Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

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Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance Page 16

by Tracie Podger

  “Okay, but can we just speak about the other photo that disturbs me more. Fair enough, if it is a jealous ex, scrub my face out, I get that, but a picture of you and Travis, doing nothing but heading to the car. That one is more disturbing.”

  “You’re right, what it says is that someone is watching us and they want us to know.”

  “You won’t tell me who you think it is?” I asked.

  “No, not until I know. What’s the point of worrying you until I know what we’re dealing with?”

  “One last question then, how are you going to keep yourself safe?”

  “Obviously you know Travis, you’ve met Mark and you know that we have CCTV around the house. No one can get in, the cars are fitted with a sensor, and only those vehicles will open the gates. It’s why I have more than one car; it would be a bitch getting in and out of my own home in a rental. There’s 24-hour security at the office, they monitor the cameras there and here. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  I sighed, I was in was America I guessed, they were more security conscious than back home, and obviously there was more to those photos, but he had told me enough, for now.

  “Are there cameras inside the house? Please tell me there are none in the bedroom.” I asked, my hands covered my face.

  He laughed. “There are cameras all over the house, but the ones in the bedroom are for my private viewing only, don’t worry.” I hoped he was joking.

  “Come with me.” He led me around the house and showed me where each tiny, concealed camera was. I would have never noticed had they not been pointed out.

  “Wave, someone is watching you right now,” he said, and seeing the alarm on my face he added, “Brooke, the people that monitor these cameras are professionals, they’re not perverts. They know what would happen to them if they mistreated anything they saw and they’re not sitting there glued to the screens. If you move too quickly, say, if you ran across the room, it would trigger a camera and then they watch. Me sliding across the floor in socks, remember? Gave them a right laugh.”

  “So who else have you got on film, in here?” I asked as we made our way into the bedroom.

  “Only us, Brooke. No one else has ever slept in my bed here, at the house.”

  “But they have in the apartment, right,” I replied.

  “No one has slept in either bed, but others have been there and that’s the reason I haven’t taken you back, you’re better than that.”

  “Do you watch them, the films I mean?” I asked.

  “Sometimes. I like to watch you, the expressions on your face,” he replied.

  We stood silently for a while, just looking at each other.

  “Make me have those expressions again,” I said as I pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  Chapter Nine

  I woke to bright sunlight streaming into the room. I was looking forward to the ball that evening. My dress had arrived and was safely undercover in my closet. That morning I had an appointment for my hair, nails, and some pampering. Sam, bless him, had found a salon not too far away and booked the appointments for me. I could just picture the conversation, him discussing a bikini wax for me. I climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. I needed one; I could smell the previous night on me, a mixture of Robert and myself.

  I wondered what Evelyn made of the mess in the bedroom in the mornings, she obviously made the beds each day and I felt a little shame. Did she know what we were up to? I should sit down with her and offer to do something. I know she only worked weekdays but I found it uncomfortable having her do my laundry, and tidy up after me.

  Standing under the warm water I felt a hand circle my waist. Robert had silently entered the bathroom and stood behind me in the shower, the water ran over our bodies.

  “You’ll have to teach me how to do that,” I said.

  “Do what?” he whispered as he nuzzled my ear

  “Creep up on people. You and Travis do it, you move so silently around.”

  I heard him chuckled, “When you’ve snuck around as much as we have, I guess it just comes naturally after a while.”

  I reached for the gel and turned to face him. I lathered my hands and washed his chest, his stomach, his hips, and taking his cock, I ran my soapy hands up and down until he came.

  I headed out the door ready for my appointment and found Travis waiting with the Mercedes. It was polished to within an inch of its life, sleek and black, and with its dark windows, I felt like a celebrity. The car pulled up outside the salon, the door was opened for me, and the other customers watched, no doubt wondering who I was.

  I’d decided to be a little considerate to Robert’s feelings. I would let Travis take the lead, check the going was clear, so to speak. I understood his need for privacy and I believed that he thought people might want to nose around in my life, see if there was a way to him. I had nothing to hide, I’d not led an exciting life, and there were no skeletons in my closet.

  It was lovely having my hair done, my nails painted and some unwanted stubble removed but I was starting to feel a little anxious about the ball. If Miranda had been the one behind the photo then I wanted her to see that she had not affected us at all, but nothing like this had ever happened to me before, there were no jealous ex’s, aside from Michael.

  I thought of home, I wondered if my parents had received my letter yet. It was really just a forwarding address in case they wanted to get in touch. I’d told them I would be in America for three months initially, and then if I decided to stay, if I was allowed to, I would let them know.

  I’d dozed while my toenails were being done and wondered what the process would be for me to stay. It had been fine for Sam, he’d secured a job from the UK, and perhaps I would ask him to check it out for me. Travis was waiting, leaning on the car and when he saw me at the till, he opened the rear door ready for me.

  “Aren’t you worried, leaning on the car like that, in public?” I asked as I settled into my seat.

  He looked at me in the mirror; his eyebrows were furrowed in question.

  “You know, after the photographs,” I said.

  “You know about the photographs?”

  “Yes, Robert told me about them last night. I saw the one of me and I saw the one of the two of you together. What do you, honestly, make of them?”

  He paused before answering, I guessed he had to think of what I would and would not know.

  “Well, the one of you, that’s easy. Ex-girlfriend pissed off, the one of us? We’re not sure about that one. Brooke, we will find out. My old mum used to say, it will all come out in the wash.”

  “Why were you on the streets if you had a mum?”

  “My story is not as sad as Robert’s. My parents came over from Ireland to escape the troubles. My dad was a drunk, he beat my mum and us kids, so one day I left home.”

  “So you still have family?”

  “Four of us there were. I don’t see or hear from them anymore, families are not my thing.”

  “What about your siblings, don’t you want to know what happened to them?”

  “Oh I know what happened to them. My sister went back to Ireland, she was a lot older than me, the boys followed in their father’s footsteps.”

  “You don’t keep in touch?”

  “With my sister. Every now and again I’ll get a card from her but not the rest.”

  “That’s a shame. My brother died in Iraq, I can’t imagine not being in touch if I could.”

  “Families are strange things, sometimes they’re good and sometimes not.”

  “So you met Robert when you were eleven also?” I asked. I was fishing.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Other than Evelyn feeding you, how did you get money for food and stuff?”

  “At eleven I guess we didn’t need much stuff but food we stole, either the food or something to sell to get money for food. Anyway, are you looking forward to the ball?” he asked, deflecting my line of questioning.

“I know what you just did there, Travis. Like I’ve said to Robert, it’s not wrong for me to want to know about you guys, is it?”

  “No, you’re curious, and no doubt you will know whatever it is you want to know. See it from our point, Brooke. It’s not that we don’t trust you, we do. We’ve been this way for a long time, we’ve done things that we’re not proud of and when Robert is ready, he’ll share all that crap with you.”

  “You love him, don’t you,” I said tenderly.

  “More than you know. He’s my brother in all but blood. Don’t get me wrong, we fight sometimes, but I owe him, simple.”

  “What do you owe him?” I asked.

  He looked in the rearview mirror and said, “My life.”

  Silently, we continued the journey.

  When we’d arrived home, I climbed the stairs and heard Robert talking in his office. The door was closed so I left him to it, not wanting to intrude, and made myself a sandwich. I wasn’t sure what the food would be like at the ball and I’d missed lunch. I was excited to get my dress on, to show Robert. I sat on the sofa with my book watching the clock until it was time to get ready.

  I spent a while doing my makeup, refreshing my hair. I liked the way the salon had dried it, it was straight with a curl at the bottom. I sprayed myself with perfume and decided black lace knickers would look good under the dress, or rather, look good when the dress came off.

  He came into the bedroom and stood behind watching me put the finishing touches to my face.

  “You look far too good to let leave this room,” he said.

  “Wait until you see my dress,” I replied. “I’m sorry, it cost a lot more than I thought it might, I’ll have to pay you back in instalments.”

  He laughed, nipping my shoulder. “I don’t want the money back, Brooke. The dress was nothing, I earn more in an hour.”

  He moved his head to my other shoulder, the one that would be covered, and said, “I don’t care what you earn an hour, I’m paying you back. Now don’t bite, it’s rude, and that shoulder will be exposed tonight.”

  “People will know you’re mine if I mark you, Brooke,” he said with a wink and headed for the shower.

  I thought about that for a little while. He liked to mark me I knew that, but I always thought it was in the throes of passion, not because he wanted me branded. Maybe it was his signature. Maybe there were hundreds of women out there with scars from him. I shook my head to clear the thought, popped that one in the box with the padlock and chain as well.

  Before Robert had finished his shower, I was dressed and ready. I made my way upstairs and poured a glass of wine. I caught a reflection of myself in the windows and smiled. I loved the dress, my pale skin against the silk material made it look a deeper shade of purple. It was the most expensive thing I’d ever worn. I saw him walk behind me and turned.

  “Fuck me, Brooke. You look amazing, I’m going to struggle tonight,” he said.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I replied. Dressed in a tux, he looked good.

  “Anyway, I’m the one going to have to keep the girls from pawing you,” I smiled, adjusting his tie.

  “Well, don’t you two look like a regular couple,” I heard Travis say as he came up the stairs.

  “Come on princess, you shall go to the ball, your chariot awaits,” he said, offering his arm.

  The Range Rover stood shining under the porch lights and on tip toes so as not to damage my heels, I made my way over to the open door.

  “Why does every car you have, have blacked out windows?” I asked.

  “So Travis can check out the talent without being seen,” Robert teased.

  It was lovely to see the two of them like that, two brothers taunting each other and I was reminded of the bond they shared.

  The ball was held in the Smithsonian and as we pulled up to a red carpet, Travis opened the door for us. Robert climbed out first and held out his hand for me. I noticed a couple of cameras, paparazzi no doubt, and looked anxiously at Robert. He nodded, his way of telling me everything was okay, and I climbed out of the car. We did however, make our way into the venue as quickly as my heels would allow.

  A room had been set aside with an anti room for a champagne reception. Robert guided me to a group of people he had spotted and I was pleased to see Jonathan, I’d liked him the last time we’d met. Jonathan introduced me to his wife, an elderly and very elegant lady, Patricia, who in turn introduced to me to the other women. Our table consisted of the same guys I’d dined with before but this time with their wives. I immediately felt comfortable in their company and as much as it sounded stupid, I was glad they were all older. There were none of the smouldering looks at Robert I was beginning to notice from younger women.

  A waiter appeared with a tray of champagne and Robert handed me a glass, always the gentleman. His hand never left my back and he stood by my side the whole time. If he had been worried about anyone knowing we were a couple, he sure wasn’t then. A toastmaster explained what the evening was about, and then called us in for dinner. We would dine first, after there was a charity auction and a band.

  “Your dress is stunning, Brooke,” Patricia said, leaning across.

  “Thank you, I am rather pleased with it,” I replied, smiling.

  I was so excited. I looked around at the wonderful decor and the clothes; I dreaded to think what the cost per head was. I was sandwiched between Robert and Jonathan and it was good to chat to him again.

  “How are you settling in?” Jonathan asked.

  “Fine and thank you for letting me pinch a desk. I’ve also managed to keep Sam sitting at his own as well,” I laughed.

  “Oh yeah, Sam. He’s a great guy but sometimes has the attention span of a child,” he replied. “Still, he does do a good job, we’re lucky to have him and now you of course.”

  I wondered what he meant ‘and now me of course’. I didn’t work for Vassago, I was just crashing out in their offices. I let it pass. Our starter was placed in front of us, small pieces of rare duck on a cherry sauce. It was delicious, and I regretted the sandwich I had eaten earlier.

  Wine was poured and Jonathan proposed a toast to Vassago Corporation and to Robert and Brooke. I flushed a little, raised my glass, and took a sip. As well as Jonathan and Patricia, among the other guests at the table were Richard and Susie. Richard was head of Properties and Susie a homemaker; I understood that to be a housewife. Paul was head of Construction with his wife Rosa, a lovely Irish lady and finally, Mack and Taylor. I didn’t learn what Mack did but Taylor, a southern belle, owned the boutique I had bought the dress from. She recognised it and invited me to a small fashion show she was holding.

  The main course arrived. It was the most delectable fillet of beef, perfectly cooked and mouth watering. By the time dessert came I was full and conscious of the close fitting dress, so passed.

  “I’m going to the restroom, does anyone else need to come?” Taylor asked.

  I followed. Taylor was one stunning woman, I guessed her to be late forties, younger than Mack. She had on a wonderful black and diamond gown, halter neck and backless, the kind of dress I would love to own.

  Entering the restroom I was dismayed to see a familiar face; Miranda. I had prepared for that. I was not going to let her see any emotion on my face at all. Turning to me, Taylor said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Brooke, you and Robert make such a wonderful couple. It’s so good to see him with someone classy and not the trash he used to hang out with.”

  Oh I could have kissed her. Miranda fled past us while Taylor patted her newly applied lipstick and winked at me in the mirror.

  “Never liked that woman, thinking she can get her claws into any successful man. Mack told me that she had approached Robert about tonight while you were standing on his arm, the cheek of her. Honey, I will tell you though, he is mighty smitten with you.”

  I smiled, “And I’m mighty smitten with him,” I said, mimicking her accent.

“You and I, Brooke, are going to be good friends, I just know it. Now, that auction is about to start and I have my eyes on a rather wonderful pair of diamond studs. Let’s get our men spending some of their delicious money on us,” she drawled in her southern accent.

  I was stunned to see some of the things in the auction, diamond Graff jewellery, a car, a two-week break in the Maldives. I scanned the embossed card detailing the items.

  “Anything you like the look of?” Robert whispered, looking at the card over my shoulder.

  “Yeah lots, but nothing I can afford,” I laughed.

  “Let me buy something for you,” he said.

  “Oh no, absolutely not, please, Robert, don’t,” I said and I placed the card back on the table.

  “Baby, you’re going to have to get used to me buying you things, I want to. I don’t have anyone else to spend my money on and Travis is going to make sure he gets it otherwise,” he replied, laughing.

  I shook my head, no. There was no way I could just point to something and say, buy me that, not in a million years. I loved watching Taylor though, when the diamond earrings appeared she was possessed. No one was going to get those away from her and when the hammer fell at $30,000 I nearly choked on my wine. A pair of earrings! Okay, huge, perfectly cut diamonds, but come on. I was totally out of my league.

  I was interested in one thing, not that I had told Robert. I eagerly turned to the auctioneer when a beautiful and simple platinum cross, with four diamonds on each point, on a delicate chain was described.

  “So, what am I bid for this, let’s start at five thousand,” he said, “And I have five thousand.” The bidding went on up in increments of a thousand.

  “Are we all done then, I have ten thousand on my left,” his arm pointed our way and I scanned the room as the hammer fell.

  Ten thousand it is, to Mr. Stone,” he shouted.

  I spun in my chair. “The necklace is beautiful and deserves to be worn by someone beautiful,” he said as he kissed my cheek.

  “Still, Robert, that’s a lot of money,” I said.


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