Jaden's Heart

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Jaden's Heart Page 29

by Melanie Jackson

“First, we would like you to know this decision was not a unanimous one,” Lady Marianna said. “By a majority, it has been decided: the human female's memory must be wiped and she must be returned to her kind. She is a minor and according to the law, cannot be changed.”

  I clasped my hands tightly in front of me and locked my jaw.

  “However, this council is not without heart,” Lord William added, his blue-gray eyes kind. “We understand you and the human are in love and wish to pursue your relationship further. Thus, when the human is of age, you may pursue her and turn her if it is her wish.”

  “Will you be returning her to the streets?” I asked, relaxing only slightly.

  Lord Kayne nodded, his auburn curls bouncing slightly. “The human must return to the life she already knows. It would be too difficult to fabricate anything else.”

  I could not let them wipe her memory and then return her to Los Angeles's cold, lonely streets. If I did, there was no guarantee she would survive another year.

  “It wouldn't be difficult if you wiped all her memory,” I said, locking my desperate gaze onto the Prince.

  “Everything?” Lady Marianna asked, shocked.

  “I don't want her to remember anything about the last seventeen years,” I replied.

  The council members exchanged worried looks. “What you are asking has never been achieved successfully,” Lady Elizabeth said, tugging nervously on a piece of her blonde hair.

  “No one ever survived with their personality intact,” Lord William stated.

  Lord Kim fingered the long gold chain that hung around his small neck and added, “Let alone the knowledge to complete simple tasks like walking or even speech. She could be completely reverted back to infancy.”

  “We won't erase her mind. Prince Arron can fog over her memories until they are obscure and difficult for her to comprehend. So we won't be taking from her, just hiding them within her subconscious,” I explained.

  “Crafty! And what will keep the memories from resurfacing later?” Prince Arron asked, leaning forward.

  “Mr. Whitmore will be her anchor to the lie which we will create,” I said. “It will become her reality. He will look out for her and talk so much about this fabricated life that she will replace the fog for these told memories.”

  “I'm guessing an extensive background will need to be created?” Lord Kayne asked.

  “Not as much as you would think. Legally, she has already become Mistress Lady Hawk's daughter. My identity is secure and I will no longer have need for it as a council member. Thus, only slight changes will have to be made. A fake death, pictures, movies and such. Nothing the council hasn't done before,” I explained.

  “Then in a year, when she's eighteen, I will pursue her,” I added, smiling.

  “With the intention of turning her?” Prince Arron asked.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  “We will do as you ask, but on one condition,” he said.

  I crossed my arms. “What?”

  “There will be a deadline as to how long you will be allowed to interfere in the girl's life. If you do not turn her before the sun sets by winter solstice two years from today, you will be forbidden to interfere with her life any further,” he said sternly.

  “One year!”

  Prince Arron nodded. “If we are to create a whole new life for this human, she will become a new person, different from the one you know now, and even in a year's time she will be established within the fabricated life you created. You cannot continuously interfere with her.”

  I flinched, uncrossing my arms. He’s right. I can’t keep interfering with her life. Regardless of how I feel, Alexis deserves a human life: the chance to fall in love, get married, have children, and grow old. This realization tore at my heart.

  “Do you agree?” Prince Arron asked, reclining in the chair.

  I nodded somberly, my words stuck within my throat.

  “Then it is settled. Lord Kayne will arrange the girl's fictitious life according to your specifications. When the preparations have been completed, the girl's memories will be shadowed,” he said, standing.

  After the meeting concluded and the council members retired to their rooms, I slipped out into the early morning mist. Ice clung to my hair and clothing as I wandered aimlessly, my mind filled with so many unanswered questions.

  I needed a distraction, something to ease my frustrations. Crouching low, I quickly glanced about to make sure I was alone then ran with all my strength, hoping to burn off the weight my emotions had added to me. I ran for hours without a destination or direction.

  It was nearly two in the morning when I came to a stop outside the front gates of my estate. Even my subconscious knew it belonged by her side.

  Dropping to my knees, I buried my face in my hands. How can I live a whole year without her?

  Was Annora right to leave without telling me? She must have known I would have never allowed her to leave me. I frowned. Now I’m the one leaving. This isn’t the same. I’m being forced to leave and even in that I will give Alexis more courtesy than Annora showed me. She will know the time I will depart from her side and the time I will return.

  Standing, I leaped over the closed gate and landed on the other side. I walked the long snow-covered driveway, taking in the familiar sights, sounds, and smells. I am going to miss this place. Not just Alexis but also my clueless human servants. Even with all of its responsibilities and mundane tasks, this place had become my home. I loved traveling and exploring the world, but I knew I could always return here and be welcome.

  Standing below the still darkened window to my room, the pain mounted within. Soon the first rays of sunlight would illuminate the sky as the sun started to gradually lift the curtain of night and awaken Alexis from her slumber. I wanted to be with her, yet I still felt so burdened by our future.

  Turning, I entered the manor through the main door and walked the entirety of it until I stood outside my bedroom door. I breathed in the smells, setting them to memory. Below me, wood was burning in a fireplace, the cook was baking fresh bread, and a hot pot of coffee was brewing. And there was Alexis’s distinct sweet scent that emanated through the solid oak.

  Quietly, I entered the room. She slept peacefully under the fleece blankets, her hair crowning her beautiful face. I sat on the floor beside her, as I did not wish to disturb her rest.

  As I brushed my cool fingers across her cheek, her eyes opened slowly and she yawned. “Why are you on the floor?” she asked sleepily.

  “I didn't want to wake you,” I replied.

  She scooted over so I could lie beside her. “Come to bed.”

  Untying my boots, I slipped them off before climbing in and wrapping my arms around her. I gently held her close, buried my face into her hair, and breathed in her exquisite scent: jasmine and liquid fire.

  Alexis gently ran her hands across my back. “That bad?”

  “Worse,” I replied, my voice muffled by her hair.

  “Jade?” her voice was a whisper.

  I looked at her and melted. She had the most beautifully seductive smile on her face as her warm fingers slipped under my shirt.


  After a hot breakfast, Alexis and I made our way down the lightly snow-covered brick sidewalk to the large red barn.

  I thought I would have more time with Alexis, as it would take Lord Kayne’s people at least a week to organize Alexis’s new life. However, he sent his people right to work and they had done nearly everything in a single night. Lord Kayne’s call to inform me that the preparations had been completed soured my early morning bliss.

  How am I going to tell her that this is to be our last day together? How do you explain to someone that their memories will be erased? Will she hate me?

  “Where are we going?” Alexis asked, interrupting my gloomy thoughts.

  “I thought since it is a beautiful day we might go horseback riding,” I replied.

  “Really?” she asked excitedly.<
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  I nodded, trying to push my worries aside. We entered the large two-story barn. A middle-aged man stood holding the reins of a brown and cream painted gelding.

  “He's beautiful!” Alexis gasped.

  She approached the horse with her hand out, palm up. The horse sniffed her hand. “Try this, miss,” the horse handler said, handing Alexis a fat carrot.

  “Thanks,” she said and fed it to the horse as she gently petted his speckled neck. “What's his name?”

  “Spots,” the handler replied.

  Another horse handler led a large black gelding with a white nose over to us. “Hey, Beauty,” I said, patting his neck.

  He bucked and stomped his right front hoof. I walked over to Alexis. “Ready?” I asked, holding my hand out to her.

  She eagerly took it and I helped her into the saddle. “We will be back just after midnight,” I told the horse handlers as I mounted Beauty.

  “Yes, Lady!” one said, handing me the lead rein to Alexis's horse.

  I led us out of the warm barn and into the sunny winter day. I guided the horses down the driveway. Halfway between the manor and the front gate, I steered them off the road.

  We rode through the snow-covered cherry trees, beneath the rows of dusted apple trees, then across a small field of snowdrifts. I led us through a roughly cleared path in the forest, the sun's warm rays brightly reflecting off the snow and ice that clung to the trees around us.

  Alexis gasped when the trees parted, revealing a beautiful wintry meadow, a small hunting cabin at its center. A single birch tree with large icicles hanging from its branches stood next to the cabin. The icicles split the sun's rays into a beautiful rainbow of colors that spread across the undisturbed snow.

  “What is this place?” she asked, as the horses trudged through the deep snow.

  “Back when I first procured this land, this was my first attempt at building a house. This was all an endless forest back then,” I said.

  “When was that?”

  I brought the horses to a stop outside of the cabin. “February tenth, thirteen ninety-eight.”

  “Is a good memory on the list of perks that come with Immortality?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No. It just happened to be the same year I retired from the council's military services and my relationship with Ivy ended.”

  “When was the last time you were here?” she asked as I slid off my horse.

  Easily wading through the knee-high snow to stand beside her horse, I reached up to her. “Years.”

  She took my hands and I helped her down. “It looks like it.”

  I glanced at the cabin. “It shouldn't take me very long to fix the roof and fireplace. Then it should be cozy warm.”

  “If you say so,” she replied in disbelief.

  “So little faith,” I said and giggled when she scowled at me.

  In a blur of speed, I collected everything I needed to fix the roof and fireplace. Alexis watched, mesmerized as I sped about, nailing and straightening stones. Half an hour later, Alexis sat inside the cabin on the floor, curled up in a blanket in front of the warm hearth. I set out fresh fruit and veggies and a wine bottle, then sat beside her.

  “Warm?” I asked.

  She nodded and picked up a strawberry. “I should have never doubted you.”

  Sighing, I pulled her into my arms.

  “So what's the bad news you want to tell me?” she asked, suddenly serious.

  “What makes you think I have bad news?” I asked, my trembling voice betraying me.

  She leaned against me. “Jaden.”

  “I wanted to tell you after. I don't want it overshadowing our day,” I replied.

  “Well if you don't tell me now, I'm just going to be worrying about it all evening anyway,” she said, taking another strawberry.

  I steeled myself. “Do you remember when I told you about my vision? The one where the council takes you way from me?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “They are going to take your memories away,” my words a whisper.

  “I know.”

  My eyes widened and I swallowed hard. “You know?”

  “I was eavesdropping on you and Annora in the hallway,” she confessed.


  “And the contract?” Alexis said, shifting in my arms.

  “The contract will forbid me from seeing you for a year. During this time, I will be bound to the council. I must act and carry out all the duties of a council member and use my gift to protect our people.”

  Alexis turned to look at me. “So you are selling your freedom for me,” she said, her eyes sad.

  “You heard that?”

  She nodded.

  “No, I'm not selling my freedom. Even without the contract, my people will still need me. My visions are the best hope they have at finding out who has been attacking us and stop them,” I replied, brushing her cheek with my fingers.

  A silence fell over us; the sound of her heart beating and the horses fidgeting outside filled my ears.

  “There’s really nothing else we can do?” she asked.

  Shaking my head, I said, “I've tried everything.”

  I had contemplated every scenario I could think of. Apart from running and hiding from the council among the rogues, this was the only option open to us.

  “Please, Jaden. I don't want to forget,” she said.

  My body trembled and I gripped tighter to her.

  “When?” she asked.


  She pulled away from me and cried, “Tonight!”

  A sudden, painful emptiness filled me. Desperate to hold her again, I reached for her. “Alexis, please love.”

  She returned to me and the emptiness faded. “After a year,” her voice quivered, “We can be together?”

  My vision played across my mind. “I've seen it!”

  “Then it will happen, I know it. You and me, forever together,” she said.

  Brushing her cheek with my hand, I said, “For eternity.”

  She kissed me, a sweet strawberry flavored kiss. I pulled her beneath me. “I love you.”

  Alexis smiled then frowned.

  “What is it?”

  “I don't know what will happen between now and a year from now, I only know I want you to be happy. If I don't remember you, I can't promise I’ll be faithful. So I can't—don't—expect you to be,” she said.

  “What are you saying? I would never betray you.”

  She brushed my hair back behind my ear. “I know you wouldn't, but I'm telling you it's okay.”

  “Alexis, are you saying I can sleep with other people?” I asked, shocked.

  “If it's Max and James, then yes. I know you have physical needs. I would prefer that you didn't have sex with Annora, but I know she has and will try.”

  “She has, but I would never—”

  Alexis brushed my lips with her fingers. “I know.” She smiled.

  I kissed her softly at first then deeper, more passionate. Her hands wandered freely beneath my shirt then pulled it over my head. I helped her out of her coat, snow pants, and boots. Setting them to the side I slipped out of my boots and pants. She cupped my breasts with her hands and pushed me back. I lay on the cabin floor, Alexis's beautiful body straddling me. Seductively she removed her shirt. Flashing me an alluring smiling she unfastened the small front clasp of my bra, to reveal my breast to her lustful gaze.

  “Jaden?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “Yes, love.” I said, my hands tracing her exposed flesh.

  “You can bit me.”

  “What!” My voice was too loud, shocked. “Alexis, don't jest.”

  “I'm not,” she replied, moving her hair to reveal her beautiful neckline. “I want you too.”

  “Are you sure?” I pressed.

  She leaned forward and brushed her lips against my. “Yes,” her words carried with them the sweet fire of desire.

  I took her lips into my mouth and suckled
them. Her rapidly beating heart—pumping her delicious blood through her vanes filled my ears along with a deep lustful moan. I ran my hands up her back, to grab her bra and pull the ends apart. She shuddered, broke our kiss to sit up, and slid the now useless bra off. I sat up to bring my lips to her breasts, chest then neck—tasting her lightly salted flesh. Then I bit—just above her clavicle. She gasped, and raging liquid fire flowed into my mouth and down my throat.

  Gods! I thought, gripping tighter to her body. I drank hungrily, deeply. “Please, Jade.” Alexis's plea echoed through me.

  Pulling away from her I rolled on top and quickly removed her pants and underwear. I entered her. Returning to her lips I took her in ever quickening—deepening thrust, drawing deep, passionate cries from her that echoed through the winter meadow and into the sleeping forest beyond. Her release was trembling waves of pleasure, which moved through my body becoming wet, needful lust. Alexis's hands pulled at my underwear. Grinning widely I altered our position once again—her on top. She pulled the thin material off, delicate fingers disappearing between my legs. They moved through wetness and then beyond, to rest deeply within me.

  “Oh!” The soft word escaped accompanied by a shudder.

  Her moments—quick, deep and hard sent me blissfully falling over the edge.

  The day’s events followed a smaller pattern of food, talk, and lovemaking. Soon Alexis fell asleep, in my arms—a vision of beauty.

  “I will never be with anyone else. I swear it.” I whispered the promised into her ear then I dressed and slipped outside.

  Clearing snow away in a large area I built a warm bonfire. I placed a fallen tree near enough to the fire to dry but not near enough to burn. Then I returned to Alexis, gently nudging her awake.

  “Time to go?” she asked sleepily.

  “No, we have a few hours still. I thought you might like to watch the sunset with me,” I said, gently brushing the damp blonde hair from her face. She yawned as she struggled to sit up. I assisted her in dressing into a warm coat, hat, and mittens and then down to the fire.

  Alexis sat on the now dry tree. I put more wood on to burn then sat on the wet, hard ground by her feet. Reaching up to her, she automatically slid into my arms.


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