The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4

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The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4 Page 22

by T. R. Harris

  “There are three main back-ups for the building, two on site and another one about ten miles away. Everything appears be in threes; three generators with three redundant connectors each.”

  “Could you disable them if necessary?” Riyad asked.

  “This one, possibly, and maybe the one at the other side of the building. Not sure about the one off-site. Just don’t expect me to do anything in hurry. These things are pretty complicated.”

  This was Adam’s second artificial telepathy device; the first he’d given to Panur so he could build his trans-dimensional portal detector. Since Adam wasn’t the type to sit around trying to learn all its subtle uses and manipulations, he was still a rookie at its operation. In fact, he would go days without even thinking of the implant. He could do the basics, but Arieel—who had been fitted with her device when she was five and trained on it every day to adulthood, had much more skill with the interface. She had also surrendered her Gift to Panur and was now device-less. As far as Adam knew, he was the only creature in the galaxy who possessed a Formilian brain interface unit.

  The two Humans continued through the hazy darkness until they came to the main entrance/exit to the security vault. The two-foot thick metal door had been replaced with a set of standard-hinged rectangular doors. It was easy to see where new concrete had been poured to form the frame for the doors. There was an electronic lock on the door.

  Adam scanned it with his ATD; this was something he could do with relative ease. He severed the locking controls and the doors were free to open.

  He shook his head, a movement Riyad noticed.


  “No, just something weird. A kind of echo in my mind.”

  “What kind of echo?”

  “Like if you hear a ringing in your ears when everything is really quiet.”

  “Could the mane-heads be scanning for your ATD?”

  “I don’t think so. This was something strange. Let me scan around and see if I pick up anything unusual.”

  A couple of minutes went by before Adam reported his findings.

  “There’s a shitload of electronics operating, just what you would expect in a building this large. I’m picking up plenty of flash weapon power packs, but none close by. Maybe the echo was from all electricity concentrated in one place. I’ll be fine. Let’s move on. I’m anxious to see what they have down here.”

  During his earlier stay on Juir, Adam had researched the massive pyramid building—the original—and found its history to be fascinating.

  The structure was built over the site of the first landing of an alien spacecraft on the planet. That small, gangly-looking vehicle—similar in shape and design to the Lunar Landing Module from the Apollo moon landings—had been sent to Juir four thousand years ago by the neighboring Klin, one of six other advanced civilizations in the Cluster. What would become the Malor-Hydon Tower began as a simple cover over the spacecraft to protect it from the elements. Later, as more pilgrims came to view the craft, additional walls and barriers were constructed to help protect it and to channel visitors past in a more orderly fashion.

  As the Juireans began to build their stellar empire, they staged elaborate ceremonies and presentations on the mountaintop and around the spacecraft. A large amphitheater was built around the lander, along with a cover for the crowds.

  Years later, other buildings were constructed around the site and it was decided that the first-landing memorial should to have one of its own. This structure was a rectangular-shaped building—like all the others—with the distinction of having the top floor serve as a three-hundred-sixty-degree glassed-in observation deck. Visiting dignitaries were in awe of the view, which included the lights of Juir City far below, as well as snow-capped mountains to the north and west and the Southern Sea to the south.

  As the centuries passed, urban sprawl took over the area surrounding the monument building. Taller structures rose up around it, requiring additions to the building, with the goal to always have the observation deck be the highest point on the mountain.

  A thousand years after its inception, some frustrated Council Elder ordered that all the surrounding buildings be removed, and that a new and final structure be built on the site. A pyramid was selected as the design, with the great observation deck placed at the very top. Nothing in the surrounding area was to be taller than a fifth the height of the pyramid, and when completed, it stood a thousand feet high, giving it—according to Adam’s research—twice the footprint and height of the Great Pyramid of Giza on Earth.

  By this time, the Juirean Empire had spread across half the galaxy, and it became a rite of passage for every Juirean to make a pilgrimage to the building to observe the First-Contact Memorial. The entire lower section of the pyramid was a large open chamber with the memorial resting at the center. With so many coming to see it, separate entrances were created, along with wide catwalks and circular balconies, where the fateful could be channeled. At the height of the empire, a hundred thousand Juireans per day filtered through the building.

  Years later, the observation room at the top of the pyramid was shut off from visitors and converted into the Pinnacle Room, to be used exclusively by the Elders for important state business.

  The new Malor-Hydon pyramid was built on the foundation of the old one, with the only surviving remnant being the catacombs carved into the basalt and granite of the mountain.

  The First-Contact vehicle was destroyed in the Kracori attack, after which the Juireans conducted a futile search for Hydon’s stone-encrusted escape pod to serve as a weak substitute. Adam didn’t know what—if anything—now sat in the huge exhibition chamber. The Juireans didn’t make pilgrimages here any longer. There were too few of them left to bother.

  Riyad moved through the open door and into a wide lobby outside the vault. There were lights on, but only a few. There was evidence most of this area had been rebuilt after the geyser erupted from the vault, and farther along, they could see lights, in corridors more frequently traveled.

  They were twelve stories below the surface, in an area of passageways and rooms filling the space between the deeply-embedded support legs for the pyramid. As in most huge buildings, the less-important people dwelled at the lower levels, while the VIPs labored higher up. In the catacombs, the lowest of the low had their offices, including where the prisoners were housed. It would only make sense.

  They turned a corner and spotted a lone Juirean with yellow hair—a Tech—walking away from them while reading a datapad in his hands. Adam motioned for Riyad to lag behind as backup, before he moved off to confront the alien.

  Adam moved softly yet swiftly, using his years of training to sneak up behind the Juirean. He did everything right.

  Regardless, the target stopped and turned unexpectedly.

  Both creatures eyed each other, deciding what to do. The Juirean saw a much smaller creature dressed in a black, helmet-less environment suit and holding a strange looking weapon. Adam saw a seven-foot tall alien, unarmed and with a datapad in his hands.

  Both creatures rushed the other.

  It was a good bet the Juirean had never collided with a Human before. His expression said it all, as Adam won the war of mass and shoved the creature backwards and off his feet. He landed hard on his back with Adam straddling him, the barrel of the M-101 pressed against the greenish skin of the Juirean’s left cheek.

  “Keep quiet or I’ll blow your head clean off your shoulders. Nod if you understand?”

  The creature nodded while glaring at Adam. He wasn’t scared, rather frustrated with himself for being thrown to the floor by such a small being.

  “What are you doing down here?” Adam asked.

  “I do routine environmental systems monitoring. What are you doing here?”

  “I’ll ask the questions,” Adam said, pressing the barrel of the weapon a little harder against the alien for emphasis. “Where are the prison cells located?”

  “Prison cells…on this level? Ther
e are none.”

  “On which level?”

  “There are no prison facilities.” The alien’s eyes grew large as understanding came to him. “Security holding? Do you mean security holding?”


  “They are five levels above.” The alien glanced past the two Humans and the deserted hall behind them. “I welcome the prospect of you and your companion attempting to reach them. They are well-guarded.”

  “Do you recognize our race?”

  “Yes, you are Humans. I have only seen you in images, yet now I can associate your smell with your pictures. Both are disgustingly foul.”

  “Quite the mouthy little son-of-a-bitch, isn’t he?” Riyad said.

  “How do we reach the security level?”

  “By going up.”

  “And a smart-ass, too. Just kill him and let’s get going.” Riyad moved past Adam to scout the hallway farther along.

  “Kill me? Why?”

  “Because—” Adam flipped his weapon around and drove the stock end into the skull of the alien—“I can.” He climbed to his feet. “There have to be elevators along here somewhere, and hopefully the accompanying stairwells.”

  “I’ve noticed you’ve been saying hopefully a lot more these days,” Riyad pointed out.

  “It’s another way of saying the situation is fluid, requiring mission modification contingent upon circumstances in the field.”

  “You mean we’re playing it by ear?”

  “Now you’ve got it. Take the lead, Mister Tarazi. Let’s find a way…up.”

  A bank of elevators—along with a doorway to the stairs—was located a hundred feet down the corridor. Elevators were always a crap shoot; one never knew what would be waiting when the doors slid open. Stairs, on the other hand, were manageable and less traveled. The Humans entered the doorway next to the elevators and began a methodical climb floor by floor, on maximum guard along the way.

  They made it up the five flights without incident. At the exit door, Adam knelt down and cracked it open a hair. It was clear down the corridor in that direction. Next, he withdrew a small mirror on an articulated handle from a pocket in his environment suit and placed it around the door jamb, looking in the other direction.

  He couldn’t see much. His view was blocked by the khaki-colored pant leg of the Juirean standing next to the door. Adam angled the mirror upward, turning the already towering alien into a giant. He got a better view; the Juirean Guard was talking with two others. The hallway beyond looked clear.

  Adam pulled back and quietly shut the door. He held up three fingers and then motioned with his thumb at the wall he was leaning against.

  Riyad raised his eyebrows. “Right here?” he whispered.

  Adam nodded. “We need one alive,” he said to Riyad. The two men switched their M-101’s to standard mode, meaning bullets racing down the suppressed barrel. The flash option would have lit up the corridor for fifty yards or more. Two muted puffs wouldn’t attract too much attention—hopefully.

  The plan: Riyad would open the door as Adam pulled the first Juirean into the stairwell, just before placing two quick shots center-mass into the other two. He would then pull the bodies out of the hallway before too much blood could spill. It would take all of three seconds, at the most. That was the plan.

  The door was pulled open; Adam was out in a flash, grabbing the first alien by his belt and yanking him through the doorway. The pop-pop of the ‘101 sounded like one shot, coming so close to each other as they did.

  Adam caught one falling Juirean and threw him into the doorway. He took the second one by the collar and placed him on top of the other. Then he bent over and shoved both bodies through the doorway. A quick glance outside showed a thin trail of smudged blood leading into the stairwell.

  Riyad had the live Juirean pressed against a side wall, the barrel of his weapon aimed at the creature’s chest. Spying a pocket on the alien’s shirt, Adam reached out and tore off a generous portion of cloth. The Juirean—as well as Riyad—was surprised.

  “Mind of I borrow this?” Adam asked with a grin. He scooted out the doorway again and came back a few seconds later with a blood-soaked cloth. He looked at Riyad. “Made a bloody mess, I did, I say,” Adam said in his best British accent.

  Riyad had disarmed the Guard and now both Humans turned their attention to their captive.

  “Is this the floor with the security cells?” Adam growled in a whisper.

  “I will not tell you—”

  Adam leaned in and clamped a hand over the alien’s mouth, while also withdrawing a KA-BAR combat knife from his utility belt. Without hesitation, he pressed the black blade into the leg of the Juirean. The creature moaned and struggled to cry out, grimacing from the intense pain. Adam withdrew the knife and placed the bloody edge against the Guard’s neck.

  “I’ll ask you again, is this the floor with the security cells?”

  The alien’s eyes were slits as squinted against the pain. He nodded.

  “Do you have two females down here, one Human, the other Formilian?”

  The Guard shook his head.

  “They’re not here?”

  He shook his head again.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Riyad asked. “Are they here or not?”

  Adam pulled his hand away from the Juirean’s mouth. “The Human, not the Formilian,” the Juirean groaned.

  “The Human is here, but not the other one?”

  The alien nodded.

  Now Riyad leaned forward, pressing the barrel of his weapon against the alien’s forehead. Even through the pain, the Juirean’s eyes grew wide.

  “Where is she?”

  The alien shook his head again.

  Riyad backed away. “Cut him again, Adam.”

  “No! I will tell you.”

  “Where?” Adam breathed.

  “Room three-three.”

  “Where’s that?”

  The alien cocked his head to the left. “Down the corridor, then right. Down there.” He was having trouble talking, sitting as he was in a pool of his own blood, mixing now with that from his companions.

  “Guards…how many?”

  The alien looked at the stack of dead Juireans next to him. “Us,” he answered.

  “Where is the Formilian?” Adam asked.

  “Not sure…believe level twenty. Guest…under guard.”

  “Thanks, you’ve been very cooperative.” Adam then pressed the tip of his blade deep into the chest of the alien.

  The Humans stood. They stepped over to the dead aliens and wiped the blood off the soles of their boots on the bodies. Then, being careful not to step in the growing pool of blood, they stepped into the hallway. Adam took the lead.

  As the alien indicated, there were no other Guards on the way to Sherri’s cell; they were all dead in the stairwell. Room numbers were marked on the wall next to the doors and thirty seconds after leaving the stairwell they were at room thirty-three. Adam scanned for an electronic lock, found it, and triggered the release.

  Riyad stood guard while Adam rushed to the single cot and the slender figure lying face down and uncovered on top. Taking Sherri by the shoulders, Adam turned her over—and caught an elbow across the side of his face. He fell back, dropping to the floor on his butt.

  Sherri was on her feet, standing over him, about to deliver a second blow. And then she squealed.

  Adam rubbed his jaw as Sherri’s eye grew wide—the other one was swollen shut. “Baddum!” she cried out through equally swollen and cut lips. “And Breeodd!” She fell to her knees, wrapping Adam in a powerful bear hug.

  Riyad looked away from the door and flashed his trademark smile. “Honey, we’re home. What’s for dinner.”

  “Brovenist.” Sherri’s face contorted in pain when she tried to smile.

  Adam own right eye and lip were swelling up from the elbow he’d taken. “Riyad…I’ve changed my mind. Let’s leave her here.”

  “Your call, Captain. As you wis


  Adam looked at his former girlfriend and frowned. “Damn, babe, you took a licking.”

  “But I keep on tickin’.”

  “Where’s Arieel?” Adam asked. “She’s not down here with you.”

  Sherri swallowed hard, working through the pain of her facial injuries to speak. “She VIP. Higher up, umber guard. Synnoc wants to qwill us bof…along with brew and Breeodd. He thinks brew be here in a week.”

  “Surprise, our flight got in early. Can you walk?”

  “Just hit my face. Weggs are brine.”

  Adam reached into his backpack and withdrew another M-101. “I brought you a present.”

  Sherri took the weapon and hugged it to her chest. “Just what I braways wanted.”

  They climbed to their feet.

  “So…how do we reach Arieel?” Riyad asked Adam in the middle of receiving a one-armed hug from Sherri. She held the ‘101 in the other.

  “The Guard said she’s on the twentieth floor. I say we take the elevator to the twentieth, then shoot every alien we see until we find her.”

  “Don’t you think that might be a little too…rude?”

  “It was just a suggestion.”

  Riyad looked toward the cot. “We could go all KKK again. Then put on our helmets and escort the Imperial Wizard to the VIP section.”

  “We’re wearing Human environmental suits.”

  “Which are black and look like everyone else’s.”

  Adam smiled. “Sounds like a pretty good plan. And every good Imperial Wizard needs a pair of Dark Guards escorting her.”

  “What are brew tawkling bout?”

  “You’ll see, sweetheart. You’ll love it. It’s the latest thing in high fashion.”

  Five minutes later the men had wrapped Sherri in a white sheet, but rather that cut a slot for the eyes, Riyad used his Lebanese skills to make the outfit look more like a burqa than a KKK robe.

  “Okay, here we go,” said Adam. “Just walk confidently and with purpose. They’ll still look at us, but think we belong here.”


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