The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4

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The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4 Page 17

by T. R. Harris

  In the cold air of the city, Adam and Riyad followed a menagerie of scents—some inviting, others disgusting. At one of the restaurants with an inviting aroma, they entered. Adam approached a waiter.

  “Where can I purchase ready-to-cook meat around here?”

  The tall, pinkish-colored alien frowned. “You wish to cook it first? How disgusting.”

  The pair left the restaurant and continued down the street. They passed a window with several skinned animals hanging on the other side.

  “These look something like baby seals—skinned, of course,” Adam said to Riyad.

  “Saves me the trouble.”

  Upon entering, they were accosted by such a pungent odor that they almost puked. “Well, so much for fresh meat,” Riyad said back on the street. “What is it with these people around here?”

  At the third shop, they hit paydirt. Approaching a large display case containing slabs of richly marbled meat placed on ice, Adam was literally salivating at the sight. This would do nicely.

  “May we use a sampler box?” Adam asked the clerk. The creature behind the case handed him a small box, about the size of a cigarette pack, with a recessed slot on top. Adam inserted his finger and withdrew it quickly. He handed the box back to the clerk.

  “Twenty—no make that thirty—equivalent pounds of a meat that’s compatible to our chemistry.”

  The clerk’s eyes widened. “How will you transport such a weight? We do not offer delivery service.”

  Adam smiled. “We’ll manage. Just wrap it up in one package. What’s the cost?”

  “Eighty-nine credits.”

  “That’s fairly cheap, isn’t it?”

  “This is ka’l meat. The beasts roam wild in the streets; some of us even keep them for pets. We club them outside and then prepare the meat inside.”

  Riyad looked at Adam. “Sounds a lot like dog meat.”

  “You would have to say that.” Adam almost changed his mind…but he didn’t. He paid the alien and walked out with his prize. “Don’t tell the others what this is.”

  “But I’ll know,” Riyad pointed out.

  Just then the ground heaved up from under them.

  The men tumbled to the ground, as nimble-footed pedestrians raced by, all headed in the same direction. The Humans scrambled to their feet—with Adam recovering his precious package of dog meat from where it had fallen—and joined the exodus. At the nearest corner, the crowd helped to shove them into a huge metal container. The doors shut seconds later and dim lights snapped on.

  Outside, the shelter was being pummeled sporadically by falling debris. The box heaved and twisted, even seeming to begin a short journey down the street by the feel of the rocking motion.

  Then the rumbling subsided, not all at once, but gradually. Adam caught the eye of the blue-skinned alien next to him. “You are new here,” observed the creature.

  “That’s right.”

  “There is little danger. This happens often.” He pointed a long, slender finger upwards. “Three satellite bodies. They pull and tug on the surface of Marix constantly. We have learned to live with it. Is that ka’l meat I smell? I have one at my abode. They are very good with my offspring; however, our favorite has gone missing recently. Perhaps that is her.” The doors to the container opened.

  Adam left his package inside the box—intentionally.

  The street was littered with fallen debris—not as much as one would expect from such a violent earthquake, but enough.

  Riyad looked up at the modern stone, metal and masonry buildings. “You would think that with such a history of earthquakes the natives would construct buildings that don’t fall apart.”

  “No telling why aliens do what they do.” Adam was depressed. He really wanted a steak…just not one made from someone’s beloved pet.

  The comm in his full-face mask chimed.

  “Captain, did you feel that? You guys okay?” It was Tom Paulson.

  “Yeah, we felt it. We’re fine. Any luck with the bulk stock?”

  “No problem. We got it—even being delivered. But, sir, as we were waiting for the order to be filled, we caught part of a newscast. I think we need to get back to the ship as soon as possible.”

  Adam tensed. “What’s wrong?”

  “It was about Sherri and Arieel.”

  “We’re on our way.”

  Travis linked to the local broadcast system and scanned the channels. Most had news about the earthquake, all delivered in a casual, matter-of-fact manner. While waiting for the stories to cycle back around, the men told Adam and Riyad what little they knew.

  “They’re already on Juir.”

  “That’s a month ahead of schedule,” Adam pointed out. “Are you sure they said Juir?”

  “Yessir,” said Travis. “Something about the conspiracy Arieel is involved in and the capture of the terrorist Human Sherri Valentine.”

  “How?” Riyad asked.

  “They must have transferred them to another ship, a faster one, once Synnoc found out about them,” Adam offered.

  “Now there’s some sort of trial getting underway?”

  “Wait…here it is.”

  The video showed Sherri and Arieel being escorted down a ramp from a landing shuttle and being separated. The announcer spoke of how Arieel Bol—the soon to be reappointed Speaker of the Formilians—was being accused of aiding the Humans in their killing of a Juirean Overlord while the two empires were at peace. It also mentioned she was the birth mother of a mutant offspring. This creature had assisted the Sol-Kor ally Panur in confounding Juirean attempts to eradicate the flesh eaters from the galaxy, an effort they added, that was also hampered by the reckless and irresponsible behavior of the Humans. Adam was mentioned as the father of the mutant offspring. What followed was a lengthy diatribe detailing all of Adam’s many so-called crimes against the Juireans and the Expansion. This naturally led to Sherri Valentine, a diabolical creature who had assisted Cain—and his cohort Riyad Tarazi—in many of their criminal escapades.

  “At least I got an honorable mention,” Riyad said. “It’s damn hard living in the shadow of the great Adam Cain.”

  “Tell us about it,” Paulson said. “They didn’t say anything about me and Travis, even when talking about what the Vengeance’ has been doing recently. How can we expect to have any schools named after us if no one knows who we are?”

  “This is serious,” Adam barked. The team straightened up. “Now the plan changes.”

  “There was a plan?” Riyad pulled back slightly from Adam angry glare; however, he couldn’t let that one get by….

  “So what do we do, Captain?” Paulson asked.

  Adam looked at Riyad. “Not we…us.” He passed a finger between him and Riyad.

  “What does that mean, sir?” Paulson sensed something was coming, and he didn’t like it.

  “It’s obvious now that Synnoc knows what we’re really after. Until now, he probably figured we were just pissed off about Andy’s death. In fact, he may not have even known Sherri and Arieel were captured until recently. Hell, they’ve been on a spaceship for the past three months. But now he’s had them rushed to Juir ahead of schedule, just to throw us off.”

  “You really think he’s that smart?” Riyad asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. He has the women now, and the only reason he’s broadcasting this crap all over the galaxy is because he knows it will bring us to him.”

  A vein pulsed in Riyad’s neck. “He’s right about that.”

  “But we’re not going to be part of it?” Travis asked, referring to him and Paulson. He, too, was feeling left out.

  Adam stood and began pacing the bridge. He picked up Pogo and began to toss him back and forth between his hands. It helped him think. Pogo seemed to enjoy it, too.

  “Synnoc sees the Union fleet building in strength, but still not large enough to challenge his forces between Hyben and Juir.” Adam began. “He also knows the Vengeance is leading the way, softening up the ground
for when the fleet is ready. He’s moved up the timetable, forcing us to get to Juir before the fleet can back us up.”

  “We do have the Vengeance, sir,” Travis said. “I say we give him what he wants. After all, this has been our mission from the beginning. We’ve just been killing time—and aliens—waiting for the women to show up.”

  “You’re right, sergeant. And that’s just what he’ll expect us to do. Order full-steam ahead and damn the torpedoes.”

  “I thought we didn’t have any more torpedoes?” Travis pointed out, being serious.

  “Oh, the state of our educational system these days,” Paulson said, shaking his head. “No understanding of naval history.”

  Travis cocked his head to one side, like a dog not understanding a command.

  “Never mind,” Adam said. “Synnoc is going to be looking for the Vengeance, he’ll be expecting the Vengeance.”

  “So we’re not going in the Vengeance.” Riyad stated.

  Adam tried to smile. It wasn’t easy under the circumstances. “That’s right, we’re not. There’s a small Class-2 right across the tarmac. We’re going to Juir in that.”

  “What about the Vengeance, sir?” Paulson asked.

  “You and Travis will continue doing just what we’ve been doing. Hit and run, hit and run. Just don’t get yourselves killed. And make it look convincing, make it look like you’re desperately trying to reach Juir. If Synnoc believes I’m on my way, he’ll drag out the trials until I get there. He’ll lose his leverage if he kills Sherri and Arieel before then.”

  “A Class-2 will still take almost two weeks to get to Juir,” Riyad pointed out.

  “That’s fine. Synnoc will have his eye on the Vengeance, and not some minor warship cycling back to Juir. Tom, Travis, it will be your job to make sure he notices. Let him see you’re trying—slowly—but trying.”

  “And what if he opens up a lane to let us through? At some point he’s going to want to get the game over with.”

  “We’ll deal with that at the time. Hopefully we’ll be on Juir and have the girls packed away all safe and sound by then. But as long as he sees the Vengeance out here tearing things up, he won’t be expecting it when Riyad and I show up at his back door.”

  Riyad got up and walked to the viewport. The Juirean Class-2 was about two hundred yards away. He counted eighteen Juireans on the tarmac, tending to that ship and a few others the mane-heads had in port.

  “So when do we put this new plan into motion?”

  “Right after I get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  Marix and the city of Jendis weren’t getting off scot-free. It was decided that as soon as Adam and Riyad left with the commandeered Class-2, Paulson and Travis would strafe the spaceport, city and MK facilities to cover the theft. Paulson had piloting experience with standard starships, and after a brief orientation session, he felt confident enough to use the jump-drive. Pogo would remain in the ship for power and guidance. Travis had no piloting experience but would be trained as the days went by.

  For their assault on Juir, Adam and Riyad would be limited only to the weapons they found aboard the C-2, as well as any they could take with them from the Vengeance. Knowing that it was better at times to be obvious rather than sly—a tactic called hiding in plain sight—the pair loaded up four small crates with M-101’s, .45 caliber Colts, flash weapons, grenades and ammo and set them on a cart. Then they simply wheeled it up to the entry port of the Juirean warcraft like a couple of delivery beings, dressed in their full-face masks and trench coats.

  “What is this?” asked the Juirean at the doorway.

  “A gift from MK Weapons Systems. We are delivering them to all the Juirean vessels in port.” Adam was caught off-guard when the alien reached out suddenly and pulled off one of the lids. Riyad went for his gun.

  Three more Juireans appeared from in and around the ship, coming to look at what was in the box. Adam placed his hand on Riyad’s, keeping him from drawing. The Juireans seemed more curious than alarmed.

  The first Juirean reached inside and pulled out an M-101 assault rifle.

  “Are these Human weapons?” he asked with undisguised enthusiasm. “They are indeed heavy! I could not carry this for long. Does it have the range it is rumored to have?”

  Adam and Riyad had just become the default experts in Human weaponry by virtue of their role as delivery beings. All the Juireans were now pulling out other weapons, including the handguns.

  “Why are we receiving these?” one of them asked. “It is so we can familiarize ourselves with the weapons of our enemy?”

  “Something like that,” Adam answered. “There is more. We request permission to move the cart into your ship for a more detailed presentation.”

  “Yes, of course!” The Juirean stepped aside. He motioned for three other Juireans nearby to join them inside. This was going to be exciting.

  Four minutes later, the seven Juireans received a live demonstration of the deadly effectiveness of the Human projectile weapons, courtesy of those Adam and Riyad carried under their coats.

  “Any questions?” Adam asked after the presentation was over. He waited for the mass of mangled and bloodied bodies to answer. He smiled. He must have done a good job, since no one had any follow-up questions.

  “They are quick learners, aren’t they?” Riyad commented.

  “A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Class dismissed.”

  Adam and Riyad rushed to the bridge.

  “Okay, commander, we’re secure here,” Adam announced over his throat comm. “We’ll be airborne in ten; you follow. It’s show time.”


  Elder Synnoc had read the reports and seen the projections. Even though a strengthening was inevitable, his confidence waivered slightly when he learned of the Q’uel and Belsonian’s joining the Union fleet, as a dozen more raced to join the Humans. His vessels were many yet scattered. The Expansion was much larger than the small empire of Earth. It would take time to accumulate the necessary forces to bring about his glorious final battle with the desired outcome.

  He dismissed the thought and went on to more important matters.

  To his delight, Adam Cain was still the tip of the sword.

  With this latest news, Synnoc knew it was time to put an end to the game he was playing with the Human and bring this part of his plan to a close.

  He had to admit, his latest coup was not of his design. Kradis had inquired and found the vessel carrying the female friends of Adam Cain. The ship was a Class-3, due at Juir in fifty-two days at the time it was located. The Fleet Marshal had the ship stopped and the prisoners transferred to a Class-9. The massive battlecruiser then raced to Juir using its superior speed, arriving here a full twenty-eight days ahead of the Class-3’s scheduled time.

  Synnoc immediately seized on this event to stage an elaborate scene for broadcast throughout the Expansion and beyond. Kradis was right. It would take some time and effort to present the case against the Formilian politician. But aside from that, the early arrival of the prisoners would send Cain racing to Juir far ahead of the Union Fleet. The enemy was still assembling their units, and their new military commander—a Human named Hollingsworth—would not be foolish enough to send an ill-prepared fleet this far into Juirean territory. Adam Cain would be on his own.

  Already Synnoc could see his plan was working. Reports over the past week had Cain and his miracle ship striking targets on Marix and Sanias. He even entered the space around Bondic-nur but was quickly repelled. Still, he was making slow, yet steady progress towards Juir.

  The Human fleet, in the meantime, had broken up and then reassembled outside Kronoc-lur. This is where the Belsonians and others joined the growing fleet. Scouts estimated the total strength to be nearing eighteen hundred vessels.

  Synnoc already had that many hiding in The Hand, with another thousand due on station in two days. A thousand more were in route from this side of the Core. His fleet would double in size shortly thereafter. If t
he Humans did advance to follow Cain, they would be caught between two huge Juirean fleets, each of greater size than their own. His ships would win the victory, while leaving Adam Cain alone to face what Synnoc was preparing for him around Juir.

  The Elder hadn’t decided whether he’d kill Cain in space or have him brought to Juir for execution. He would prefer to have it take place on Juir, but that would ultimately depend on the Human. If he became too dangerous and unpredictable, Synnoc would simply blow him out of space. If captured, he’d be brought to Juir. And if by some miracle of fate Adam Cain made it all the way to the surface of Juir, it would be even easier for the Elder.

  However it was calculated, Adam Cain was going to die. Synnoc preferred that it be in a spectacular event for all the galaxy to witness. If not, then the Elder was okay with that, too. The Human’s hero would be dead, the Union fleet destroyed, and the path to Earth left open for Synnoc’s own chance at everlasting glory…and redemption. Once Earth was laid waste, the galaxy—all the galaxy—would belong to the Juireans, and only the Juireans.

  Admiral Mort Hollingsworth studied the star maps and shook his head. He was angry and frustrated. What the hell was Cain doing?

  He called an aide and had him set up a secure link between Phoenix and the Mark VII. He would get to the bottom of this personally.

  From his office, Hollingsworth watched the screen on his desk come to life, with an image of a middle-aged man with a square face and short, thinning hair. The man was startled when he saw the admiral.

  “Who are you?” Hollingsworth asked.

  “Sir, Lieutenant-Commander Tom Paulson, sir.” The man waved a hand over his clothing. “Sorry for the attire, Admiral. We left Worak-nin without our uniforms. We’d been out in the bush for a couple of months before Captain Cain showed up. We’ve had to make do with what we’ve picked up here and there.”


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