The Angel of Eden

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The Angel of Eden Page 25

by D J Mcintosh

Bouglouan, Nicole. “Bearded Vulture,”

  British Museum. “Adam and Eve Cylinder Seal,” _eve_cylinder_seal.aspx.

  Brown, Peter. “Artificial Cranial Deformation: A Component in the Variation in Pleistocene Australian Aboriginal Crania,” Archeology in Oceania, 16(3), October 1981.

  Danti, Michael. “Returning to Iran,” Expedition, 47(2), University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, July 2005,

  Eduljee, K.E. “Azerbaijan, Urmia, N. Zagros,” Heritage Institute,

  Eduljee, K.E. “Kandovan, Lake Urmia Region,” Heritage Institute,

  Edjulee, K.E. “Persian Gardens,” Heritage Institute,


  Gardner, Lawrence. “Kharsag Research Project,” The Golden Age Project,

  Hajizan, Nizam. “Salt Lake in Urmia, Iran,” Koleski 360,

  Hole, Frank. “Neolithic Age in Iran,” Encyclopedia Iranica, July 20, 2004,

  Kalush, Bill. “The Conjuring Arts Research Center,”

  Kobek, Jarett. “The Vanishing Yezidi of Iraq,” NYU Alumnae Magazine, Spring 2010,

  Luongo, Michael. “Fighting Back with Faith: Inside the Yezidis’ Iraqi Temple,” The Daily Beast, August 21, 2014,

  Mayo Clinic. “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD),”

  Morton, Ella. “Towers of Silence: The Zoroastrian Sky Burial Tradition,” Slate,

  Reinhold, Walter. “Eden’s Serpent and Its Pre-Biblical Mesopotamian Prototypes,” December 17, 2000,

  Rogge, Michael. “Paranormal Voices,”

  Sansal, Burak. “Topkapi Palace,” Great Istanbul,

  “Southern Iraq, 4000–5500 BCE,”

  Spice, Byron. “German Monk’s 500-Year-Old Mystery Solved,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 29, 1998,

  Sullivan, Meg. “What the Devil? Prince of Darkness Is Misunderstood, Says UCLA Professor,” UCLA Newsroom, August 17, 2006,

  Sullivan, Robert. “J.D. Coyote: The Thrall of the Wild, in Central Park,” New York, February 26, 2010,

  Tawsarn, Eric, and Dylan Shallnot. “3N Cave: The World’s Largest Salt Cave,” Atlas Obscura,

  Thuris, Dylan. “Salt Men of Iran,” Atlas Obscura,

  Wikipedia. “Seraph,”

  Wikipedia. “Sleep Paralysis,”

  Wikipedia. “Urartu,”

  Yeomans, Sarah. “Ancient Pergamon: City of Science … and Satan?” Bible History Daily, July 7, 2013,


  Area Surrounding Lake Urmia (Dino Pulerà, Artery Studios, Toronto)

  Serpent God Icon (Dino Pulerà, Artery Studios, Toronto)

  Adam and Eve Temptation Seal (Dino Pulerà, Artery Studios, Toronto)

  Ubaid-Era Statue (Dino Pulerà, Artery Studios, Toronto)

  Islamic Angel (public domain, Wikipedia Images)

  Byzantine Seraphim (public domain, Wikipedia Images)

  Apkallu, Mesopotamian Guardian Figure (public domain, Wikipedia Images)

  Ningishida, Sumerian Serpent God (public domain, Wikipedia Images)

  The Sacred Tree (from Thomas Inman, Ancient Faiths and Modern: A Dissertation Upon Worships, Legends and Divinities, illustrated by Saint-Elme Gautier. New York: J.W. Bouton, 1876)


  It’s always such a pleasure to work with Adrienne Kerr, whose editorial savvy, support, and advice are so valuable. My gratitude also to my publisher, Nicole Winstanley, and the sales, production, marketing, and publicity teams at Penguin Random House Canada. Many thanks to my agents, Victoria Skurnick and Elizabeth Fisher, at the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency.

  I would be at a loss to write any of my books were it not for the many authors, historians, journalists, and bloggers I rely on for research. In the writing of The Angel of Eden, however, one author, British historian David Rohl, really stands out. His painstaking work, documented in his book Legend: The Genesis of Civilization, is in my view nothing short of brilliant. It has heavily influenced the ideas in this novel.

  Very much appreciated also is the advice of Tanis Mallow and Sylvia Forest’s help in providing expert knowledge in climbing techniques.

  For their great assistance in preparing the illustrations, my sincere thanks to Dino Pulerà and Steven Mader of Artery Studios in Toronto.


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  First published 2015

  Copyright © D.J. McIntosh, 2015

  Author photograph: Robert Rafton

  Cover images: Mountains: © Royalty Free/Masterfile; Wax Seal: © Andrey Kuzmin/Shutterstock

  Cover design: Daniel Cullen

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  Publisher’s note: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  McIntosh, D. J. (Dorothy J.), author

  The angel of Eden / D.J. McIntosh.

  ISBN 978-0-14-317576-6 (pbk.)

  I. Title.

  PS8625.I53A75 2015 C813'.6 C2015-900012-2

  eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319456-9

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