The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 9

by Amanda Strong

  Caitlyn was slender, standing only a few inches shorter than Eden did. Her light brown hair was naturally highlighted and her hazel eyes were framed with thick, black eyelashes.

  “Eden,” Jessie’s voice cut in. She had come up behind them. “Are you so excited? Tonight’s the night!”

  Eden groaned inwardly. She was not excited; she was dreading it. As if to nail in her reservations further, Willow stalked past them, nose held high, refusing to acknowledge their presence.

  “Ok, maybe you’re not excited about that,” Jessie sniffed as Willow disappeared in the crowded locker hall. “But Andrew’s worth it. He just needs to dump his friends, and then he’s totally cool.”

  Caitlyn smiled, wrinkling her nose.

  “I kind of doubt that’s going happen, Jessie,” Eden said, trying to smile, but it came out a grimace. What was I thinking agreeing to this? “Andrew has no idea he’s about to commit social suicide tonight with me as his date.”

  Jessie barged into Eden’s room later that night, carrying an oversized makeup bag. Eden cringed.

  She likes theater makeup. I hope I don’t end up looking like I’m playing a part in Hamlet.

  “We’ve got to figure out what you’re going to wear, because it’s obvious you haven’t got a clue,” Jessie announced. “And I brought my makeup because someone has to show you there’s more to makeup than eyeliner and mascara.” Jessie held up her enormous bag to make her point. “It’s a shame you can’t borrow some of my things. But you are tall and thin and I’m short and fat, so that’s not going to work,” Jessie stated matter-of-factly.

  Eden half-laughed, half-gasped. “That’s not true!”

  “Oh stop it, it is true. I’d like to see you in my pants; they’d be capris on you. And you’d swim in my shirts. So let’s move forward. You do have a few shirts I really like. I just hope they’re clean.”

  Eden bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. “Jessie, you’re not fat.”

  “Ok, fine, I’m not fat, just really curvy.”

  “Wish I was curvy.” She glanced at Jessie. “You know, boys like curves.”

  “Well, no one has liked mine,” Jessie huffed, “but we’re wasting time. Come on, we’ve got work to do.” For an hour, Jessie fussed over Eden’s hair, face, clothes, and eyebrows.

  “Honestly Eden, didn’t you know girls pluck?” Jessie mercilessly took a pair of tweezers to her eyebrows while Eden did her best not to cry.

  For some reason, the thought of her guardian having to sit through all this with her made her smile. He doesn’t strike me the type to be caught dead in a beauty salon. Poor guy’s probably begging to trade places with another guardian.

  Andrew does have a nice laugh, Eden thought during dinner. They were alone, waiting on Chase and Willow, who were supposed to meet up with them forty minutes ago. Andrew didn’t seem to mind and they’d ordered food.

  Bet they don’t even show. Poor Andrew, he’s going to lose all of his friends because of me.

  “I loved how red your face got when Mr. Giles caught you talking to me today.” Andrew gave her a crooked grin.

  “Ah,” she croaked. “You got me in trouble on purpose! That’s terrible.” She remembered Mr. Giles glare.

  He leaned forward, his face inches from hers, and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, busted, you got me.”

  Oh gosh, I think he’s going to hear my heart beating.

  She opened her mouth, with only, “Uh…” coming out.

  He moved back into his chair. Noting his tousled hair, his clothes having the thrown together, but coordinated, look of a beach worshipper, she was stunned they were on a date.

  “Yo-yo-yo watz-up,” Chase’s voice boomed.

  Eden’s neck jerked up; Chase and Willow stood next to the table. Willow’s long, black hair was swept up in a clip, bearing one huge, white flower. She was attractive with her tan skin, bright blue eyes, and glossy makeup.

  Chase’s honey-brown eyes were staring back at them. Andrew stood up to smack hands with him, and Eden rose to her feet, unsure what she was supposed to do.

  She was shocked when Chase pulled her into a bear hug. With all the hugging she’d been doing, she immediately knew this time was different. Her body wasn’t tumbling into him. If anything, she felt a resistance pulling her back.

  “Hey Eden-bo-beedan. I know you’re a hugger, saw how you bowled Micah over,” Chase crowed.

  Eden moved back quickly. Andrew was staring at her, his mouth half-open. Willow was taking turns glaring at her and Chase.

  It was the last thing she’d expected Chase to do, and she was lost on what to say.

  Chase was chuckling though, and she realized he saw it all as a big joke. She decided to play along.

  “Yeah, I hadn’t seen Micah since we were kids. I guess I sort of surprised him,” she said, trying to make light. Her tone sounded weird.

  Willow pulled her lips to the side, squinting at her.

  She really likes to dish out the glares, doesn’t she?

  “Hey, hope you don’t mind we ordered. You guys were late and we were starved,” Andrew said as they all sat back down. Eden was happy Andrew sat next to her instead of across. She feared Willow might stab her with a fork under the table if she were near enough.

  Willow sulked through dinner, her brows bent, lips pouting. Chase and Andrew talked sports a lot of the time, Andrew peeking her way whenever Chase would stop to shovel food in.

  His smile is so endearing, almost boyish. It made the night bearable.

  Knowing they were getting ready to leave, Eden tried to quietly inform Andrew she needed to use the restroom.

  “I’ll go with you, Eden,” Willow stated, making Eden feel terribly cliché.

  Willow’s high heels smacked the wooden floor as they made their way to the back of the restaurant. Eden hustled into a stall, mostly to avoid Willow’s glares.

  “I could just kill Chase,” Willow announced.

  Was I supposed to hear that?


  There was no response. Eden finished quickly and walked to the sink, where Willow was reapplying lip-gloss.

  “Sometimes boys can be,” Willow stared at her, “clueless.”


  Eden turned the sink off, hands dripping.

  Great, the towel dispenser’s behind her.

  She moved towards it, but Willow continued to gaze into the mirror, pulling out her powder.

  My jeans will do.

  “Eden, have any of your boyfriends ever forgotten your birthday?” Willow blurted, snapping her powder shut.

  She’s joking, right? Surely she knows I’ve never had a boyfriend.

  But Willow’s eyes were conflicted. It dawned on her why Willow was ticked off. She doesn’t know about her surprise party yet.

  “Is today your birthday?” Eden asked, playing dumb.

  “Yes! And I really thought he was planning something special tonight.” Willow’s eyes filled with pain. “I didn’t think we were really going out with you and Andrew, not that I didn’t want to go out with you,” she added.

  Eden could tell by her tone her last statement was forced, but at least she wasn’t scowling now.

  “Well, maybe he didn’t forget. Maybe he does have something fun planned still.”

  Willow shrugged her shoulders and then sounded urgent, “Don’t say anything, ok? I know I’m being dumb to even care, but you’d think he’d remember with Megan putting birthday stuff all over my locker.” Again, the annoyance crept back into her voice.

  “I won’t, don’t worry.”

  Willow appeared relieved and, for the first time, smiled genuinely at Eden. It was amazing how much prettier she became with a softer expression.

  Eden felt something then—a need—like she wanted to… hug Willow.

  Oh no, not her! Come on, Guardian, you have to be kidding me.

  She didn’t know if he could read her thoughts or not. Perhaps he did, because she found her body moving, and in on
e movement, she was embracing Willow.

  Willow stiffened, sucking air in. Eden backed away quickly.

  “Sorry, just thought you could use a hug,” she said lamely.

  You’re not going to hear the end from me, Guardian!

  To her complete shock, Willow replied, “Thanks, I guess I sort of did.”

  They followed Chase’s black FJ Cruiser back to his house, where the party was waiting. Andrew’s Bronco was warm and smelled wonderful, a combination of musky cologne and leather upholstery. With the stereo thumping alternative rock, she mused, A month ago, I’d never dream of doing this.

  Andrew was surprisingly easy to talk to. She was giggling over his last joke when they turned into Rams Gate. Her pulse quickened.

  For one moment, she hoped Micah was back, home early from Rome. Swallowing hard, she tried to ignore the pang of longing in her chest.

  “This was your old neighborhood, right?” Andrew asked, glancing over.


  “You grew up by Micah then?”

  She nodded. She hated the lump forming in her throat. Why is it when someone even says his name, I about burst into tears? I’m so pathetic.

  “When did Chase move here?” she asked, blinking back the moisture.

  “Uh, three years ago, I think.” Andrew hesitated, and then glanced over. “So you probably miss Micah, right?”

  She stared at him. “Yeah, we were good friends, a long time ago.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “That’s not what I heard.”


  “Rumor is you’re the reason Micah broke up with Megan.” Andrew peeked in her direction, and then turned down Chase’s driveway.

  “What? That’s not true,” she sputtered.

  “Really? That’s what Megan told Willow, who told Chase, who told… well, you get the idea. Got to love gossip. So you and Micah—”

  No wonder Megan and Willow hate me!

  “No, Micah and I aren’t anything. Megan lied. Micah told me she broke up with him.” Eden was enraged. Sort of wish it were true though…

  “All he said, she said.” Andrew grinned, shutting off the engine.

  Eden had to smile back at him; he’d been nothing but nice to her all night. They climbed out of the Bronco and heard Chase calling, “Come on, babe,” over his shoulder as he stepped out of his Cruiser. She didn’t hear Willow’s response, just Chase’s. “Oh come on, Willow, you don’t want to sit outside by yourself.”

  They all heard the door slam as Willow got out; she shot daggers at Chase’s back up the driveway. The house was dark, not even an outside porch light on. Eden was anticipating the ‘surprise’ when Andrew grabbed her hand. Distracted by his soft skin touching hers, she hardly noticed Chase open the door and Willow stomp inside.

  The lights shot on and voices yelled, “Surprise!”

  Eden jumped and Andrew chuckled. “You knew it was coming.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she said, reeling that he didn’t let her hand go as they pushed through the teenagers thronging the entrance.

  A boy with blond, spiky hair appeared, slugging Andrew in the shoulder. “Dude!”

  Andrew turned to her. “Hey Eden, this is Jake.”

  Eden nodded at him, feeling completely out of place, Andrew’s hand the only thing anchoring her to the floor.

  Willow threw her arms around Chase’s neck, kissing him. “And here I was pouting all night because I thought you’d forgotten!”

  There was laughter. Blonde hair pushed past, running up to Willow.


  “How did you keep this from me?” Willow asked her friend.

  Megan gasped dramatically. “Trust me, it wasn’t easy!”

  Willow’s eyes flicked to Eden, and Megan immediately followed her gaze. Knowing the lie Megan was spreading, Eden no longer cared if she glared at her, which she did.

  There was a table with food set up, a DJ blaring music in the great room, and teenagers everywhere. Andrew stayed by her side. She tried to act like she was having fun, but she really wanted to run and hide.

  Feels like I’m crashing one of Micah’s parties.

  Andrew tugged on her hand to dance, and she stalled, asking for more food. There’s a reason I’ve never been to a school dance! He complied, piling more food on her plate. Probably thinks I’m a pig.

  When a popular song came on, and everyone was hitting the floor, whooping and hollering, Andrew raised an eyebrow at her. “How about it? Want to?”

  She sighed. “Sure, but I have to warn you, I don’t really know how.”

  Andrew grinned and tugged on her hands. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  She tried to mimic him, praying she at least swayed to the right beat. Knowing she needed to let go of inhibitions only made her tense up more. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice. Jake appeared next to them with Megan, and she wanted to shrink away. Megan snickered at her.

  I’m over-thinking this, just listen to the song. Ignore Megan; ignore everyone…

  Andrew pulled her closer. She panicked; she had no choice but face him. He smiled back at her, his emerald eyes caressing her face.

  Feeling disoriented, she realized, I’m actually dancing. And it’s on beat! The song ended and a slower one began. Andrew didn’t hesitate to grab her waist, securing her in his arms. Feeling his body moving with hers was intoxicating. She hated that while she felt such a rush of new feelings for Andrew, she simultaneously felt sad Micah had never felt this way about her.

  That’s stupid, of course he wouldn’t. We’re just friends.

  She moved closer to Andrew. Being so near his neck, she resisted the urge to inhale his cologne.

  “I hope you’re having fun,” he murmured into her ear.

  “I am,” she said honestly. And it’s all because of you, she wanted to add.

  “Will you go out with me again?”

  Does he think I dance like this with everyone? Ok, inner thoughts aren’t helping… “Sure.”

  He grinned, pulling her even closer, which she didn’t think possible.

  I give. She nestled into his neck. Oh, he smells so good!

  He dropped his face into her hair. She had no idea how good this would feel, being held by him, and she wished the song would never end. But it did, and so did the party.

  Eden was nervous about how Andrew would act around her at school, but he established how he felt, sitting with her at lunch, walking with her in the halls, and grinning at her during trig. On Wednesday, he asked her out for Friday night. She thought the day couldn’t get any better, but her mom surprised her after school with an appointment to get contacts.

  Driving home, her mom apologized for not being able to do it sooner.

  “Don’t worry about it, Mom. I understand,” Eden responded. She loved the sensation of nothing on her face. She still caught herself pushing at the air above her nose all night.

  Bad habit, better break it.

  Andrew peered over at her the next morning in trig and unabashedly stated, “Wow, you look really good.”

  “Thanks.” She ducked her head, embarrassed by his ogling eyes.

  At lunch, Jessie announced to Andrew, “So we’re going to swim at the rec center after school today. You should come too.”

  Eden gaped at Jessie. What are you thinking? No way am I wearing a swimming suit in front of him!

  Andrew glanced at Eden and stammered, “Ah… I can’t tonight.”

  “That’s ok,” Eden reassured quickly.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to go, but I’m,” he paused, “volunteering at the hospital.”

  “I didn’t know you did that,” Eden said. Is it my imagination, or does he look embarrassed?

  “I just started on Tuesday. I’m going to go Tuesday and Thursdays after school.”

  “That’s cool,” Jessie interjected.

  “What do you do?” Caitlyn asked, breaking her sandwich into bite-size pieces before popping them in her mouth.

�I’m really just a candy striper. I help the nurses out. Help get meals, you know.”

  Eden gazed back at him. “That’s really cool, Andrew. Do you want to be a doctor or something?”

  His eyes shifted to his lunch tray, and he stirred the Hawaiian haystack around. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Friday night, Eden climbed into the back of the Cruiser, with Chase crowing, “What up, Eden!”

  She wasn’t thrilled that Andrew wanted to double with Chase and Willow again, but tried to make the best of it.

  “Hey Chase. Hi Willow,” she replied, tugging the seatbelt on.

  When done, she caught eyes with Willow, who was turned around in the passenger seat. Willow’s waxed brow flitted from scrunched to smooth. She smiled.

  “It’s good to see you again, Eden.”

  Confused by her odd tone, Eden smiled and glanced away. With the music playing and Andrew discussing the movie they were about to see, she was surprised to see Willow continue to peek back at them. There was no scowl, no temper flaring; it was more of a curiosity. It was a little unnerving. Think I’m starting to miss the glares.

  Ten minutes later, while the boys got the popcorn at the theater, Willow pulled her to the side, murmuring, “You and Andrew have something special.”

  Eden stared at her, and then managed to say, “You think so?”

  “Definitely.” Again, no sarcasm, no evil faces.

  “You and Chase are good together too,” she said automatically.

  “Chase is,” she paused, glancing over at him. For a minute, it was as if she’d forgotten Eden was standing next to her. She cocked her head to the side, seeming to consider Chase for the first time. “Ok,” she finished, as if that’s what she’d decided at that precise moment. “But we don’t have what you two have.”

  Eden was speechless. Andrew’s my first real relationship; I guess that’s always special, right?

  Willow nodded back at her, as if she’d read her thoughts. “Maybe it’s because you’re both so,” she hesitated, “unique.”

  It was said without any malice—it sounded genuine. I’m stumped. Who is this girl and what did she do with Willow?


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