Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

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Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance Page 8

by Tracie Podger

  I regretted the comment when I saw the look on his face. Oh oh, Mr. Dangerous was there. I reached over and squeezed his hand, gave him a smile to defuse the situation.

  “So, where are we going?” I asked.

  “It’s a dinner to thank local businesses for donating to the museum, nothing formal. We’ll be on a table of old men who won’t keep their eyes off you and we’ll make our excuses and leave as soon as we can,” he said, running a finger up and down my arm.

  My interest was piqued; I hadn’t mentioned the encounter with Miranda. Scott had said she worked for the fundraising department of the museum, so, if Robert was involved in donating, perhaps that was where they’d met. She would be there and I just hoped that she didn’t cause a scene.

  We arrived at a rather grand hotel, the dinner was held in a banqueting room, and I noticed as we entered the building, a little emblem. It was an angel, similar to the one on his back, engraved on a steel plaque by the door. Robert, as usual, was greeted by name from the doorman and the receptionist. Although he would smile and nod a greeting, he didn’t stop and talk nor did he introduce me to anyone. He did, however, keep hold of my hand the whole time. Without asking, I knew that he owned the hotel. I recognised the emblem, it was the same as the one by the door where Sam worked.

  We made our way into the function room; circular tables were set for dinner. Finding our table, Robert greeted the gentlemen standing around it. That time, he introduced me as his friend, Brooke Stiles, from England. I shook hands with the men in turn, each a head of a division at Vassago Corp.

  “Robert, so glad you could come,” I heard a female voice purr.

  I turned and saw Miranda approach, she seemed shocked to see me, and there was a little hesitation in her step. Planting a large smile back on her face, she approached Robert, placed her hands on his shoulders and air kissed each cheek. He immediately stilled, did not return the kisses and seemed annoyed at the gesture.

  I held out my hand, “Pleased to meet you again, Miranda.”

  “Oh, yes, good to see you too, Brooke.”

  Robert looked from me to her and as I took my seat I turned away to chat to the elderly gentleman beside me.

  Once he was seated, he leaned towards me, “How do you know Miranda?” he asked.

  “She works with Scott, she came out to dinner with us last night. Sam blurted out that I was having dinner with you and, I must say, she wasn’t exactly complimentary about you. She warned me off in fact,” I said as I took a sip of my wine.

  He leaned back into his chair. His eyes darkened, which I’d understood was a sign of a bit of a meltdown.

  “What exactly did she say?” he asked with a growl.

  “Oh, nothing really, let’s not spoil dinner. We can talk about it later,” I said.

  He took a deep breath; his face softened a little and he brushed a strand of hair away from my face as he smiled. The other men at the table quietened and looked in amazement at him. Perhaps that was the first time they had seen a softer side to him as well.

  The meal was delicious; we had scallops to start and sea bream to follow. The other guys on the table were easy to talk to and it was interesting to see Robert, the businessman, interact with them. He obviously had a lot of respect for them and the feeling looked to be mutual.

  “Tell me, Brooke, what do you do back in London?” asked the man who sat next to me, whose name I remembered as being Jonathan.

  I guessed him to be well in his sixties, very distinguished looking with grey hair.

  “I work for a marketing agency. I’ve a few high profile clients, mainly in the alcohol industry, but my favourite is a high end, high-speed motorbike manufacturer. I get to go out on photo shoots with good looking models and bikes,” I laughed. It was the reason I knew about the Ducati Robert owned.

  I felt Robert tighten his grip on my hand, obviously overhearing my conversation. He’d held it throughout dinner under the table, forcing me to eat with just a fork. However, I wasn’t going to sensor what I said to people. If he was uncomfortable with me talking about models, most of which were gay, well, too bad. I did, however, give his hand yet another reassuring squeeze back.

  “That sounds interesting, Brooke. I head the marketing division for Vassago, your friend, Sam, works in my department,” he said.

  “Oh, Sam’s great,” I blurted out. “He just loves his job and being here.”

  Coffee was being served and I headed off to the ladies’ restroom. I’d walked in, noticing the stalls occupied and quietly waited. As I did I reapplied my lipstick.

  “Did you see that girl with Robert?” I heard a voice say. I stilled, listening.

  “Yeah, I shouldn’t worry. You know what he’s like, a quick fuck and she’ll be gone,” came the reply.

  “I don’t know, Gina. She’s not the same as his usual tarts. This one’s British for a start.”

  “Miranda, don’t worry. You just keep doing what you’re doing, he’ll come to his senses soon enough and you’ll be back together.”

  I heard the toilet flush and quickly left the restroom before I was seen. My face was flushed and I ran straight into the back of Jonathan.

  “My dear, are you okay?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath, “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m fine, thank you,” I smiled, regaining my composure.

  “It’s lovely to see Robert with an attractive young woman on his arm,” he said.

  He placed my hand on his arm to escort me back to the table. He was a lovely man, very well mannered.

  “Oh I’m sure he doesn’t have problems having any type of woman accompany him,” I laughed.

  “Well, my dear, this is the first time he has brought a female guest to a business function, and I’ve known him for many years.”

  I was surprised to hear that. When we arrived back at the table, I felt a little unsettled by what I’d heard in the ladies. It seemed noticeable to Robert who was looking at me with eyebrows furrowed.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” he whispered.

  I nodded; the evening had soured somewhat.

  “Gentleman, please excuse us. I’ll see you all tomorrow,” he said, as we stood.

  I smiled and each rose from their chair and held out a hand to me. They’d seemed a warm and friendly bunch and I was pleased to have spent the evening in their company. He took my hand and we made our way to reception just as Miranda and her friend came out, straight into our path, from the restrooms. The other girl stepped back through the restroom door and out of the way.

  “Robert, are you leaving already?” Miranda asked.

  “Yes, Miranda. Brooke and I are leaving, obviously,” he said.

  I liked the way he emphasised my name.

  “Are we still on for the ball?” she asked.

  “No, you and I are not on for the ball. We never were. Are you trying to make a point here?”

  I felt terribly sorry for her then, she visibly shrank under his cold stare.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse us,” he said. He placed his arm around my waist and led me to the waiting car.

  As we passed Travis, I raised my eyebrows, sending a silent watch out with my eyes and slid across the black leather seat to my place behind the driver’s seat. Before Robert got into the car, I watched Travis place a hand on his chest, dip his head to his ear. They had a brief conversation, I couldn’t hear but I wondered if Travis was asking if all was okay. Travis seemed to have an amazing calming effect on Robert; I noticed the change in him when he sat on the seat next to me.

  He raised my hand to his lips, a brief kiss and said, “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Do you want to talk about it? You don’t have to though, it’s your business,” I said.

  He looked out of the car window as we sped off, silent for a moment or two. Turning to me, he smiled.

  “No, she’s just someone from the past who can’t get over the fact that she’s not part of my present.”

  “Well, that much was obvious,”
I said, giving him a smile.

  I did notice Travis look in the rearview mirror; his eyes met Robert’s. A silent communication was sent between them. Those two had many secrets, of that I was sure.

  Chapter Five

  We arrived back at the house and I kicked off my shoes and tiptoed across the gravel drive. There was no way I was going to ruin the heels trying to walk with them on. Robert laughed then picked me up and carried me to the doorway; I turned to wave my thanks to Travis who was smiling. I got the impression something was amiss though, there was definitely something on both their minds. I’d noticed the quiet conversations, the looks, they were so attuned to each other, and I believed they could probably read each other’s minds. Putting me down so I could walk up the stairs to the lounge, I turned and ran my fingers down his cheek.

  “How can you go from being so angry one minute to happy the next?” I asked him.

  “Easily when I’m with you,” he replied.

  He brought his face down to mine; his hands were either side of my neck. He kissed me, first on my mouth, and then down my throat, his hands held my head back and exposed my neck.

  We walked up the stairs hand in hand; Evelyn had left out a plate of cheese and two wine glasses.

  “A step up from milk and cookies,” he said.

  “I still like milk and cookies,” I replied and I lifted myself up onto a stool at the breakfast bar.

  Robert opened the fridge, took out a bottle of wine, and poured two glasses.

  He sat next to me, nursing his glass, twirling it between his fingers and I sat looking at him. I wanted to know what was going through his mind, but I wouldn’t ask. If he wanted me to know, he would say. We’d sat in silence for a good few minutes, it was as if he’d gone into a trance, had completely forgotten I was there. It was not uncomfortable though; I just let him be. Soon enough, he turned and smiled at me, replenishing my glass.

  “You are remarkable you know,” he said. “I’m a difficult person to get to know but you don’t seem to be phased.”

  “Difficult? What you? Never!” I said, lightening the conversation a little.

  “I would have said moody, angry, childish, complicated, secret, happy, fun, sexy and most definitely trouble, but no, not difficult.”

  “Sexy huh?” he replied, “Well now, after last night I told you what I wanted and it’s time for you to deliver.”

  A shiver of anticipation ran over me and I looked into those eyes, growing darker with desire and knew I was in for a long night. I’d put my shoes back on and I held out my hand to him. I led him down those stairs and to his bedroom. As I stood in the middle of the room, he circled me. I was reminded of our first night in the apartment, that predatory action. He stopped behind me, ran his fingers over my spine down to the base where the dress started. He kissed my bare shoulders and across my back.

  “I didn’t like that you wore this dress,” he said.

  “I don’t want people to see your body,” he mumbled into my back.

  “Do you like it, Robert?” I asked

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I wore it for you, not for anyone else. If people can see my body, so what? You’re the only one touching it,” I told him.

  He unclipped the chain holding it on and let the dress fall to the floor. I only wore panties, the dress didn’t allow for anything else. He picked up the dress, placed it across a chair and with his fingers trailing my waist, he circled me again, as a shark would do just before the kill. I closed my eyes, my skin burned and nerve endings fired off electrical impulses at his touch. He stopped behind me and wrapped one hand in my hair, gently pulling my head back. I placed my hands against his thighs to steady myself.

  He kissed me just behind my ear, down the side of my neck and across my shoulder. He stopped briefly where I was grazed and planted the smallest, softest kiss there.

  Robert walked away from me; he sat in a chair a little way from where I stood. He rested one foot on his knee; one elbow on the arm of the chair and his chin rested on his fingers, he looked at me. He didn’t say a word, he just stared, and as much as I felt self-conscious, just his look was turning me on, intense and brooding. He picked up a remote and music softly flooded the room.

  “Touch yourself, Brooke,” he commanded.

  My throat was dry. I licked my lips and then sucked each finger on my hand, leaving them just a little too long in my mouth. The room was gently lit from behind me by two table lamps at either side of the bed. Robert was sitting in the shadows. I couldn’t see his face clearly and I felt like I was a performer on stage, the shadows shielded me from my audience.

  That gave me confidence and my body started to sway in time with the music. My wet fingers trailed to my nipple, which was already hard, circling, and tugging. My other hand worked its way down my stomach to the top of my black silk panties, my fingers just brushed under the soft material.

  I heard my breathing become more rapid and felt my heartbeat increase. I let my fingers circle my clitoris, to feel it throbbing and swell. With my eyes closed, my head fell back, and a moan escaped my lips as intense desire built up inside me.

  “Go to the drawer, Brooke,” I heard, his voice broke my enjoyment.

  Inside the bedside table drawer was a silver, shiny object.

  “Turn it on and fuck yourself with it,” his raspy voice demanded.

  I found a small button and it vibrated in my hand. Turning to face him again, I was a little scared. I’d never used a vibrator before but I knew I would do what he asked, or demanded of me.

  I felt like I had been possessed with him sitting in a darkened corner telling me what to do. He was my puppet master and I was powerless to do anything other than what he wanted.

  I ran the silver vibrator over my breasts; its tingle against my nipples brought a gasp to my throat. I moved it over my stomach, feeling an immense fluttering inside; my skin was full of goosebumps against its cold touch.

  “Get on your knees,” I heard.

  I fell to my knees. I let the vibrator run over the silk material of my panties, pushing against me, soaking up some of the wetness. I cried out as the vibrations shot through my clitoris, already so tender. Slowly, I pulled my panties aside and placed the silver, cold hard steel tip against me. It felt strange and stunning at the same time. I gently pushed it inside me, having to place my hand on the floor beside me. My legs, shaking with desire, would not support me.

  I sat back on my heels, leaned back a little, and fucked myself while he watched. I cried out his name as the most wonderful orgasm flooded through me. My brain scrambled and a million lights blinked behind my eyelids. My stomach muscles were in spasms as wave after wave washed over me.

  Letting the vibrator fall to the floor and with closed eyes, I tried to steady my breathing to calm me. Tears fell down my cheeks with the emotion of what just happened. It was so intense, I felt so drained, and I wanted to keep my eyes closed. I licked my lips and tasted the salty beads of sweat that had formed on my upper lip.

  “I need a drink,” I croaked.

  Without saying a word Robert rose from the chair. On one of the bedside tables was a jug of iced water and he poured a glass. Kneeling in front of me, his legs either side of mine, he took a piece of ice from the glass and ran it over my dry lips. I licked greedily at the dripping water, and finally opened my eyes to look at him.

  Holy fuck, I thought.

  His whole face, his features had completely changed. His black eyes were intense and I wanted to move away from him slightly. His thighs gripped mine, trapping me. He ran the ice over my lips, over my chin and down my throat. I kept my head back as water pooled in the hollow of my neck and dripped down my chest. He let the ice slide over my breasts, holding it to my nipples until they burned with the cold. He immediately replaced the ice with his hot mouth. He stood and picked me from the floor, laid me on the bed and pulled my panties down, leaving the ice cube in my navel.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

e ice had started to melt; little rivers of cold water ran down my sides as his mouth explored my body. He raised his head and in a split second he had the ice in his mouth and his frozen tongue inside me.

  I screamed out and gripped his head with my hands. I tried to push him away but he held me tight and his cold, cold tongue brought me to an orgasm so strong my whole body shook and I cried, really cried. Tears poured from my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I didn’t want to look at him as he climbed off the bed. I heard him undress and then he removed my shoes. He pulled the sheets from under me and climbed in, with one arm under my shoulders, he pulled me to him.

  “Shush, Brooke, its okay,” he whispered very softly into my hair, as he cradled my head against him.

  I calmed a little as I whimpered into the soft downy hair on his chest. My hand lay on his stomach. I could feel the tip of his erection and brushed my palm against him, massaging while I cried. My emotions were all over the place, I wanted to make him come, I wanted it to stop, and I wanted it to carry on.

  Robert rolled me over onto him. I sat up, my thighs were either side of his, and as I gently lowered, he slid inside me. I placed my hands on his legs behind me, leaning back slightly and I rocked against him. He was deep inside me and he moved so slowly. He sat up and pulled my legs around his waist, all the time still embedded inside me. I gripped as he held me, his mouth was on mine, and his teeth bit at my tongue. He held my hips, moving me up and down and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had been totally silent but he wasn’t ready to stop there. He rolled me off him and lay me face down on the bed.

  “Kneel up, Brooke,” he said and I raised myself on my knees.

  Before I could support myself on my hands he slammed into me from behind. I cried out and my mind was immediately taken back to the other night in the kitchen.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said

  I whimpered but I was so aroused.

  “I can’t hear you. Now tell me what you want,” he said.

  His voice was a growl and his hand wrapped in my hair forcing my head up.


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