Jaden's Heart

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Jaden's Heart Page 17

by Melanie Jackson

  “Good morning, my love,” Jaden said.

  “Hi,” Alexis said, worriedly.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Do you remember when I told you the police are investigating the death of those men from the metro station?” she asked.

  “Alexis, I told you not to worry about it,” Jaden replied.

  “Officer Mills told me the FBI has taken over the investigation.”


  How can she not be concerned about this? Alexis frowned. The FBI are not lazy, donut eating, coffee drinking, underpaid civil servants.

  “Don't you think you should be more concerned with this situation?” she asked.

  “No, not really. And neither should you.”

  “There's something else. The other day, Mr. Valentine from downstairs told me two men in suits came by looking for you.”

  “Did he say what they wanted?” Jaden asked.

  “No, he didn't ask. He said he doesn't want to get involved. Although, he did tell me to stay away from you. He thinks you're trouble.”

  She laughed. “Smart man.”

  “They were FBI Agents, Jaden! Literally men in black!”

  “They're investigating my company. I'm not sure how they tracked me there, but it's a small world. I'll have Mr. Whitmore deal with them. I will call and inform him and he'll make sure they leave you alone,” Jaden replied calmly.

  “Are they going to arrest you?” Alexis asked.

  Jaden laughed. “No, they are just watching for terrorists. I must have got their attention with my recent trips and bank account activities. They will leave me alone once their investigation turns nothing up.”

  “What if they don't?”

  “Trust me. Besides, the council has very powerful human friends. They will leave us alone.”

  Alexis sighed, still not convinced. “Regardless, I think I should go to London. If the FBI is investigating you, it puts me at risk. If anyone found me here...”

  “I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to involve you in my affairs,” Jaden apologized.

  “I know. And you're right about it being safer in England.”

  “Because if anyone is still looking for you, they definitely wouldn't be looking for you there,” she said, mirroring Alexis's thoughts.

  “Exactly,” she replied.

  “If you are ready to come to London now, I can send Jasmine for you. The summit should be over in a few days,” Jaden said, the first happy thought she'd had in hours melting away the tension left over from the funeral.

  Alexis smiled. “Sounds good.”

  “Then I will have Mr. Whitmore send Jasmine right away.”

  “Should I pack the apartment? I don't know what you'll need. And Sophia needs a carrier...”

  “Don't worry about it. Jasmine knows what to do. Moving me around is part of her job. You just pack up a small bag and be ready to go. I'll have her text you when her plane lands.”

  “Thanks, Jaden. You think of everything. Be safe, my love,” she said.

  “Always,” Jaden promised.

  Alexis yawned; she had hardly slept all morning. She looked at the alarm clock. Sighing, she picked herself up and showered. She had thought all day about how to turn down Sal's offer. She wiped the steam from the bathroom mirror and regarded herself, small but steadfast.

  Then it came to her. She had never had an epiphany before, but she was sure this was one. She called a taxicab and practiced the lie while she waited for it.

  Annie stood behind the bar, talking to Sal as Alexis entered the diner.

  “Hi, Alexis!” Annie said as she entered.

  “Hi,” she replied, crossing to the bar to sit on a barstool. “I wanted you talk to you guys,” she said. She didn’t like lying but sometimes it was better than the truth. “I've decided to go home.”

  “To your parents?” Annie asked, surprised.

  “My parents died last year in a plane crash. My legal guardian is Mr. Whitmore. I was angry with him, the world. So I ran away from my boarding school,” she said looking away.

  Annie came to sit beside her and wrapped her arm around her. “Let it out, kid.”

  “I was going to boarding school here in the states when I found out about my parents. I went home for a few weeks but he said I was lazy. I was just really sad. He said I needed to get back into a regular routine so he sent me back to school. I wasn't ready to go back,” she said, studying the bar counter.

  Annie squeezed her gently. I can’t believe I’m lying to them. They wouldn’t understand the truth anyway.

  “Now, after being out here for a month, I decided it's time to go home. I need to finish school and go to college. My parents would not want this life for me. They would want me to be safe, warm, and surrounded by family.”

  Well, if I had parents who cared about me, they would not want me living on the street.

  Sal smiled. “Can't say I blame you. The street life isn't easy.”

  “It's not,” Alexis agreed.

  “Well, I'm proud of you,” Annie said, smiling as she released her.

  “So when you leaving?” Sal asked.

  “A few days. He set me up with some money and an apartment nearby until he arrives.”

  “Well, I'm glad you're off the street,” Annie said.

  “I'm sad to be losing such a great employee,” Sal added and Annie nudged him with her elbow.

  “Thank you both for everything,” Alexis said. “I will miss you both!” She wiped away a stray tear.

  Annie and Sal hugged her tightly around the shoulders. “We will miss you too, sweetie,” Annie said, wiping her own tears away.

  “I have to go do something before you two get me crying,” Sal said. Annie laughed as he disappeared into the kitchen. The delicious smell of sizzling bacon filled the diner.

  “So where is home?”

  “London,” Alexis replied and laughed when Annie gasped at her.

  “As in England?” Annie asked, surprised.

  “Yeah. My parents owned a finical company in London. Mr. Whitmore is in charge of the estate until I turn eighteen,” Alexis explained with a shrug.

  She was surprised how easy it was for her to develop the fiction. She had always been good at lying but this was truly a masterful performance.

  “Annie?” Alexis asked.

  “Yeah?” Annie replied, refilling a napkin holder.

  Alexis looked down at Jaden's baggy clothing. “I was wondering if you would go shopping with me. I want to look... not homeless when I see Mr. Whitmore.”

  Annie laughed. “Of course I would!”

  After work, Annie picked Alexis up at Jaden's apartment a little after nine that morning. Alexis climbed in the blue 2014 Jeep Wrangler and returned Annie's hug.

  “I'm thinking the mall would be best,” Annie said as she pulled out into traffic.

  Alexis laughed. “With all those stores we should find something.”

  It took twenty minutes to get to the Beverly Center, the home of two hundred upscale stores and the most amazing food. It was crowded with people despite it being a weekday.

  Annie stopped Alexis as they walked in. “Hey! A new hair style will make every outfit look even better,” she said, pointing at the salon.

  “Okay, but nothing too crazy,” Alexis replied.

  The reception area was rather busy for a weekday, as they thumbed through stylebooks and magazines. “So what do you think? See anything you like?” Annie asked.

  Alexis frowned. “I don't know,” she said. She didn’t want anything so different that Jaden might not like it. “Hum... this one!” she said smiling.

  Annie looked at the picture. “It's perfect, hon.”

  The hairdresser called her name and Alexis followed her back. “So what are we doing today?” the stylist asked.

  Alexis showed her the picture.

  “Sure. And how about we do something with those bushy eyebrows?”

  “Bushy?” Alexis asked.

  The stylist laughe
d. “Come on!”

  An hour later, Alexis regarded herself in the mirror. Her hair was cut just above her shoulders and had extensive layers framing her face. Her eyebrows were thin and straight.

  “Wow, you look great!” Annie commented.

  “You don't think it's too different?” she asked.

  “Not at all!” Annie replied.

  I hope Jaden like it, Alexis thought as she paid the stylist.

  “I thought we could try Macy's, J.C. Penney, and H&M first. They usually have good sales and won't empty your wallet. After a quick snack, we can try some of the swankier stores. Then we'll end our day with a mani-pedi,” Annie suggested as they exited the hair salon.

  When Alexis returned to the apartment, she dropped her bags by the love seat then stripped off her clothing and showered. After, she dropped onto the settee, exhausted. At the end of her shopping trip, had she purchased a week's worth of clothing and sported beautiful dark blue gel nails.

  “It’s funny, Sophia. Never thought a new haircut, nail polish and some new clothing could make you feel like a completely different person,” she said to the cat, who had jumped up to join her.

  Her phone vibrated and Jaden's name flashed on the screen. “Hello.”

  “Hello, my love,” Jaden's elated voice came through the phone and reverberated through Alexis's body.

  “I love it when you do that,” Alexis said.

  “Do what?” Jaden asked, eagerly.

  “Take my breath away with a simple hello,” she replied.

  Jaden laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “Resting after clothes shopping with Annie from work.”

  “I'm glad to hear you're getting out,” Jaden said.

  “Yeah. I thought since you are going to be demonstrating certain items for me, I should also have something to demonstrate.”

  Alexis heard Jaden shift the phone to her other hand.

  “You are still going to be demonstrating…items?” she asked.

  Jaden laughed. “Of course. I can't wait to make you blush and squeal.”

  She blushed.

  “Can you give me a little hint as to what I can be expecting?” Jaden asked impatiently.

  “No, but I can tell you I'm only wearing a dark blue lace bra, matching thong, and nail polish,” she said, grinning at Jaden's groan. “Jaden?” Alexis asked.


  “I want you,” she whispered.

  “Just a few more days,” Jaden replied anxiously.

  “I can't wait,” Alexis replied.

  “I know.”

  Jaden's phone beeped—an incoming call. “I have to go, love. But I will call you later on.”

  “Okay, love you,” Alexis said.

  “I love you too.”

  Alexis hung up. Walking over to the bed, she knelt and pulled the suitcases out from under it. “Soon, everything is going to be different, Sophia!” she said.

  The cat climbed onto the suitcase and meowed at her. Alexis laughed. “Yep! We're going to England.”


  “Alexis changed her mind,” I said into my phone receiver. “She wants to come to the estate as soon as possible.”

  “The jet is getting new wheels but it should be ready by tomorrow evening. I will also inform the staff at the estate to expect guests,” Mr. Whitmore replied.

  “Thank you,” I said, unable to contain my excitement. “Now, what's been happening with the investigation?”

  “I have them thumbing through ten years of financials,” he replied.

  “Well, Alexis told me some men in suits came by my apartment in L.A. looking for me.”

  “Well, that apartment is now on your accounts,” Mr. Whitmore replied. “They are probably checking on your property holdings.”

  “It doesn't matter what they're doing. I do not want them bothering Alexis. Give them my personal information; I will speak to them directly.”

  “Are you sure?” Mr. Whitmore asked, surprised. “I know you don't like to be bothered with this stuff.”

  I shifted my weight. “I'm sure. I would rather them bother me instead of her.”

  “I understand, and I will see to Alexis's travel arrangements immediately,” he replied.

  “Thank you.”


  I closed the phone and relaxed against the railing. Finally! Everything is coming together. Soon I will be by Alexis’s side, this summit and Annora a quickly fading memory.

  “Max?” I said into my walkie after pulling it from my belt.

  “Go ahead,” he replied.

  “I need an hour to shower and change. Can you keep any eye on things?” I asked, walking towards the interior stairs.

  “No problem,” he said.

  “Thanks, Max,” I headed for my room.

  The room was not elaborate but it was comfortable. The furnishings comprised of a metal frame twin bed, a solid oak desk with a reading lamp and a TV hung on the wall. On the right-hand side was another door, which led into a bathroom. I laid out black leather leggings, underclothing, and a long red tunic top then went to shower.

  When I left my bathroom, I found Annora sitting on my bed. I held the towel closed tighter. She smiled as she gracefully stood and approached me.

  I felt desire build within me. It was both pleasant and revolting at the same time. I loathed myself for my reaction to her closeness.

  “Nice,” she said, her possessive gaze rising and falling over me. I stepped away from her.

  “Get out,” I ordered, feeling uncomfortable.

  She laughed, then with a quick movement pulled the towel from my body. I grappled for it but she was too quick.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I said, pained but excited.

  “Doing what?” she asked innocently.

  “Annora, do you have any idea how much you have hurt me?” I asked, wrapping my hands around my exposed body.

  Her lips formed into a thin line.

  “I can't do this anymore. I am tired, Annora. I am so tired of hurting. Please just leave me alone. Go back to whatever or whoever was more important than I was,” I begged. “I've found someone who makes me happy—happier than I have ever been.”

  She rolled her eyes and advanced on me.

  “Didn't you hear me? I want you to leave,” I said firmly.

  Annora was close to me now. Too close and I could feel my body reacting. “I know she's not what you want,” she said, her breath on my face.

  “She is,” I breathed, stepping away from her.

  Before Alexis, I had never suppressed my basic desires. If I wanted something, I took it, never once giving my actions a second thought, never once experiencing regret or remorse. I was sexually frustrated and keeping myself for only one person was hard enough without Annora's advances.

  She grabbed my arm and kissed me.

  Pulling away from her I screamed, “Don't touch me!” But my body, the monster wanted more.

  Annora moved to strike me and I grabbed her, an iron grip around her wrist.

  “You want me. I can feel and see your need,” she said, her eyes trailing over my traitorous body.

  Shoving her away from me, I grabbed my shirt from the bed. My whole body was now on fire.

  ”Why resist? I'm right here, ready to fulfill your desires,” Annora said, wrapping her arms around my naked waist.

  I pulled away from her and she ripped the shirt from my hands. “Stop, Annora! I'm with Alexis. I love her.” My voice trembled.

  “Your mind may be in love with her, but your body is telling a different story,” she said, cupping my left breast, her thumb brushing my hard nipple.

  Flinching, I backed away from her. My naked back touched the wall and she pushed me up against it. “Don't,” I said, but my voice gave me away.

  She leaned in, pressing her lips to mine, icy lips to icy lips.

  I trembled and she released me. “Please, stop,” I begged.

  Her hands gripped my naked thighs, a
s Alexis's face burned into my mind. Annora paused, grinned evilly at me and then her hand disappeared between my legs.

  I flinched; I cannot do this. I will not betray Alexis. I grabbed Annora's wrists, shoving her away from me, and quickly left the room. Behind me, I could hear her laughing as I ran from her through the halls, a naked coward.

  Max found me sitting in the bare oak tree. He climbed up and I looked away, ashamed and embarrassed, my thin arms trying to cover my nakedness from him.

  Max handed me a long bronze shirt and black leggings. “They're Desiree's,” he said, settling on a branch opposite me.

  I quickly donned the clothing and wrapped my hands around myself, shaking.

  “Did she...?”

  I put my head into my hands, disgusted with myself. “Nearly.”

  He moved over to my tree branch and pulled me into his arms. He didn’t speak; just held me as painful memories and waves of shame assaulted me.

  Evening came quick. I remained in the tree to watch and listen to the announcement through the ballroom grand windows. Max had returned to James. I could see them from my seat; James was handsome in his white tuxedo and Maxwell in an equally stunning black tuxedo. James leaned against Max, who had his arms wrapped around the younger man. Alayna stood with Justine, who held her trembling hand. They both wore simple evening gowns. I guessed Desiree was with Lord William, as she was not present. Annora stood off to the side, in a short blue evening dress.

  I sighed. Nothing could make me show my face in that room full of gossipers, even if I was ordered to attend. The last thing I wanted to hear was the whispered retelling of my naked flight. Yet, even from my perch, nearly ten feet from the ballroom, I could still hear slight gossip among the younglings.

  The room fell silent as the council entered with a pompous display of tradition and ritual. As they proceeded down the aisle in single file, I saw Desiree join Annora off to the side and scan the room. I guessed she was looking for me. The other members stood until Prince Arron was seated, then they sat and the room bowed to them in unison.

  Lady Marianna stood and crossed to the podium. “After much deliberation, we have discussed what is to become of the Seventh's assets. Usually, the money and possessions would be equally divided among the other Houses, but our esteemed Prince, Lord and Master—”


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