Sword of Darkness

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Sword of Darkness Page 25

by Kinley MacGregor

  She cupped Kerrigan's cold cheek in her hand. "In the whisper of the ancient stone and in the mist that belongs to the dragons, my breath is your breath. My heart is your heart and my life is your life."

  With those words spoken, she leaned over him and gently placed her lips to his. As soon as they touched, she felt the tremor of power pass from her to Kerrigan's lifeless body.

  With her tears falling down her cheeks, she pulled back expectantly.

  Only to be disappointed as nothing happened.

  "Nay!" she screamed as more power surged through her. She wanted him back.

  Then slowly…painfully slowly, she watched as Kerrigan's lips returned to their normal hue. The color continued on from his mouth, over the rest of him, healing each injury as it passed until he was once again the handsome man who had given her his life.

  Still, he didn't move.

  "Kerrigan?" she choked, cupping his face in both of her hands. "Come back to me."

  Suddenly, he drew a deep breath before he opened his eyes to look up at her. Instead of their normal black hue, they were a bright, crystal blue—the same color they had been when he was human.

  Seren choked on her happiness as she let out a small cry. Thunder and lightning crackled and boomed through the room. Thrilled that he was alive, she threw herself over him and held him tight.

  Kerrigan was dazed. He couldn't move for several heartbeats as he held Seren in his arms. Over and over he saw in his mind Morgen killing him.

  He felt the stinging bite of the knife….

  But there was no pain in him now. He could feel nothing more than Seren holding him close. Feel her hot tears on his skin as his love for her coursed through him.

  Stunned, he looked about the hall that was no longer in black and gray. There was color now, along with lightning.

  "Little mouse?"

  She pulled back to kiss him soundly. He'd never tasted anything better than her lips. Her passion set fire to him as she pulled back with a delighted laugh.

  And it was then he knew he wasn't what he'd been before. He felt hungry, and not just for the woman who'd saved him. He wanted food. Real food.

  He was human again…

  But he could still feel his Merlin's powers. They hadn't been taken from him.

  "You're warm," Seren said as she laid her hand to his lips. A slow smile spread across her face.

  Before he could respond, the color faded from the room as a shriek rang out.

  Morgen came to her feet, her eyes glowing red. "Do you think you can compete with me?"

  Manifesting his armor back onto his body, Kerrigan came to his feet barely before Morgen began raining lightning on top of them. He deflected her blows.

  To his complete shock, Elaine jumped out of the crowd to fire two arrows at Morgen, who caught them in her hand before she tossed them back at Elaine. Elaine dodged one, but just as the other was about to embed itself in her heart, a blast averted it harmlessly away.

  Her features startled, Elaine looked to see Kerrigan holding the arrow. She inclined her head to him in gratitude.

  Kerrigan dropped the arrow to the floor as he faced the queen of the fey. "You can't defeat us, Morgen," he said between clenched teeth.

  "Oh, but I can. The minute the three of you try to leave here…you're mine. I'll be able to kill you."

  Seren sent a blast toward Morgen. She deflected it.

  "How do we end this?" Seren asked him.

  It was Morgen who answered. "We end this when you drop that brat, then I will have the power I need to kill you both."

  "She's right," Kerrigan said under his breath.

  Seren looked up at Kerrigan. "Is there really nothing we can do?"

  "I'm working on it, but I haven't any unique ideas at the moment."

  Suddenly a loud, thunderous clap started. It sounded like a thousand wings flapping. The shutters flew open as gargoyle after gargoyle flew into the room to circle it.

  Kerrigan and Seren braced themselves to fight as Blaise and Elaine joined them. Back to back they stood, prepared to defend against the stone invaders.

  However, they didn't attack. Instead the gargoyles surrounded Morgen, who blasted three of them to gravel before she was overwhelmed by them.

  "What are you doing?" she screamed.

  "We are protecting you, my queen."

  Seren gaped at the sound of Garafyn's voice. He flew away from Morgen to land beside them. Winking at her, he looked back at his men. "Whatever you do, legion, don't let anyone blast Morgen. You must protect our queen from the evil Lords of Avalon. Help her."

  Morgen cursed. "Get away from me. Damn you! Off," she screamed out. "Adoni, get the gargoyles off me."

  Her court ran to help their queen.

  Garafyn gathered their group together. "Okay, Blaise, now would be a damned good time to get us out of here before the Adoni attack us, too."

  "What about the other gargoyles?" Elaine asked.

  "Those are the real gargoyles. My legion isn't here. I'm not that vicious. Let her destroy the boxes of rocks. But we gotta go. C'mon, there's only two more weeks left on my Greyhound pass. I gots to get out of here."

  The Adoni and Morgen were blasting through the gargoyles.

  "Maddor!" Morgen screamed. "Grab the Merlin."

  Seren looked up as the mandrake moved toward them with determined strides.

  She felt his hand on her arm, pulling at her…

  Blaise held his hand out and again they laid theirs over his before they vanished.

  For a second, Seren was relieved, until she realized that Maddor had traveled through the portal with them. He grabbed her about the waist and pulled her away from the others.

  Kerrigan launched himself at the mandrake, knocking him away from her.

  Maddor crouched low as if he were about to attack.

  Before he had the chance, Kerrigan blasted him. Maddor turned with a hiss as if to attack, but before he could, Kerrigan blasted him again.

  Seren gaped as the mandrake vanished. "Did you kill him?"

  "Nay. I gave him something much worse than that. I sent him back to Camelot."

  Elaine rubbed her neck as if she had an ache in it. "That is truly the worst punishment I can think of."

  "You are so unimaginative," Garafyn said snidely.

  Elaine curled her lip at him. "Shut up before I send you back there."

  Garafyn snatched his medallion from Blaise's hand. "G'head. I gots a key, babe."

  While the two of them fought, Seren walked into Kerrigan's arms and threw her arms around his neck.

  Kerrigan couldn't breathe as the scent of her hair filled his head and he finally held her again. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the sensation of her body nestled against his.

  But before he could get too comfortable, a battalion of knights on horseback came riding up in front of them. The standard of Avalon rippled in the breeze as the horses snorted and pranced in expectation of battle.

  Kerrigan let go of Seren. He put himself between her and the others as he prepared himself for the coming fight.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Seren asked from behind him.

  Agravain rode his horse forward. "Kerrigan is a threat to all of us."

  Seren opened her mouth to refute him, but before she could speak, Elaine moved to stand beside Agravain. "And so's your incompetent brother. Yet we let him live…and in the castle, no less."

  Agravain grimaced at her. "You would side with our enemy?"

  Elaine looked at Kerrigan before she turned back toward Agravain. "He saved my life from Morgen and I saw how much he suffered to protect Seren. You throw him out and I go with him."

  "As do I," Seren said.

  Blaise moved to stand by their side. "And I."

  Garafyn snorted. "Like I have any choice, huh?"

  Agravain looked disgusted, but before he could argue, Merlin appeared between their two groups. Without paying any attention to the Lords of Avalon, she turned toward Seren and Kerrigan.r />
  Kerrigan was prepared to battle as the Penmerlin approached him. But her face remained open and friendly.

  She extended her hand out to him. "Welcome home, Kerrigan."

  He looked about suspiciously, unable to believe that they would let bygones be bygones. There was too much history between them. "Is this a trick?"

  "Nay. I would never play with anyone so cruelly. I'm not Morgen."

  Agravain made a sound of detestation. "You're not just going to forgive him for all he's done to us over the centuries, are you, Merlin?"

  Merlin gave Agravain a pointed stare over her shoulder. "We've all made mistakes, haven't we?"

  Agravain looked away shamefaced, making Seren wonder what he'd done in the past.

  Merlin offered Kerrigan a kind smile. "I somehow think that Kerrigan has had enough of Morgen's rule."

  Kerrigan finally took her hand. "You've no idea."

  She clasped his hand in both of hers. "Then welcome to Avalon. I'm sure Seren will be most delighted to show you to your rooms."

  Seren grinned wickedly at the prospect. "Absolutely."

  Merlin inclined her head to them, before she turned toward the castle. She paused beside the army and shook her head. "Go home, guys."

  Elaine stepped forward and offered her hand to Kerrigan. "Thank you for what you did."


  Smiling, Elaine left them and hurried after Merlin while the rest of the knights broke rank and followed suit. All but Agravain, who continued to glare at Kerrigan as he sat on the back of his white horse.

  "I still don't trust you, demon. I'll be keeping my eye out for you."

  As he turned to join the others, Kerrigan let fly a bolt from his hand to knock Agravain off his horse. Agravain shot up and pulled his sword out.

  "What?" Kerrigan asked in feigned innocence.

  "You attacked me," Agravain sputtered as he rose from the beach with sand coating his entire body and face.

  "I didn't do anything. You said you were going to watch me. I can't be held accountable for what nature does."

  "You lying—"

  "Vain!" Elaine shouted. "Get over here with the rest of us, or I'm going to embarrass you by beating you before your friends."

  If looks could kill, Kerrigan would have been sliced in twain by Agravain's glare.

  For an instant, Seren thought he'd attack anyway. But after three heartbeats, he sheathed his sword, dusted the sand from his body, then remounted his horse.

  Seren shook her head at Kerrigan. "I can't believe you did that."

  "Me? I can't believe the lot of you came back for me."

  "Why not?" Blaise asked. "After all, we're family."

  Kerrigan couldn't speak as unnamed emotions tore through him.

  Family. It was something he'd never thought to have.

  "Yeah, well, while this is getting really mushy, the stone feels the deep need to cut out. I'm going to find Anir and return to our con. There's a full moon tonight, which means Mr. Rock here gets to be human for a couple of hours, and I've got a date with the newly crowned Miss Klingon Empire." He wagged his eyebrows at them.

  Seren shook her head as Garafyn took flight. "I only understand about ten percent of what he says."

  "You're not the only one," Kerrigan said as he offered her a charming grin.

  Blaise held his arm out to Kerrigan. "Welcome back, my friend."

  Kerrigan shook his arm. "Thank you, Blaise."

  He inclined his head. "You two have some catching up to do. I'll see you later."

  Seren watched as he faded away and left them alone.

  Kerrigan kissed her gently. "I can't believe this is real. I keep expecting to wake up and find Morgen over me again."

  "There's no Morgen here. But I…I have my own torture for you, my lord."

  He looked baffled by her words. "What?"

  "You, evil man, made me a promise that you have yet to fulfill."

  He actually looked worried by that. "And that is?"

  "To give my baby a name."

  Relief spread across his face as Kerrigan took her hand into his and placed a gentle kiss to her palm. "That is one promise I fully intend to keep."

  "Good, because I want to make an honest man of you."

  He laughed at that. "I wouldn't go quite that far, Lady Mouse. There's only so much changing a man can do."

  "We shall see, my lord. We shall see."


  Four years later

  Seren sat quietly in her room in front of her loom, nursing her infant son as he cooed and suckled. Her heart pounding with love for him, she gently brushed at his mop of dark hair. She so loved the quiet times alone with the baby. She treasured those as much as she treasured the quiet times alone with her husband.

  A smile curled her lips as she thought about Kerrigan, and a thick warmness consumed her. Even after four years, she still loved him more than her own life.

  "You look just like your father," she whispered as her baby suckled her. At two months in age, Liam held the same dark hair and light blue eyes. Aye, he would be a strong knight one day. She could just imagine how handsome he would be…

  Suddenly, there was a flash in front of her.

  Frowning, she looked up to see Kerrigan sitting on the floor with Alethea held in his lap. The two of them looked as if they were up to some great mischief. As was typical, Kerrigan had their daughter dressed as a squire in tunic and hose, while tendrils of her dark hair had come free of their braids.

  Aggravation filled her as they laughed together. "What have you two done now?"

  Sobering, they both gave her an innocent stare that she knew belied their actions.

  Her daughter actually managed to look a tiny bit contrite. "Alethea did nothing, Mommy."

  But by the gleam in Kerrigan's eyes, she knew he couldn't say the same.

  And then she heard it. The heavy footfalls in the hallway. Seren had barely managed to cover herself and her son before the door was thrown open.

  Looking toward the disturbance, she burst into laughter.

  Agravain stood in the doorway with a furious glower on his face. That wasn't so bad. It was the horns on his head and green hair and beard that made him look so fearsome.

  "This is not funny," he snarled. "Fix me back."

  Seren forced herself to sober. "Alethea, what has mommy told you about practicing your magic on Uncle Agravain?"

  She gave her a sweet, innocent stare. "But Daddy said it would make Uncle Aggie look better. Doesn't he look even more handsome now?"

  Agravain let out a deep, guttural growl.

  Seren cleared her throat to keep from laughing again. "I think Uncle Aggie would appreciate it if you would turn him back into the way he was."

  "Oh," Alethea said innocently. "Very well." She pointed her tiny finger at him. The horns quickly melted back into his hair which then returned to blond.

  "Thank you," Agravain said to Seren. He cast a feral glare at Kerrigan before he turned to leave.

  And as he was walking out the door, she saw Kerrigan gesture toward him.

  Two seconds later, just as Agravain was closing the door, a long, forked tail sprouted from his rear.

  Alethea burst out laughing as she jumped up and down in Kerrigan's lap and clapped.

  Seren shook her head at them. "What am I to do with the two of you? 'Tis a wonder Agravain hasn't killed you."

  Kerrigan's warm laughter filled her ears. "I told you long ago, my love, that there was only so much changing I could do."

  Aye, and he'd been right. The man was still evil to the marrow of his bones, and both she and Merlin had their hands full trying to curb his demon form.

  Kerrigan lifted Alethea off his lap before he came over to her. He pulled the blanket back so that he could lean over and kiss Liam on the head. Liam let go of her to coo at his father, and she saw the heat that came into Kerrigan's eyes as he saw her bared breast.

  Embarrassed, Seren covered herself while her daughter cra
wled under the bed to fetch her box of dolls.

  Kerrigan gently nuzzled her cheek with his face. "You are ever beautiful, my mouse."

  "And you are ever evil."

  He winked playfully. "Aye, I am and I enjoy it so." Then his face turned darkly earnest. "But not nearly as much as I enjoy you. I love you, my Seren."

  "And I love you."

  Overwhelmed by her emotions, she leaned forward to kiss him, only to have their embrace broken by a shrill shout.

  "Kerrigan, you evil bastard!"

  Seren pulled back with a laugh. "I think Agravain found his tail."

  His eyes turned devilish before they flashed to black. "That's all right. It's what he won't be finding next that'll have him even more furious."

  Seren cringed for the poor unsuspecting knight. But at least her life was never boring. Grateful for that, she kissed him again and knew that no matter what, they would always be together.

  The Stone of Taranis

  Cornwall, 1114

  Arador leaned against the back thatched wall of the old church with a smug smile on his face, as he and his brethren of thieves compared their daily spoils. It was an evening ritual they'd been practicing for the last two years. Every night, the four of them would meet here to see which of them had stolen the most money.

  So far no one had ever beaten him.

  And they never would. When it came to taking from others, he was the best.

  Simeon scowled as he counted the last of Martin's stolen coins. His lip curling, he tossed the purse back at Martin. "Arador wins…again."

  They all cursed. All except Arador, who laughed. "Pay up, good lads. I've no time to waste with you."

  Simeon's disgusted look intensified as he slapped two silver marks into Arador's hand. "How do you do it?"

  Arador held his arms out to show them his elegant clothes. "I look noble so they let me near them. You dress as a peasant, and the instant you draw close, the nobles clutch their purses."

  Martin spat on the ground before he handed his money over. "Bah! You ever let them nobles catch you masquerading as one of them and you'll be whipped like the dog you are. Then they'll slit your nostrils and ruin that pretty face of yours for good."


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