Blue Maneuver-Urban SciFi/Fantasy (Extraterrestrial security program)

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Blue Maneuver-Urban SciFi/Fantasy (Extraterrestrial security program) Page 11

by Linda Andrews

  I grabbed the delicate fabric and shoved it into my short's pocket. So once upon a time I was delusional enough to believe I'd wear butt floss to be sexy. I'd quickly learned the error of my ways. I cleared my throat. "Why are you packing my stuff?"

  "That cat led someone right to you." He removed the drawer and dumped the rest of the contents into the gaping pillowcase. A few panties spilled onto the floor. "This place has been compromised."

  Compromised? I scanned him. Every muscle in his body seemed clenched. Fear iced the marrow in my bones. Someone had killed the man whose job I'd taken. The tempest outside continued its tango of light and sound. Why did I have to buy a place with so many windows? After replacing the underwear drawer, I slammed it closed and yanked open the one underneath. "Well I'm going to need more than underwear and bras."

  Tobias nodded and stepped back. "You pack. Keep it light."

  I selected an assortment of tank tops and crammed them into the bag. Next, I opened my shorts' drawer. After I'd added five pairs of long, knit shorts, I stopped. "Where are we going? Should I pack heavy clothes or light?"

  Tobias retreated to the wall by the window and gently maneuvered aside the curtain. "Pack what you'll normally wear during this time of year. If we have to move to a different climate, we'll buy what we need."

  I could do that. But I'd keep the receipts. If I survived this, I'd expect to be reimbursed. After stuffing the shorts inside the bag, I added three nightshirts, a dozen socks and an extra pair of sneakers for good measure. Kneeling beside the bulging pillowcase, I gathered the top edges then spun the bag to close it up.

  Dang it! I hadn't even gotten my toiletries inside.

  The cat loped over and stuck his nose under my face.

  I gently pushed him aside and continued working. "What about Oscar? I can't leave him alone. There's no telling when Vivian will catch another flight home."

  Tobias glanced up from the Smartphone in his hands. "She's already home."

  "What!" I set my hands on my hips, grasped the bones.

  Tucking the cell back into his pocket, he walked to my side and picked up the pillowcase. "She caught the next plane to Phoenix and arrived home over an hour ago."

  I blinked and focused on the dots of blood on my carpet. Bright red, not dull brown. Fresh blood. Vivian's blood. "She could still be alive?" Alive but hurt. Think, Rae. I fumbled in my pockets and pulled out my Smartphone. "I need to call an ambulance. No. No wait. Call the fire department."

  The Smiley icon grinned up at me.

  Tobias pried the phone from my grip, leaned over and added his duffle bag to the hand with the pillowcase. "We need to leave. Whoever attacked Vivian used her cat to track you down."

  "Don't be ridiculous." I lunged for the cell.

  He raised it above his head.

  Even jumping, I still couldn't reach it. God I hated being short. And the tall douche bag probably knew it. I crossed my arms and tapped my toes against the carpet. "Why would they attack Vivian? Why wouldn't they come after me directly?"

  "Maybe they thought they did. Konstantin walked you home, didn't he?"

  Son of a monkey's butt! Get with the alien relocation program, Rae. I should have put those two things together earlier. I quickly grabbed a pair of socks remaining in the drawer and yanked them on my cold feet. Shoes. I needed shoes.

  "Actually he carried me." Right to Vivian's door. And he had left rather abruptly. I scooped up my sneakers then sat on the bed and worked them on. "We need to check on Vivian."

  "Negative." Tobias shook his head and returned to his position at the window. "You and the mission are my top priorities."

  I tugged on my laces before tying them into bows. "Then you need to add Vivian to that list. I don't have many friends and I'm not willing to lose one if I can help it."

  My voice cracked on the last word. She was my only friend. One my big mouth had already endangered. I owed her.

  "After I deal with the bags, I'll check on her."

  My heart skipped a beat. I wiped the sting from my nose. "Really?"

  "Yes, and I will call the authorities if there's anything they can do." Tobias tossed my phone back on the bed before sliding open the window. Rain dotted my carpet and the scent of wet cement swept inside. He tossed the bags outside before facing me. "Pack the food and don't leave the condo. I'll return for you."

  Murderer outside. Me inside. Sounded like a plan. Especially since he was going to see Vivian. I snapped off a salute. "Aye, aye, Captain!"

  Oscar jumped on the sill and dashed into the rain.

  "You're not in the military, obecht." Setting his hand on the sill, Tobias vaulted out the window. Branches cracked as he landed in the small bushes on the other side. "And I'm a colonel."

  He eased the window shut and stooped to collect the bags.

  "Douche!" Smiling, I shook my head then latched the window and returned to the great room. Reaching the dining room table, I added the bananas to the sacks containing the bags of chips then knotted the handles. Done.

  But what about the sandwiches?

  My stomach rumbled at the thought of the corned beef. No reason to go without those yummy sandwiches. Or the soup. Turning into the hall, I hit the light switch and opened the closet. Where was that ice chest? Moving a rolled up sleeping bag, I spied the square red-and-white cooler. "Ha! I knew I'd find you."

  Shoving aside dusty barbells and an air mattress, I worked the ice chest free. As I pushed to my feet and hefted it onto my hip, a whisper of movement from my bedroom caught my attention. Why couldn't Tobias use the door like a normal person?

  Leaning against the door jamb, I peered inside the room. The curtains snapped and rain plopped onto my carpet. Setting the cooler down, I walked toward the open window. Geez, was the man raised in a barn? "That didn't take long. What did you find?"

  Please let it be good news. Please let Vivian be okay.

  A man's shadow stepped from the bathroom. "I thought I'd move up our date, obecht."

  My sphincter seized.

  He eased into the wedge of light cutting into my bedroom. The black-haired, blue-eyed man smiled while wiping a knife on his blood-streaked pants.


  Chapter Nine

  This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Every cell in my body seemed to stop, even my brain sputtered to a halt. I was worse than a deer in the headlights.

  "So you did talk about me." Victor Konstantin dug the tip of his large hunting knife into his index finger. Beads of blood skimmed down the blade. With his blue eyes twinkling, he smiled.

  The fine hair on the back of my neck stood at attention. Oh God, I didn't want to be here.

  "Although knowing Werner, whatever he told you couldn't be good."

  Tobias. I latched onto the word. My personal bodyguard had to be near. Sweat slicked the plastic handles of the small cooler I held. I just had to call and let him know I was in trouble. The Smartphone hung heavy in my pocket. Stupid ice chest! I needed one hand free to reach my cell.

  Konstantin tilted his head to the left and flipped the knife in his hand. "It must have been very bad indeed. Are you afraid of me, obecht?"

  Afraid? I was fricking terrified! I had to get out of here. Run away and hide. Unfortunately, the hall dead-ended in the laundry room. Victor stood between me and my bedroom window. The office window had been painted shut. That left one way out. I glanced toward the great room. Grocery sacks sat on the dining room table. Could I make it to the patio and over the four-foot wall before he jumped me? I eased back and the laminate wood floors creaked.

  So much for making a silent retreat.

  Victor's nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed.

  I chucked the ice chest at him and darted for the French door opening onto the patio. My heart kept time with my pounding feet. Faster. Must run faster! Just as I exited the hallway, I heard the cooler thud onto the bedroom carpet. Please God. Please. Arms and legs pumping, I eyed the dining room chair. Just a quick sc
oot around that and I'd be a yard away from the door. I could make it. I would make it.

  Victor tackled me and my feet became airborne as I dived for the floor. An arm snaked around my waist. Crap on a cracker! I skidded across the wood laminate with Konstantin using me as a surfboard. Air escaped my lungs and black crowded my vision.

  My fingertips brushed the bottom of the French door.

  So close and yet too fricking far.

  Konstantin rolled onto his back, taking me with him.

  Gasping for breath, I could only lie there sprawled on top of him. I squeezed my eyes closed to hold back the tears. I was going to die.

  "I love it when a woman plays hard to get." Victor's laughter blew past my ear and his amusement transmitted through my body. The knife blade lay flat against my belly and arrowed to my privates.

  What the f—. I shut down the swear word. Not a good idea to meet my maker cursing. Although, He might forgive me since my killer laughed like a hyena.

  Victor sat up and my bottom landed on the floor wedged between his parted legs. His knife hand held me in place while his free one skimmed my thigh. Dark calloused fingers caressed my exposed skin like buttery leather.

  I clamped down on his hand, stilling his exploration. He's a killer. My reminder did nothing to quell the heat burgeoning through me. What defective gene gave me such poor taste in men?

  "Tell me, obecht, do you have many dates?" His warm breath washed down my neck while he nuzzled my ear.

  What was wrong with the man? He was supposed to kill me, not seduce me. While I wanted to live, I didn't know if I could do that to stay alive. I leaned over his leg and twisted around to stare at him. "D-dates?"

  He sighed and pushed to his feet, dragging me up with him. "You forgot, didn't you?"

  He marched me toward the bedroom.

  I had no choice but to cooperate. Every time the douche bent his legs, they hit the back of my knees and I walked forward. I dug my nails into his hand. The butt head didn't so much as grunt.

  "Relax." The tip of his nose nudged my ear lobe. "We're starting with dinner."

  Right. Like normal people ate in their bedrooms. A cramp sent pain shooting through my fingers and I relaxed my grip.

  His hold slipped up my body until my breasts rested on his forearms. I ignored the tingling.

  "You promised to make me dinner, remember?" He turned me into the bedroom but stopped a couple steps inside. "And I think you should get what you want. After all, you stalked me for an entire week."

  I bit my lip to trap a groan. If I survived this, I was giving up men. Forever!

  And going to the park.

  And maybe getting up early.

  "I—I don't know what you mean. I didn't stalk you." The lie heated my cheeks. Not precisely, anyway. We lived in the same complex and I noticed him. A lot. And stood at my window and… Great, Rae. God probably doesn't like telling tales any more than He does cursing.

  In the silence, rain pattered against the window and lightning flashed in the distance. Thunder joined in seconds later.

  Victor tsked in my ear. His free hand skimmed up my arm, moved around my back and cupped my shoulder blade. "You've forgotten the park already? I haven't. Your attentions caused me to alter my plans considerably, but I had hoped to find a reward in your company. Now, pick up the ice chest."

  He pushed my torso forward, bending me over.

  He wanted the cooler now? What did he want it for? A sliver of fear trailed down my spine. To store the pieces of me after he hacked me to bits. I curled my back and sucked in my stomach. "The knife."

  Although I couldn't feel it resting against my belly, I knew it was there. Somewhere.

  "You mean this?" The large blade flashed in my peripheral vision. Far enough away not to touch me but close enough to slit my throat. "You're in no danger from being accidentally cut. I'm very careful with my things."

  Yeah. When he cut me there would be no possibility of it being an accident. I obediently leaned over. Moving his arm out of the way, his fingers toyed with my hip. I quickly hooked the ice chest's handle with one finger.

  When I straightened, Victor held my Smartphone. "I'll take care of this for you."

  Son of a monkey's butt! Now how was I supposed to summon help? Still holding the cooler, I lunged for the cell. "Give me that!"

  He elbowed me in the gut.

  I choked on the air and clutched my stomach.

  Victor pointing the knife at my jugular while running his thumb over the phone's screen. "Don't be rude, MaryJane. You'll get to use your datapad in good time." He waved the blade toward the doorway. "Now, you finish packing the food." His lips curved down but his blue eyes sparkled. "Waiting for the cat to lead me to you has made me skip a few meals."

  Lugging the ice chest, I trudged into the kitchen. I may never have participated in a murder before but this seemed off. Way off. Maybe fear played with my mind, but hope stuck its foot in the door. "What do you want with me?"

  Please don't say you're going to kill me.

  I set the chest on the counter, shoved the lid back and yanked open the freezer door.

  "I had begun to think you were one of those tedious women who'd beg for their life and become hysterical just because a man breaks into your apartment." Victor shook the knife at me before propping a hip against the kitchen island. He winked. "Glad to know that my assessment of you was correct."

  So he wanted me to talk? I pressed my lips together, ripped out the ice basket and dumped the cubes into the chest. The rattling scraped my already raw nerves. Maybe I should talk. It had always calmed my anxiety. Maybe if I could get him to see me as a person, he wouldn't kill me.

  Of course, he didn't seem inclined to kill me at the moment and rattling on and on might push him over the edge. I slammed the freezer door shut and opened the refrigerator.

  Victor reached around me and took out the plate of sandwiches off the top shelf. "Ah, so since I want to talk, you've decided to be silent."

  I plucked up the plastic container of soup and worked it into the ice. "It's hard to be civil when someone's holding a knife on you."

  "Is that what's bothering you? I'll put it away." He set the plate down, hiked up his pant leg then tucked the knife into the scabbard attached to his calf. "See." He flashed his empty palms. "All gone."

  I scanned his body. Just where had he stashed the phone? The question had no sooner formed than another rushed into my head. Why wasn't he worried about Tobias? Surely, my appointed protector should be back soon.

  "Now, MaryJane, since we're going to be spending so much time together, I think we should get to know each other better." Plastic crinkled as he worked his hand under the wrapping and snatched a half eaten sandwich from the pile.

  My mouth opened. What a douche! "That's my sandwich!"

  "Thought as much. I knew you'd have excellent taste. You're attracted to me, after all." He winked at me and took another bite. His cheeks bulged as he chewed. "Corned beef is almost enough to make me believe Heaven is on Earth."

  My corned beef. My heaven! And speaking of heaven... "I take it you're not going to kill me then."

  Victor shook his head, nodded then shrugged. "I'm willing to work with you, to our mutual benefit. But that's up to you."

  "Up to me huh?" I yanked open a drawer and pulled out a gallon-sized storage bag, while keeping him in my peripheral vision. "Then I want to be left alone." His lips quirked up. "And I want to be alive to enjoy it."

  "You don't want to be alone. You want me." A strip of red beef wagged from the bread as he shook his hand at me. "That's why you stalked me."

  I resisted the urge to rip the sandwich from his hand and shove it up his nose. Instead, I packed the remaining food into the bag. "What do you want from me?"

  "The same thing Werner wants." Victor stopped chewing and swallowed. His gaze was as intimate as a caress as it traveled from the top of my head to the toes of my sneakers. "You."

  My face heated while other parts s
eemed to melt. Surely, he couldn't mean that.

  "Don't look so surprised, obecht. Werner and I are not so different. We're both soldiers in a war; willing to do whatever it takes to win and we both love beautiful women." He laid his hand against my cheek.

  My skin tingled. I reared back. Those blue bug thingies must have affected my common sense. There's no way I could be attracted to a killer. "Except he's the good guy protecting Earth and you're the bad one stooging for the greedy fatheads who want to steal our resources and enslave the rest of us."

  Victor threw back his head and laughed. "Werner's still spewing the company line, I see. The Astral Presidium wants nothing more than to reclaim its rightful territory, put an end to war on this planet, clean up the water and air, and eliminate disease and famine. Why should our fellow humans on Earth suffer, when we can fix everything?"

  When he put it that way, my arguments seemed childish. "Sounds like Paradise." But Paradise had its share of serpents. "What's the catch? I seriously doubt anyone is going to just hand that knowledge over."

  "No." Victor's chewing slowed as if he was selecting his words carefully. "Your governments will have to hand over power to the Astral Presidium so they can unite the world under one governing authority. The APres Guarda has lasted four millennium longer than anything you've had on Earth."

  Yeah. Yeah. More history. I hated history, especially when someone tried to use it to excuse their bad behavior. "So as long as we give up our right to vote, speak freely, and do what we want, we'll all be one big happy family."

  "Humans need order and discipline. Those precious rights have sent humankind back to the stone age four times already."

  Turning my back on Victor, I packed down the ice to make room for the sandwiches. "I'd rather bang rocks together than be a slave in Paradise."

  "You would not become a slave."

  My hands stilled. Oh God. If I wasn't destined to be a slave, what would happen to me?

  Don't say it. Don't even think it.


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