Finding Hope (The Others Book 2)

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Finding Hope (The Others Book 2) Page 6

by Sabrina Rue

  “I’ll come to you soon, Justice,” she murmured hoarsely. “No, don’t worry. I promise, darling. Sleep, little Wolf.”

  Once in a while, their discussions seemed to be real time, as if she was seeing or hearing what he was doing where he was.

  “I love your picture. Yes, Juliette will love it, too. I know pasta is your favorite. My greedy little sweetheart.”

  Her voice was raspy and she had a fever that would have killed a human but he could practically feel her healing.


  The word was barely audible, whispered before dawn after more than forty hours of her being in stasis.

  He rolled her gently to her back and stroked her damp hair away from her face. The light he left on in the room in case of an emergency clearly showed the dark shadows under her eyes.

  “There you are, Mate.”

  “W-what day is it?”

  “You’ve been healing for almost two days. How do you feel?”


  He chuckled and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Never.”

  “Is everything alright?” He nodded, his relief a tangible thing. “Can you help me shower?”

  “Are you sure that’s safe?” He frowned. “You lost a lot of blood during the procedure. You’ve got an IV in.”

  Weakly, she reached over and pulled the needle from the back of her hand. She held him hard and he helped her sit up.

  “I need to shower, dress, and get on the road.”


  “Please, Talon. Justice is beginning to panic and that’s a complication we can’t have right now. Help me.”

  Nodding once sharply, he said, “Alright, Mate. Let me turn on the shower and lay out what you need so I can hold on to you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Pulling her to the edge of the bed, he made sure she was stable and walked into the bathroom. When the water was ready, he stripped away everything but his jeans and went back for her.

  Lifting her fully into his arms, he walked into the large stall and sat on the bench. She leaned weakly against his body as he did his best to wash her hair.

  Suddenly, Harmony appeared in the door wearing a tank top and shorts. Taking in the scene, she tied her hair back tightly.

  “Let me help.” Removing the showerhead, she told Talon, “Hold her steady. I’ll do the rest.”

  “Thank you, Harmony.”

  “Anything you need, you ask. We’re family now.” Using a washcloth, she washed Hope from head to toe. “You’re going to feel so much better when you rinse the sweat away.”

  “Harmony?” Hope’s voice was tired.

  “Yes, honey?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. You relax and let me get you cleaned up. Redbird is changing the sheets and Desiree is getting you a tray.” Holding her chin up, she said, “This is the deal. You eat a full meal and you sleep until the sun comes up without another spike in your fever…then we leave.”

  “I need…”

  “That’s the deal, little sister. I’m not taking you on the road if you’re still in a healing fever. You can’t Change and I won’t have you vulnerable. It’s either that or tell me where my nephew is and I’ll go get him for you.”

  “I need to get to him, Harmony. We’ve been apart and I was holding his worry for Juliette in check. Now…it’s not safe to leave him alone.”

  “You eat, rest a bit longer, and I’ll take you anywhere you want to go as fast as we can get there. Alright?”

  Hope was silent a long moment. “Okay.”

  “You always were the smart one.” To Talon, Harmony added, “If you can lean her back a bit, I’ll rinse her hair and deep condition it.”

  Turning on the bench, he dipped her head over his arm and she stared into his eyes as her sister scrubbed her head.

  “You’re not like any Were I’ve ever met.”

  His smile was slow. “I’m calling that a win.”

  “You…control your Wolf really well.”

  “I’ve had a lot more practice than the cubs.” He winked.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t see her body, it wasn’t that he didn’t hurt in every cell to claim her, but he planned to make their first time all that she needed to trust him.

  Not just because they were Mates but as a male and female. Separate from all the rest. He already loved her and wanted her to love him in return before he put his Mark on her body.

  She laughed. “Teach me?”

  “You have excellent control. I’ve never met someone able to mask the scent of their emotions for so long.” Cupping the side of her neck, he rubbed his thumb along her jaw. “How are you feeling? Don’t lie to me.”

  “I hurt inside but it’s different than before. More a dull throb than a sharp agony that never stops.”

  “Improvement. Good.”

  He stared at the dark hair Harmony rinsed and conditioned. It was long and would regain its health as she replenished her nutrients. Her eyes were green but he could see her exhaustion in them. The naked body he held was too thin but he’d put every pound back that she’d lost on the run.

  “You are achingly beautiful, Hope.”

  “Thank you. So are you.”

  “When Justice and Juliette are safely with us, I’ll worship every inch of you, Mate.”

  Harmony pretended to gag. “I’m not a random stranger. I do not want to know. Yuck.”

  Laughing, he grinned at Hope. “She’s pretty melodramatic.”

  “You have no idea. You should have seen the fit she threw when Dad told her about Ryker. He didn’t get the full sentence out before she was raging about being sixteen and she didn’t give a single fucking damn about a male who’d have to be coddled for the rest of her life.”

  Harmony tugged her sister’s hair. “Bitch, shut up.”

  Smiling tiredly, Hope told him, “Then she saw his picture and all that protest went right out the fucking window. She was still a badass but then she’d randomly glance off in the distance and sigh. Absolutely disgusting.”

  “We’ll have to tell Ryker that story…”

  “Either of you mention any of it and I’ll throw your body in the nearest ravine.” Wringing out her long hair, she grabbed a towel. “There you go, little sister. All clean again. Let’s get you dry, dressed, and back in bed.”

  Nodding, Hope tried to stand but Talon tightened his hold. “Not yet. Let’s see how you are after food.”

  He held her against him while Harmony rubbed her down with warm towels. Then she dressed her in leggings and a t-shirt.

  “I’ll put her back in bed so you can shower. They’re bringing food for you, too. You haven’t eaten in two days.”

  Hope stared up at him. “You haven’t eaten?”

  “It wasn’t a priority. I’ll be with you in five minutes.”

  Harmony picked up her twin and left the bathroom. Talon had never showered so fast.

  By the time he wrapped a towel around his waist, Hope had a tray over her lap and pillows behind her. Her hands shook as she tried to cut a rare steak.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took care of it for her.

  “You already do so much for me, Talon.”

  He shook his head. “This is nothing. You won’t know the depth of my devotion to your comfort and happiness until we’re back at the West Texas compound and free to breathe for a minute. Then, you’ll see what’s possible.”

  She swallowed. “I look forward to that.”

  “Oh, Mate…so do I.”

  Harmony came back in the room with a gear bag and dropped it on the chair beside the bed. “This is packed with everything you’ll need but remember our deal…” She glanced at Talon and away. “Jesus, dude. Put that monster away.”

  Looking down, he laughed nervously as he adjusted the towel.

  Hope’s eyes were huge. “Baby dill, huh?”

  “Something like that.” Leaning forward, he nuzzled her cheek. “I’ll throw something

  He grabbed clothes and walked into the bathroom.

  Hope was correct that he had outstanding control but he had a feeling he was going to stay perpetually hard until she was well and he could take his time touching her at long last.

  Dragging boxers and sleep pants over his lower body, he decided to leave off a shirt. Hope clearly liked looking at him.

  Amazing for his ego considering their age difference.

  Returning to the bedroom, there was a small table next to the bed that was piled with food. He took the chair and grinned at his Mate as he dug in.

  “Every bite?” she asked with a soft smile.

  “I’ll do my best.” He nodded at hers. “I expect the same.”

  They ate quietly for a while and he loved her dainty manners. She carried herself much like the women he’d known in his youth. Considering their first meeting, the gentility was something of a shock.

  “You’re staring, Talon.”

  “I can’t help it. You’re something of a unicorn.”

  Her laughter was cautious with her pain but he loved the sound more than anything he’d ever heard in his life.


  “To me, you are.”

  Clearing her throat, she asked, “Why did you never have a Shaman find your Mate?”

  “After the first two dozen times, I think I started to believe it would never happen.” She frowned and he could see the question in her eyes. “I took West Texas and sought the help of a Shaman every year for almost thirty years. It started making the being alone worse.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what that was like.”

  “Now, sitting here with you, breathing you in, conversing with you, it’s as if none of that sadness, that frustration happened. It’s all gone now.”

  Tears slipped over her cheeks. “Really?”


  There was a long silence and she whispered, “Even if I have to kill a hundred more people to get my little girl back?”

  “A thousand. I’ll take half.” He leaned over to add, “I figure you let Harmony take the other half. You hug the kids.”

  “You…there’s a hint of mint.”

  Lifting one brow, he said, “So do you.”

  Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, she said, “That’s our scent?” He nodded. “I like it.”

  “I do, too.”

  “It will get stronger…?”

  “Oh, yeah. It will get a lot stronger.” He held her gaze.

  “Let’s hurry and get the kids.”

  “My thought exactly, Mate. Rest so your sister feels safe letting you out of this bed.” Clearing away the tray and moving the table close to the door, he crawled into bed beside her and wrapped his body around her back. “The sooner everyone is safe, the sooner I get you into another bed. Mine.”

  He liked the shiver his words caused her.


  As the sun lightened the room she was using at the Texas Pack main compound, Hope took stock. She was sore but felt as if she could function for the first time in a long time.

  Opening her eyes, she stared into the face of the Mate the fates had destined to be hers. They were chest to chest, one arm cradling her head and the other wrapped around her torso.

  He was beautiful, of that there was no doubt. While most male Weres were attractive and fit due to excellent genes, Talon managed to take things to a different level entirely.

  Between them, her hands were pressed to his chest. For almost a minute, she counted the beats of his heart. It was a task she’d never thought would be part of her life.

  It beat strong and steady. Much like the man himself.

  Reaching up, she raked her fingers through hair that was almost as soft as her little boy’s dark curls. It was streaked with many shades of browns, blacks, and blondes. Something she’d never seen before but found fascinating.

  In sleep, he nuzzled her palm.

  One moment he was deeply asleep, the next, he was above her, having rolled Hope to her back.

  It made her gasp but not in fear.

  Every part of his body was hard where he pressed against her, his arms tight around her shoulders and back.

  Pale green eyes stared into hers for a long time. He slipped his hand along her neck, his fingers warm against her skin.

  “Mate,” he whispered.

  “Good morning, Talon. I didn’t mean to startle you awake.”

  “You didn’t. I thought I was dreaming.” One side of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I’m goddamn grateful I was not.”

  The silence drew out between them as he seemed to look her over. He moved his palm over her forehead, her cheek, before placing it over her heart. He stared at the back of his hand for a long moment.

  When he raised his gaze, he murmured, “You’re much improved, Hope.” She nodded. “It pleases me.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but words dried up in her mouth. Closing it again, she inhaled deeply.

  Gathering her to him, he said, “I’m going to kiss your lips because I feel as if I’ll die if I don’t. Then I’m going to get Dr. Church to confirm you’re strong enough to travel.”

  “Is…that a good idea?” she asked softly.

  “Getting you cleared by the doctor?” She tilted her head and he winked. “Kissing you is the best idea anyone in the history of Were kind has ever had. I’ll wait to touch you, to love you. For this, the feel of your lips, I can’t wait, Mate.”

  Sliding her arms around his neck, she lifted enough to touch her lips to his. The moan he sighed into her mouth made her entire body tighten in expectation, anticipation.

  Holding her hard enough to hurt, he made love to her mouth with a kiss Hope didn’t even know could exist.

  It went on and on, his lips and tongue playing over hers in a way that told her there was so much more to be experienced.

  A long time later, he broke it and kissed along her jaw, down the column of her throat, and across the skin of her upper chest. She panted loudly into the quiet room, her eyes closed to focus on every instant.

  His hand moved up her side to cup her breast. The low growl vibrating from his chest was instinctive. He likely didn’t realize he was making it.

  Dragging her fingers through the thick strands of his hair, she fisted it, holding onto it like an anchor. Her heart raced, she panted, and her body pressed to his in need she’d never experienced outside of Heat.

  His growl intensified as he rubbed his face across her breasts. She felt the warmth of his rough exhale through her t-shirt.

  “I’m in control.” He petted his hand over her side and around to cup her ass. “I can wait to feel every inch of you on me.”

  Unable to help herself, she whimpered softly. He raised his face to stare down into hers.

  “Right now, I’m going to let you go. Let you heal. I’ll carve a river of blood through those standing between you and our daughter.” He stroked a fingertip along her cheek. “Then, I’ll spend days exploring you, Hope.”

  Panting softly, she could do nothing but stare into his eyes.

  “The look on your face…” He clenched his jaw and she felt him slowly loosen his hold on her. Backing from the bed, she held her breath as he stood. Extending his hand, he whispered, “Come, Hope. Let’s go get Justice.”

  She took his hand and thought, “I will always take it.”

  Talon helped her to her feet and she smiled up at him. “Alright?” She nodded. “Your color returns, your hair thickens.” He stroked his fingers through it and bent to drop a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “Your health, your safety, your happiness. These are my primary concerns for you, for the twins.”

  Taking a deep breath, she murmured, “I can be a little sarcastic and bitchy sometimes.”

  His laughter made her womb tighten.

  “Sparring with you will keep my mind sharp.” Nudging her toward the bathroom, he added, “Take your time. I’ll check in with the doctor and you
r sister.”

  She started to walk away but took only one step before turning back and hugging him tightly.

  Her cheek fit perfectly above his heart.

  The way he hugged her back made tears well in her eyes. After soaking him up in silence for a minute, she kissed the skin of his chest and went to the other room.

  * * *

  After she was showered, dressed, and cleared by Dr. Church, Hope walked to the basement level to see Ryan.

  He was up, pacing the room the way only Wolf males could. He approached the thick glass and stared at her for almost a minute without a word.

  “I didn’t think you had it in you, Hope. I’m impressed.”

  “I’m not. Not by you, not by myself.”

  “Parliament is sending a detail to have me transported to trial by Counsel. They’ll execute me.” He put his palm flat on the clear wall and her stomach turned at the evidence of her torture. “This will be nothing when they take my head.”

  “You could have done the right thing at any point, Ryan. You could have stood for my family. You could have warned us what was going to happen to Caleb, to little Phoebe.”

  She swallowed hard. “You could have been my friend. At the very least, you could have protected the children you sired.”

  Shaking her head sadly, she told him, “At every opportunity, in every situation, you chose wrong. I suspect you had something to do with the death of your parents, your brothers.”

  Ryan glanced away before meeting her eyes again. “You don’t know what it was like, Hope.”


  “Montana Pack…there are too many males. Someone like you, like your sister, everyone knew you’d Mate to another Pack.”

  He clenched his jaw. “It wasn’t right. Your people needed you and the girls you would have born. You should have demanded your father sign a Mating contract between us.”

  “You’re not my Mate, Ryan. I knew that when I was a girl.”

  “I would have been good to you…”

  “No. You would have been good to yourself. Had we been falsely Mated, my life would have been a nightmare after the deaths of my parents. It wouldn’t have stopped the deaths of my brother and sister. It wouldn’t have protected Harmony.”


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