Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series

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Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series Page 11

by T. M. Nielsen

  Emily shrugged, “Maybe, but I have Frederick, and until I feel satisfied that he’s been properly punished, he’s mine.”

  “Give her to me,” William said.

  “No,” Sotomar told him.

  “The Equites would not let you come to the Valle, unless the two factions are allies! She sits with your Council like she’s a member and that, again, tells me you have aligned,” William growled.

  Emily reached over and turned the speakerphone on that was in front of Sotomar, and then sat back.

  “Equites Council,” Kyle said, irritated.

  Emily grinned, “Kyle… are we aligned with the Valle?”

  “Emily?” Quinn asked, and she heard some amusement in his voice. “No… we are not.”

  “Am I here to make an alliance?”

  “To be honest, we aren’t sure why you are there,” Zohn chuckled.

  “What’s up, Em?” Chevalier asked.

  “William is freaking out that we’re aligned,” she explained.

  “Why are you talking to William?”

  “He’s here harassing the Valle Council, so I decided to keep the peace and found a chair up by Sotomar.”

  There was a silence and then Chevalier spoke again, “You’re mediating a meeting between the Encala and the Valle?”


  “Is that why you went?”

  “Nope, that’s just what I found when I got here.”

  “Well… no we aren’t aligned, and don’t plan on forming a friendship with the Valle,” Chevalier said. “Call me tonight.”

  “Sure thing,” Emily said, and hung up the phone. She then turned to William, “There.”

  “That makes no sense! How can you sit on the council stand of an enemy? You should be in their prison by now,” William yelled.

  “When’s the last time I made sense?” Emily yelled back.

  “That is true,” Kralen chuckled.

  “We are not going to put the Winchester in our prison,” the Valle’s Chief of Defense said. “She is welcome here at any time, and is free to do what she wants while she is here.”

  “That’s called an alliance!” William screamed.

  “Fine then. We will admit to an alliance with Emily, but not the Equites,” Sotomar said.

  Emily looked over at him, “Don’t push it.”

  “And her guard? When’s the last time you let an Equites stand on your council stand?” William asked, hissing slightly.

  Sotomar looked back at Kralen, “He’s not hurting anything.”

  “Then let me have him,” William suggested.

  Emily stood up, “Do you want to join Frederick?”

  William began to blur toward her, but found himself pinned to the ground by Kralen and the Valle’s Chief of Defense.

  “You will not harm her in this city!” Sotomar yelled. “Get him out of here.”

  Kralen stood up when Valle Imperial Guards came in and escorted William out. He returned to stand behind Emily on the Council stand.

  Sotomar turned to Emily, “To what do we owe this visit?”

  “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know he was here until I got to the door.”

  “It’s ok, it was quite entertaining.”

  “I came here to thank you. Once again, a Valle saved me, and I thought I would come and say thank you in person.”

  Elder Ryan frowned slightly, “Who saved you?”

  She shrugged, “I don’t know who they are. I was getting chased by a vampire hunter with a gun, and three Valle stopped him.”

  “I wasn’t aware anyone had contact with you recently.”

  “Wait! You are going to be mad at them?”

  Sotomar smiled, “No, it’s just that normally when anyone contacts you, they then follow up with the Council to ensure things were handled properly.”

  Emily thought for a moment and then spoke, “Why?”

  Kralen chuckled, “Because if a Valle messes up, you might ash this city.”

  “Is that true?”

  Sotomar nodded, “Sorry, but yes.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize I was causing that many problems.”

  “No problems. We like when a Valle is able to help you.”

  “I don’t remember their names though, not sure they even said them.”

  “Myles was one of them. They refused to speak because most of those gathered were from the Equites Council,” Kralen explained.

  “Yes, I can see how that would cause problems,” Sotomar said. “Contact Myles from Genova Coven, that’s close to Council City. Let him know that Emily contacted the Council to thank him.”

  The Valle’s Court Reporter nodded and blurred from the room.

  “Was there anything else?” Sotomar asked, and turned to Emily.

  “No, that’s all,” she said, and stood up.

  “It’s late and raining. Why don’t you stay the night?”

  “I don’t…” Kralen started, but Emily interrupted him.

  “Not a bad idea.”

  “Yes, it is, let’s go,” Kralen said, and took her hand.

  “I don’t feel like being in the car for another two days. Let’s just stay and relax tonight.”

  “We’ll need to get approval from the Council.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Well I sure as hell do,” Kralen told her.

  “Oh,” she said, and looked over at Sotomar. “I guess we should go.”

  “Please, stay. We’ll contact the Equites and let them know. The rain is getting worse and you’ll be more comfortable here than in a hotel.”

  “I guess… if I call Chev.”

  “Your room is ready, and your guard can stay with you.”

  Emily looked up at Kralen, and he shrugged.

  “Yeah, I guess we’ll stay,” she said.

  “I’ll show you to your room,” the Valle’s Chief Enforcer said. Emily and Kralen followed him out of the council chambers and up to the room she had in the Valle Palace. Once inside, she sat down in the bay window to watch the rain, while Kralen checked the room for any signs of danger or surveillance equipment.

  “The room is clear,” he said, and moved to stand by the door.

  Emily nodded and called Chevalier.

  “Having fun?” he answered.

  She grinned, “Not really. We’re stuck here for the night.”

  “You’re staying in the Valle Palace?”

  “Just tonight, it’s raining.”

  “Where is Kralen?”

  “He’s here in the room.”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  Emily held the phone out, “Chev wants you.”

  Kralen took the phone, “Kralen here.”

  “Do not, for even one second, take your eyes off of her,” Chevalier hissed.

  “I won’t, Sir.”

  “Check her food, and double check the Jeep before leaving.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I don’t like this, but I can tell she’s set on staying…”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “One hair…”

  “I know, Sir.”

  Chevalier growled slightly and hung up.

  Kralen handed her phone back.

  “Is he mad?” she asked, and looked over at Kralen.


  “Maybe we should go to a hotel.”

  “I would prefer if we stay here,” Kralen said, and moved back by the door.


  “I had a thought that the Encala could be waiting for us. I think we should call for a helicopter home, and let one of the Valle bring your Jeep back.”

  “We’re fine…” she was cut-off by a knock on the door.

  Kralen opened the door and took a tray from a Valle servant. He shut the door and put the tray on the table after smelling it.

  Emily wrinkled her nose, “I hate when you smell my food.”

  “Not my favorite thing either.”

  She sat down and looked at the tray, “What is that?”
/>   “It looks like Baeckeoffe.”


  “It’s just a French stew.”

  She looked up at him, “And you know this how?”

  He grinned, “I’m originally from France.”

  “You are?”


  “Wow, didn’t know that. Why no accent?”

  “Hundreds of years in America.”


  He just grinned.

  “How old are you?” she asked, and started to eat.

  “I was turned 998 years ago.”

  “Will you celebrate 1000 years?”


  “Why not?”

  “No reason to, I guess.”

  Emily shrugged and continued to eat, “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”


  “A girlfriend, you’re a womanizer. I’d think you would have at least one.”

  “I’m not a womanizer.”

  “Yes, you are,” she said, and took a sip of the wine.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I can just tell.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “I don’t think so… I saw you having sex with three heku women at once,” she said, and started back on the stew.

  Kralen gasped, “What?”

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t watch or tell anyone.”

  “I… when?”

  “Long time ago,” she said, and covered the tray when she was finished. She sat back and patted the chair beside her. “Come talk.”

  Kralen sighed, “I’m not sure I like where this conversation is going.”

  “Wimp,” she said, and grinned while patting the chair.

  Kralen finally walked over at sat down cautiously.

  “So, no girlfriend?”


  “Afraid of commitment?”


  “Don’t want the same sexual partner for eternity?”

  He shifted uncomfortably, “That’s… not…”

  She grinned at his obvious nervousness, “Relax, I won’t tell anyone. You don’t have a girlfriend because you can’t stay monogamous.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “I’m thinking it is.”

  “Do you subject all of your guards to this?”

  “No, just you. You’re the only womanizer I know.”

  Kralen’s eyes narrowed, “I wish you wouldn’t say that.”

  “Why not? It’s not bad… just means you like women and they like you back… however, I would imagine you are a bit of a sex addict, too.”

  “How did I get that title?” Kralen asked, his eyes wide.

  She shrugged, “Just a hunch.”

  “Is there anything you won’t talk about?”

  “Yes, Frederick’s location,” she said.

  Kralen watched the fire, “This is inappropriate.”

  “Like you care.”

  “I do.”

  “No you don’t! I could get you into bed if I wanted.”

  “No, you could not,” Kralen said adamantly.

  “Oh, I bet I could.”

  “I’d not risk being banished or killed, just for a one-night stand.”

  “You’re the only one of the Cavalry that’s just, exactly, like me.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  Emily shrugged, “A rebel… someone fueled by passion.”

  “I’m not a rebel.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Rebellion would get me kicked off of the Cavalry.”

  “I see,” she said, and curled up on the chair to watch the fire.

  “How is it you’ve only had two sex partners?” Kralen asked, watching her.

  She laughed slightly, “Why not?”

  “Keith cheated on you.”


  “But you never stepped out on him?”

  “Nope… and there was no time between Keith and Chev.”

  “Just seems odd that as attractive as you are, not to have had other options.”

  “That might be true if I was attractive.”

  Kralen grinned, “Ok.”

  “Keith would have killed me if I had,” she whispered, and watched the flames dance in the fireplace.

  “Maybe I am a rebel. This entire conversation would enrage the Elder.”

  “He’s not as mean as you all think he is.”

  Kralen chuckled, “He’s meaner than you could imagine.”

  They sat quietly for a while, Emily wondering why Kralen didn’t have a girlfriend, and Kralen wondering why Emily was asking such personal questions all of a sudden.

  “I guess I better go to sleep,” she said, and stood up. Kralen watched her walk over to the wardrobe and start going through it, “Damnit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I forgot that Exavior picked out all this crap.”

  “I can ask for a t-shirt.”

  “No, I’ll live,” she said, and pulled out a short black nightgown. She dressed in the closet and Kralen turned as she ran to the bed and covered up, “Is it still raining?”

  “Yes, pretty hard, too.”

  “What do you think about when you stand all night doing nothing?”

  “Anything… sometimes nothing at all,” he said, and moved back by the door to stand.

  “Think about finding a girlfriend.”

  He smiled, “That’s ok.”

  Emily yawned and curled up with a pillow. Kralen watched her closely through the night as she slept. Only once did he have to put a hand on her shoulder to calm a dream, other than that once, he watched her sleep and pondered her earlier questions.

  Chapter 4 - Woods

  Kralen watched out the window of the Jeep as they drove west toward Council City. They got out of the palace early, because Emily wanted to get a good day’s drive in. The Valle Elders tried to get them to stay another day, but she was anxious to get back.

  “Kralen?” Emily asked.


  “Look behind us.”

  Kralen turned and glanced behind the Jeep. Four black Ferrari’s were closing in on them, “Damnit.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know. We’re too far from the Valle or the Equites to get any help though.”

  “They aren’t trying to box me in. They’re just following.”

  Kralen turned and looked around them and then back to the Ferraris, “Just hold steady, not sure what they want.”

  “Least I’m in the Jeep. I can off-road this thing.”

  “We may need to,” Kralen said. “They’re getting closer.”

  Emily glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw the Ferraris pull out of formation and speed toward them. She heard Kralen dialing his cell phone on speaker.

  “Kyle here.”

  “We’re getting tailed by four Ferraris.”

  “Can you tell who?”

  “No, they followed us for a while, and are now attempting to box us in… we’re still almost 8 hours out of the city.”

  “We’re on the way, see what you can do,” Kyle said, and the phone line disconnected.

  “Going 4x4,” Emily said, and slowed slightly while she popped the Rubicon into 4-wheel drive.

  Kralen held onto the bar as Emily turned sharply off of the black top, and headed across a swampy field toward the nearby pine trees of the Superior National Forest.

  “Watch it,” Kralen said, and hissed.

  Emily looked over and saw over twenty dune buggy’s appear from the trees and head towards them, “What the hell??”

  “They were waiting for you to off-road this thing,” Kralen hissed. “We fell right into this… it’s a trap.”

  “Kralen!” Emily screamed, and slammed on the brakes when a line of men appeared ahead of her in the trees.

  “Don’t ash them,” Kralen said as his hands tightened into fists.

  “The last time you told me that, we were kidnapped,” she whispered,
and watched the men.

  “Never mind, they are mortal, won’t matter.”

  “Can you take that many?”

  “No, but I can take a lot of them.”

  Emily reached into her glove box and pulled out the Smith & Wesson .357.

  “If heku come, don’t ash them. It’s not worth the risk,” Kralen said, and stepped out.

  Emily got out of the Jeep with the gun in her hand. She saw the dune buggies line up behind her, blocking her in.

  “What do you want?” Kralen asked angrily.

  “We want the girl,” one of the men said. He was short and stocky with dark brown hair and full beard and mustache. She saw that he had a Taser in his hand.

  “Kralen,” she whispered, and put a hand on his arm.

  “I see it,” he told her.

  “What do you want me for?” Emily asked the man.

  “We’re bounty hunters. Seems you’re wanted for kidnapping.”

  “The Encala,” Kralen whispered.

  Emily nodded.

  “We have no business with you,” the man said to Kralen. “So just back off and let us have the little gal.”

  “No,” Kralen told him. “You’ll have to come through me to get to her.”

  “How many are there?” Emily asked, glancing behind her.


  “How many can you take?”

  “Maybe all of them. Depends on how well they fight.”

  “The Taser then?”

  Kralen sighed, “Except for that.”

  “Hand her over and no one has to fight,” the man said.

  Kralen growled and blurred forward before Emily could stop him. She turned when she heard footsteps behind her and drew the gun, “Get back.”

  “You can’t shoot us all,” a woman said from behind her. The woman grinned and took another step forward.

  “I can take some of you out,” Emily said, and pointed the gun at the tall, blonde woman.

  “For the price on your head, it’d be worth it.”

  Emily screamed when she felt arms wrap around her. She struggled to get free as she heard the bloody screams of Kralen’s victims.

  “Let me go!” Emily yelled.

  “No way, Sweetheart,” the man holding her said.

  Emily pulled the trigger on her gun and shot him in the foot. He screamed and fell backwards away from her. She took aim and was able to shoot three of the approaching men before her gun jammed. Spinning quickly, she ran back towards Kralen, but stopped when she saw no one along the trees that once held most of the mortals.


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