Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2

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Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2 Page 13

by Paul Blades

  The ponygirl was thirsty and hungry. Her neck was sore from its unusual positioning and her back ached where it was lying on her bound wrists beneath her. But she nevertheless felt a tingle in her loins as the man used his thumb to excite the small bud that lay at the apex of her sex. The discs attached to the rings in her labia jingled as he manipulated her sex. Once she had begun to lubricate, the man started sliding his thumb between her nether lips and probing deeper and deeper into her womb. When he was satisfied that she was moist and loose enough, he withdrew his cock from his pants and inserted it inside her.

  As the cock slid home, Maddy sighed. She had no power to fight the man's callous use of her, and little will to try. Her mind concentrated on the pleasurable feelings of having the man's rigid sex inside her, driving out the aches and pains. As the man continued to pump his pole into her welcoming chasm, Maddy felt her pussy grow warm and her body begin to respond to his efforts. But before she could get up a head of steam, she heard the man grunt and moan. She felt his spunk flood her tunnel. When he withdrew, Maddy groaned in frustration.

  The tack room was usually busy in the mornings. Stable boys and trainers would come in looking for this or that, trying to get a buckle or belt repaired. The tack room manager had moved Maddy's cart so that she was in front of the counter and her feet faced the door. She could hear the men come and go but not see them. They would joke about the splayed pony and absentmindedly stroke her sex or her breasts while they spoke to the manager. Two of the men took advantage of her widespread legs to plow her furrow, spilling their seed inside her. Only one of the men brought her to orgasm and that was with his hand as he watched her body spasm and jerk with passion.

  Outside of the ponygirl barn, Vadym was beside himself. Where was Lightning? She had not been checked into a stall the night before. It was unlikely, but not impossible that she had somehow been left unattended and scampered off, some of the ponies had tried it. If so, she would not get far. Any local resident would return an escaped pony to her master with the certainty of reward. They would consider it within their rights to make full use of her first.

  There was the more real possibility that she had been stolen. There is no honor among thieves and any of Grobgy's rivals would be pleased to deprive him of a freshly trained racing pony. They would not be able to race her because Grobgy's mark of ownership was clearly set forth on her body. But she could be used for pulling a cart around the countryside and for carnal pleasures.

  Persephone stood outside the barn tethered to a post while Vadym paced. She, of course, had no idea why he was so frustrated and could not understand the invectives he poured on the stable manager. Finally, at about 10:30, one of the trainers who was passing heard someone mention that Lightning was missing and told them that she was in the tack room. Vadym cursed and swore when he saw her bound body displayed on the mounting cart. She was covered in red stripes from Drabik's whip and a man was standing between her legs pumping his cock into her. Vadym went ballistic and screamed and shouted at the man, putting him off of his stroke. He withdrew without discharging, his stiff cock pointed at the ceiling. Vadym ordered the stable boy that had come with him to unfasten her from her perch and to bring her with them.

  Maddy was disappointed when she felt the hot cock leave her pussy. She was also frightened because she heard Vadym's ranting. She remembered his voice from the day before. Last night, when she had been alone in the dark, awaiting sleep as a deliverance, she had wished that he would come and take her away. But now, hearing his angry voice, she was not so sure. Would she be going out of the frying pan into the fire?

  The pony's body was lifted from the cart and she was set on her feet. A leash was attached to her nose ring and she was led out of the tack room. Maddy expected to be taken to the barn at least to be cleaned and fed. But she felt herself pulled in the opposite direction. They passed the track and walked along a pathway that Maddy had not been on before. The furthest from the barn she had been since her arrival was when she was taken to be tattooed and pierced. And that was no more than a hundred and fifty yards off of the beaten path. But she continued walking behind the stable boy for a long time. She wanted to turn her head back and forth so that she could appreciate her surroundings, but the tension of the leash on her nose ring and her tiny eye holes kept her view straight ahead. They were on the other side of the big house, that she could tell. There were flower beds and a great lawn. The barns and the training track were faced with the back of Grobgy's mansion. Now Maddy was seeing its front, with wide, white, wooden steps leading up to a broad veranda. There was a broad stone walkway that led up to the house. Maddy was led past the front of the villa and towards the other side. There, down a small hill was a large, expansive plain. On it was a large racing track around a bright green well trimmed lawn. There were stands on one side of the track with a podium and a reviewing box. About two hundred yards from the track were a series of large trailers. Around the trailers there were all kinds of activities: ponies pulling carts towards the track, men walking to and fro. Naked women seemed to be scurrying around busily. Maddy's view was restricted and so she could not take in the panorama, but she knew that the area dwarfed the training areas in which she had spent many weeks.

  Vadym and the stable boy led her past the track and over to the trailer area. She was taken to a large brown and white trailer that was hooked up to a dark blue pick up truck. As she came closer, she could see that Persephone was already there, tethered to a hook on the rear of the trailer. She would know those fine breasts anywhere. She wore a blue and gold hood over her face.

  A naked young woman wearing leather bracelets around her wrists and ankles came running up. She was wearing one of the face shield gags that the ponies wore when not in their bridles and bits. She had long, blond, stringy hair. Her nether lips were shaved and she wore on her stomach a tattoo of a large brown bear, its paws over its head and a cruel grimace on its face, showing its large fangs. This was the mark of one of the number of slave training facilities around the country. Slaves, whether purchased at wholesale rates from Khalid or one of the other dealers, or brought there by a private owner, were always sent to a training facility before being licensed to be released to the 'discrete' public. Intensive medical checks were made and intensive lessons in obedience and compliance were taught. Each training facility has its distinctive mark and the one that this shapely young woman had been brought to used a raging bear as its emblem. Other emblems used by other facilities include a snarling boar's head, a coiled python and a black falcon, its wings extended and its talons poised to strike. The slave girls also wear, emblazoned across their upper chests, tattooed Cyrillic letters representing the new names they were provided with while in training.

  The young woman bowed to her master with a lowering of her head and the bending of her knees, halfway between a full bow and a curtsey. She took the leash from the stable boy who was waved away by Vadym. Maddy did not know it, but she was to be Vadym's ward for the next seven weeks. She would undergo an additional week's worth of training and then six weeks of bi-weekly competitions, culminating, hopefully, in the National Tournament. Ponies, or individual pony teams, had to acquire a certain number of points over the six week racing season to be invited to race in the Nationals. The Tournament was held like any regular track event with a paddock and stands and betting booths. The standard race meet would involve up to seven ponies or teams of ponies. On the circuit, the racing facilities varied greatly in quality and usually were conducted as head to head or sometimes three way competitions between estate teams. The non-official "National Commission" set the schedules to establish parity and competitiveness. There were at least thirty estates that fielded teams and you could not race them all in a season. So the matchups had to consider evenness of competition so that one team would not breeze to the Nationals after sweeping an easy field and the others have to claw their way there fighting one good team after another. At some of the local meets, the smaller estates would be per
mitted to run individual events, but the larger estates were required to field a full team in order to compete.

  All of this seems quite fantastic, and it is. But it must be recalled that Kalikastan is mostly closed to international visitors except with a special permit and then only within a small radius of Dlitski. The racing takes place within a defined area in the interior. And simple corruption combined with the country's strategic importance forestall any international scandal. Not that word of the sport hadn't spread. There had been bids from some African and Latin American teams for racing credentials. Also, some of the other former Soviet states have rekindled the sport within their domains and there has been talk of international competitions. Last year a Bolivian team was allowed in to run in some pre-season exhibitions.

  The track that Maddy had seen on her way to Vadym's trailer was the competition track, as opposed to the training track where Maddy had first learned her trade. It was meticulously maintained and Maddy would find that running on it was a distinct pleasure. Its track was well groomed and with just the right hardness to allow the running of many teams over it in the course of a meet, but soft enough so that a pony could get real traction while churning to top speed.

  The naked girl led Maddy to the side of the trailer. There was a table set up with a large pot of porridge steaming on a gas burner. The girl urged Maddy to her knees. The table was set within an enclosure made of tall blue and yellow fabric panels so that no one could view what happened inside. Maddy saw the slave girl ladle a large spoonful of the porridge into a bowl. She then dripped a stream of golden honey into it. She placed the bowl on the ground in front of Maddy. She then unbuckled Maddy's gag and removed her hood. Maddy's face and skull were pale white from many weeks of being hidden from the sun. The pony had not had her face exposed in such an open environment since she had been standing in Khalid's courtyard many weeks ago. She looked down at the steaming bowl and could smell the honey as it wafted up to her nostrils. Without a word, but with a slight smile of anticipation, she leaned over and placed her mouth in the bowl.

  The sweet taste of the honey was like heaven to her. She consumed the hot porridge with glee. She didn't care if her new master beat her all day as long as he allowed her to eat this well. She would suck his cock for hours if he wanted.

  Maddy licked the entire bowl clean. She looked up at the slave girl with a smile. The girl pulled her to her feet and brought her to a shower head running from the side of the trailer. She turned it on and delightfully warm water poured over the happy pony. The girl was shorter than the pony and she had to reach up to wash her neck and face. The slave girl washed her body clean, being careful to delve into her abused slit and between the cheeks of her hindquarters. The water had stung at first as it came into contact with Maddy's many wounds from the night before. But she got used to it quickly enough.

  After washing her body, the girl had Maddy kneel. She had a bowl of hot water and a shaving brush. Maddy knew that her head and sex would be shaved next. The girl laid her hand on the side of Maddy's face and looked into her eyes. Although Maddy could not see her facial expression due to the sheath over the bottom portion, she felt compassion from the girl, the first time that she had felt it for almost two months. Tears welled up in her eyes. She moved her lips to form a word and the girl quickly put her hand over them, her eyes alarmed. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and then wagged her finger at the kneeling pony.

  Maddy felt the girl apply the shaving soap to her scalp. She usually dreaded her daily shave, but today she relaxed and enjoyed the touch of the sympathetic, young slave girl's hands. When her head was again free of any stubble, and after applying the antiseptic ointment, the girl washed Maddy's long tail, dried it with a towel and then brushed it with at least twenty five strokes. Maddy enjoyed the gentle tugs on her head as the brush descended down the long, auburn strands. She felt the girl bind her tail and then pass it through the hole of her hood. Her hood, like Persephone's was divided into blue and gold panels, with the right side of her head being gold and the left blue. These were Grobgy's racing colors, and the ponies would wear them until the spring racing season was over. It helped the punters identify the ponies as they watched the morning exercises before the races, hoping to get a betting edge. It also instilled pride in the teams who saw that they were being treated as a sort of pony royalty. When a pony was let off the team due to poor performance or serious injury, the loss of this status symbol was keenly felt.

  The girl gently laid a bridle over Maddy's head and installed the dreaded bit in her mouth. She patted her on the head and brought her to her feet. Maddy felt cleaner than she had in weeks. It was not that she had not been well taken care of in the pony barn, but this al fresco shower and the gentle treatment of the girl made her feel refreshed and, well, clean.

  The girl took out a tube of lotion, a skin softener, and began to rub it all over Maddy's body. Maddy sighed as the girl's hands found all of her sensual places, lingering there as she rubbed the lotion in. Her legs were spread apart and the girl got on her knees and rubbed the inside of her thighs. When she was done, she stood next to the pony's delightfully tingling body and laid her own naked torso against it. The slave girl came up to the tip of Maddy's nose and she could smell the girl's fresh scent in her hair. The girl's small breasts lay softly against Maddy's skin, her own more ample globes resting atop them. Maddy felt the girl's hand trace across her tattooed stomach and descend to her hairless mound. Her delicate fingers teased Maddy's labia, causing a rush of passion to course through the pony's body. Her fingers pried the nether lips apart and delved in between, coaxing Maddy's wetness. The girl raised her head to Maddy. Her star blue eyes, set above her leather mask, telegraphed her yearning for Maddy's flesh.

  Just when Maddy began to sigh and moan in pleasure, the girl ceased her manipulation of Maddy's wet pussy. She stepped quickly over to the trailer and picked up the leash that Maddy had worn when brought there, attached it to her golden nose ring and led her from the shielded glade to the rear of the van. There she joined her partner, Persephone, who was waiting patiently for her.

  After about a half hour, Vadym came walking up the path. Behind him two ponies were pulling a bright, shiny cart. The seat was a distinctive brown leather and the brass frame was burnished a golden yellow. The shafts were of fine, new wood, stained a deep brown and lacquered to make them shine. The wheels were painted half yellow and half blue. A pennant hung in the air behind the carriage mounted on a strong, thin wire.

  This was the racing cart, and to Maddy and Persephone, it appeared miraculously wonderful. They were beginning to get a sense of the special role they were about to play and the importance that their performance would mean to the estate. In a way it was thrilling to them, for so little special had happened to them since their kidnappings. But on the other hand, failure bespoke special, cruel punishments. They would strive to do their best.

  Maddy and Persephone were worked hard that day by Vadym. He gave both of their legs extensive massages prior to taking them out, making sure that their muscles were warm and loose. They trotted at a leisurely pace for a few laps. And then Vadym made them show him what they could really do. The ponies dug deep into the track to propel themselves along it. Their thighs pumped furiously in unison as they sped along. Vadym carefully pulled them back from their top speed, not wanting to strain them, but he was satisfied with their handling and their performance. When they were led down to the trailer for lunch, sweaty and tired, he rewarded both of them with a small piece of chocolate slipped over their bits.

  The ponies were showered and fed. There was a toilet facility that served the entire camp area and the ponies were taken there for relief. The slave girl brushed them down and then fed them. They were fed in separately screened areas lest they see each other's faces, an event that would have been taken with sincere displeasure. It was also considered bad luck.

  In the camp area with Maddy and Persephone were the troika team, the four p
ony chaise teams for the 1500 and 300 meters and the phaeton teams, trained to sprint with the light, stylish four pony carriage. There was a nine pony landau team, but that was made up mostly of the ponies from the other teams. And then there were the sulkies. These were the single pony carriages designed for high speed sprinting. All extraneous pieces had been stripped from it. Its only decoration was a small pennant that flew off of the back. The ponies that pulled them were the crème de la crème of racing ponies, sleek, strong ponies, fast and agile, without a trace of fat on them. They were treated as the thoroughbreds that they were. They were driven by special small, light jockeys, with no weight limits. But the matching of a driver with a sulky pony was a delicate thing since the carriage itself was so light. Unless carefully balanced with the jockey's weight, it could flip over on turns.

  Maddy and Persephone ran a few laps in the afternoon, but what Vadym worked on especially was their start. They must have dashed off of the line twenty five times that afternoon. At one point, Vadym became so upset with their imprecise starts that he whipped their bottoms with a light pony whip. The whippings did not hurt as much as the disappointment they felt for failing to come up to snuff. But Vadym tied a rope between their right thighs. As they pulled from the starting line, their legs instantly communicated their motion to each other. After ten tries, they finally got it right, digging their right feet deep down into the turf at exactly the same time and with exactly the same force. When they were done, he gave them another candy.


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