The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4

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The Human Chrinicles Box Set 4 Page 38

by T. R. Harris

  “Kind of like what happened to your world when the Hal’ic attacked?”

  “That was not my world; I do not have a world. I was created in the laboratories of Kor, yet that was all. I have no homeworld, and no race. Like my creator—and Lila Bol—we are unique.”

  “How does that make you feel?” Sherri asked, genuinely interested in the answer. “I couldn’t imagine being so alone.”

  J’nae took a heartbeat to formulate her answer, which was a lifetime for an intellect like hers. Sherri noticed the hesitation, believing she’d touched a nerve.

  “I know of no other existence, and that is how it will be for all eternity.”

  “You’re smart enough to imagine what it feels like to be part of a family, of a community, of a race of like beings all in pursuit of life’s little pleasures. You can, can’t you?”

  “Of course I can…imagine. Panur has the emotions you speak off, since he is the product of a mortal birth and then mutated to his present state. Even Lila has retained that part of her Human and Formilian birth, thanks to her assimilation into her planet’s culture and people. She, even more than Panur, has conventional feelings and emotions. Yet I was created a mutant—as you refer to it. I have no such lingering experiences to call upon. I understand them and can place myself in a state of mind where I react as I should. Yet this is more of an exercise rather than true feelings. Panur has attempted recently to instill these in me, yet the progress is slow. And even if he succeeds, I will know they are artificial, even as my very existence is artificial. Yet perhaps….”

  “Perhaps what?” Sherri felt awful, overwhelmed by the incredible sadness she detected in the mutant. J’nae said she was devoid of natural emotions, that she had to imagine how to feel. In Sherri’s opinion, she was doing one hell of good job of imagining.

  “When we find the Aris.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Perhaps through them both Panur and I can learn.”

  “You’re looking forward to finding them?” Sherri couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “The Aris were able to take Lila—someone like you—and without batting an eye. Doesn’t that frighten you, the idea of what they’re capable of doing?”

  Again there was a slight hesitation before her reply. “It’s not fear I feel. It’s…excitement.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “To you it doesn’t, yet you must realize I do not fear…anything. Even though I can be overcome by extreme cold, I cannot die. I will outlast any of the prisons I may be placed within. A million years or more could pass and I would still survive. Yet the Aris are beings over three billions years old. Even I cannot imagine what they have become. Of course they were able to take Lila, as they can take me and Panur. That is what is so exciting; the prospect of encountering creatures even more powerful than us.”

  “Look, I’m in this to get Adam back. If we also free Lila, that’s a bonus—at least to me. Yet it sounds like you and Panur have come here to hunt the Aris? Do you have some kind of a death wish?”

  Sherri recoiled from the cold, steady reply. “Now you understand. To those who cannot die, death is the ultimate challenge.”

  Over the next two days, six more death matches were held in the small arena, all won by the Nuoreans. Only one of the Milky Way races even came close. He managed to nick one of the invaders, drawing blood. If he were a Nuorean, he would have won the match. But because this was an immunity challenge, the contest continued until he was sliced and diced into small pieces, much to the delight of the waiting crowd of carcass scavengers. It saved them the trouble.

  Adam was getting a better feel for how the Nuoreans fought. They were into ceremony and showmanship, choosing long, flowing swipes with their swords to short stabbing thrusts. Also, they fought better when moving to the side; however, they did have a fancy backflip move, but that left them vulnerable for a second as they landed and regained focus on the enemy. Their vision was always to the front, expecting the enemy to come rushing forward. This gave a swift opponent the chance to move laterally and approach from the side.

  They were also literal fighters, which meant they believed every grunt and groan coming from their opposition. An injury was believed to be an injury. They couldn’t imagine anyone faking a disability to gain an advantage. How would that even be possible, was their thinking.

  Adam had to temper his thinking, remembering this current crop of Nuorean fighters was the junior varsity team, if that. The varsity players would be wiser and less gullible.

  Adam was just finishing a meal of roasted Kacin when a commotion spread throughout the compound. He was sitting on the raised platform of the shelter, leaning against the center post supporting the thatched roof. Using the wood planks left a few days earlier, the Humans had built a four-foot high wall around most of the shelter, with the rest of the way to the awning covered in drying palm fronds. No one had challenged them over the past day and half. Part of the reason could have been that almost a third of the aliens were dead, having been killed off by the other two-thirds. Adam and his men hadn’t participated in the aforementioned slaughter for the sake of any grading system. They did their part simply for food.

  But even that was changing. More food was being brought in, along with more building supplies and additional water tanks. The remaining species had staked claim to small plots of land and built their own makeshift shelters, after which a precarious status quo developed. Except for the occasional battle for combat superiority, a pragmatic peace existed in the prison.

  That afternoon fifty or more Nuoreans moved into the compound through the main gate, massed around a central figure. As they drew closer, Adam recognized Daric as the dignitary, apparently making an impromptu inspection.

  The alien made his rounds to various mini-colonies of species, smiling and offering compliments for their ragged and ugly shelters, often not much more than a few pieces of wood leaned together like a tepee. None of the prisoners knew Daric by sight—only Adam. All they had heard was his voice as he pronounced the day’s challenges.

  Adam remained seated as the huge entourage approached the Humans’ small settlement. Billy and Manny stood in the shade at the back of the shelter, while Pierre sat on the outer edge of the platform, looking bored. None of the Humans reacted to the swarm of aliens around their encampment.

  The golden eyes of the Gamer-Master met Adam’s. He didn’t seem surprised to find the Humans in one of the best camps in the compound, or their relatively good health. They had been under surveillance since the moment they arrived.

  “I see you’ve made yourself comfortable, Adam Cain. Your stay with us doesn’t appear to be a burden.”

  “Yeah, we’re settling in quite well, thanks for noticing.”

  “I also see you have survived the first level of my little game, as I expected.”

  Adam smiled. “Pretty transparent, buddy, although some around here chose to play.”

  “Have you been studying the challenges? I would expect a warrior such as you to be quite interested in our playing techniques. I would if I were in your place.”

  Adam laughed. “You guys are pretty archaic, I mean using swords and shit. On Earth we like to go at each other with just fists and nothing else.”

  “You call it boxing; yes I know. I have been studying your planet for the past several days. I understand better now why you have been so effective at the game of war. You are more barbaric than most of your contemporaries in this galaxy. You also have the unique ability to move rapidly within your own heavy gravity, making you especially agile on worlds with standard gravity. Most other species from similar worlds as yours are more sluggish and less coordinated. Even in my own galaxy we had our share of creatures like you. We defeated them, as we did all others. You will be no different.”

  “So you say.”

  Daric went to turn away but then changed his mind. “I have an idea, one you and your fellow Humans may find amusing.”

  “What’s that?
” Adam asked. He let loose with a fake yawn to emphasize his complete lack of interest in what the alien leader had to say.

  “Seeing that I have a gathering of Humans here—and you already have been assigned tentative challenge points—why don’t I arrange a match for one of your companions?”

  The alien had Adam’s attention, along with that of the other three Humans.

  “I thought you were saving us for last?” Adam fought to maintain his detached air, not wanting Daric to know how concerned he was.

  “I’m saving you, Adam Cain. Your friends are fair game at this time.”

  “Don’t waste good fighting stock on the undercard, Daric.”

  “I do not fully understand your comment, yet I question part of it. If you are such good players, then your Humans should exit victorious. You should have nothing to fear from a practice challenge.”

  “Practice, you mean other than to the death?”

  “Oh, no, Adam Cain, it will be to the death, just that it will be practice for your designated challenger. There’s always a first. Let us schedule it for tomorrow.”

  “Wait…we get to choose the person?”

  “Of course, so long as it is not you. I must admit, I’m saving you for myself.”

  Adam stepped toward the alien, only to be blocked by several serious-looking guards. “Then let’s get it over with, you sonofabitch!”

  “Patience, my worthy opponent, our time will come. Preparations are still underway. It must be a grand show, an inaugural challenge in our glorious new Grand Arena currently under construction. Now…ready your second for the challenge tomorrow. I will allow an anxious higher-level Nuorean an opportunity to earn accelerated immunity points with the challenge. Let us see if you are an anomaly, Adam Cain, or if all Humans are the caliber of player I suspect you to be. And you can be assured your player will find a worthy opponent in the Nuorean I have in mind. I would not want to make it too easy for him.”

  The mass of Nuoreans moved on, continuing to move slowly throughout the compound. None of the Humans spoke for several minutes, not until Billy Kring stepped forward.

  “I’ll do it,” he announced.

  “Like hell you will!” countered Manny Brown.

  “I’m the captain of the ship; I’ll do it,” said Pierre Savoy.

  “We’re not on your ship anymore, Pierre,” Billy shouted.

  The three men squared off at the center of the covered shelter.

  “Cool it you guys,” Adam said. “We have to look at this logically.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Manny snapped.

  “Who among you has the best shot at victory?”

  In unison they all shouted, “I do!”

  “I’ve had a chance to watch the three of you over the past week. Billy is the youngest and in the best shape.”

  “I’ve also done some rodeo in my day.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Pierre asked.

  “It means I can take a beating and keep coming back,” Billy answered.

  “There’s a sad fact we’re missing here,” Adam said. “Daric said someone has to go first. I’m afraid we’re all going to get our turn in the arena.”

  That sobered them up, afterwards it was agreed Billy Kring would face the Nuorean. With the others looking on, Adam began to reveal what he’d observed about the fighting techniques of the aliens. They listened intently, knowing his words could mean the difference between life and death. Later, the three non-combatants relieved Billy of guard duty that night, allowing him to get a full eight hours of rest. How much he actually slept, only Billy knew.

  There was a buzz in the air the next morning as word spread that a Human was going to be in the arena that day. A group of Nuoreans came in and constructed a small raised viewing platform with an awning for shade. Three chairs were placed atop it. Adam knew one was for Daric, the other two his senior staff.

  When Daric appeared at little later, Adam was surprised. Most of the prior matches had taken place in the afternoon, not late morning. Billy was brimming with excitement, stretching and loosing up.

  Daric stepped up to the shelter.

  “Greetings Adam Cain…and team.” The alien was absolutely ebullient. “I have a special treat for you.” He observed Billy standing nearby, over-following with nervous energy. “Is this your champion?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. I’m ready,” Billy answered for Adam.

  “What is your name, I will need it for the introduction?”

  “Billy Kring.”

  “Please relax, Billy Kring. As I mentioned, I have a treat for you, as well as all those within my fleet.” He turned to Adam. “Over the night I researched the meaning of the word undercard you mentioned yesterday. This is not something we practice, yet I found the concept fascinating as it relates to the occupants of the holding center. So I have scheduled an undercard challenge.”

  Daric beamed with enthusiasm, appearing proud of his ability to adjust to local customs, while Adam’s gut tightened into knots, anticipating another of the Humans was to be thrown into the arena.

  Daric continued. “I have noticed a strong dynamic in the Kac—your galaxy—between Humans and a race called Juirean.”

  He was going to pit one of his men against a Juirean! Good.

  “There appears to be an on-going competition between your two races for dominance. I was also interested to learn that the Juireans have long dominated, and that Humans are relative newcomers in this struggle. You have come far in a very short time. An amazing feat. So I have decided to study the abilities of the Juireans in the arena, by placing one against another player-race—the Que’l.”

  Dammit, hopefully not Andic.

  “This type of challenge is unprecedented and will—along with the contest with your Human—be broadcast to my fleet. We know so little of the playing strategy of your various species and the Nuor are anxious to learn from these public displays. It makes us more worthy opponents, something I’m sure you can appreciate. I must note, we normally do not place alien against alien. It is waste of good arena time and no points are awarded. Yet I have not seen either species in combat. Except for a brief skirmish here a few days ago involving the Que’l, neither of the races have been challenged in the holding center. This speaks of the respect—and fear—others have of these two races. Even you Humans have had challengers, all of which you have easily vanquished. Yet not these two. Now I am curious as to why? You are invited to witness the challenge from my platform if you wish.”

  Adam shook his head. “I’d rather stay with my guys.”

  “Understandable. The undercard challenge will begin very soon. After the clean-up, your player will be next. Move to the staging area. I have no way of gauging the duration of the preliminary challenge match.”

  The staging area was a roped off section of dirt outside the open section of the arena barrier that served as the entrance. The Humans were allowed access, along with groups of Juireans and Que’l.

  Andic approached Adam.

  “I am to represent the Que’l.” His round eyes were full of fire and excitement. The Que’l are a warrior race, substituting their savage and brutal Drunage games for bloody and costly wars. Millions of natives attend the contests, with the players enjoying celebrity status among the masses. Every young Que’l grows up playing Drunage in hopes of one day making it to the games as a professional.

  What made the species so deadly was their huge block heads. Rising up above the eyes by a good eighteen inches was an anvil-shaped mass of solid bone, covered by a thin layer of skin and devoid of any nerve endings. They felt no pain when ramming the heavy blocks into their opponents, propelled on thick, muscular legs. The Juireans were badasses in their own right, but Adam wasn’t about to place any money against the Que’l. He hated to admit it, but he was curious to see who would emerge victorious.

  The players were summoned to the center of the ring. Attending Nuoreans provided each with sword and net and then left the
arena. There was no referee present.

  A towering Juirean Overlord stepped next to Adam at the arena barrier.

  “I know of you, Human. Who of my race doesn’t?”

  “This isn’t the time or the place,” Adam said. “Right now it’s us against them.”

  “I concur, yet if this is the traditional style of fighting in which the Nuoreans engage, we Juireans will have a natural advantage. We have trained with bladed weapons for thousands of years. This is not new to us. Victory will come to the Juireans.”

  Adam looked up at the blue-maned alien. “Don’t you get it? Even if you win in the arena against the Nuoreans, there’s no end to it. They’ll just keep scheduling more challenges until you’re all dead. There’s no winning on our side.”

  “That may be so, but we will take many Nuoreans with us.”

  “Not enough to make a difference. We have to confront the Nuoreans as a unified force, not as a bunch of squabbling individual races. Try looking at the big picture for once.”

  “I know not of this picture you refer to.”

  “No you wouldn’t, would you?”

  Daric began to speak, interrupting the conversation between Human and Juirean.

  “To all my fellow Nuoreans watching on this planet and the fleet in space, I present to you the opportunity to witness two exciting challenges for your pleasure and study. The first is an exclusive and unique contest between two of the prominent species in the Kac Galaxy. This match will be followed immediately by another challenge, one between Third-Player Linoc (611) Kallen-Noc and a member of the Human species with the individual title of Billy Kring. Humans have been tentatively placed at the top of the challenge-factor in the Kac, and as such, Linoc (611) shall gain bonus immunity points for this contest, which is to take place outside a formal challenge arena. Now enjoy the contests, knowing that soon your time will come as well.”

  He turned his attention to the arena before him, now surrounded by over a thousand aliens—nearly everyone left in the compound. “You may begin!”


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