Saving Their Queen

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Saving Their Queen Page 7

by Beth Rosalee

  I’m mortified, I barely even know them, but I want to grab Liam. I want to kiss him until we can’t breathe. Then I want to climb on his lap and ride his cock until he comes deep inside me.

  Wait…. what the fuck kind of thought was that? I’ve officially lost my mind.

  “It’s the mating process starting. Don’t resist it for too long, Celia.” Svana chimes in, then disappears back into my mind.

  “What do you mean the mating process, Svana? Svana....fucking stars, of course you are going to leave me in the dark here!”

  Shaking my head to clear my mind, I hear even louder growls sounding off around the room. I look around and see the guys slowly inching towards me, taking deep inhales, soaking up the scent from my over eager ovaries as they go.

  Getting nervous, I’m not sure that I’m ready for all of this. I just end up totally ruining the moment as I shoot to my feet abruptly making sure the blanket is pulled tight and say, “Can I get some clothes please?”

  Grayson clears his throat and shakes his head, “Right, you can wear a one of my shirts and Tate can grab you a pair of his boxers since he is the smallest of us.”

  He looks at Tate as he says that, and without saying a word, Tate hurries out of the room like his ass is on fire. Grayson gets up and walks over to his closet grabbing the first shirt, he walks over and hands it to me, then sits back in the spot he just left.

  I move the blanket off of my shoulders and tuck it in like you would a towel. Then I take the shirt Grayson handed me and pull it over my head. It’s so big that it reaches midthigh and could pass as a dress, but I still turn around and adjust the blanket into a makeshift skirt. Once I’m done, I turn back around to face the guys again.

  “Are you doing ok, Beautiful? How are you feeling?” Wyatt asks as he pats the bed for me to come sit with them.

  Tate returns at that moment with a pair of his boxers and sets them on the bed. Flushing with embarrassment again I pad over to the bed and sit on the edge farthest from them, scared to get to close right now.

  “I’m…. I’m I don’t really know right now,” I tell him honestly.

  I should be freaking out, panicking, but honestly this feels the most right I have ever felt in my life. I feel like I have truly discovered myself. I feel…. free. That thought brings tears to my eyes. I haven’t felt free in what feels like a very long time. Seeing my tears, Grayson picks me up like I weigh nothing and deposits me in his lap. He was on the opposite side of the bed, too- just goes to show how freaking big he is.

  “Shh, it’s ok, baby girl. We are here you don’t have to cry.” He strokes my hair and down my back as he tries to sooth me.

  When did this guy stop being such an asshole? He must really a big softie inside, it seems the asshole persona is just an outer shell.

  “I’m ok, really. It’s not that… that made me cry. I was just thinking…well, I was just thinking that I feel free for the first time in a long time. That I have never really felt like myself until this moment, until after I connected with Svana.”

  “Svana? Who is Svana?” Wyatt asks me.

  “She is my wolf, that’s what she said her name was. Don’t your wolves have names?” I look at them then crane my neck to look up at Grayson who has my back to his chest with his arms wrapped around my middle like he never wants to let go. It makes my heart feel all warm and gooey. I smile a little as I look at him, waiting for their response.

  “Our wolves don’t speak to us with words, it’s more like a feeling, sometimes an image.” Grayson answers me, looking down into my eyes with a bit of a curious tilt to his head.

  “Oh, is that weird she can talk to me? Like with words? Because she did tell me that…uh…” I clear my throat from embarrassment.

  “It’s unusual, I’ve never heard of a wolf having that ability, but it’s not weird. What did she tell you?” Liam enquires curiously.

  I giggle a little with nervousness. “She, uh, she said that you were all my mates. But that’s crazy. Mates are just fairytales, and to have four of them? That’s crazy…. right?”

  I’m wide-eyed and red as a tomato by the time I finish that statement.

  The guys all chuckle. I feel the rumble deep in Grayson’s chest with his, and I have to resist letting my eyes roll back into my head. Wait a second…. why am I not freaking out about sitting in his lap? I should not be so comfortable with practical strangers. But it just feels right.




  Chapter 15


  “It’s not crazy, Beautiful; I’ve known from the moment that I found you in the little café book shop,” Wyatt tells me with a dazzling smile on his face that takes my breath away.

  “You did? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Laughing, he says, “What- was I supposed to walk up to you and say, ‘hey there, I’m Wyatt and I’m a werewolf? Oh, and even though you smell human, you also smell like my mate- which means that you have three more mates as well’.” He laughs again, “Yeah, you definitely would’ve gotten in the tow truck with me then.”

  I laugh as well.

  “Yeah, I suppose you are right there; I would’ve run away screaming probably. I can’t believe I’m not right now…. this is all insane to me. It doesn’t seem real.”

  Grayson pulls me tighter to him with that, like he thinks I might actual try to run away screaming. I place my arm over top of his, intending to soothe him, but instead, those tingles shoot from my finger tips and straight to my core again.

  Forcing a groan from my lips, I can feel the wet spot forming on the blanket still wrapped around my hips, since as Grayson never let me up to put the boxers Tate brought me on. Of course, this makes them all inhale sharply. I look at them and notice that their eyes have all changed slightly, not in color, but their pupils dilate and they seem to glow within.

  The sight makes me gasp.

  It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  Grayson pulls me closer again, and I can feel his enormous cock pressing into my ass through the blanket, making my clit pulse with anticipation as he brings his head down and presses his nose to just behind my ear and inhales deeply while growling. Svana surfaces instantly, my eyesight sharpens and my nostrils flare as I smell the arousal on each of them and I growl back.

  What in the actual fuck is happening!

  I jump out of Gray’s lap and snatch up the boxers from the bed; then hurry into Gray’s closet to put them on. I turn on the light and shut the door, taking a deep breath as I try and slow my racing heart. This is just crazy.

  “These are our men, Celia. Do not waste time- you must claim them. It will only hurt us, and them, the longer you wait,” Svana states, like it’s just that simple.

  “I understand, but I’m scared, Svana. Nathan is still hunting me and, according to that note, he’s already found me. I don’t want them to get hurt when he decides he’s done waiting to take me. I know he will; he always gets what he wants,” I tell her, starting to panic now.

  “Breathe, Celia, just breathe. I am here with you now; I’ve been trapped in your mind and forced to watch him destroy you slowly inside and out. But never again, do you hear me? Never again will he hurt you. You are not weak; don’t let the past hinder your future. He wins only if you allow it. It’s time to recognize the strength within you, to feel it. Soak it in, Celia; you are something more…” She trails off without finishing her sentence and recedes into the back of my mind again, leaving me speechless.

  I am strong.

  I am weak no more.

  I know that she’s right- I can feel it in my bones. The strength, I feel like a could pick up two of the guys and throw them across the room. But what does she mean that I’m something more? Shaking the thought from my head knowing she isn’t going to answer me, I exit the closet in my borrowed shirt and boxers, bringing the blanket with me.

  “Right, so where are we at?” I ask suddenly, realizing I have no clue where I am

  “You are at our house, Babe. It was the safest place for you to be able to shift, and we will be able to keep you safe from that douche-canoe.” Tate answers me.

  “You will be moving in with us. Liam will take you to get your things and pay for your hotel room in the morning. We have plenty of spare rooms here, if you want your own space. Our rooms are always open to you as well, my mate. But you will be safe here, no one will get to you on our watch. You will also come to the shop everyday where we can keep an eye on you as well until the threat is eliminated,” Gray growls out this command, leaving no room to argue or question it.

  “Ok….” I whisper in my naturally submissive way with wide eyes, making all of the guys groan with pleasure.

  I feel myself heat up from head to toe. Fuck that was hot, my clit throbs painfully with the dominance rolling off of him. Now, I want to crawl back into his lap and see just how strong that dominance is. I’ve never wanted to be so naughty in my life, just to see if he likes to spank for punishment. I bite my lip to hold back the moan that wants to escape from that thought.

  I don’t understand how I can be so terrified, on the verge of a panic attack one minute, and then the next minute, I want to jump four men I barely know. Well, that’s not really true, I do understand; because apparently, I’m a mythical creature that has four fated mates.

  This shit isn’t supposed to be real, it’s fantasy- for books, not my life!

  Blowing out a slow breath, I try to release all the naughty thoughts from my mind so that I can focus on what needs to be done right now.

  Chapter 16


  “Okie-dokie, guys, who is going to give me the grand tour and show me to my new room…. Wait, do any of you have a girlfriend that I should worry about showing up and trying to kill me?” I question when the thought suddenly occurs to me with a strong surge of jealousy, making my voice sound growly.

  They all crack up laughing; Tate even has a few tears from the mirth at my expense.

  “No, Beautiful, there are no women for you to worry about. You’ve got us all to yourself,” Wyatt says with a sexy-as-sin smirk on his face, as he chuckles a few more times.

  “Now, how about that tour, Pretty Girl?” Liam says, standing from the bed.

  I nod and follow suit. He opens the bedroom door and waits for me to exit, with the guys trailing behind us.

  “I’m going to go make some snacks and pick a movie to watch, if want to join us after the grand tour, Babe,” Tate says with that panty-melting grin of his.

  How the hell am I going to survive in a house full of Adonises?

  “Sure, I’d love to, and you don’t have to pick a chick flick. I will literally watch just about anything- even if it’s a completely terrible film,” I tell him while laughing at myself.

  It’s true though. I will watch a movie and think this is the worst movie ever, but I will still sit there and watch it to the bitter end. My parents always called me weird for it, but, I mean, I’m already invested into the stupid thing, I might as well see how it ends right? Smiling and telling me that he knows the perfect movie then, him, Wyatt, and Gray head off to the left and down the hall.

  “Alright, we will do the tour backwards since we are already inside and near the back of the house,” Liam says confirming my thoughts.

  “Let’s do it,” I say with a shy smile.

  He walks me around and shows me each of their rooms all right here next to and across from each other. Then, he shows me their bathroom, which I gawk at with my mouth wide open. The thing is gorgeous; it’s modest in size with a tub shower combo and a double sink but is decorated like a forest on a full moon.

  The shower curtain is a dark forest with the moon shining in from behind the trees. The accent rugs are black with dark forest green swirls in it that you almost can’t see unless you look at them closely. The room has a large frosted window that lets in so much natural light that I bet you wouldn’t even need the light on at night, and the sink cabinets are a deep expresso brown color, almost black, kind of resembling what you’d imagine fresh wet dirt would look like. The granite countertop is a pearl white with sliver sparkles and black swirls through it.

  It’s absolutely breathtaking.

  “Wow, I think this might be my favorite room in the house,” I say breathlessly.

  I have never seen such beauty and detail put into some’s bathroom.

  Chuckling, Liam turns me to exit while saying, “Oh, this is our bathroom, you have your own suite bathroom in your room. Come on, I’ll show you now.”

  We turn back towards where the guys headed earlier, the bathroom being at the very end of the hallway, and he walks me back past all four of their rooms up to the last two doors before the hallway ends at what looks like a living room area. He turns to the left door and opens it to the biggest bedroom I have ever seen in my life; it could probably fit two of their rooms inside it!

  I step inside and gasp at the exquisite site before me. It’s decorated in navy blue and pale sky-blue, giving a very calm and relaxed vibe. The bed is back up against the left side wall, raised up on a platform with three stairs leading to it. The bed itself looks like it could fit eight people comfortably. It’s the biggest fucking thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. There is a large bay window on the wall straight ahead from the door looking out into the forest that the house apparently backs up to. A big dresser sits next to the window and, on the other side, is a set of French doors leading out into a cute little patio-style area with a rounded outdoor table and chairs.

  A perfect place to enjoy a nice morning breakfast.

  To the left of that is another door, which is next to the bed. I walk over and slowly open the it. The sight before me is so perfect and so beautiful that it actually makes me tear up. I’ve never had anything so beautiful to call my own- even if it is temporary.

  Inside is a small-hallway like area with another door off to the side that opens into an enormous walk-in closet. I’ve never owned enough clothes to even fill up half of this massive thing. Continuing on, I walk into my dream bathroom. Seriously, it’s like a dream-come-true for me.

  There is a huge, almost Roman-style, bathtub inlaid in the floor so that you can just step down into it. Like an underground pool, but in bathtub-form, with jets and everything. It has a walk-in shower that is so big it has four shower heads in it and each one has their own controls it looks like. On the opposite side, the entire wall is a mirror with the sink stretching the length of it, as well.

  Once I reach the middle of the room, I just simply spin in a few circles, in complete awe of this room- of the whole situation really. Of how quickly my life has changed. I’m sure that the shock of everything will wear off while I try to fall asleep and that’s when I will freak out about it all.

  I’ll have my breakdown in seclusion, I’m sure of it.

  Chapter 17


  Watching Celia explore her new room with childlike eyes is one of the most beautiful sights that I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. I honestly think that she forgot that I was here, in the midst of all her wonder. I quietly follow behind her as she explores. Once she makes it to the bathroom, I lean against the door jam and continue to watch her. I can’t help the smile that is stretched across my face- she is so perfect. After she finishes looking around, she stands in the middle of the room and spins a few times, showing more of her childlike wonder.

  I told the guys through our bond that spending the extra money to go ahead and decorate our future mate’s room would be worth it once we finally found her. And this right here? I wish the guys could she how absolutely perfect, how absolutely stunning, she is.

  She is my dream come true.

  I never thought that we would have a mate that is foretold in a prophecy. Well, two different prophecies that is. I will have to buckle down and begin researching it in all the old historic books. That second prophecy has to be around here somewhere. I can’t remember for the life of me what it says
. I just have a gut feeling it won’t be good.

  Firstly, though, we definitely need to handle this douche bag ex of hers. I won’t sleep at night knowing he is still out there hunting her. Shaking my head to clear those thoughts from my head, I stand from leaning on the doorway and slowly approach my beautiful mate. I want to kiss those full pale pink lips so bad it hurts. I stop directly behind her as she stops on her last spin.

  Leaning down next to her and brushing my lips on her ear as I whisper, “You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, Pretty girl; can I kiss you?”

  She gasps as I finish, I lift my hands to her hips and slowly turn her around. She goes willingly until we are face to face. Her pale blue eyes are wide with desire as I look into them, waiting on her answer. She gulps loudly, then opens her mouth to speak- then closes it, swallows again, then just nods, seemingly speechless.

  I need no further prompting, and my hands begin a slow, torturous ascent from her generous hips up to her breasts. I skim my thumbs just under them and revel in the breathy gasp that escapes her lips before moving my hands around and up her back. I move one to the center of her back, pushing her into me, not being able to help myself as I press my straining cock against her belly. My other hand moves to the base of her skull and I tangle my finger in her hair and angle her face up to me for easy access. Lowering my lips to hers as my heart starts to race, I have never in my life wanted something as much as I want to taste her lips in this very moment.

  Finally, I press my lips to hers and, instantly, my body is alight with sensation, making me groan in pleasure, followed by a heavy moan that spreads her lips for me. Taking the invitation, I slide my tongue in to caress hers. She gasps at the first contact and my nose is flooded with the scent of her arousal, making me growl in my throat and deepen the kiss.


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