Washington: Jeff Levi, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force 4/85, 8/85, 2/86; Garry MacDonald, Federation of AIDS-Related Organizations 8/85; Don Michaels, publisher, Blade 2/86; Vic Basile, Human Rights Campaign Fund 2/86.
Minneapolis: City Councilman Brian Coyle 4/84; State Senator Allan Spear 4/84; State Rep. Karen Clark 4/84.
Boston: City Councilman David Scoundras, 4/84.
Vancouver, British Columbia: Kevin Brown, PWA 3/86, Bob Tivey, AIDS Vancouver 3/86. Two friends of Gaetan Dugas consented to interviews only on the condition that their names not be used in the book.
The chronology of Rock Hudson’s last days in Paris was drawn from contemporary news accounts, interviews, and the two biographies of the actor, Rock Hudson: His Story and Idol—Rock Hudson: The True Story of an American Film Hero.
Counts on the number of media stories about AIDS in major newspapers and periodicals were based on a NEXIS analysis of AIDS coverage commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control.
Excerpts from Matthew Krieger’s journal were taken directly from his diary and are used with his permission.
Statistics on patterns of gay migration to San Francisco in the late 1970s and early 1980s are taken from the 1984 demographic study of the San Francisco gay community conducted by Research & Decisions Corporation and commissioned by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.
Historical information on San Francisco’s gay community is drawn largely from research for The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life & Times of Harvey Milk.
Meteorological data used in this book was provided by Steve Newman of the Earth Environment Service in San Francisco.
Blood Industry
Dr. Joseph Bove 3/86; Dr. John Klok, Pacific Presbyterian Cancer Research Center 8/84; Brian McDonough, president, Irwin Memorial Blood Bank 3/85, 4/85, 3/86; Dr. Herb Perkins, med. dir. Irwin 8/84; Gerry Sohle, Los Angeles Red Cross Blood Services 8/84; Dr. Robert Huitt, exec. dir. Council for Community Blood Centers 8/84; Dr. Edgar Engleman, Stanford Medical Center Blood Bank 8/84, 10/85; Ruth Cordell, lab. mgr. Irwin 3/85; Ray Price, sales rep., Abbott Labs 3/85; Dr. J. Lawrence Naiman, dir. blood services, Santa Clara Red Cross 3/85; Robert and Cathy Borchelt 3/86; Borchelt family attorneys James Waite and Sarah Jane Burgess 3/86. Op. cit. Dritz, Evatt, Lawrence, Curran, Francis, Jaffe, Westmoreland and Brandt.
Account of January 1983 policy meeting from interviews with participants as well as contemporary press releases and news accounts, most notably those of Philadelphia Inquirer, New York Native and “The Truth About AIDS.” General information and blood industry also was drawn from “Blood Policy & Technology,” a report from the Office of Technology Assessment (1985).
The following were among tape-recorded interviews done for research on this book: Dr. Robert Gallo (4/19/86, Bethesda); Dr. Edward Brandt (2/6/85, Baltimore); Dr. Luc Montagnier (9/12/84 & 12/5/85, Paris); Dr. Willy Rozenbaum (9/13/84 & 12/3/85, Paris); Dr. Jean-Claude Chermann (9/12/84, Paris); Dr. Francoise Barre (12/6/85, Paris); Dr. Jacques Leibowitch (9/12/84 & 12/5/85); Dr. Francoise Brun-Vezinet (12/5/85, Paris); Dr. David Klatzmann (12/5/85, Paris).
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Aarhus, study in
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott test
see also HTLV-III antibody test
Abrams, Donald
ACIDS acronym
Ackerman, A. Bernard
Acquired Community Immune Deficiency Syndrome (ACIDS), as name for disease
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as name for disease
acronyms for disease
Action for Animals
Adams Thomas
Advertising Age
hepatitis B in
HTLV-III antibody testing and
KS in
African sleeping sickness
African Swine Fever
Agent Orange
Agnos, Art
Agnost, George
“Aid AIDS Week”
Aid Atlanta
“AIDS: The Anatomy of a Crisis”
AIDS acronym, coining of
AIDS Activities Office
AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV)
AIDS Clinical Research Center
AIDS Coordinating Committee
AIDS Forum
AIDS Foundation
AIDS Medical Foundation
“AIDS Prevention Media Project”
AIDS Project-Los Angeles
AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)
400 AIDS supplemental appropriations bill
AIDS Task Force of the U.S. Conference of Mayors
AIDS Vancouver, Dugas and
Air Canada, Dugas and
Alabama, AIDS in
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
see also Rubinstein, Arye
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alert Citizens of Texas
Alexander, Brandy
Alexander, Walter
Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club
Allen, James
All Hallows’ Eve
“All Species Rally”
“All You Need Is Love”
Alpha Therapeutic Corporation
Altman Lawrence
“Amazing Grace”
Amburgy, Victor
Ambush poppers
amebic dysentery
amebic parasites
American Academy of Dermatology convention
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Airlines
American Association for Personal Privacy
American Association of Blood Banks
American Association of Physicians for Human Rights (AAPHR)
American Cancer Society
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR)
American Hospital
American Hospital Association
American Life Lobby
American Medical Association
American Neurological Association
American Public Health Association
American Red Cross
amino acid therapy
Ammann, Art
amyl nitrite
see also nitrite inhalants
Andelson, Sheldon
Anderson, John
Andromeda Strain, The (Crichton)
Angelina (nurse)
Annals of Internal Medicine
antibody tests, see hepatitis; HTLV-III antibody test
antimoniotungstate, see HPA
Apuzzo, Virginia
ARC (AIDS-related complex)
Army, U.S.
ARV (AIDS-associated retrovirus)
hepatitis B in
Associated Press
Association of Independent Gay Health Clubs
athlete’s foot
Auden W. H.
Auerbach Dave
Australia, AIDS in
Axelrod, David
blood transfusions and
candidiasis in
of hemophiliacs
of intravenous drug users
“Ban-AIDS” campaign
bank robbing
Baptiste-Brunet, Jean
Barre, Francoise
bathhouses, bathhouse controversy
Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom
> Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights (BAPHR)
Bay Area Reporter
Bear, Hollow
Belgium, AIDS in
Bellamy, Carol
Belli, Lia
Belli, Mel
Benjamin, Robert
Bennett, Arthur
Bennett, John
Bennett, Michael
Bennett, William
Berkowitz, Richard
Berlandt, Konstantin
Bernstein, Leonard
Berreth, Don
Beth Israel Medical Center
Bhagavad Gita
Bicentennial, New York City celebration of
Big Chill, The
Biggar, Robert
birds, diseases of
birth-control foams
Black, Paul
Blattner, Bill
blood donors, blood industry
blood donors (com.):
FDA and
see also hemophiliacs, hemophilia; hepatitis; HTLV-III antibody test
Blood Sister Project of San Diego
blue code
Board of Rabbis of northern California
Bob (Rick Wellikoff’s lover)
Body Politic
Bolan, Robert
see also butyl inhalants; nitrate inhalants
Boneberg, Paul
bone sarcoma
Boom Boom, Sister
Boom-Boom Room
Borchelt, Bob
Borchelt, Cathy
Borchelt, Frances
Born in the U.S.A.
Botnick, Victor
Boucher, Bud
Bove, Joseph
Boxer, Barbara
“Boy Scout sex”
Bradley, Tom
Brady, James
brain disorders
Brandt, Edward
Branigan, Laura
Brewer, Joe
Briggs, John
Briggs Initiative
Britt, Harry
Broder, Sam
Brown, Amos
Brown, Edmund
Brown, Willie
Brun-Vezinet, Francoise
Bryant, Anita
Buchanan, Patrick
Buckalew, Judi
Bulldog Baths
Burke’s Peerage
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Burton, Phillip
Burton Sala
Bush, George
Bush, Larry
butyl inhalants
see also nitrate inhalants
Bygbjerg, lb
Cable News Network
Cabradilla, Cy
Cabrini Medical Center
Cahill, Kevin
CAIDS (Community Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), as name for disease
California Department of Health Services
California state government
California Tumor Registry
Callen, Michael
Cameron, Paul
Campbell, Bobbi
as KS Poster Boy
as Sister Florence Nightmare
Campbell Jack
Camus, Albert
Canada, AIDS in
skin; see also Kaposi’s Sarcoma
candidiasis (yeast infection)
oral (thrush)
“Can We Talk?”
Carey, Hugh
Carini, Dr.
Carter, Jimmy
Carter administration
Castel del Ovo
Castro Country Club
Castro District
cats, diseases of
see also feline leukemia; toxoplasmosis
Cauldron, The
CBS News
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (com.):
Ebola Fever virus and
epidemic calculated by
FDA and
GRID acronym and
Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections (KSOI) Task Force set up by
NCI feud with
Tylenol scare and
Central Africa
Chabner, Bruce
Chaikin, Lu
Chemical Bank
Chermann Jean-Claude
Cherry Grove
Chesley, Robert
Chicago Public Health clinics
chickens, diseases of
children, AIDS in
see also babies
chimpanzees, as lab animals
Chirac, Jacques
Christian Broadcasting Network
Christopher Strut
Clarke, Kenneth
Claude-Bernard Hospital
Cleaver, Scott
And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic, 20th-Anniversary Edition Page 90