will kill all of those other idiots if I have to. Where are these Untamed Lands?"

  "Directly outside of our border to the east" Daphne replied. "No nation really owns those lands, six or seven different kingdoms border that land and defending it would be a nightmare."

  "How do you all know so much about what is happening?" Jason asked.

  "Our driver has been taunting us with it" the one handed boy said. "Well that and some of this is common knowledge, most of us heard what would happen to us while we were locked up waiting to be moved."

  "I am here because Baron Dawson's only son doesn’t like me" Jason said looking at everyone in the wagon. "A stupid girl got him angry enough to attack me with his guards. They would have killed me but my father joined in and killed the guards and the mages that were there. Although I was unconscious from getting my ass kicked and I didn’t throw a single blow, I was told I was guilty for being an accomplice. I aint letting my father's sacrifice for me be for nothing. I will enter these Untamed Lands and from there I can seek my freedom."

  "Do you know why we are all in here?" The old man asked. "Both of the wagons I mean?"

  "I assumed you all raped or murdered someone" Jason replied.

  "Me a murderer?" The one handed boy asked. "I am only 13, I aint no murderer. I lost my hand because I was caught taking a bread roll, stealing food is all I done. The new magistrate wants to be hard on crime."

  "They cut off your hand for a fucking bread roll?" Jason asked in a mixture of shock and anger.

  "That aint nothing" the one handed boy replied then pointed at the old man. "Old Kaleb is in here because he turned witness on a noble's son he saw rape a girl, they claim he is a spy and planted a bunch of stuff in his home not five weeks after he testified."

  "We all got sob stories" Mattie replied. "I was the one who was assaulted, Kaleb saved me and saw that noble thrown in chains."

  "Well enough of our stories" Jason replied. "They want to match me up against that idiot with the missing tooth in the next wagon."

  "You think you can beat him even with that eye?" The one handed boy asked.

  "I can" Jason replied. "My Da taught me how to fight and I know I can take an idiot like that. I am probably stronger than he is but it won't matter, in the end I can kill him with my speed. The problem is you folks, how do plan on making it out alive? I have a possible plan but I don’t know if it will work or not."

  "You have a plan?" Mattie asked. "What kind of plan?"

  "He said he might have a plan Mattie" Daphne replied. "Don’t get your hopes up, we are most likely dead."

  "Hope is all I have" the one handed boy replied and stuck out his hand. "They call me Lefty, I guess I am lucky I really am left handed, stupid rollers thought they chopped off me dominant hand."

  "Well met Lefty" Jason replied shaking his hand. "My father was a well-trained warrior and taught me a lot of stuff. First I need for all of you to be truthful with me. I am going to tell you how I see things and I need you to speak up if I am seeing things wrong. The first thing I am guessing is that none of you know how to actually fight with a weapon? Knowing which end of a sword is pointy is different than actually being trained."

  "I don’t know how to fight" Lefty replied. "And I don’t think no one else here does either."

  "When we fight, we will be armed?" Jason asked.

  "Yes" Daphne replied. "With sharp weapons."

  "The weapons, can we choose what type or is every fight supposed to be with a sword?" Jason asked.

  "You are a bit chatty in there" the wagon driver said looking inside the wagon from his seat. "Yeah we will give you whatever weapon you want."

  "Can we fight as a group?" Jason asked the driver.

  "You want a group battle?" The driver asked laughing. "You want to take this group and have them fight another? The five of you are the most pitiful lot I ever seen, you would be better off fighting alone big man."

  "I want to fight two from that other wagon" Jason replied. "You can throw in whoever with them."

  "A grudge match!" The driver replied. "We'll see!"

  "You want to fight with us?" Lefty asked.

  "Yes so we might as well get our plan ready" Jason replied. "I can take out one of them by myself, I just need the rest of you to hold them up. I prefer our opponents to be actual criminals, real nasty types for this to really work."

  "Why is that?" Kaleb asked.

  "Because they are used to preying on people" Jason replied. "I want them to see you as prey, it will make them sloppy and reckless. I only wish I had the use of a smithy, I could really do some damage then."


  Jason looked over at the weapons to choose from, he had played out the upcoming battle numerous times in his head of how things should go but it was all dep
endent on him. To be successful, Jason had to finish his opponent off quickly, there was no way his team could hold out for long despite what he had taught them in the short time they were here. Jason was happy he remembered his father's stories and some of his teachings, a decent sized spear was the way to go for this group. Long weapons like spears and pikes were easier to learn than the sword was and offered range. It was not the best attacking weapon but it was good at keeping your opponents at bay. The If Jason's team lost their battle and their lives it wouldn’t be because Jason didn’t try.

  Jason was successful in getting his captors to agree to a team battle, the noble who ran the place, Lord Story, saw them as fodder anyway. The people they were going up against were the ones Lord Story wanted for his freshroot hunting, the noble probably saw Jason and his group as easy work for the other men. Jason had been successful in faking a limp and acting far more hurt than he actually was, he made sure his opponents saw him limping and could hear their comments about him. They were all fools though, they had not taken advantage of anything they should have been. The food where they were at was pretty good, something about a kindness for the condemned. Most of the others spent the time eating or drinking the free ale, not Jason though, especially when he found out a small smithy was available to fix weapons. Jason had been granted permission to use it as he saw fit, Jason was under guard but he didn’t care at all, he got to work. For the spears he embedded nails along the shaft from the tip of the spear until about two feet down. Anyone stupid enough to grab it would be in for a nasty surprise. Jason decided to go for a shield/spear combination, one shield was modified for Lefty so he could carry it in his maimed arm. Jason had seen the field they were to fight on and drilled them in private using a model to make sure they had all the movements. In public they all pretended to use swords and swung them wildly, a few guards knew of the ruse and Jason knew at least one of them made a bet in his favor. The problem Jason was now facing though was what kind of weapon should he use? Jason was most at home with a sword but he would have to kill people quickly and needed flexibility. Jason eyed a halberd in the corner of the armory and wondered if that would be decent to use.

  A halberd was a weapon best used against cavalry and it was taller than a man. The top of the tip was pointy like a tall thin spike, it was made to pierce flesh and hopefully stop a rampaging horse. It was a good thrusting weapon but that was not the only thing a halberd was good for. The sides of the tip were also a weapon themselves, one side had a thick blade that resembled a war axe while the other had a curved hook, perfect for grabbing armor and tossing men off their horses. Jason though saw a weapon that could be used to keep people away from him and give him the range to attack from distance. If anyone came in close he would just use the long dagger he saw on the wall.

  "Jason come quick" Daphne said as she came into the armory. Jason followed her into the room they were all sharing and found Lefty holding his eye with a cow bell tied around his neck.

  "What happened?" Jason asked looking at Lefty's eye. "Who punched you?"

  "Your toothless friend" Lefty replied. "I overheard him talking about the fight, I tried to listen in but got caught. He called me a little sneak and beat me, tied this bell around my neck and told me if I aint got it on he is going to make sure I suffer tomorrow during the fight."

  "The fight is tomorrow?" Jason asked.

  "That is what I overheard until I was caught" Lefty replied.

  "I need everyone here then along with their weapons" Jason replied.

  "I have another plan" Daphne said then shook with revulsion. "We are supposed to be the first fight?"

  "Yes" Jason replied.

  "Don’t wait up for me or Mattie" Daphne said as she left the room. "We have practiced enough already, nothing can be learned in a few hours anyway. Just be sure to get some sleep."

  Jason let her go and took a deep breath. He untied the bell from around Lefty's neck and told him not to leave the room. Jason needed to practice a little with the halberd until he could get the feel of the weapon. Tomorrow many people would be hooting and hollering for him to die, things could have been worse he thought. The place they were at was a small compound in the same area they trained the royal army. The area was off to the side and was only used three or four times a year for the purpose Jason was there for. Jason grabbed the halberd and swung it around a bit, if he had made the halberd he would have shortened it just a little added a counterweight on the other end and did a much better job with the actual bladed tip. Jason figured there was no use in worrying about it and went over different ways of fighting with it. Jason had seen a halberd before but had never really trained with one, he was proficient at the staff, the pike and the spear though and thought he would use the same tactics. Jason was worried a little about not being able to use a shield, he needed both of his hands to attack as that was the only way they would win. Jason had to take out at least two of the enemy, if he could do that then his team should be able to hold their own. It would be the four of them versus three with Jason soon joining in. Jason worked up a little sweat but did not want to overdo it. When he was finished he went back into the room he shared with the others and could see Kaleb was there with food.

  "You seen Mattie or Daphne?" Kaleb asked.

  "I haven't" Jason replied. "Daphne needed time to herself, I think she is with Mattie."

  "We are supposed to be fighting tomorrow" Kaleb replied. "You gave me some hope, I hope they are not throwing it all away."

  "We know our plan" Jason replied. "Find a wall and back into it, let them come to us. You know how to lock shields and how to thrust. I am the big piece of this puzzle, I plan on getting you through all of it."

  "I hope so" Lefty replied. "If not, if you see them torturing me I want you to end it quick for me. "They aint gonna like I took off my bell."

  "Give me that damn bell" Jason said and snatched the bell up. "I am going to wear this damn bell, that will really piss them off."

  "You are going to wear a bell into battle?" Kaleb asked surprised.

  "Yeah I am" Jason replied. "In fact maybe I will go find some more. I am nervous enough as it is and need to keep my mind off of things."


  "Where have you been?" Jason said looking over at Daphne and Mattie who were laughing crazily at each other. "The sun will be up in a few hours and you both smell like a tavern wench."

  "We were with the enemy" Daphne replied. "We did what we could, I just hope it was worth it."

  "Was what worth it?" Jason asked. "We are supposed to do battle with those idiots tomorrow and you were hanging out with them?"

  "We did what we could" Mattie replied as a tear fell down her eye. "We offered them company, female company in exchange for a quick death."

  "What we really did was get them all pissy drunk" Daphne replied. "It cost a little of our dignity to do things to them and have them do things to us but it was worth it. We only smell like ale, they consumed a lot of it until they passed out. Whatever happens tomorrow, me and Mattie can both say we tried our best."

  "You didn’t have to do that" Jason complained. "We could have won another way."

  "Maybe" Daphne replied. "But we need all the help we can get. You are the only fighter in our group and we have never seen you fight, only teach. We have an old man, a one handed boy and two women. Against a murderer who has helped beat men to death. A rapist who preys on street rat girls, two thugs who are here because they killed a member of the city watch and they switched on of the men out for a man who kidnaps women to sell off to brothels. The other guy they have is going to fight alone instead of as a group, he drew the short straw. They have enough evil to kill us and not think twice about it. Now can we please talk about something else, I don’t regret it but it is not a memory I want to keep reliving."

  "Well that is fair enough" Jason replied.

  "What's with the bells?" Daphne asked pointing around the room.

  "I'm wearing them" Jason replied. "I want to get
that toothless thug angry."

  "I don’t think he is going to be in fighting shape anyway" Mattie replied. "He drank more than the rest of them."

  "Then I will go after him first" Jason replied. "I just need you all to hold the rest of them off. If you see an easy kill then take it but do not leave yourself open. This whole thing is not about being a hero but doing your part."

  "You say this every time we talk about the plan" Lefty replied.

  "Because I don’t want anyone taking any unnecessary risks" Jason replied. "If anyone does they could get all of you killed for nothing."

  "I am not going to be able to sleep with all this" Kaleb said and sighed. "I have lived a full life and yet I am as nervous as I ever been. When the priest comes, make sure you all have your affairs in order, just in case."

  "My father was a follower of the Light Bringer and I am continuing that" Jason replied. "I was already told no priest would be here to bless me but I think we are receiving a blessing already. We won't have to fight any mages trying to test out their toughness. You can all praise Sapina for the fact her chosen people will not be fighting."

  "I already have" Kaleb replied. "The only thing left is to survive the day. If I do I am going to gorge myself on all sorts of things that are horrible for me. I plan on celebrating until I can't walk anymore. What about you Jason?"

  "I plan on thanking the Light Bringer and my father for even giving me this chance" Jason replied. "I should have been beaten to death but I am not, I am strong and all of my wounds are healed."

  "Jason" Kaleb asked. "Speaking of your wounds, where did they go?"

  "Don’t know, they just went away pretty fast" Jason replied. "I guess I am a fast healer, I will be happy when I don’t have to wrap up my face and limbs to pretend to be hurt. Even more than before, I think we can really win this thing. Everything seems like it is lining up in our favor, we need to go to sleep though. When we wake up we can warm up our muscles then get ready for it."

  Jason went to sleep and wanted to wake up early but did not. Jason was awakened when the guard Wesley banged on the door and told them to get ready. Their fight would be the first one and it would happen before anyone who came to see such things was even ready. This slaughter would be something only the hard core fans would come out to see, Lord Story wouldn’t even be up and ready before they were ushered in. Jason had everyone do small exercises then stretch to warm up their muscles. Jason then limped and led his group out to field of battle, all four of his bells clanging loudly.


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