Finding Hope (The Others Book 2)

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Finding Hope (The Others Book 2) Page 12

by Sabrina Rue

  Juliette sat cross-legged on a big rock, watching them.

  Running towards them, Hope screamed, “Stop it! Both of you stop it right now! Harmony, he’s a child!”

  “He’s a little shit who needs to learn manners…” her twin yelled as she narrowly avoided a sharp jab to her cheek.

  Taking a deep breath, Hope dove between them, held up her hands, and yelled, “I’m Juliette’s mother!”

  The boy froze and stared into her face. He had dark hair, green eyes, and a lean but powerful build.

  He could have been their brother Caleb’s twin.

  “My name is Hope Kassis. This is my sister Harmony. My daughter tells me we owe you a great debt for keeping her safe, Slade.” He stumbled back a step. “That’s your name, isn’t it? Slade Kassis? The same as our father…your father.”

  “I have no family…”

  “Bullshit,” she told him. “You recognized my daughter as your blood. It’s why you protected her.”

  “My mother wasn’t a whore. She only wanted to help your father when his Mate died. She didn’t mean to get pregnant. She knew she could die. Juliette told me.”

  Hope nodded. “Dad’s grief after he lost Mother darkened his entire world. For whatever peace your mother was able to bring him, I’m grateful.”

  Stepping closer, she took in the scars that covered his body beneath clothes that were too small and barely fabric anymore.

  “When’s the last time you ate?”

  “I refused to fight for Gregor. He chained me outside.” She glanced down at the raw wounds around his wrists. “I saw you. One of the dying rogues told me Texas Pack took her.”

  “You came to save her.”

  “I rode a freight train down.”

  “It’s warmer here than Montana.” She took another step closer and he backed up. “My name is Hope Kassis, daughter of Slade Kassis, sister to Harmony Kassis, mother to Juliette and Justice Kassis.”

  Putting her fist over her heart, she added, “And half-sister to Slade Kassis, a boy we would have taken with us on the run if we’d known of you.”

  “I’m a rogue…”

  “You’re not. You’re the oldest male descendant of one of the strongest Alphas to ever walk this earth.”

  “She’s a little girl. She could be wrong.”

  “We both know she isn’t.”

  He looked past her to the twins’ Mates and back to her. “I just want to live. To be left alone.”

  “Is that true?” He nodded. “So, the only living son of Alpha Kassis of Montana Pack bows to his fear?”

  He frowned and growled at her. “I have no fear.”

  Another step closer and she tilted her head. “Really?”

  “I feel no pain. I have no fear.”

  Leaning close enough to whisper at his ear, Hope said, “Prove it.” She pulled back with a smile. “There’s food, clothing, and shelter at the West Texas Pack compound. No one will beat you or call you Hound.” She shrugged. “Or, I guess you could wander off into the wilderness if you enjoy rogue life.”

  Then she turned and walked back to the SUV. “Juliette, Justice. Get in this vehicle immediately.” Opening the rear door, she gestured to the third-row seats. “Buckle up. It’s a short drive.”

  Looking at Harmony and her Mates, she made a face. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

  Ryker and Jax pressed their lips together and gathered their sweaty, dusty woman between them and led her to the car. Harmony climbed in beside Justice and crossed her arms angrily. The males sat in the second row.

  Talon got behind the wheel and Hope looked at Slade. “Coming?” She pointed beside Jax. “Looks like we have room for one more and it could be you if you grab the awesome twist of fate that just happened with both hands.”

  He turned to walk away and her heart slammed in her chest. Then he bent and picked up a small bag.

  She knew how long such a walk could feel. Standing beside the SUV, he said, “I just wanted to make sure she was safe.”

  “Get in, Slade. You can be safe, too.”

  A low growl he probably didn’t recognize he was making accompanied his painfully slow movements into the seat beside Jax. Hope closed the door and she knew he plastered himself against it.

  Getting in the passenger seat, she looked at Talon and exhaled slowly. He lifted her hand from her thigh and kissed the back.

  Slade emitted a low snarl all the way back to the compound and the moment they stopped, he shot out of the vehicle and landed several feet from it.

  He went into a low crouch, braced to run or fight. Several Weres around the yard paused in what they were doing to watch him.

  After Jax helped Harmony from the backseat, he walked to Slade and sat cross-legged in front of him. He didn’t move, didn’t speak. Simply sat staring at the boy in silence with his palms flat on his thighs.

  Harmony leaned against the side of the SUV with Ryker. Justice and Juliette went to sit with Jax, making the strange gathering a little circle.

  Hope stood watching them, wondering what she’d gotten her Mate into. As she had the thought, Talon wrapped his arms around her and whispered at her ear, “A lost one.”

  Harmony murmured, “I…think maybe he should come with us.” She frowned. “Listen.”

  Slade was no longer growling.

  Ryker rubbed her shoulders. “Jax went through things as a boy that might help Slade connect to him.”

  After a few more minutes, their half-brother relaxed from a tight crouch to kneeling on one knee. A few minutes more and he matched Jax’s posture.

  Juliette said, “Never again will you be the rogue Hound. For the rest of your life, you’ll be Slade Kassis. My uncle.”

  He showed no emotion and didn’t look at her but he nodded, almost in confusion. His eyes remained on Jax.

  “Who are you?”

  “Jax Atherton. Second to Ryker Blackwell, Alpha of Texas Pack. Secondary Mate to Harmony Kassis.”

  “F-family, too.”


  “You’re more like me.”

  “Yes. My childhood wasn’t spent with family or among Pack.”

  “You were a rogue?”

  “My people were slaughtered by Purists. Ryker’s father found me after three years. I was about your age when I was taken into Texas Pack.”

  “What if I don’t fit in?”

  “You will.”

  “How do you know?”

  “The first time I met Ryker, I bit into his forearm and wouldn’t let go.” He grinned. “It takes time to adjust.”

  “I don’t know how to live in Pack.”

  “Do you want to know?” Slade was silent for a long time. Then he nodded. “Then it can be learned.”

  “I can’t stay near Juliette.”

  “Tell me why.”

  “Both of us together are too easy to find. I imprinted on her like a litter mate. We share the same scents.”

  Leaning forward, Jax inhaled deeply. “I thought you were blocking your scent.” He frowned. “You smell like the twins.”

  “I won’t stay if it could put her in danger.”

  “Come to the main Texas Pack compound. I’ll train you. Harmony will if you don’t piss her off.”

  “She’s fast.”


  “I’m just as fast…”

  “Is that little shit challenging me…?” she murmured and Hope glared at her. “Because even pregnant, I will smoke his ass.”

  Slade looked over at all of them and focused on Harmony. “Maybe now. I haven’t eaten in a week.”

  “I’m gonna choke this kid. I can see it now.”

  The boy snorted. “You’d have to catch me first.”

  Eyes wide, mouth open, Harmony put her hands on her hips. Then she looked at Hope, froze for ten seconds, and burst out laughing. “I’ll take one little shit with me and you have your little shits. Don’t know what the hell we’re gonna do when mine bust up on the scene.”

  Pushing off t
he SUV, she walked toward the house. “I’m done staring at people in a circle. I’m eating, showering, and taking a nap.” Over her shoulder, she told Hope, “This is your house, you figure out sleeping arrangements.”

  Staring up at the clear blue sky, Hope said, “Adulting is hard. I just want to snatch out her hair.”

  Talon planted a kiss on the side of her neck. “Her plan sounds like a good one for you, Mate.”

  “You’re always calm. Teach me, Obi Wan.”

  He held her around the waist and whistled. “Anyone hungry?” Then he led her inside and let everyone figure out if food was worth following for.

  Judging by how many pounds everyone put away, it was.


  It took three days for Talon to have bedrooms with a connecting bathroom remodeled for Justice and Juliette.

  They were confused as they walked through the doors and looked around at the coordinating furniture, fabrics, and belongings neither of her children had ever possessed.

  “I didn’t pick boy and girl colors because I thought you’d grow out of those rapidly. I thought greens were a nice choice to match your eyes but we can change anything you want.”

  Opening the closets, he showed them the clothes, shoes, and accessories purchased for them.

  “A lot of soft, stretchy fabrics that can grow with you. I think you’ve gained a couple of inches in height since I met you, Justice! Pretty sure we found every top available that leaves the upper back free but the housekeeper put in orders with a local seamstress for custom options.”

  There were toys but the kind meant for older children.

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked but thought I’d give you an assortment to try. There are books, drawing supplies, building sets, and computers. A few stuffed animals and such because I honestly couldn’t help myself.”

  In the bathroom, he chuckled at the huge shower stall with high glass doors. There was floor to ceiling tile.

  “You can dry your wings and step out on dry floor,” he said with a grin. “All the towels and things are in this cabinet and you each have a drawer with the basics. If I missed anything, you let me know and we’ll pick it up.”

  The twins had followed him around the room holding hands without a word.

  As they stepped back into Justice’s room and looked around at the bed, desk, dresser, bookshelves, and overstuffed reading chair, they stared at him in obvious confusion.

  Hope wasn’t exactly sure what to say herself.

  “This is for us?” Juliette asked with a little frown.

  “We live here?” Justice added.

  “These are your bedrooms. Your bathroom. No one else will invade your space except to clean.” He stepped out into the hall and pointed at the double doors at one end. “Your mother and I sleep there.”

  Turning the opposite direction, he pointed again. “When family visits, we’ll put Slade in that room. I’m building a guest house for your aunt, her Mates, and their children. I want them to have plenty of room.”

  Clapping his hands together, Talon asked cheerfully, “Thoughts? What do you think? Did we miss anything?”

  “M-miss anything?” the twins murmured. They walked to Talon and stared up at him.

  Justice reached out and took his hand, tugging him down. He crouched on one knee with a smile.

  Then they hugged him without a word. Wrapped their little bodies around him and laid their heads on his broad shoulders. He hugged them firmly but carefully.

  “Thank you, Dad.”

  His voice broke a little when he replied, “You’re welcome. I’m so glad to have you here. To have a family of my own. I want you to be happy here.”

  Juliette buried her face at his neck and started to cry. Hope suspected Justice was crying as well.

  Lifting them, Talon walked to the big chair in the corner and balanced them each on a thigh as he held them and rubbed their backs.

  “This is your home. From now on, none of you are alone. Not your mom and not you. When you settle in, I’ll take you around to meet the Pack. There aren’t many children but we have horses and lots of things to do. You’ll have a tutor in a few days who can see what you need. There’s a little classroom beside my office so you can visit.”

  Her Mate planted kisses on their temples. “Whenever you’re ready, I want to take you into San Antonio so you can explore our closest city. We’ll eat a bunch of junk food and see a movie. I bet you’ll love it.”

  For half an hour, he talked to them and they listened, their heads on his shoulder. Hope watched them slowly drift off to sleep and the happy tears inside her were almost painful.

  Taking Juliette into her arms, she carried her to her bedroom. She laid her daughter on her new bed and covered her with the softest blanket she’d ever felt.

  Leaving a kiss on her temple, she peeked into her son’s room as Talon covered a slightly snoring Justice as well. His big hand stroked over his hair before he turned and met her eyes.

  They stepped into the hall and left the doors slightly cracked.

  He took her hand and walked rapidly to the double doors of their bedroom, pulling her inside, closing them, and pressing her to the wall.

  There was no hesitation as his mouth descended to hers. She held him hard and he lifted her. His cock rocking against her center, she wrapped her legs around his waist with a moan.

  Breaking the kiss, she whispered, “Thank you, Talon.”

  His hand stroked along her jaw and through her hair. “After I crawl all over you, I’ll give you a tour of everything I bought you.” Planting a kiss at the hollow of her throat, he licked over her Mating Mark. “Lots to tell you, show you.”

  “You bought me stuff?” She frowned. “I don’t need anything. I was only worried about the kids…”

  “You need everything. You’ll see.” Holding her tight, he walked across the room, nuzzling her cheek. “Like your office with its wall of books. I asked your sister for help.”

  She raked her nails down his back through his shirt and he growled. “You really know how to turn a girl on, Mate. Books? Oh my god, you’re a goddamn Casanova.”

  Laughing, he stripped them, kissing her bare skin as he revealed it. “I need to explain West Pack hierarchy, show you how to access your accounts, and walk you through daily operations.”

  “Talon?” He lifted his head, licking over her furled nipple. “All that sounds great. Now, please shut up and fuck me.”

  He winked. “Right away, Mate.”

  The man had no issue multi-tasking.

  Taking his own clothes off while he kissed, licked, and nibbled his way down her body, he was naked when he finally settled his broad shoulders between her thighs.

  She stared at him down her torso as he dragged his tongue through her folds.

  “Ambrosia.” He kissed the skin above her clit. “This time, I’m going to show you everything.”

  “Show me what you like, Talon.”

  “When I’m done eating this perfect pussy, I’m going to fuck you unconscious.” He grinned. “We have decades for you to explore my body. I’m in no rush. Right now, it’s your turn. And Mate, I plan to give you exactly what you deserve.”

  Reaching to the top of the bed, he grabbed one of the thick pillows and put it behind her.

  “Get comfortable. We’ll be here awhile.” He gave her a heart-stopping smile. “Let me know if you need a break to hydrate.”

  She didn’t think he was serious.

  By her third orgasm, she was boneless, hoarse from screaming, and drenched in her own sweat. Her own release coated the insides of her thighs and she could feel it easing from inside her to the bed.

  Pulling three thick fingers from her swollen pussy, he sucked them clean and took his time licking away every drop of her come.

  He kissed his way up her body, planting kisses on her hips, ribs, and sucking each nipple. His cock was purple and throbbing, the head slick.

  “I can’t lift my arms.”

sp; “You don’t need them.”

  He slipped his hand under her and held the back of her neck as he used the other one to notch his dick at her pussy.

  “Hot and wet.” He ate at her mouth and she moaned weakly between his lips. “Let’s make you wetter, Mate. I want to see our come dripping from you.”

  Practically delirious, she let him do all the work and sighed as he filled her up. Working himself deep, he stilled and took his time kissing her while her body tensed around him.

  Pulling back enough to stare into her eyes, he said, “I’m going to fuck you like I hate you, Hope.”

  Just the description made her spasm around his cock and release a sharp gasp. “Oh, my gods, Talon. Yes…”

  “Let me know if I need to ease up.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  Gripping the back of her neck, he held her hip hard enough to bruise and started driving his cock in and out of her body. The rhythm was brutal, the power behind his thrusts resulted in a loud slap as their bodies met.

  Within minutes, his sweat joined hers.

  Hand shaking, she reached up to stroke his damp hair away from his face and he kissed her palm. He never broke eye contact as he attempted to fuck her through the bed.

  She tried to say his name but no sound came out. Her eyes rolled back in her head as another climax mowed her down.

  “Cream all over my cock, Hope. Gods, yes.”

  It took a minute to be able to focus on his face again and she shivered at the glow of his eyes, the extension of his canines.

  “H-harder,” she managed to moan.

  Snarling, he pulled out and flipped her roughly to her stomach. Yanking her to her knees, he wrapped her long hair around his fist and pushed hard and deep back into her body.

  The tips of his claws pricked the skin of her shoulder as he held her still for what he delivered. Panting, all she could do was take it.

  Every. Pounding. Stroke.

  Raking his fingers down her back, he moved around to cup her breast, pinching the nipple tightly. She gasped before releasing a low growl that grew louder because she couldn’t control it.

  Shoving her flat to the bed, he released her hair to grip her across her upper chest, his fingers grasping her shoulder on the opposite side.


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