Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance

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Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance Page 37

by Ashe, Jessica

  “Where do you sit?” Foster asked.

  I pointed him to an aisle seat about halfway down. It was the perfect spot, almost exactly in the middle of the room, allowing me to blend in with the crowd and not get noticed.

  Foster took off his suit jacket, yanked off his tie, and brazenly unbuttoned his shirt, before sitting down in my seat. The middle of his shirt hung tantalizingly open, revealing part of his firm pecs and most of his solid abs.

  “Someone could walk in at any minute,” I said nervously, looking around to double check that the room was empty.

  “No one’s going to walk in.”

  “What if they do?”

  “Then they see us having fun. Who cares? If you don’t start undressing right this second, I’m going to do my shirt back up and I know you don’t want that.”

  He was right. I didn’t.

  I slipped off my blazer and tugged my blouse out of my skirt. It’s about time I had some fun in here.

  I’d never stripped for a man before. Not like this.

  Usually the clothes just sort of came off in a blur and I didn’t have to think about it much. This was very different.

  I stood just five feet from Foster and slowly undressed, feeling like a stripper as his eyes moved over my body, taking in every inch of me on display. Perhaps the comparison should have been to a porn star auditioning for a movie; strippers probably didn’t do what I was about to do to Foster.

  I reached behind me and pulled down the zipper on my skirt, before letting it drop to the floor. The blouse quickly followed. Thank God I’d started wearing nicer underwear. The bra and panties even matched; it almost looked like I’d prepared for this. Maybe subconsciously I had.

  Foster’s eyes came back up to meet mine. I shivered even though the room wasn’t cold.

  “You look stunning,” Foster remarked sincerely.

  I felt stunning. Not in the traditional sense, mind you. But it was impossible not to feel sexy when someone like Foster was looking at you the way he was looking at me right now. He was using all his willpower to stay seated and not come over and ravage me. There’d be plenty of time for that.

  I stepped out of the dress, but kept my high heels on. They might not be practical, but the additional height helped me feel a little more powerful, and that’s what I wanted right now; to be in charge.

  I walked towards Foster, but he held up a hand to stop me. “All of it,” he said, motioning for me to get completely naked.

  “Not yet,” I replied. “You don’t get to give the orders today.”

  Foster frowned, but then quickly raised his eyebrows as I dropped to my knees in front of him. His hands instinctively grabbed hold of the back of my head, but I shook them off. I was setting the pace now.

  My hand reached out slowly and hesitantly towards the bulge in his pants, as if I were about to touch something that might scald me.

  I grasped his cock and gave it a teasing squeeze before slowly pulling down the zipper and reaching inside to put my flesh on his. His cock was too hard and too large to get it through his boxers and pants, so I yanked both of them down until I was face-to-cock with Foster’s beast.

  My fingers closed around the warm flesh as I slowly stroked the shaft, examining it with my eyes as if I’d never seen one before. I suppose in some ways I hadn’t. Certainly none of my ex-boyfriends had come this well-equipped.

  I looked up at Foster and licked my lips before moving my head slowly towards his tip. When my tongue was close enough to reach out and lick the salty fluid appearing on top, I stopped and stared back up at him with a seductive smile.

  “You’re not going to make me beg, are you?” Foster asked. “‘Cause I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it takes to get those perfect, pert lips clamped around my cock.”

  His cock pulsed in my hand, getting quicker and quicker as the urgency built within it. He might explode with just me knelt in front of him stroking his cock.

  I kept looking up at Foster, as my tongue darted out and licked up the precum from his tip. As soon as I’d had a taste of the salty goodness, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out any longer. I wanted to taste him.

  My tongue moved around the the bottom of the head, as I flicked my tongue lightly against the sensitive skin of his tip. Foster let out a loud moan of encouragement, but the pulsing of his cock in my hand was all the indication I needed to know he was enjoying it.

  I locked my lips around his head, and let my tongue circle the very end of his cock, until finally I sucked hard and let go with a loud ‘pop.’

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to take all of him in my mouth, but I wanted to give it a damn good try. I let go of the shaft and placed both hands on his thighs before lowering my mouth down onto his cock.

  Foster’s hands kept flinching and I knew he was fighting the desire to grab hold of my head and fuck my mouth. I enjoyed knowing I could tease him as much as he could tease me.

  I made it halfway down before coming back up for air, but I knew I could take more. I just had to fight the gag reflex. I sucked hard as I came up, slurping on him with little regard for being ladylike, and inhaled loudly as I released.

  “Holy shit, baby,” Foster groaned. “Keep doing exactly that.”

  Each time my lips slid down his cock—coated in my saliva—I took a little bit more of him inside me until his tip tickled the back of my throat. Taking three quarters of a cock that size had to be considered an achievement.

  Foster was close. His quads had tensed so firmly that I expected him to cramp up at any moment, and so much blood had flowed to his head I finally understood why some men referred to it as a ‘purple-headed warrior.’

  I desperately wanted to taste him, but there was no way I could go back downstairs without having his cock inside me. I’d feel empty and unused.

  I stood up, leaving Foster gasping and on the edge of exploding.

  “Come here,” he moaned. “I want to taste that pussy.”

  “No,” I replied. I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, before sliding it off my shoulders and letting it join my blouse and dress on the floor. I turned around and slowly pulled down my panties, bending over as I did so to reveal my slick wet pussy which desperately need him inside.

  I heard Foster gasp and quickly undress. In the space of only ten seconds he had gotten naked and slipped a condom over his cock. I knew that likely came from practice, but right now that didn’t bother me.

  He stood up, but I pushed him back down again.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m in control right now.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Foster replied sitting back down on the seat and facing the aisle.

  I straddled his thighs, and looked him dead in the eyes as I slowly lowered my ass to his cock. I reached a hand behind me to guide his cock between my folds. Once his tip was inside me, I dropped myself down and let him fill me up, moaning loudly as I did so.

  I did my best to look serious and domineering, as I aggressively rocked my hips on his cock, however there was nothing I could do to stop myself groaning loudly each time my clit rubbed against his pubic mound.

  Foster’s hands gripped my ass cheeks to help me keep up the pace while I rested my arms on his shoulders. His fingers moved around my crack, occasionally teasing my asshole, threatening to enter, but never quite doing it.

  The thrill of the unexpected had me coming in a few short minutes. I thrust my hips hard against his stomach and held my clit against him as I came silently, the only noise being the final gasps of air forced out of my lungs, and the quivering of my spent muscles as they tried to remain balanced on Foster’s thighs.

  I was so utterly exhausted, I almost completely forgot that Foster was still rock hard inside of me. I remembered what I wanted—needed—more than anything, and quickly clambered off his lap and dropped back down to my knees.

  Foster threw the condom to one side, as I sucked him again. This time I let him hold my head down on his cock as he growled loudly�
�his body vibrating with the intensity of his passion—and emptied himself inside my mouth.

  I quickly swallowed everything he had to give me, gulping the hot, salty liquid down like it was water and I was stranded in the desert.

  After I’d drank every last drop, Foster pulled me to my feet and stood in front of me, before placing a finger under my chin and pulling me in for a kiss. The kiss started off soft and gentle, but soon became more intense as if we were kissing before the sex, not after it.

  Finally, we broke apart and Foster placed his hands on my hips, pulling me in towards him.

  “I feel guilty,” he said. “I never did anything for you.”

  “I got mine,” I replied, with a satisfied smile. I quickly got dressed and watched Foster do the same, his tattooed, and muscular chest disappearing under the formal white shirt and tie. “However,” I continued, “don’t talk so much this afternoon. I plan to put your tongue to work later.”

  “I’m going to eat you for hours,” he replied. I believed him.

  I left Foster staring at my ass as I walked up the stairs, making sure to put a lot more wiggle in it than usual.

  It wasn’t until I saw Foster again in the moot court room that I realized the impact of what I’d said. I was as good as admitting that we were going to fuck again. We weren’t just people who did it on the spur of the moment because they couldn’t control themselves. We were a couple.

  Shit had just gotten real.

  I think I’m in a relationship.

  At the very least I’m dating someone. That’s… unusual.

  I also appear to be happy about it.

  April spent Saturday night and all of Sunday at my apartment, and to say we didn’t get a lot of sleep would be a huge fucking understatement.

  It wasn’t the first time I’d gone into work on Monday morning looking a little worse for wear, so I had a way to minimize the damage. Most people made a complete hash of it. They would come in late and still look exhausted. Everyone would see them show up, and before you knew it word had got around the office that the person was tired, hungover, or just still drunk.

  My way avoided most of those problems. First of all, I would arrive at work extra early. Hell, when you’d had as little sleep as me, a few extra hours won’t make any difference. Coming in early meant no one saw you until you’d had a few cups of coffee. I would then usually sneak out early for the day and bill the last few hours from home in bed.

  I probably should have told April about my approach.

  She walked into work looking like she hadn’t slept in forty-eight hours. Wearing her sunglasses all the way until she arrived at her office, just made it even more obvious. Schoolgirl error, April.

  Everyone noticed she looked tired, and I heard a few people comment, but people still felt sorry for her after the presentation so she had earned a little bit of leeway.

  I’d given the instruction for my secretary to intercept all my calls, but anyone who had my direct number could get straight through. I made it until ten o’clock when the phone rang, the ringtone snapping me awake as I’d been drifting off to sleep at my desk.

  In my disorientation, I answered the call immediately without checking who it was. My blurry vision finally focused on the name on the caller ID screen, but it was too late. Zach.

  “How’s my favorite referral source doing this morning?” Zach asked cheerfully.

  I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I was far too tired for this shit.

  “I’ve never referred a client to you, Zach, and I don’t intend to start now. Did you want something? Or are you just bored waiting for Daddy to provide you some more coloring books to fill in while you pretend to be a lawyer.”

  “Very good,” Zach replied sarcastically. Sarcasm, the lowest form of wit. Unless I was the one doing it, in which case it was dry and clever. “I’ve done some digging around. I’m right about April.”

  “Are you going to tell me how she’s doomed and is never going to work as a lawyer again?”

  “That’s about the gist of it.”

  “And I suppose, like last time, you’re not actually going to tell me what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I’ll tell you,” Zach said. “But you might not want to hear it.”

  “Just tell me so I can get on with grown-up work.”

  “If you insist. Turns out April has committed a pretty serious breach of ethics.”

  Did he know about the naughty motion we filed in Doris’ case? No, this whole thing started before that was filed. Besides, we’d cleared that up.

  “It’s not a breach of ethics to refuse to sleep with a slimy associate. Goodbye Zach.”

  “Wait,” he said quickly. Whatever it was he had to say, he really wanted to say it this time. “Okay, you want the details? Fine. April has worked both sides of the same case. You guys must have fucked up the conflict check, because I know for a fact she worked for Jacob Oscar on the shareholder vote issue.”

  “There was no conflict,” I said calmly. I’d run the conflict check personally like I always did. “She’s never represented the shareholders.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Zach said. “She worked on that exact same issue while she was at Cooper & Cooper. I helped her with it. We represent the shareholders.”

  If that was true… shit. It wasn’t worth thinking about. Except in extreme circumstances, working for both parties in the same case was almost impossible, and you would always have to get written consent from everyone concerned. We sure as hell hadn’t done that.

  But it couldn’t be true. I’d run the fucking conflict check.

  “You’re lying,” I said firmly. “I know you must be bored over there, but you really need to think of a better way to spend your time than trying to ruin someone’s career before they’ve even been admitted to the bar.”

  “She never will be admitted to the bar once this gets out. I’ll give you a few hours to check the facts. Meet me outside our office building at one o’clock today. We can start discussing how you’re going to handover PorTupe to me.”

  “Goodbye Zach.”

  This time I hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond. Zach always sounded sure of himself, but there was an extra bit of certainty in his voice today. He’d done some fact-checking and still thought April had done something wrong. That didn’t bode well.

  I ran the conflict check again, running the names of the shareholders in the suit against Jacob’s company. Nothing came up.

  I searched the system and found the spreadsheet that April had prepared and sent off to the risk management advisor at the firm. I scrolled through the list, but couldn’t see anything wrong. I’d nearly made it to the bottom when I spotted the error.

  Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

  April had made two mistakes on the conflict list. Combined, those mistakes had let the conflict slip through unnoticed. Cooper & Cooper represented the shareholders who had filed suit against Jacob’s company, and it looked like Zach was right. April had worked on that case, however instead of listing all the shareholder names she had only listed the first shareholder who appeared on the court filings. And she’d spelt it wrong.

  This was bad. Really fucking bad. The case could get thrown out and we wouldn’t be paid. I had no clue what would happen to April, but at the very least she’d have to go through some extra steps before being admitted to the bar. At worst… well, Zach might be right on that point.

  I quickly edited April’s spreadsheet to show the correct client name and then typed in all the other shareholders for good measure. I made the same changes in the firm’s conflict of interest database. That should help cover April’s ass at least.

  April should have noticed that she’d worked on this case before, but as a summer associate she’d probably been given only a small segment of the case to work on. She may not have even known the name of the other party. That would help her defense, but I’d rather we never got to that stage. That meant talking to

  If he thought I was going to give up my best client then he had another thing coming.

  I strolled out of the office with my sleeves rolled up to reveal my tattoos. I rarely walked around in public with them on display because they didn’t exactly scream “reputable lawyer,” but right now that wasn’t the image I wanted to give out.

  Zach stood there outside his office building waiting for me. He saw me approach and motioned for us to head in the direction of a nearby park. That was fine with me. I’d feel less inclined to hold back if we had a bit of privacy.

  We ended up under the shade of a tree, which did little to help keep me cool in the suffocating humidity. I’d been in D.C. for over five years now, but I still wasn’t used to the constant feeling of being in a greenhouse when outdoors.

  The summer months were torture, but even in the winter you would get a humid day spring up out of nowhere, making you sweaty and sticky under a thick coat.

  I’d been struggling to control my temper while I was indoors; outdoors in this heat, it was almost impossible.

  “I’m going to assume you found out that I’m right,” Zach said. “About April committing a big no-no. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Perhaps I’m just here to punch your lights out,” I replied. “Or did that not occur to you? At least there’s nothing for you to fall over here.”

  “Very droll. It still amazes me that someone like you,” he paused to look down at my tattoos, “managed to become a lawyer. You were bound to fuck up eventually, it’s just a shame you had to drag someone like April down with you.”

  “It’s not her fault,” I said. “I’m the one to blame. I messed up the conflict check.”

  “Oh, I know. I always suspected as much. April’s far too perfect to make such a basic mistake. Fucking little Princess.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth,” I snapped. “You are in no position to be insulting anyone’s character, least of all hers.”


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