Last Slave Standing

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Last Slave Standing Page 11

by Sean O'Kane

  During the rest period in the hottest part of the day, Brian and Carlo attended a meeting of the stable owners. A coin was tossed and Alberto called it correctly. His was then the choice of whether to attack or defend. He shrugged and turned to Hank and Carlo

  “I am a gambler, gentlemen. And besides I believe we have the better team. We attack!”

  The die having been cast there followed a heated discussion about the weighting of weaponry for the opposing teams. Eventually it was decided that the attackers would have a third more whips than the defenders, but the defenders would be allowed to wield a half dozen of the studded whips amongst the mixture of whips, nets and staves they would be armed with.

  Out on the arena floor, the Salazar guards were pushing prefabricated sections of wooden palisades into position so that they built a wall about ten feet high across the arena. The Salazar team would charge it and using ladders they would attempt to fight their way up and over the wall. Originally it would have merely been an entertaining spectacle as the naked slaves struggled and fought en masse until the men decided to have their fun. But today, everything would depend on whether the defenders could be dislodged or not. Once that had been decided, then the fun could start.

  After a short rest, the slaves were gathered in the dressing rooms of the arena, the atmosphere was even more tense than normal prior to a final melee. Brian ran his hands over some of the nervously sweating slaves. Every nipple was standing proudly to attention at the prospect of imminent combat, suffering and sex. Every pair of thighs he delved between harboured a warm and moist little tunnel, just waiting for a master to fill it.

  On the monitor screen they could see the defenders taking their positions on the walkway behind the palisade which gave them cover up to their waists.

  Then at last the door into the tunnel was opened by one of the scarlet and blacks’ guards.

  “Showtime!” he said simply and smiled.

  Whips and weighted nets were handed out as the slaves filed out and ten ladders were given out to be carried on shoulders. It was dim in the tunnel and Brian couldn’t see which slave’s breasts he was fondling as his own nervousness made him restless. They could hear the compere’s voice as he whipped up the crowd into a frenzy by sketching out the scenes they would shortly witness. Brian knew from personal experience how the sexual tension would be growing on the terraces. There would be no woman clothed by now, some would be masturbating frantically at the thought of the suffering the slaves would shortly be put through, some would even be scratching and scoring their own breasts. The men would be waiting until the action got underway before they began taking the women; it was common knowledge that they often became uncontrollably excited at the sight of the mass combats and connoisseurs of the arenas swore by the quality of the resulting fucks.

  At long last the gates swung open, light flooded into the tunnel and the arena erupted. All the guards began to urge their charges on and unfurl their whips as the naked mass of females pushed forwards, jostling each other in their eagerness to get at the enemy. Whips were plied anyway and as the mass of nearly a hundred slaves began to fan out onto the sand and their eyes accustomed to the bright daylight, they began to jog and then to charge towards the palisade, behind them their trainers snapped whips at their quivering bottoms. Suddenly they were all up to full speed and a stampede of naked furies, screaming incoherent defiance, flung itself towards the wooden wall.

  As the owners had agreed, the two squads of guards would hang back and wait to see if the attack was successful or not. Once the outcome was clear, then they would move in. Brian slowed down and furled his whip again as the squad took off and he turned his attention to the giant screens. The heaving breasts and nervous faces of the defenders were being featured but then the cameras began to pick up the breast swinging, screaming horde descending on them. He saw Tigre, her eyes alight with vicious excitement as she swung her whip over her head. Blondie ran with her normal long stride, she carried a weighted net and was beginning to swing that as she singled out a target. Then suddenly the wall was reached the ladders set up and combat proper began. Brian had his usual painfully hard erection and like the other men he pulled down and kicked away his shorts, but not before he’d removed a studded cock ring from the pocket. Around him, men were stripping down for action, some were strapping their cocks with thick leather, some like him had opted for rings. Some had piercings through the shaft, just behind the helm, some had Prince Alberts going into the meatus and exiting on the underside of the shaft. But all were erect and eager to get amongst the throng of struggling bodies the cameras now roved across. Brian frowned as he saw Purdy spin and collapse backwards off the wall as a studded whip raked across her breasts. Jet briefly featured as she reached the top of a ladder and took a thrust with a staff full in her stomach, she went backwards and took several others with her. Cherry got a swinging uppercut between her legs but weathered it and slammed her attacker across her breasts with her own whip. Inevitably one camera sought out Blondie and Brian’s doubts of the previous day evaporated. The tall blonde had wrapped up a defender in her net, got her whip off her, thrown her down off the wall and was now calmly working her way through the enemy. With an economy of movement and a professionalism that was almost breathtaking she was firing lashes between spread legs as slaves fought for balance or purchase and then using her forearm across their faces as they reared back. If they failed to go down then she swung another lash across their breasts and dismissed them with a powerful kick. As the camera watched, she disarmed an opponent and the crowd cheered as she came up holding a studded whip. She took a searing lash from somewhere across her magnificent tits and then went down under two scarlet and black slaves. For a moment the camera lingered on the tangle of legs, breasts and cunts before moving on to more scenes of desperate combat. Brian grinned fiercely as he wrapped his fist proudly round the thick girth of his cock and enjoyed the feeling of release it gave him to flaunt his nakedness before the crowd. He glanced along the arena floor to see that three of the attackers’ ladders had been thrown down but slaves were still struggling up the others, weathering the heavy lashes that rained down on them. Again he marvelled at the female ability to hate her sister-slaves and yet adore her masters and trainers, who whipped her practically every day. Carlo said that they regarded the opposing stable’s slaves as standing between them and their masters’ pride in them. And for the touch of the master’s hand, whip and cock, they would fight till they dropped. Carlo was seldom wrong about slaves.

  “They do good!” Brian’s thoughts were interrupted by Juan standing beside him. The lean and muscular little man was just tying the final knot in a fiercesome crisscrossing ladder of straps up his impressively long cock. Brian looked up at the screens. Two of the cameras were behind the wall and recording a rain of bodies dropping onto the sand from the broad walkway. Some were still locked together in combat but most were defeated slaves. For an instant he saw Blondie, her fingers and thumb embedded in another girl’s vagina and anus, hoist and then throw her screaming down to the arena floor. Cherry threw an opponent over her shoulder and then the cameras found Ox and Trouble – back to back the lovers were repelling all attackers with studded whips. Their faces wore grimaces of almost mad excitement as they flogged mercilessly at the naked flesh around them.

  Suddenly a klaxon sounded and the compere’s voice boomed out.

  “Attackers win! They’ve taken the wall and win the show! So let the fun really begin!”

  Like the other men around him, Brian let out a wild whoop of joy, settled his grip on his whip and charged into the melee.

  The best sport was to be found in the opposition’s slaves, who would fight harder against ravishment by a trainer from a rival stable. Consequently he and his colleagues scrambled up the ladders and vaulted onto the walkway, only to leap down onto the sand and engage with the defeated slaves. On the way they waded through the scarlet and blacks’ guards enjoying themselves with the victors. Blondie, o
ne arm twisted up behind her back by a man standing behind her was kicking her legs desperately to try and stop another man getting between them. Jet had already gone down and was on all fours being taken from behind, while a Salazar slave was lying across her back being shafted by a huge, bearded guard. She was squealing in either pain or ecstasy – or both, Brian thought – as his massive cock, sporting multiple piercings rammed in and out of her.

  He leaped down to land amongst the Ukrainian stable’s slaves and his eye was immediately caught by a thick mane of red hair, belonging to a slave who was just tottering to her feet, her legs fatally spread as she sought balance. Brian flicked out an expert uppercut which scythed up between her thighs and with a screech she folded up and fell to her knees. Brian went straight to his knees as well, just behind her welted buttocks. Her hands were still clutching at her vulva but he swept them away easily, then aimed his cock down a little and thrust straight and hard. She was so wet he hardly knew he was inside her for a second but then his pelvis slammed against the warmth and softness of her bottom and his cock hit her cervix. He felt her grip him with practised strength as she cried out but then he reached forwards and took a handful of hair with one hand and wrenched her head up so the cameras could feast on her expression of helpless delight at her conquest. His other hand sought out her nipple and began to twist and pull roughly at the rubbery tube. For a moment he was content to let her grind herself against him while he held himself at maximum penetration but all around him he could see slaves going down to inevitable defeat and taking cocks in every orifice and he couldn’t waste a second of this heaven. He slammed back and forth in the slave until he felt himself spurt into her and withdrew while he was still ejaculating, sending some thick gobbets of sperm splashing onto her slender back, making the thick ropes of her welts glisten.

  Leaving her to whoever wanted her next he joined Juan who was applying the final lashes to a black-haired slave who could hardly summon up the energy to retaliate with her own whip. As Brian approached, Juan swung a last lash in behind her knees and she toppled backwards with a despairing scream. Juan immediately dropped to his knees between her legs but when he saw Brian he flipped her onto her face, hauled her backside up and slammed himself into her that way. She yelled at the violence of the penetration with the result that, as he dropped to his knees in front of her face, Brian was able to push his, still nearly steel hard shaft straight into her mouth. Her protests died into a gurgle as she was taken at either end, but ever mindful of the cameras, Brian lifted her face off him after a few moments and let her lick up and down the shaft while she rocked backwards and forwards under the force of Juan’s thrusts. He was about to ram her mouth back over his helm and see if he could muster another ejaculation when he saw a blonde, pushed down onto her face as the guard who had been taking her pulled free and spurted his remaining load onto her arse and back then ran off to seek out other prey. Bruised, dusty, her pale skin whipped to spreading patches of raw pink and running with sperm, she staggered up, grabbed a wooden staff and looked round for another man to fight, snarling defiance.

  Wrenching himself clear of Juan’s fuck, Brian responded to her challenge and leapt up. She saw him coming and swung the staff at his head. He ducked and rolled as he came forwards, taking her round the waist and bringing her down onto her back on top of him. She wriggled and bit and fought like a wildcat, even as Brian had both her breasts in his hands and his fingers were buried deep in the flesh. He loved the way her body moved against his, he knew she was reviving pains in every welt as she struggled but still she persisted until, laughing with wild joy, he threw her onto her back and got his pelvis between her thrashing thighs. For a split second he paused at her vaginal entrance and their eyes met. She stared up at him unafraid and defiant to the last and then he plunged into her and she couldn’t help the inevitable softening of her expression as she felt herself taken by yet another master and was helpless to prevent it. He began to thrust fully into her, slamming the studded ring against her entrance and fetching moans of slavish delight from her as she was thrown headlong back up to the strange regions where whipped and fucked slavegirls shriek their orgasms.

  She babbled in French as she came, pushing her breasts up to him so he could bite and suck at her nipples, calling him a bastard one second and then whispering “Oui! Oui!” against his neck the next, as he recklessly plundered her until a second ejaculation ripped through him and left him gasping on top of her.

  After a few seconds he got to his feet and stood over her as she sprawled on the sand, her legs wide flung, her arms likewise and his, and other men’s spunk oozing out of her, her chest heaved in the wake of her orgasm but even as he turned away to look for more fun, she rolled over, climbed to her feet and threw herself onto another man, grabbing him round the neck from behind and trying to drag him away from fucking one of her team mates. The man snarled and reached behind to pull her shrieking over his shoulder and onto the other girl. But even then the blonde rolled over and flew back into the attack. Another of the Salazar guards laughed and swept her up in passing, before slamming her down onto her back again and knocking the wind from her. But even then she managed a few feeble kicks as her latest conqueror settled himself down between her thighs.

  Brian made a mental note that if ever she came up for auction, she had the fire that he and Carlo were always looking for. She would need tongue ringing of course, she was far too vocal, but that could easily be arranged.

  But for the moment there was a big-titted brunette just climbing back to her feet after taking two up, she was looking around for a whip and Brian threw her his. Instinctively she raised her hands to catch it and Brian threw himself at her as she did. He grabbed her round the waist and she screamed as she went down under him and he found himself laughing with delight as he mounted the soft, squirming body, its breasts squashing under his hands, the shapely thighs parting reluctantly but inevitably. And then he was inside her. His erection hardened up immediately when she squealed as she felt the studded cock ring hit her. He gave her two more thrusts to soften her up then came out and rolled her over, aiming his glistening shaft down at the little crater of her anus, nestling between her plump and well-flogged buttocks. A camera caught her agonised expression as he drove in, her own lubrication making his progress into her narrow channel steady and smooth. Then his cock ring was up against her entrance and he began to swivel his hips as he thrust and thrust again. Up on one of the giant screens he watched her face screw up with pain and then her eyes widen slowly as she succumbed helplessly to pleasure and she began to push back against him, begging him to pile on the pain. He laughed again and smacked her bottom. He knew it would take him a long time to achieve another ejaculation, so he set about enjoying every long leisurely thrust and grind. He would probably finish in her mouth, he thought. But then again he might finish in another slave’s mouth. He had all afternoon.

  Chapter 11

  It had been a long day and the sun had nearly set before the last slave had been played with until she could no longer get up to take another pounding. As usual, Blondie had been one of the last go down and stay down but on this occasion when the intervals between the slaves getting back to their feet had become longer and longer and the tense silence from the crowd more and more noticeable as they waited to see if another one could take any more, it had been Trouble who had risen from the piles of inert, naked girlflesh. She had staggered drunkenly to her feet, and searched for a whip while the Ukrainian guards had decided the order in which they would take her. It was impossible for a man not to be priapic, no matter how often he had come, when faced with such enjoyable carnage. Eventually Trouble had found a studded whip and faced the first guard of the many who were queuing up to take her. She even managed a few clumsy swings as the man approached, but her sweat and sperm-matted hair got in her eyes and exhaustion had drained her. The crowd applauded however and cheered as the man snaked in a lash that wrapped her hips and tore into her already lacerated butt
ocks. She twisted and screamed but didn’t go down. The applause increased. He lashed her again, this time across the fronts of her thighs, the end of the whip smacking meatily into her lower buttocks. She staggered but made stupid by exhaustion and her inborn stubbornness she refused to go down. She couldn’t even raise her arms to shield herself and took a further lash to her breasts, and where the tip of the whip bit at her ribs, the skin split. She looked down at it and smiled before dropping to her knees. Even then she went no further and the man took his pleasure in her mouth while the applause continued to ring out and then he handed her over to the next man.

  Singly and in groups the men used her, never letting her fall. Brian watched approvingly, for a lesbian Trouble could orgasm with impressive ease on the end of a cock, whether it was up her backside, in her cunt or down her throat. On several occasions they were in all three simultaneously. But at last it was over. The last man pulled clear of her by-now sperm-gleaming body as it knelt on all fours in front of him and to a rising chorus of cheers from the crowd, Trouble slowly tipped onto her side and lay still.

  It was fully dark by the time Carlo and Brian stepped out to climb aboard the carriage that Alberto Salazar had sent for them. The air was still warm and the prospect of a gentle trot in a carriage across to the arena village and a drink or two to wind down, was a pleasant one. Alberto could not have underlined his appreciation of the CSL stable’s help in winning any more than by sending his beloved matching twins to pull their carriage and the two men relaxed to the soft rumbling of the wheels and the rhythmic hiss and snap of the whipcord across the graceful backs as the ponies trotted smoothly. The carriage was immediately besieged by an admiring crowd when it drew to a halt outside one of the more expensive hotels. But the driver managed to part the throng enough to drive through and park up to await their return and the two men made their way to the bar.


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