Guardian: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 9)

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Guardian: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 9) Page 7

by Anna Hackett

  They moved together. She brought one big alien down, and Rillian swung in behind her to protect her back, while slamming an unforgiving fist into the face of another attacker.

  Finding a rhythm, they worked together to plow through their opponents. Between blows, Dayna let out a laugh. God, this was fun. She hit a smaller alien in the chest, and when she spun around, two more were coming at her. Big brutes. Shit.

  Rillian slammed into one, but she couldn’t avoid the fist of the other. It rammed into her jaw.

  She staggered backward, electric pain zapping her. “Ow.” She kicked out, and the alien winked out of existence.

  There were no more left.

  Rillian gave her a small smile, one that held a dangerous edge. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.

  He touched the controls. “I’m moving it up to the next level. Think you can keep up?”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Don’t worry about me. But if you can’t keep up, I’ll compensate.”

  That dangerous smile again.

  Opponents appeared, and they didn’t pause, rushing in fast. Dayna immediately lost herself in the fight, anticipating Rillian’s moves. She ducked under his arm, ramming an uppercut into an alien’s stomach. These fighters all moved faster, hit harder. She and Rillian both swiveled, landing twin back kicks to another pair of fighters. Then, as Rillian bent low, she rolled over his back, legs swinging as she kicked an incoming fighter.

  Soon, Dayna was sweating. Her shirt was damp, and loose strands of her hair stuck to her forehead. She ducked a fighter’s arm, then swung out with her foot, before she followed up with a hard punch.

  Finally, they took the last opponent down. Dayna leaned forward, pressing her hands to her knees.

  Rillian turned to pick up a towel that had been set out on a bench and wiped his face. Once again, her gaze moved to his symbiont, and the muscled back it was attached to.

  He glanced over his shoulder and caught her looking. He turned to give her a better view.

  “Sorry,” she murmured, grabbing herself a towel.

  “Don’t be. Feel free to look.”

  Unable to stop herself, she moved closer. She wanted to touch it, but she wasn’t sure she could. But Rillian stayed still, and she lifted a hand. She gently touched the muscle beside his spine. The creature looked embedded to his spine. She lightly touched the symbiont, and he tensed.

  She froze. “Does it hurt?”

  “No.” His voice held a low, husky edge.

  It looked like it was made from bony cartilage and filled with silver-blue fluid.

  “It’s known as a Vraskan symbiont. A lifeform from a mostly uncharted star system far from here. They are extremely painful when they attach, and kill most of their hosts.”

  She hissed out air. “But you survived.”

  “I did.”

  “And my symbiont?”

  “I haven’t seen one exactly like yours before, but I’ve seen similar ones. It’s native to Carthago, and like mine, feeds on energy.”

  Then he pulled away. Damn, the man was so hard to get a read on. Dayna was used to utilizing her observation skills to get a gauge of people and what they were feeling. Rillian confounded her.

  But from what she could tell, he was angry. At the murders, or perhaps at this desire simmering between them.

  “Want to fight me now?” She set her towel down.

  He spun, brow furrowed. “I don’t think—”

  God, that face. “Well, if you’re afraid…” She shrugged a shoulder.

  Silver sparked in his eyes and he dropped his towel. “Bring it on, Earth woman.”

  “Sure thing, Slick.”

  They moved onto the mats and started trading some easy kicks and hits. But she knew he’d never work his anger off with a few easily-blocked kicks.

  Dayna decided to fight dirty. She’d learned a few tricks training with her fellow police officers. You didn’t make it on the streets without knowing a few.

  She dropped low, chopping her hand against his thigh. She unconsciously pulled on some of the enhanced strength of her symbiont.

  He grunted and staggered. Then, with a growl, he came after her. She spun away and felt the rush of air as he swung at her. She blocked the hit, gritting her teeth as it rattled through her. She turned and he matched her, their bodies brushing. She jabbed an elbow into his ribs.

  Dayna felt strength coursing through her. Maybe this part of having a symbiont wasn’t so bad.

  As she and Rillian danced across the mats, she saw more silver bleed into his eyes. Kick. Chop. Punch. They spun yet again, and she found herself pressed up against him. She smelled healthy male sweat and the dark spice of his cologne.

  And she sensed the energy of him. Bright, hot, and jagged.

  “The symbiont enhances your anger,” she said.

  “Sometimes. It doesn’t generate feelings, only amplifies them.” He spun away, and they moved back across the mats in a series of hits and kicks.

  Then Dayna changed things up. She leaped at him, taking him by surprise. Her knees hit his torso, and when they landed on the mat, she was straddling his chest.

  Gripping his wrists, she tried to slam them over his head.

  But he was too strong. She shoved, but he moved, his palms pressing against hers.

  “That anger will eat you up if you let it,” she said. “You need to let it go. I know what it’s like to find dead bodies, to know that you were too late to save them. To know that there’ll be more.”

  “I never let go.” He pushed up, rolling her across the mat. They wrestled and she scissored her legs, trying to get on top again.

  “It isn’t good to hold it in,” she panted.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Suddenly, he pushed at her with a huge wave of strength. Her back slammed onto the mat, and she ended up with a furious male on top of her. God, he was so much stronger than she’d thought. He’d been holding back all this time. His face was close to hers, set in harsh lines.

  One of his hands circled her throat, his fingers pressing to her pulse point. His eyes were pure molten silver.

  She went still. She’d driven him to lose his control.

  Then she felt a sharp tug in her chest. Sensation spread through her. He was pulling at her energy. No.

  He was feeding from her.

  Fear shot through her. She remembered the desert witch feeding from her. Pain, horror, and helplessness.

  “No!” She shoved against him, her body going wild as she struggled.

  All of sudden, Rillian went stiff and cursed. He released her, and then his body was gone from hers.

  Shakily, she sat up, pushing her sweaty hair off her face.

  He was facing away from her, his back stiff and his symbiont glowing. “I’m sorry.”


  “No, it isn’t. You were right, Dayna. My symbiont likes more than just energy.”

  “What?” she asked quietly, a sense of dread washing over her.

  “My symbiont likes to kill.” His face was the hardest she’d ever seen it.

  Horror slammed into her. In her head, she saw her sister’s murdered body.

  Rillian’s eyes flashed. Like he knew exactly what she was thinking. All emotion bled out of his face. “Yes, back on Earth, I’d be a monster you’d lock away. Don’t push me again, Dayna. You’re here to learn, so let that be a lesson for you.” His voice was as cold as ice.

  Then he turned and left her there.

  Dayna collapsed back on the mats. God, when had her life become so damn complicated? She ran a shaky hand over her chest. She felt a pulse of energy from her symbiont and this time, she didn’t block it or ignore it.

  Abduction, captivity, torture, host to an alien symbiont, and completely lusting after a dangerous, powerful, and complex alien man who just admitted he could be a killer.

  No. Rillian ruthlessly controlled everything, including his symbiont. He took care of his e
mployees, he allied with the House of Galen to help others, and he didn’t let anyone close.

  Except her.

  He was no killer.

  Chapter Eight

  Sweaty from the gym, Dayna headed back to her bedroom. She’d spent several hours in her office frustrating herself that Zaabha seemed more elusive than ever. Then she’d worked herself pretty hard in the gym, trying not to think of a certain wealthy casino owner.

  She thought again of the moment he’d started to feed on her energy and rubbed her symbiont stone. She also thought of what she’d almost done to Mia.

  Dayna stopped, dropping back against the wall. It was time. She couldn’t ignore this alien inside her any more.

  She needed to learn to feed.

  Her stomach twisted and she headed back down the hall. Sleep first, then she’d think about that in the fresh light of day. Using her enhanced hearing, and accessing some of those abilities her symbiont gave her, she listened to the noise on the penthouse level.

  No other sound except the rush of air from the ventilation. Rillian must be down in the casino somewhere.

  When she stepped into her bedroom, she saw the small communications device on her bed. Frowning, she snatched it up.

  “Dayna,” Rillian’s rich voice filled the room. “Tannon has a lead. Exactly twenty minutes ago, the Thraxian who left the biomatter on the notes from the murders entered the Dark Nebula. We’ve been unable to find him, but we tracked him to a new nightclub I have opening tonight. I thought you’d like to be there.”

  “You thought right.” She hurried to the bathroom.

  “There’s a dress hanging in your closet. You’ll need to fit in and not scare him off.”

  Dayna pulled a face.

  “I also left you another gift you might like.”

  She pulled another face. “It had better not be sparkly.” She spotted the box on her bedside table. It wasn’t a huge box, but it was too big for jewelry.

  Pulling the lid off, she paused, a smile stretching over her face.

  He’d given her a laser pistol.

  She pulled the matte-black weapon from the box. It fit perfectly in her hands. Just the right size and weight.

  Damn the man. He apparently had her all worked out. She also found a sexy little thigh holster, small enough to wear under a dress.

  She hurried to get ready. In record time, she was speed walking down the corridor to the elevators, smoothing her hand down the short skirt of her dress. It was just loose enough to hide her new pistol that was strapped to her thigh.

  She stroked the glossy fabric. It was black, but when she moved, tiny shots of silver filaments were visible. It reminded her of Rillian’s eyes. The gown had a high neck that tied at her shoulder, and the back…was non-existent. Her legs were also mostly bare.

  She felt incredibly uncomfortable and sexy at the same time.

  When she reached the elevator, Rillian was leaning against the wall beside it.

  Liquid-silver eyes moved over her, a flash of heat making them glow. “Perfect.”

  Dayna was still trying to get her breath back. He wore a tailored black suit, with a coat that fell to his knees. His shirt was so white that it looked silver. He was so damn handsome that he stole her breath.

  He held out an arm for her and she slid hers through his. “Any sign of the Thraxian?”

  Rillian shook his head. “He’s being very sneaky for a drakking Thraxian. The nightclub is packed. He’s there, but no one’s seen him yet.”

  Sounded extremely fishy to her. As they stepped into the elevator, she studied Rillian’s face. “Are you still angry?”

  “No. I’m in perfect control.”

  She once again found that handsome face unreadable. “I do not think you are a killer.”

  He touched the elevator controls. “Then you’re foolish.”

  She shrugged. “You aren’t going to scare me off with the icy-cold Rillian routine. I know you.”

  His gaze zeroed in on her face.

  “I know you,” she said again. “And I don’t mean the mask you show the world.”

  The elevator whizzed them downward, but this time, they stopped at one of the middle levels of the building. As he led her into a plush-carpeted corridor lined by magnificent art that made her think of nebulas and distant planets, she heard the muted thump of music ahead.

  “By the way, thank you for the laser pistol.”

  He smiled. “I thought it suited you better than jewels.”

  At a large doorway, they paused, and she took in the packed room.

  “Welcome to Darkest Sin,” he drawled.

  The new club was dark, sexy, and expensive. It suited him.

  The walls were black, and the ceiling looked like liquid silver. Giant chandeliers draped down and lights pulsed to the music. Through a wall of glass, she saw a large terrace extending off the side of the building, filled with intimate tables, chairs, and couches.

  Gorgeous men and women were packed on the dance floor, gyrating. Several servers walked through the crowd with trays full of multi-colored drinks. All of them didn’t just wear silver, but looked like they’d been dipped in the metal. They were covered in head-to-toe silver paint.

  Rillian tugged her forward, and they descended the black steps and moved into the crowd. She watched people react to him. A small ripple went through the crowd and women eyed him hungrily.

  For many of the women, Dayna knew it was about his wealth and position. But for her, it was the irresistible pull of the man. It wasn’t just the glossy looks, it was the intelligent mind and the single-minded dedication to running his empire.

  It was also the fact that he’d felt anger and grief over the death of an employee he didn’t know and a former lover. She’d talked enough to his staff to know he took care of his own. It was also because he held himself back from the world, not letting it get close enough to ruffle him.

  He deserved to be ruffled. She knew life couldn’t be lived properly if you didn’t get your feet dirty sometimes.

  God, she wanted him. She was tired of fighting her desire. For once, she wanted pleasure. On her own terms. She wanted Rillian.

  She was quiet as he checked in with his people. He talked with the club manager, a blue-skinned woman wearing a silver shirt with her tailored trousers. After ensuring that everything was running smoothly, he found Tannon standing by the bar.

  For once, the taciturn security man looked relaxed and was nursing a drink. She realized he was blending in.

  “Any sign of our visitor?” Rillian murmured.

  Tannon shook his head. “Nothing.” Frustration twisted his lips. “I don’t know how he could be a drakking ghost.”

  “We’ll find him.” With a nod, Rillian pulled Dayna deeper into the club.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  She shook her head. Rillian was intoxicating enough.

  “There are a few guests I need to greet.”

  She stood beside him as he stopped to talk with a few people she guessed were Kor Magna VIPs. They all eyed her curiously while she covertly scanned the room.

  She didn’t see any Thraxians. No towering bodies, or black horns, or dark, cracked skin with orange glowing beneath.

  He finally pulled her away. “Dance with me?”

  She blinked up at him. “Dance? Right now?”

  “He could be hiding on the dance floor.”

  Rillian pulled her into the center of the dance floor and Dayna’s pulse skipped. The music throbbed, the beat moving through her. The sounds were alien, but the beat of a song always felt familiar. She’d always enjoyed dancing on the rare times she managed to make it out with friends. Usually they hit the pub, but occasionally they made it to a club of some sort.

  Rillian pulled her closer, swaying to the music. Her body brushed against his, and before she knew it, they were pressed together. The music echoed in her ears and the heat of him warmed her skin. His arms wrapped around her and he fitted one leg between hers. Desire. It
flared to life, urgent, insistent.

  She forced herself to remember why they were there. She scanned the dance floor, taking in the writhing mass.


  She heard Tannon’s tinny voice. Rillian was wearing some sort of earpiece.

  “Go ahead,” Rillian answered.

  “The Thraxian biosignature has disappeared.”

  Rillian muttered a curse. “He left?”

  “It appears that way. My team is doublechecking.”

  Dayna muttered a few curses of her own. At this rate, they’d never find Zaabha.

  “Well, we may as well enjoy the music,” Rillian said.

  Sure. She kept moving to the song, but she thought of Ever and Sam. They sure as hell weren’t dancing.

  But it wasn’t long before the music worked its way through her system and she felt her muscles relax. The press of Rillian’s strong body was too tantalizing to ignore.

  She remembered his fingers on her throat earlier in the gym, the feel of energy being pulled from her.

  What she hadn’t registered at the time was that when he’d done that, it had felt good. She swallowed. Now she was curious as to what a proper feeding might feel like.

  Rillian moved with the beat, although he didn’t use fancy dance moves. They just swayed against each other, feeling the energy, the music, and the crowd work through them.

  She leaned into him. She could hear his steady heartbeat. His hand slid up her back, pressing against her skin. His touch left a heated trail.

  She moved against him. “Rillian—”

  He stroked lower, until his fingers touched the lower back of her dress, just above her ass, rubbing the delicate skin there. An intimate caress. His fingers slipped inside the fabric, cupping her ass.

  “You drive me out of my mind,” he murmured against her ear. “No one ever has before.”

  God. She rubbed against him, feeling the hard erection in his trousers. He spun her, until her back was pressed to his chest. The crowd was close, other bodies bumping against them. The music changed, and the lights dimmed. They were mostly drenched in shadow, with the odd burst of colored light here and there.

  “You need someone to shake you out of your neat, controlled life,” she said.


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